Looking for feedback on what can be changed.

Some topics I have been thinking about myself include how to deal with people linking to their blogs, people selling their published works, people selling their writing services, new rules people might like feel like we need.

Awhile ago I added the tag rule which I feel was much needed and is going well, I welcome thoughts on that.

I exclusively use old reddit to browse so any feedback from people using new reddit would be great.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fgjldg/looking_for_feedback_on_what_can_be_changed


  1. This is off topic but while mods are looking at stuff, I’m hoping someone can tell me the difference between “eroticliterature” and “sexstories.”

    I have an idea from the sub titles, but that doesn’t really jive with the different types of stories I see on each (Ie, lots of thematic and stylistic overlap.)

    Can someone please Eli5?

  2. IMO, I don’t mind people linking to their blogs (I enjoy this the most bc it gives me the opportunity to explore a writer’s other works), published works, writing services, etc. However, I think they should not be allowed to post the link by itself. There should be some related content along with the link.
    For example, if the link refers to a specific story, post the story along with the link to their blog or website. That kind of post will drive more traffic to your blog or website if you give the reader more than just a link.
    Similarly, if the link refers to for sale writing services, the writer might consider posting previous examples of their work in order to give readers an idea of their writing style.
    I don’t even mind people posting stories that are for sale, but the writer should either post the story here or at least give the reader something to go on if it’s for sale.
    What I do not want to see is a bunch of posts with just links or posts with links and half of a story bc the writer wants to try to sell their work.

  3. If we’re talking about a story here, whether it be on a blog or for sale on Amazon, the important thing to me isn’t so much how long it is, but that they post an actual narrative that makes sense and at the very least sets the scene and previews the piece, and gives the reader an idea of what to expect, and that can be accomplished in one or two chapters if they just refuse to post the entire piece.

  4. Find a way to encourage people posting the best erotica they find online, not just people posting their own stories. The latter is ok but it makes for a dead sub when it’s *only* everyone plugging their (maybe shitty) stories.

    The sub will be more useful to the public, and grow more, if the former (aggregating/sharing the cream of crop from across the internet) is emphasized more.

  5. It would be cool if you could filter by flair, like you can in r/SpotifyPlaylists.

  6. I’m just looking for the best place to get help with a fanfic I might someday make original

  7. A bit better clarification on tagging the posts could be good. I see the rule, but I have no idea what you mean by it.

  8. can there be some kind of sub rule against people posting 1/2 of their story then linking to the rest on some external site? out of the 4 stories i tried to read this morning, one ended early and said they would only finish it if they got 50 upvotes. two stories were wildly unfinished and led to sites that were unsafe (browser redirects and opened app store), and only one story out of four was actually finished.

    things like this are making this sub feel more and more like a shady porn site

  9. Does anyone know where I can go to ask for help with my writing in this genre?

  10. Might want to crack down on the overabundance of actual child porn on this sub

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