The only [F]emale student becomes the class slut

This post is inspired by a post made a while ago by a girl in a similar situation in r/stupidslutsclub , couldn’t have done it without her!

Hey everyone! I’m a junior majoring in Computer Engineering at a college that is mostly made up of STEM majors, and because of that, our campus are male dominated, 70% of it being dudes, so I’m used to that 7:3 guy to girl ratio, increasing as I progressed to higher level classes

It’s became a norm for me, as my high school was also largely STEM based. I was the only girl on my high school robotics team, making hotel stays during competitions more exciting due to the constant (consensual) groping I got from teammates and members of other teams. So I’m used to being the center of attention in that regard

Now, this is gonna sound conceited, I’m a pretty hot girl that’s always surrounded by nerdy guys, which makes it easy to get laid, and even easier to get a reputation for being a bit of a hoe. I left that reputation behind in high school, only fucking around a bit in college, but not enough to get a reputation.

Last semester, I had to take a relatively small class called Microprocessors. In my class of 54 guys, I was the only girl enrolled. Again, I’m used to being the center of attention, but that didn’t compare to the attention I got in this class.

Honestly, I loved it. I knew a couple of guys in that class already, but I made sure that every guy in that class knew I
was easy to approach and talk to, and gave them all either my number, Instagram, Snapchat, or all three.

As an engineer, I’m into numbers, so here are my semester stats!

39: The number of guys that sent me a creepy, flirty, or sweet messages within the first week of classes. That’s roughly 72% of the class

17: The number of guys I sexted during lecture

14: The number of guys that bought me dinner after lecture.

2: The number of TAs I fucked from that class. That’s 100% of the TAs that taught that class

6: Number of unique public places on campus I’ve fucked or sucked a guy

18: Number of times I’ve worn a remote vibrator to lecture. That’s 40% of my lectures

17. The number of times I let a classmate control my vibrator during class.

8: Number of the pieces of underwear/lingerie “accidentally” left at a guy’s place

1: The number of underwear pieces that was returned

5: Number of study group sessions where I was groped at least once. That’s 100% of all study group sessions

8: Number of classmates that was in the same room as me while I was (almost) naked at the same time

24: Number of different guys I somehow made cum inside or on me. That’s 44% of the class

Collecting data about everything sexcapade I had with classmates that semester made everything sooo much more exciting. Feel free to message me or comment asking anything you wanna know about me!



  1. Wow. I feel like, just logistically, this is a pretty impressive.

    How many of the eventual 24 were in the initial 39? Were there any surprise guys that came out of the woodwork in the middle of the semester or was it pretty predictable how it was going to play out from the beginning? Were there additional people you had sex with outside of the class that semester or did you put all your focus there? Were most of them one and done or were some multiple times?

    Were you using like a spreadsheet to keep track of all this? You really took notches on your bedpost to a new extreme.

    Also, you forgot the most important statistic. What did you end up getting in the class?

  2. Do you have some more statistics?
    How many orgasms did you have? What was the avg. # of orgasms per encounter.
    What was the max. #of irgasms you had during one encounter?

    How often did you make guys cum, what was the avg. # if times you made a guy cum or encounter.

  3. Thank you coronavirus for letting the engineering sluts have time on their hands.

  4. Please elaborate on the situation that led you to almost being naked with 8 guys in the same room.

  5. Wow, guy 16 seemed to be highly effective. What was he doing that got you off so consistently?

  6. Neeeeerd ? Love it! Statistics can be so fascinating! you should make a longitudal study out of it to see if the orgasm rate improves when doing it with the same guys again.. then you could make graphs out of their learning curves and give those to them at graduation.. also would be interesting to triangulate with qualitative methods to get deeper insights.. so many possibilities.. keep up the good work girl ;)

  7. When I saw the spreadsheet I was like “yeah you’re not lying about who you are and your study field” such a nerd, I love it. The computed columns at the end are a bit over the top lol. You could have stored time stamps if events and graphed the evolution for a fun animation

    There’s definitely 2 lucky winners in the group.

    Are you bummed in person classes will be off for a while ?

  8. Ordering the data by the arbitrarily assigned Guy # seems really strange. Did you use a class list for your actual data I assume? Otherwise I don’t see how a guy with no encounters would be at the top.

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