Sex Show Chapter 1 [F+, Exhib, Voy,]

I have been trying to Roleplay this scene for some time with no luck, so I just decided to write it out.

If interested in helping me continue please let me know!

I stand there in the bedroom, knees shaking, heart pounding.

With all that I have done, had done to me over the last few months I was still not prepared for this, whatever “This” was.

Almost stunned, I look at the beautiful white lingerie laid out on the bed. White Garter, stockings, White satin bikini panties and bra. Even the high heels were white. What was this, some sort of mock wedding or something?

I could hear you out in the hallway, speaking to someone, maybe more than one person? All Girls I think.

I think back to try and reconcile how I got here, it happened so fast, yet so slowly.

It started with us getting changes to go swimming, you seeing me naked in. The change room, complimenting me on my body, gushing over my good looks. Telling me how a body like mine should be enjoyed, not hidden.

Then, telling me how good I must look masturbating…somehow talking me into doing it as you watched…why would I do that??? And why did it make me feel so good doing it for you?

And soon so much more, until I was doing anything sexual you told me to do. God, I had only been with 2 boys until then, now what was it? 14? And all with you watching, helping, cheering me on.

Just an hour ago I was walking across the stage at graduation, wearing my cap and gown as I smiled for my parent’s camera. Then you whispering to me “We are doing something special tonight, bring your cap and Gown with you to my house.

All you said was “Put on the lingerie then cover up with the gown, I’ll be back to get you”

Slowly, with shaking hands I dress, god it is sexy, I really do look like a young bride on her wedding night.

The door opens and you find me looking in the mirror, making sure the stockings are straight. “Oh my…You look absolutely beautiful Jenn!” As you walk over and put your hands on my shoulders, looking at me in the mirror. “It’s time, let me help you get your gown back on.

I can hear several girls talking as we walk the Hallway, as we get to the stairs I begin to recognize the voices…classmates of ours, some of them I have known since grade school.

I struggle to keep my balance as you lead me downstairs, The girls all look and smile, the whisper to each other “What’s going on? What’s Jenn doing?”

The girls are all sitting in a Simi circle on folding chairs, all dressed in their Grad dresses, mostly short black evening gowns and stockings, a couple girls in red.

It is then that I notice 3 boys, 2 white, one African American. I had never seen them before and they were keeping to themselves over by the wall.

Meghan was the first to ask “Rhiannon, What’s this all about…what is this surprise you have for us? Jenn, are you in on this?”

Rhiannon answers “Girls…on our graduation night, I have planned a very special treat for us…I have been working with Jenn, getting her ready for a couple months now, ever since I came up with the idea…”

“What idea?” Interrupts Kelly, obviously excited…

“I’m sure you all remember that night, after Jill’s party, we were all sitting around talking about the guys we have dated, what they were like, confessing our dirty secrets lol…then that led to talking about some of the fantasies we all had…I think it was you Jill who admitted that someday you wanted to see a sex show, like they have in Amsterdam…and we all agreed that would be hot to see. Well that got me thinking…why wait until we can go to Amsterdam? Why can’t we put one together ourselves?”

Some of the Girls interrupt “You’re kidding? No way!” They laugh with excitement “Jenn is going to put on a burlesque show for us?”

“Oh!…Much more than that turns out, Jenn is a real people pleaser…I mean it is astonishing the lengths she will go to for nothing more than a little appreciation. “

“So…” Rhiannon steps behind me “If you are all ready” she pulls the string on my Gown “Let the show begin” The gown falls to the floor revealing me in my Beautiful white lingerie.

Thegirls are silent for half a second before they gasp and giggle…some say to others “Oh my god…she is gorgeous!” “Oh my, that outfit is stunning” “Look how perfect her tits are” “Rhiannon this is incredible!”

I thought we would start by letting you all come up as you wish, touch her if you please, look her over, enjoy a glass of wine…and in 10 minutes we will switch gears”!


1 comment

  1. What an incredible start…..hoping you describe your body in intimate detail in part 2 ??

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