So I thought I’d share a non flattering story this time in the spirit of keeping it honest here in r/gonewildstories as I always try to do to the best if my memory from each encounter.
So, I was travelling south through Vietnam, from Hanoi to Ho Chi Min. Met a lot of good people along the way, everyone travels the same route pretty much so you bump into the people you meet every couple of days to even get a little gang going and travel together (from my experience anyway)
I’m not sure where I met ‘T’, but she was great, tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, very naturally pretty, freckly face and really nice teeth. Not sure why that detail stuck with me but she had a really pretty face and a nice body, not my usual type, slender but not slim, nice boobs but you wouldn’t know unless she stripped naked but she did have a peachy bum which is definitely my type. Even thought she was so naturally pretty i wasnt instantly drawn because I’m a shallow man and I’m drawn to my usual type of curvy brunettes.
We had been out canyoneering with everybody from the hostel which is just abseiling through the waterfalls. Wicked day out, which was followed by a hostel night out. We had been a little flirty at the canyoneering, helping each other out of the water and banter but its hard to tell when you’re travelling what’s flirting and what’s just a really friendly girl who’s also hot, it’s easy to misread signals as I found on many other occasions ??♂️?
After a few drinks T and I were definitely flirting and she had gotten hotter throughout the day because she was funny and a just a really nice person which always adds 1 or 2 to the hot score. As the night went on we kissed near the bar but it just felt like no more than that a drunken kiss with a hot girl in a bar, we were staying in a hostel after all. We were in the middle of nowhere and the hostel was amazing, but it small, thin single mattresses all touching the next one, each with different sized and different patterns on them. Cosy,lets say.
We all stumble home and grab a bed, T and I were friendly anyway so it didnt feel forced grabbing a “bed” next to each other, other people who we had formed a little gang with were all surrounding us. I couldn’t sleep with a hot girl who I had been kissing during the night and flirting with in the day laying next to me. Everyone was so tired everyone else seemed to be asleep except me, being 6ft 4 and a wriggler I couldn’t lie perfectly still so shifted a but to get comfy, legs poking out of the tiny bed.
I feel T’s foot slide under my duvet and brush my leg, was she asleep, was that an accidental brush, or was she also lying awake with a severe case of the horn. I bring my arm down onto my thigh and lower it to meet her calf and give it a sleight brush up and down and rest it on her thigh. She twists her hip and brings the rest of her leg under my blanket and across me. GREEN LIGHT PEOPLE. I lean across and meet her half advance and start kissing. We kiss for a bit and I bring my hand up to her pants to ‘test the water’ and she just keeps kissing me. I start rubbing her clit through her pants with my hand in her pyjama bottoms and it’s getting me super hard when she lets out a small whispered gasp so I must have been in the right spot, it was a lot easier than one of those awkward lean overs and arm getting tired because her leg was already across me so I could be lazy and rest my hand whilst I was tickling her clit. She brings her hand over and starts feeling stroking at my dick through my boxer shorts which I only had on because there were so many people in the room and didn’t want to be naked if I rolled the blanket off in the night. As she starts to cup and outline my dick, I’m reaching what must have been the hardest boner of my life and she lets out a laugh and I feel paranoid. I tilt my head over and nestle my mouth to her neck and kiss it and work my way up to her ear and bite it (all while still trying my best to stay focused on her clit but also not cum in my pants) and she groans. I whisper as quietly as I can because I’m so conscious of people being awake “what were you laughing at” and she laughs again and whispers back “you’re massive” which is such a turn on for me but its normally afterwards or during girls tell me that. That got me so hot I twisted my whole body sideways and started taking off her pyjamas as quietly as possible, also trying not to knock and wake the people next to us, I managed to slide my boxers off a lot easier and start trying to drive my rock solid cock into her pussy but its its obviously burning us both so and she tells me to “give her a sec” and pushes me onto my back.
She grabs my cock which is absolutely bulging now, I always get nice comments from girls about it but this felt like it was an extra 2 inches or something I can’t explain it, she starts kissing me but my hand is now underneath her so I don’t even try to they use my fingers. Oh my god, the way she cradled my one ball and tickled my gooch/other ball with left hand will stay with me forever and to top it off her she starts stroking the shaft end of my cock, she can’t even get her hands all the way around it and gets the pulls the skin up so it’s flicking just the my helmet. Felt amazing both happening at the same time, one alone would have blown my head off.
Must have honestly been about 10 seconds 12 at a push and I just exploded. Went all over her hands, some up on my chest, some on her side, god knows where else. I just laughed and apologized and she laughed. It was so good I didn’t even feel embarrassed and credit wheres it’s due she slowed down her stroking and shifted her body and sucked the last of the cum that was still pulsating out of me. There i was covered in cum with this amazing girl who inhad failed to satisfy but she was brilliant about it, she called me an idiot and laughed again as she kissed me good night, I rolled over and we spooned to sleep.
I fell straight to sleep and when I woke up she was downstairs having breakfast already. I went down and said good morning to T and 2 other girls and one Zach who I had travelled a lot with. Everyone says hello and Zach asks me if I had a good night as he smirks and everyone bursts out laughing and I cant help but join in as it was all in good jest. “Fuck saaaake” I laughed , “I personally had a great night, don’t think T had as much fun though” and that was about it, we all had a chat over breakfast, a few fast jokes at my expense of course.
Luckily for me, I saw T in the next city and managed to actually not cum in my pants during foreplay and managed to actually give her a good seeing to which was a really good night and we had a little thing following that but that’s a story for another time…
In short, a hot girl gave me the best handjob thatbplanet earth has ever seen for about 12 seconds and I came all over myself and her without getting her off.
Thats it, don’t know if that was boring or interesting,hopefully the latter. Just a real story, thought I’d share something a little different, hope it wasn’t shit but think I’ll post more either way, any constructive criticism welcomed…ish
Loved the story, but there were a lot of typos that kept taking me out of the fantasy of it.
I always try to re-read one last time before I post anything. It doesn’t always catch everything, but it helps. Nice job though; looking forward to the next one.