Tales of Erodale – Chapter 5 – [Fantasy, FxMimic, Rough, Creampie, Deep-throating]

Previous Chapter – [https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/f4yuf8/tales_of_erodale_chapter_4_fantasy_ffxogre_rough/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/f4yuf8/tales_of_erodale_chapter_4_fantasy_ffxogre_rough/)

“Cadence, we really need to be careful. This is Ariela’s castle, after all. I am sure we have many traps left to come across. We need to be focused.” The lovely sorcerous Rose said as she watched her friend Cadence continue to run her hands along the wall of the stone corridor that the pair of girls were moving through. They had come to this dreaded castle to free Prince Belind, Erodale’s last chance at a good ruler and a potential beacon to help free the land from Queen Ariela’s control. Even though they had experienced a few setbacks, Rose felt that they were getting close to releasing their friend.

Meanwhile Cadence had started getting the feeling that they were close to Ariela’s treasure vaults. The spellslinger knew how important it was to find Belind, but she didn’t think she could respect herself as a rogue if she left Ariela’s castle without so much as a single gold coin of booty. So spellslinger continued running her soft fingers along the hard-stone wall, eagerly hoping to find a secret passage.

“I know it’s here. Once I find it, I’ll be in and out before you know it.” Cadence replied casually to Rose. Her friend frowned, and after Rose’s gaze lingered on Cadence’s cute butt for a moment, the sorceress with long brilliant red hair turned her attention down along the corridor.

“Hurry up. I’m going to make sure this next door is clear. We don’t want to run into another ogre again.” The freckle-faced young woman said before she moved away from Cadence. Almost at the same moment that Rose headed away from Cadence, one of the stones that Cadence was exploring slid inward as she pushed her hand against it. A large rectangular block of the wall quickly rotated and carried Cadence along with it. In the blink of an eye, the brown-haired spellslinger was taken from the hallway and her friend.

“Cadence!” Rose yelled out before she quickly moved over to the wall. She tried finding the stone that would repeat the trick, and then she used some of her magic to try to blast the door apart. Nothing ended up reunited the busty sorceress with her friend. Rose cursed herself for not being more careful and then quickly took off down the corridor. She knew where the secret passage should empty out, so she felt if she took moved down the corridor, she might at least get closer to meeting up with her friend. Of course, she made a note that she needed to keep a sharp eye out for Ariela. She wouldn’t somehow put it past the Raven Queen to catch wind of what the two were up to, and that would bring a swift end to the rescue attempt for Belind…


The first few minutes after she realized what had happened, Cadence hammered her fists against the stone wall that had betrayed her. When that didn’t work, she quickly pulled up her golden gun but then paused, knowing that she could very well be firing into some sort of magically reinforced wall that might send the spell right back at her. She grumbled out a curse under her breath and then turned around to look at where she had gotten herself into. She was in a small antechamber. The small room led into a larger room, but she saw no discernable doors leading out of the place. After she moved into the larger room, her jaw dropped as her mind was overloaded by a beautiful sight.

“Gods, you have rewarded my valiant courage, and I shall never doubt your glorious designs.” Cadence declared with a roguish smile as her blue eyes took in all the incredible details of the room she had found. The larger room was covered end to end with gold and treasures, a trove fit for a Dragon, let alone a queen. Cadence felt a bit bad about being separated from Rose, but she couldn’t help herself. Stealing from Ariela’s wealth was high on her list. She’d be able to piss off the black-haired raven loving bitch and get rich while doing it.

When Cadence’s lovely blue eyes continued exploring the multiple piles of gold and treasure, her heart almost skipped a beat. Her tongue reached out and licked all over her soft pink lips. With so much gold, even if they didn’t save Belind, she could take one case of the stuff back and live free for years.

‘And it’s all right here.’ Cadence thought as she moved closer. The thought of all the riches was so enticing that the brown and purple-haired gunslinger was actually getting a bit wet at the glorious golden vision.

‘I’ll just grab some things quickly, no dilly-dallying. Once I get three, no five handfuls, then I will figure a way out of here so that I can link up with Rose.’ Of course, like most rogues, enough is never enough. Surrounded on all sides by piles of treasure, it was almost an eventuality that Cadence would stumble into the strong arms of old vices. Once her pockets were fully lined with gold, she stepped up her game. In a matter of minutes, she had stuffed dozens of gold pieces against the flesh of her boobs as she tried to stuff extra gold into her top. It was at the point there were so many coins that they were starting to chafe her nipples that she finally noticed something.

The thing she noticed was a large treasure chest with beautifully wrought gold along its edges. She dropped the handful of gold that she had been about to stuff up against her nipples and took one step over to it. Too late, the spunky spellslinger realized the treasure was not what it appeared to be. The golden edged lid opened up, and suddenly four purple arms with black claws practically jumped forth from inside the chest. One hand grabbed her hair, ringing her mind with pain while the other two arms grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms out to the sides. Precise pressure to her right hand forced her golden gun from her fingers. One more hand joined the fray and then two of the arms started reaching forward for Cadence’s vest and shirt.

Cadence cried out as the mimic’s claws pulled and scratched all over her tits once the hands had shredded plenty of her top. Her purple streaked brown hair was pulled again by the purple hand while the Treasure Chest Mimic finished ripping off the clothing covering up her bountiful tits. A dark growl came out from the opening of the chest, it was almost as if the lid and the rest of the chest formed a strange mouth to allow the creature to utter out deadly sounding growls. Cadence’s blue eyes noticed what appeared to be two red eyes peeking out from the darkness inside of the treasure chest.

“I see you inside of there! Look I’ll give back the damn gold! Just let me go!” The beast gave her hair a hard-dominating pull that shut up the spellslinger who had been eager to pilfer as much of Ariela’s gold as she could get her hands on.

Even if she gave back all the gold and then some the beast had only one drive. Its limbs continued working to strip the intruder down to her birthday suit. The creature’s sole purpose had been to guard the treasure vault and punish any who attempted to steal from its mistress.

“You won’t take me that easily!” Cadence cried out as she tried harder and harder to break her hands free of the purple colored hands holding her own arms out. Another set of claws coming from the treasure chest lashed and squeezed hard on the luscious pink flesh of her free tits. Despite her resistance to the monster, she felt her nipples blossoming with warm sensations. The creature knew what it was doing, and its claws made sure to continue playing all over her sensitive zones like a musician playing with a well-practiced instrument. There were seven clawed hands now and the set that cut away her top started changing its focus onto her pants.

Undaunted by her body’s betrayal and unwilling to fail Rose, Cadence persisted. She locked her legs tightly together, which unfortunately didn’t help the first notes of pleasure that were leaking forth all the way from her bouncing breasts to her moistening vagina. Even before her lower clothing was ripped apart by the deadly blades, she knew what the monster would find. Once her clothing was mostly shredded, the monster hidden in the treasure chest grabbed a firm grip on the spellslinger’s ankles.

Cadence put up a good fight but, in the end… she was more of a rogue than a warrior and she could not withstand the powerful muscles of the mimic’s limbs. When the creature finally opened her legs, the eyes that peaked out from the opening of the chest brightened and bulged when it noticed that the captured girl’s pussy lips were glistening with the telltale signs of her arousal. The creature made a roar which Cadence could only assume was directed at her earlier comments.

“This isn’t my first rodeo ugly. If you try anything… Nrghh… I’ll be sure to make you regret it… Uwaahhh..” Cadence shot back even as she continued moaning as the creature’s hands rubbed up and down the inside of her legs. More of her juices dripped out of her pussy in drips and drizzles. Mentally Cadence tried to steel herself, but her body was getting hornier by the second as the creature continued playing with her legs and squeezing and rubbing her nice large tits.

‘I have to fight this thing. I have to get out of here and go find Rose!’ Cadence thought but each time the purple fingers and their claws marred the flesh of her tits and nipples, she could feel the monstrous entity chipping away at her willpower. A new limb emerged slowly from the opening of the treasure chest as Cadence’s arms remained stretched out to the side. The new length of ghoulish purple flesh was capped by a large cockhead and when it moved past Cadence’s bare ankles the clawed hands holding her arms pulled both of her arms behind her back to make her present her breasts forward a few extra inches.

With her naked body on prominent display, the creature hungered to push its cock nice and deep into the human’s warm wet pussy. It enjoyed the luxuriousness of Cadence’s nice full tits and it used its fingers to tighten and pinch all over her nipples. It didn’t take much more for her pink nipples to get nice and hard as the head of the creature’s cock smeared precum all along the inside of Cadence’s trembling leg. Her skin was flush with the heat coming from inside of her pussy had her body covered in goosebumps. No matter her struggle to lock the pleasure away, the steam was rising out throughout her body and she couldn’t resist.

“Damn you! You’re making my pussy and nipples so hot. Just… Just hurry and do what you want to me and let me go. I have an important mission here and you can do what you want but you have to let me go after!” The spellslinger growled out. It was her hope that she’d be able to outlast the creature just like she and Rose had been able to overcome the ogre earlier. Of course, without Rose, Cadence didn’t know if she would be able to turn the tables on the Treasure Chest Mimic.

The massive head of the purple cock continued sliding along the inside of her leg. The lavender colored tip smeared thick clear precum all over Cadence’s flesh while the creature continued nurturing out the pleasure from her tits. The precum burned the path that the cock took up the inside of her leg. Just when she thought her flesh might start to melt, Cadence felt the slimy purple cockhead playing itself along her vaginal opening.

The lovely spellslinger moaned out as the creature continued pulling and kneading all of her impressive boobs. Each of the purple limbs continued dominating every part of her flesh and paying special attention to her hard as stone nipples. Her juices started fleeing from her pussy like lava gushing out of a volcano. The creature felt her juices warming up the tip of its cock and began pushing the head of its thick prick inside of her tight walls. The brown and purple haired spellslinger let out a strained moan as the mimic tried to shove its big thick cock inside of her.

Every part of her being worked to stop the creature from pushing inside of her, or at least most of her. Her nipples were being played with so much that it was getting increasingly difficult not to think of anything else over giving into the beast and letting its thick purple cock drive deep and hard inside of her pussy. But she couldn’t let Rose down, at least not more than she already was.

The creature let out annoyed growls and noises as it continued trying to push the head of its cock beyond the wet folds of flesh that barred its entrance. It could tell that the girl’s body was wet and as it rubbed up towards her clit it found that there was plenty of signs of her arousal, but she was not giving in to his advance. Undeterred the creature pulled its cock limb back and then slowly started grinding it’s cock up along Cadence’s abdomen.

The spellslinger’s bright blue eyes watched the thick cock at the end of the purple limb as it slid along her flat stomach and then pulled back as it got level with her eye. “No way! Uwaaahh… you can’t… can’t be thinking about…” Cadence realized quickly that she should have just kept her mouth shut. The thick purple cock pushed forward and quickly started driving into her wet tight mouth. With one of its hands still locked into her brown and purple hair, it was quite easily for the creature to start savagely skullfucking the hot young woman who had been trying to plunder Ariela’s treasure vault.

Cadence eyes actually crossed as the new source of pleasure started fragmenting her already weakened resolve. The mimic’s long fleshy fingers played more with her tits, pulling and bouncing them before pulling and pinching on her nipples while the cock limb continued throttling its way deep into Cadence’s throat. While the young woman had been moaning earlier her noises now were muddled by the cock driving its way nice and deep into her wet tight slot.

“Mlurrpp… Fmhpp… Moouwallp.” Were among the few noises that lewdly spilled out of the small openings of her lips around the massive cock drilling past her lips. With her body being savagely overwhelmed by each successful thrust, her once valiantly tight pussy lips were now relaxing and opening a bit each time her body was sent into a shivering spasm as the mimic forced more of its powerful length. The creature seemed to pick up on the change in her demeanor and after a few more thrusts it pulled its long cock completely free of Cadence’s tight hole.

The spellslinger gagged and coughed loudly. She was caught off guard having the big purple cock dragging its way out of her throat like a spear being wrenched from a wound. Drool and precum spilled down her lips and came to rest on her nipples and all over her tits even as the mimic never stopped manhandling her sweet pliable flesh. The creature dragged its cock down over her left breast and then bounced itself off her stomach before it finally reached the place the creature and now Cadence wanted it to be.

Her resistance had been crumbled when the creature started making her deepthroat the expanse of its incredible cock. After having the cock nearly reshape her throat, Cadence’s tight lean body was flush with so much heat that parts of her body were wet with a sheen of sweat as she waited to feel the cock pushing into her lower lips once more.

“Fwaaahhkk!!!” Cadence screamed out when the large cock pushed inside of her pussy. Her sex immediately started coiling up around the amazing purple cock opening her lips. Each new thrust widened out her vaginal opening and all Cadence could do was moan and shiver as the pleasure continued building up inside of her pussy. A giant fire brewed in her core as the multi-armed creature continued slapping her tits around, squeezing her nipples and driving its cock deeper and deeper into her gasping opening.

Cadence’s arms were still locked up tightly against her back, but she was able to get a bit more penetration as she started rolling her hips. Her glistening flesh slid forward and back, and the head of the large purple cock was able to reach even closer to her womb as her tits bounced and jiggled with each new thrust.

“Oowwaaah… fuck… why is your cock so fucking big?!” Cadence asked loudly before a new ballad of moans rushed out of her lungs. The purple hand holding her hair finally let go and her head started to bounce wildly as the creature continued playing with her tits. The girth of the cock continued carving out its shape directly inside the horny spellslinger’s body as she was fucked inside of Ariela’s treasure vault. Much to her momentary satisfaction, Cadence felt the creature’s hot cum starting to spill out nice and deep into her pussy as an inhuman growl flew out from the opening of the treasure chest.

The moment that the hot thick cum started slamming into the pink inner walls of her pussy was the moment Cadence’s strength gave out. “Ohwaaaahhhh fuhhaakk! Your cum is so hot inside me. Keep going!!! Yes… right! Right fuckkiing there… Owwaaahhhh…” Cadence cried out as the monster’s thick creamy seed spread out deep within her sex. Her body felt like it was being obliterated by radiant magic as she came. The fire burned brightly both within and without as she spasmed hard on the thick purple cock pulsing inside her pussy.

When it was finally done cumming, the mimic’s purple limbs retreated and then the lid sealed up shut in front of the defeated spellslinger. Cadence collapsed back onto the floor. The mimic’s cum slowly started leaking out of her well-fucked pussy. The spunky girl’s entire body was still lost in the afterglow of pleasure as some of the creature’s seed started leaking out of her pussy. One hand reached down to start playing with her pussy while her other hand gently rubbed her softening nipple. As her pussy started to relax, more of the mimic’s cum slid free of her pussy. It was at this moment when Ariela appeared from the antechamber of the treasure vault.

“Now what do we have here?”

Next Chapter –


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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fh3lme/tales_of_erodale_chapter_5_fantasy_fxmimic_rough

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