She is not my cousin [MF]

She is not my cousin.

[I have decided to share my stories about her and me to see if anyone enjoys them enough for me to continue. This story is long but I felt it necessary to give the background]

Backstory: I grew up with Ellie, a girl who was a few months older than me. We have basically known each other from birth and as infants had play dates. As we grew up in a small town our families would tell us we were cousins. This started when we were in kindergarten as we were so close and we were always around one another and other kids would tease about being boyfriend / girlfriend. We just started repeating what we were told , “ no we are cousins.” So as we grew up we just kept saying it to others who would ask.

Now, flash forward to we are both 18 years old and graduating Highschool. Ellie, El for short was dating my best friend. In fact she had been for three years. Those HS days , I knew it drove El crazy as I dated a few of her friends back then. She hated hearing the stories or rumors of my weekend adventures.

El was hottie, a petite blonde cheerleader, gymnast and pretty much every guy wanted to be my friend because they thought it would help them get close to her,so I was constantly telling guys it wasn’t going to happen. Majority of them realized that when that started their second year of dating.

So here we are on our big day HS graduation. My path was laid out, El’s method was “figure it out as I go.” She got married to my friend, who joined the military and she stayed behind to finish an associates degree and then flew across the world to be with him at his base.

This when we started to drift apart. I wasn’t happy my buddy had joined the military and married El. He was a good guy but he let it slip on night that he did it to keep her. I always wanted more for her. I knew she could be better. She was beautiful. Hell, I would have dated her but after telling people you went to school with for years that you were cousins it just seemed extremely weird to explain. Even some of our teachers thought we were blood cousins. I also knew after hearing about some of my weekends which at times included a few of her girlfriends , she had expressed her disapproval more than a few times.

So fast forward again three years, now both of us 23 years old now.
Life for me had been good, finished up my with my degree and was coming up on a year in with my landscaping business. I had managed to buy a nice house, remodeled it and with a help with a local pool builder by trading out some work to help pay for it. I managed to have a resort type back yard and some how managed this and a Jeep and truck.

I remember, it was in May, a Friday. My phone rang and it was El. Excited to her voice I quickly asked her where she was. She told me she was at her parents house which was now about 30-45 minutes away and she had been there for months. I told her it wasn’t right to wait so long to call me. She asked if I wanted to get together and I told her I would love to. I explained how I had to deliver some checks but I would be done by two. I asked her if she wanted me to drive to her and she said no she would come to me. She said she needed to get out of the house so I suggested why don’t you just stay a few days. She said that would be great. I gave her my address and told her where I hid a key to let herself in. She said she would probably be there before me. I told her great and that I looked forward to seeing her. I managed to get all the important things I needed to get done, done early and rushed home. I had already planned to end my day early a week ago when a few friends wanted to have a get together at my place.

It was 1:20 as I drove up and parked in my driveway. Disappointed as I didn’t see another vehicle there so I figured she was not there. Man was I surprised to find El inside. She looked amazing, like absolutely amazing. El is 5’3, 110, tan and toned. She made comment to how good I looked as we hugged and said I was doing well for myself. We chatted and tried to get as caught up as much as possible but there was so much to still to talk about. She explained she had gotten a divorce about 7 months ago. She said she was hesitant coming back “home” because she felt like a loser.” I told her that would never be the case. She said after feeling so down for so long that her mom convinced her to reach out. She said she was afraid I would judge her and I told her never “I love you.” She let out a little laugh and told me her mom reminded her how much I cared for her and would never do that.

Well I informed her I was having a gathering, a pool party in fact for a few friends tonight but I could cancel. She said no that she would just hang out in the spare bedroom. “There is no way that is happening” I told her. She then added she didn’t have a swim suit. We told her that was ok because we all swim naked. Well she rolled her eyes at me and said “If I wouldn’t skinny dip with you In Highschool, what makes you think I will now?” Being my smart ass self I said “Well I was going to get you drunk first El.” She just looked at me and I said “Come on, let go to the mall and get you a swimsuit, I will buy.” She laughed and said sure. So we drove off to the Mall. While driving there she said “I see some things have not changed with you!” She saw my puzzled look on my face and informed me of the bikini top and bottoms she saw hanging in the shower and then commented on how the top was so much bigger than the bottoms. I laughed and told her that it belonged to a friend’s girlfriend. This was her opportunity to open up the questions about my love life. I told her I was sad to disappoint her but I had spent all my time getting the things done that I was working towards. We made it to the mall and she chose the store. I joked with her that since I was buying she had to model them for me. She laughed and said “Of course she wouldn’t have expected me not to say that.” She found two to try on and while in the fitting room I handed over the door another one. She let out a loud laugh when she saw it and just said we will see. All were bikinis. She modeled the first two and we narrowed it to one. I then told her she had another one to try on and she asked if I was serious. She just looked at me and said “Ok.” She walked out and omg. Smoking hot. It was very skimpy and it was obvious she was completely bare below the waist. In her smart ass tone she said she was going to wear that around my friends. “The hell you are!” I replied. I asked her is she liked it and she said she actually did. I told her great I would buy both and she could use that one to tan in. She laughed and said “I have no tan lines.” She carried them both of to the registered and handed them to the female employee. As I was purchasing them the female told her it must be nice to have a boyfriend who will buy you bikinis and make you laugh like he does. She told her she had heard us talking while at the fitting room. I started to correct the female but El grabbed my arm and told her she was extremely lucky to have a man like me in her life. The female then added “You two are a very cute couple, treat him right because he is a hottie.” We joked about what the lady said as we drove home and El actually explained how she had walked way leaving him in the divorce with everything. She said she had come back with little clothing because he trashed most while being an asshole. I felt bad.

When we arrived home, I told her I had to start prepping for tonight. She asked if was anyone she knew. I told her no. They were either friends from college or their boyfriend or girlfriend. She then asked if I had hooked up with any the girls that were coming. She didn’t believe me when I told her no. She told me that I most have changed from my whoring day in HS. I asked how would she know as I never told her about them. “Seriously” she said loudly, “I heard the rumors and some were my friends.” I just smiled as I told her I was too busy working on my plan. She asked if she could help and I told how she could. The phone rings and I answer it, “Brett how’s it going.” He informed me that Samantha (Sam) was bringing a new girlfriend over to introduce me too. We said goodbye and that we would see each other later. I let out a “Great!” As I got off the phone. What’s up El responded. I explained how Sam thought it was her mission and find me a girlfriend. I then explained how the few so far have been a complete package. El laughed and “yep they all can’t be me!” I told her great tonight your a girl I have started dating and to come up with a cover story for us. I told her they don’t know you at all and she looked sad at me. “What?” I asked. You have never told them about your cousin. I said in general yes but never in detail. She agreed and after coming up with our cover story she shared it with me and then quizzed me until I knew it completely. I told her to make sure she put her bag and any stuff she brought to my bedroom. I told her the two bedrooms were often used as people tended to stay too late. El did and asked if the big boob girl who owned the bikini was coming. I said “Yep that is Sam.”

We got cleaned up after making sure the pool was ready, food prepped and coolers cold and full.
The plan was the Brett, Sam, two other couples and Sam’s plus one.
By 7:30 everyone had arrived. I won’t bore you with all the events of the night but just hit on some highlights. Of course one was when Brett, Sam and Kristie (the plus one) arrived. Sam was excited to introduce us but her mood changed completely when El walked into the room. Sam started right in on the questioning who El was. It was a little uncomfortable. As things settled down I pulled Kristie to the side and told her I apologized if I had done anything that made her feel awkward. I told her I would like her to really enjoy the evening with everyone. She was real cool about it and said she knew what Sam was doing but agreed to come along anyway. We laughed and joined the others. I walked in and it was obvious that El was still getting drilled with the girls questions, but El handled her own well. The food and drinks were flowing and everyone was having a good time. El hung close to me when appropriate and chatted up with the ladies when needed.
At one point we were all around the table and El was sitting in my lap when Jen stated out of nowhere what a cute couple we were. They joked about how special she must be for me to introduce her to the group. It then hit us. Something that we really had not thought of completely. This one night act, how were we going to explain. We managed to stay calm though. Jen the busted out with another “Come let us see you kiss hell!” What the hell I thought. Were we back in six grade I asked them. El turned my head towards me as she moved toward my lips and planted a kiss on me. Not a peck. No tongue but lip moving passionate kiss. It lasted what I felt was forever. “Did I enjoy if?” I wondered as I was so shocked by it. Every was cheering El on during and afterwards. It was like I knew it happened but I was in a little shock. It became obvious to me and El that I enjoyed it as my cock started to stiffen. El even joke out loud as she adjusted herself “Well someone is awake.” I knew I was in needed of something to stop it now. The pool was fairly cool and close so I moved El off my lap and turned quickly, ran and jumped in the pool. Wouldn’t you know it they all then waited for me to exit the pool. This was not cool at all. As when I did exit the pool my board shorts did nothing to hide my cock. It wasn’t stiff but it was definitely leaving an outline as my shorts clung to me. Well we made it this far through the night. Two couples left, Kristie has apparently called up a FWB guy to come pick her up. Sam and Brett were going to stay the night. We started cleaning up what needed to be done and afterwards I excused my self as I was going to change.

I jumped into the shower and took a quick one. I was out of the shower when El walked into the bedroom and saw me. There she stood. Glass of wine in her hand and looking sexy. I told her sorry I was just cleaning myself up and about to change. El asked me “Is it true what I have heard?” “Is what true?” I responded. “You know” as her eyes lowered to my crouch. I stood there not sure what to think. Is she for real? Is she fucking with me? A moment of silence and she stated “All the rumors I heard in HS from my girlfriends. I mean after feeling what I felt tonight and saw I believe it maybe.” She bluntly asked “How big.” “8” I told her. “No way” she said. “Yep” I responded. We just stood there and I decided to go for broke. I let the towel drop to the floor and it was already growing. “Put that away” I told them we would be out in a minute. Of course she was smiling and as she turned to walk out she said “save that for later”. What the fuck did she just mean when she said that. I met her and Brett and Sam in the living room. Lights down, movie playing, popcorn and blankets. El had made a place to sit and told me to come over. When I did she cuddled up to me with the blanket covering.

After 45 minutes into the movie Sam told Brett she was sleepy and they headed off to the spare bedroom. I told El she could go get ready for bed and I would pick up and turn things off. She refused and helped me with things and off we walked to the bedroom. She walked in front of my as we entered my bedroom. She started pulling off her shirt as she said she was. Going to takes a shower. Next her shorts and bikini bottoms fell to the floor as she entered into the bathroom , never looking back. I heard the shower start. I really just wanted to walk in and get into the shower with her but I couldn’t bring myself to do so. A few minutes later she walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her hair and one around her body. She then opened up the towel wrapped around her body as she said, “Do I still have a hot body?” It was also then I confirmed she was smooth. I really was speechless and it caused my cock to instantly get rock hard as I was laying in bed. “Really!”, you are not going to say anything. I just smiled and rolled over like I was going to sleep. The lights went off and she put her towels up. I felt her crawl into bed. I was laying on my side facing her. She moved over close to me with her back to me and asked me to hold her. She now knew what my thoughts of her naked body were as she could feel my hard cock pressing into her. She didn’t immediately say any. Then I felt her hand reach back and wrap her hand around my cock. It felt like ecstasy having her hand wrapped around it. She lightly and slowed tugged on it. She then broke the silence laughing, “Well apparently my body still has it cause this monster is hard. She turned over facing me, and getting a new grip on my cock. I could not help it, I moved in for a kiss. She wrapped herself around me, straddles my leg so that her pussy was now grinding away on my thigh as we kissed. I couldn’t resist, I wanted my mouth on her bare smooth pussy. I placed her on her back and jumped off the bed to turn on the light. I had to be able to see her body and face during this. She said my cock is huge as she stared at it. I crawled between her legs and let my tongue part her lips. I had never seen a prettier pussy and had never just wanted to lay there all night enjoining what was directly in front of me. She got off a couple of times before I heard her say she needed me to fuck her. Kissing my way up her body, my fingers sliding into her pussy. Oh my I have never felt something so tight. I even wondered if I was going to be able to slide completely into her pussy. She stopped kissing me and said “Fuck me Please, now!” I spread her legs apart and was sitting up. I grasped her legs and pulled her close to me. My cock was perfectly lined up with her pussy. She leaned forward and placed pillow behind her to watch me rub the head of my cock on her opening. I told her she looked so sexy. She responded with “Slide it in.” I slowly slide into the tightest pussy I have ever felt. Moans of pleasure, moans of pain. I worked it in a little bit at a time. She was arching her back saying how great it felt. I asked her if she was ok or was it hurting. She told me it hurt but don’t stop. I want you to fuck my pussy good, take it and use it. Ok that was so fucking hot to hear those words from her mouth. I got my whole 8 inches her and let it sit there for a moment as I was balls deep into her. I slowly began fucking her. I wasn’t fucking her hard but I built up with a nice pace of sliding into her. She continued to tell me had great it felt and telling me my cock was amazing. Then there was a “Stop!” out of nowhere. As I pulled out she flipped around in the most prefect head down ass up position. The arch of her back was amazing. Her ass placed in position for me to slide into her pussy. “Ok fuck me!” she said. I slide it back into her pussy balls deep. I am hearing her moans and then she moans out “fuck me hard, use my pussy like you own it! Holy fuck! I grasped her hips and laid into her , pounding into her like I was trying to go through her. Her statements of “Fuck me!” , “Use me, my pussy is yours!” Leaned over a little further and put my right hand in her head as I pushed her head down into the bed and continued to fuck her hard as a I could as if my life depended on it. Ok, I had lasted as long as I was going to. With hard thrusted I began unloading into her. I knew I must have just wrecked her pussy. I fucked her like she was some slut in the club whose purpose was to milk cocks of all their come with her pussy. Her filthy words. My pounding her like a piece of meat. I couldn’t believe she had this filthy side. So prime and proper. Amazing body who let it be used like that. I slowly withdrawal from her pussy. As I did she quickly flipped around and took my cock in her mouth making sure my cock was empty and drained. I watched as she took her hand to her pussy and with two fingers placed them on her pussy and when she removed them she had scooped up some of my load and placed them in her mouth. She just smiled and I tasted great. She then got up to go to the bathroom. Turning off the lights on her return, I wonder if the rest of the night was going to be weird. Jumping back into bed she hugged me and said thank you and asked me to hold her as she turned around. As I reached over she took my hand and guided it to cup her breast. Luckily we fucked each other senseless so we feel asleep pretty quick.

Let me know if I should continue with the adventures from here



  1. I really enjoyed this, do please continue with your story. Have you thought of posting it on Literotica… ?

  2. I need more that was honestly so wholesome and I love how much back story you gave it was perfect made it all so real

  3. please tell me there is a cute ending like you two are dating or married or some shit

  4. I really enjoyed what is hopefully your first instalment. I’m excited to read what else you have done

  5. What are you guys talking about? There are dozens of really bad typos and poorly written sentences that don’t make any sense… Please just do like a solid edit of your next one before you post it, I’m sure a lot of these would be caught by reading through it once.

    Not to mention the dialogue sounds really artificial. The lady at the cash register just coming out and saying all of that to them as they were checking out?

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