The Man in the Mask (part 2)

*I hadn’t seen him in years, yet here he was.. controlling my body and mind. Making my desires for him unbearable.. Cash was one of my greatest friends from our school age years, and now he was here, doing whatever he pleased with me. I was the lion and he was the ring master.*

*We got cleaned up and left the play room.. when we walked out of the door, we entered a busy street. Lights blazing, traffic, people walking the streets, their voices seeming so loud after what I just encountered. Where the fuck are all these secret doors coming from? He started to talk to me, but I didn’t hear what he said.*

“Are you alright?” Cash looked at me with eager eyes, waiting for me to say something.

“Oh yeah sorry. I just need to regain myself after all that.” I felt my cheeks flush.

“I know that you are probably confused, Skye, but I needed you and I needed to see you.. All of you. And if it makes you feel better, you did great.” He looks at me with such hunger in his eyes. I feel the pleasure rush between my legs again. Hearing my name leave his lips was almost enough to make me fall apart.

“I’ve never done anything like that before, so I don’t really know how to critique myself. But that was fucking amazing.” I can see his lips perk up into a smirk. *Okay Skye, don’t boost his ego.*

*Cash and I were really good friends in school. He was always there for me when I needed him. I never thought that he would need me. I mean, not in the way that he just implied. His dark eyes look into mine and it’s almost as though I could get lost for days. Nothing else. Just him and I. Did he always think of me this way? No, there’s no way. Well, if he did, he never showed it. Cash never seemed to have this confident super ego when we were younger. Maybe I don’t really know him anymore.*

“Come with me. I’ll take you back to my place and you can shower and get cleaned up.” I don’t really think he’s asking.

“Yeah, sure. That would be nice, thank you.” The swelling between my legs started to throb. Getting cleaned up wouldn’t be a bad idea.. but I would rather he make a mess of me again.

*We got to a parking garage, and he hit the unlock button on a set of keys. I saw the tail lights flash as the car unlocked. A Tesla.. Model X. Of course. Cash has money. Do I want to ask him what he does for work now? No, probably not a great idea. There are so many things I want to ask him, but I’m still overwhelmed by the intense sex show that we put on for a group of strangers. I wait. We get to the Tesla and he opens the door for me.*

“My lady.” He has a gentle smile on his face. Like he didn’t just use my body the way he pleased 20 minutes ago. That smile is killer… ugh.

“So how far is your place from here?” I asked. Eager to be out of the car without a middle console in the way. Eager for him to touch me again.

“Not far. About 20 minutes down the highway and we will be there.” I think he sees the desire in my eyes.

*This is all so confusing. I don’t even know how I got here in the first place. But I am too deep now. I allowed him to use my body when I thought he was a stranger. Now that I know it’s Cash, I start to feel a little shy. Self conscious. But is there really a point? He just saw all of me that there was to see. I feel a hand rest on my bare thigh. Exposed when my dress rode up as I sat down in the car. Cash knew what I needed.*

*By impulse, I spread my legs for him. I felt his strong, masculine fingers creep up my thigh, now to my wet sex. The only thing in the way was my cotton panties, also wet. He pulled them to the side, and lightly started to touch my clit, teasing me in the best way possible. I threw my head back, and small breathy moans left my lips. He was enjoying himself. Not even phased while driving. He was doing this for me. He saw the hunger and desire before we left the parking garage. He was doing this to get me off. And fuck, it’s working.*

*His long fingers now thrust inside me, hard and fast. I let out a loud moan. I gripped the middle console and the door and threw my head back hard again. I felt the liquid between my legs. Hot and sticky, all over his fingers. I felt the climax ready to come, and in that moment he stopped. He took his fingers out of me, and brought them to his lips. I watched his fingers go in and out of his mouth, like he had just had a rack of ribs. Enjoying his meal.. He was tasting me. FUCK ME. He was smiling and gave me a wink.*

“I’m not done with you yet.” Cash spoke in such a stern, hungry tone. I looked up and we were at his place, at least I think so.

“Let’s go Skye. Get out of the car. Now.” I think the desire I have for him now rests inside of him for me too. I don’t think we’re going to be showering anytime soon.

*We got inside his apartment, and it was nothing that I expected.. Grey walls with such beautiful furniture and decor. Was this a man’s apartment? Everything was perfectly in place. From the couches to the appliances, to the folded couch blankets, creased perfectly. I got lost in taking in my surroundings. I felt large, strong hands on my shoulders.*

“Go into that room down the hall, and get completely naked. Sit on the bed and do not move. Go, now.” He whispered into my ear before nibbling my lobe.

“Okay Cash.”

He slapped my ass.. HARD. “What’s my name?” I felt the control coming back. That voice. That’s the tone he used in the play room. I don’t think I’ll be getting that shower.

“Yes, Master.” I heard him snicker.

“Good girl. Now go.”

I do as he says and walk down the hall to the open doorway. I look inside and see a bed with black velvet sheets. I start to undress and sit on the bed as he instructed. Completely naked and vulnerable.

*I felt like I was waiting forever, and I started to observe my surroundings. Toys everywhere. Just like the last playroom. Only this one was private. Nipple clamps, anal beads, some kind of ankle cuffs with a straight bar.. you name it, I think it’s in here. I heard him enter the doorway.*

“I’m going to make a mess of you.” His tone was very demanding, yet very sexy. Did he hear my thoughts earlier?

“Yes please, Master.” His smile showed that my response was exactly what he wanted. I felt my nipples harden. Felt his eyes looking me up and down like an art piece.

“I don’t think you’re prepared for what I am going to do to you, Skye.”

*I think he’s right about that.. He starts to walk towards me, a whip in his hand. Oh fuck, maybe I’m not ready.*
