“Mistress it’s just that I have never… with another boy.
With that “Sub” reached out and very gently cupped “Lad’s” cheek and stroked his face as he looked deeply into his eyes.
You could see “Lad” visibly melt at the first touch from “Sub”.
As “Sub” led “Lad” towards the center of the room a crowd began to gather in a circle around the two yet leaving a wide space in which they may play.
Someone had also brought over a small open backed sofa and placed it in the center of the room.
Standing behind “Lad”, “Sub” reached around him and began exploring his body.
Running his fingers through his hair ruffling it up he proceeded to work his way downward.
Stroking the boy’s face ever so gently, he placed his index finger in “Lad’s” mouth.
Immediately “Lad” began sucking on the proffered appendage.
While I watched I saw “Lad’s” cock harden further and begin bobbing up and down.
“Sub”, continued his exploration by tweaking the boy’s nipples, pinch, pull and twist.
As his nipples were twisted “Lad’s” knees bent a bit as he tried to cope with the intensity of the sharp pain from the twisting.
“Sub” didn’t tease him long in this way but reached down and with one hand and began to tease the boy’s hairless cock.
With his other hand he stroked his balls eliciting a loud groan from “Lad”.
While still stroking his cock “Sub” took his other hand and stroked the boy’s bottom.
Stepping back a bit “Sub” bent “Lad” over just a bit allowing him a reach his bottom without becoming a contortionist.
You could see “Lad’s” face change as “Sub” worked a finger into the boys bottom, surprise turned into joy as he gave in to the feelings he was beginning to experience.
Turning “Lad” around and lightly pushing him to his knees, “Sub” grasped the back of his head drawing him inward.
“Lad” knew instantly what he wanted to do.
“Sub” removed his hands and “Lad” reached out taking “Sub’s” cock in hand, he began to feel it.
Playing with the tip and the small amount of pre-cum leaking from the tip, feeling the weight of his balls and the smoothness of the shaft and the twitching response he generated each time he touched or stroked “Sub’s” cock.
With just the slightest hesitation “Lad” opened his mouth and took just the tip of “Sub’s” cock between his lips.
Upon discovering the slightly salty taste of pre-cum and not finding it repulsive, he began working his mouth around “Sub’s” cock.
It certainly didn’t take “Lad” long to figure out how to become an expert cock sucker.
Moments into his introduction to cock sucking, he went at it with abandon.
His head bobbing up and down, his one hand behind “Sub’s” bottom feeling his ass and pulling him deeper into his mouth.
His other hand playing around “Sub’s” balls and crotch.
Moments later “Sub” pulled away from”Lad”, preventing him from blowing his load to soon.
Directing “Lad” to lay back upon the couch it was “Sub’s” turn to to feast.
“Sub” stroked “Lad’s” cock and balls for just a moment before leaning in and began by licking the boys cock and balls.
With each touch of the tongue “Lad” would twist his body due to sensory overload.
When “Sub” took his cock deep in his mouth the boy’s hips bucked and drove his cock deep into “Sub’s” throat.
Climbing up on the couch “Sub” moved himself into a sixty-nine position.
Watching the two of them caused many a hard-on in the room.
Once past his initial reluctance “Lad” was going at it with gusto.
While watching this spectacle, “Gem” and “LS”were curled up at my feet and “Gem” was whispering something to “LS” who was having a fit of giggles.
Turning back to the show “Sub” was turning “Lad” over onto his stomach.
Reaching out someone handed him a tube of lube.
Sitting up “Sub” spread “Lad’s” cheeks and began to lube and finger him.
Opening a condom that was also given him along with the lube he slid it on his cock.
Leaning over he asked “Lad” if he was ready.
“Yes” Was his answer.
“Sub” began the process of invading “Lad’s” bottom.
The first slow push brought a hiss from the boy’s lips as his bottom began to yield.
As this was occurring
“LS” crawled up my leg and began pulling at my zipper, as she worked it down she reached into my pants and fished out my cock and balls.
Ordinarily I might have had an issue with her taking the initiative however the show had me distracted and randy as hell so I allowed her to continue.
So as I watched the show “LS” with coaching from “Gem” was working my cock and balls in a flurry of lips and tongue.
Now I know what all the whispering was about, the girls were plotting their assault on my cock.
After a few moments “Gem” joined her in lavishing attention upon my member.
As I looked around the room it appears that the show has had it’s effect on the rest of the crowd.
Many of the sub’s were occupied in their task of pleasing their masters and many of the other masters were taking liberties with other masters.
“Sub” had moved “Lad” to a kneeling position on the couch while he continued to ravish the boy’s bottom.
I decided that it was time to assert myself and take control.
Breaking away from the girls I grabbed a condom and slipped it on and walked over to the boys.
Grasping “Sub” by his hips I bent him over “Lad”.
Lubing up my cock and “Sub’s bottom, I entered him with a single push.
Now “Sub” was getting fucked while fucking “Lad”.
All three of us began to howl and the couch was in the throws of breaking apart as we pounded away.
In fact one of the legs of the couch broke as we entered our simultaneous orgasm’s.
This caused “Lad” to tumble away and “Sub’s” cum to spray across his back.
For a moment that seemed to stretch for hours there was silence in the room, followed by a thunderous applause from those not already occupied.
Picking “Lad” up from the floor I lined the three of us up and we did a very theatrical bow to our audience.
It appears we were a hit with the crowd.
We spent another thirty minutes getting dressed and thanking everyone present for the most wonderful of times.
And another few minutes thanking “Mistress Judy” for her hospitality.
Judy was thrilled with us as guests at her house and asked us to return at any time we chose and to that end she and I traded our email addresses and phone numbers.
On the cab ride back to our hotel “Sub” was fast asleep and the girls were not far behind.
As we turned into the parking lot I woke “Sub” and had him dropped off at his car.
Before he left we also traded email and phone numbers.
Before he left the cab he threw his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek, this he repeated with each of the girls and then he was gone.
By the time we reached our room it was four thirty in the morning.
The girls hit the shower and were out in just moments, then dove into the bed.
By the time I had finished my shower the girls were comatose while wrapped in each others arms.
As soon as my head hit the pillow I was in the arms of Morpheus.
I was the last one awake and only awoke due to both the girls jumping up on my bed shouting
“Wake up sleepy head”.
In response to this brazen attack on my senses, I grabbed at both of them but they were able to dodge away from my grasp.
“OK”, I’m up, just leave me alone until I hit the bathroom.
Both of the girls broke into girlish laughter as I made my way to the john.
Making our way to the restaurant in the hotel we settled in for a late breakfast, late because we had slept until eleven thirty in the am.
As our waitress took our order “LS” jumped out of her chair with a shocked look.
“What’s wrong I asked.
As the waitress walked away, “LS” swatted Gem on the arm and said that Gem had told her to wear the panties with the remote vibrator.
This was going to be payback for “LS” laughing the other day when “Gem” was the recipient of the vibrating panties.
So now that mystery was cleared up, poor “LS”, Gem was going to torture “LS” throughout the day with the remote.
As we waited for our order my phone rang, it was “Sub” wanting to know where we were.
He had come to the hotel and was dismayed to find us gone.
I explained that we were famished and couldn’t wait and didn’t know what time he would show up or even if he would, considering all that he had been through.
Our meal finished we headed out into town.
As we rounded a corner, “Sub” was coming down the street so now the trio was complete.
“Sir” said “LS”, “May I offer a suggestion?”
I know of a place not far from here it’s a clothing optional retreat called “Woodlot Retreat” it’s a few miles away from here in Northern Illinois.
I have never been there but those who have said they loved the freedom they felt there.”
“That sounds perfect for our last day of our vacation.”
So we all piled into my car and drove a few miles to Woodstock IL.
After we registered and given a key to our cabin we were shown around the area.
It was an impressive place.
The lady who escorted us didn’t seem to be put off by the obvious signs that I was the Dom to three ”subs”.
As we wandered around we were impressed by the array of human bodies on display.
You name it, it was on display.
This was not a place where only the “perfect” visited, old, young, tall, short fit and not so fit.
There were people from the age of eighteen to eighty.
Not everyone was naked but most people were “Au’ natural”.
After settling into our cabin we went roaming.
Our first stop was the massive BBQ pit in the center of the campground.
Over this pit was an entire pig being slow cooked for that evenings feast.
Never having cooked a whole pig I asked how long it took to accomplish this roasting.
I was surprised to learn that based upon the size of this one it would take about seven or eight hours.
As we struck up a conversation I was impressed with the caliber of the four couples that were part of this group.
Every one in this group was from a wealth management group and they got together a couple of times a year to come here an DE-pressurize from the high energy grind their jobs forced upon them.
One person was actually the manager of a hedge fund.
When we left our cabin I gave the trio the option of leaving their collars behind.
To a one they opted to keep their collars on.
To that end, one of the ladies in their group was apparently aware of what this symbolized.
After we had sat with them for awhile she introduced herself, her name was Joanne however every one called her “Jo”, who was there with her husband Jim.
Without preamble she asked if the trio were my “Subs?”
I told her and the group that they were indeed my “Sub” and that I had given them permission to remove their collars and enjoy themselves this weekend without any direction from me.
That they of their own free will chose to retain their collars and remain my “Subs” during this time.
“That being said, I have no intention of being a “Dom” this weekend, they are free to do whatever they chose and they are to use their true names rather then the names they named each other.
This weekend as far as I am concerned those collars are only for decoration.”
“Wait a moment are you saying that they named each other and that you did not assign them names?” She asked.
“That is correct.” I said.
She and the rest of the group were impressed by the trio’s commitment to our relationship.
“It says a lot about you as a “Dom or Master” that they chose to stay as they were.
I could only surmise that you are one of the rare people who understands that the role of the “Dom” is not one of power or punishment but one of nurturing, protecting and the growth of the individual.”
She said.
While we spent the next couple of hours chatting Sue began showing signs of boredom.
As Jo noticed this she asked Jim if he would like to take Sue for a walk around the small lake off in the distance.
Sue thought this was a wonderful idea, so the two of them were off.
I wasn’t worried about Sue, I was worried about whether she would try to seduce Jim, and as I thought that Jo spoke up as if reading my mind and said.
“If Sue is not careful, Jim will have her bent over a table in no time.”
“Well they are both consenting adults and both are free to do as they please, my only reason I would be pissed is if he didn’t bring her to our bed this evening, that is if it is OK with you.” She said.
“As you said they are both adults, and I have no hold on her.”
As we were talking Jo kept eyeing will’s erection, an erection that had been present ever since he left our cabin.
She asked Will to come over to her for a moment, as he stood in front of her she reached out and stroked his cock.
“Sturdy young fellow, isn’t he.” was her remark.
“Yes you should have seen him last night.”
I went on to describe the events of last night in all it’s glory.
“My, my, I am certainly missing out on a lot of things, before you leave on Sunday you absolutely have to give me the information on this club.
And in return I will invite you and yours to our next event.”
“Thank you, that is most gracious of you.” I said.
While we were chatting Jo kept her hand on Will’s cock.
Moments later she leaned forward and took him into her mouth for just a few moments.
Will’s face contorted and he let out a moan.
When she released his cock I leaned in and took his cock in my mouth for a long lick and a short blow job.
A few minutes later Will knelt between my legs and began playing with my cock.
When he had raised the flag he began licking and sucking my cock.
This boy had great talent in the area of oral pleasure, he would stop his head movement and just swirl his tongue around the underside of my cock.
Afterwards he returned to a slow up and down motion that was accentuated by him stopping every so often to use just his tongue.
Watching this Jo was getting worked up and horny.
“Will, do you eat pussy as well as you suck cock?”
In answer to her question Will moved over between her legs and demonstrated his oral talents upon her pussy.
“Oh, that is priceless, this boy has an amazing tongue, if your not careful I might just take him away from you and make him the personal houseboy for Jim and I.”
“Well, he is an adult and free to make his own decisions outside of our play.”
Will was doing so well that Jo’s butt was lifted high off the bench and her legs clamped firmly around Will’s head as he kept up his assault on her pussy.
In just moments Jo began shaking followed by an orgasmic scream before dropping back down to the bench.
While Jo was recovering, she kept stroking Will’s and my cock’s.
Climbing up onto the table she spread out a large towel and laid down with her feet hanging over the end of the table.
Will didn’t need a road map to find his way to the end of the table, his rock hard cock led the way.
Will began to tease the outer edges of Jo’s pussy, occasionally dipping his cock just a fraction of an inch at a time.
Jo began begging Will to fuck her and fuck her hard.
Never one to disappoint a lady Will slammed his cock home in one fast and hard shove.
Jo let loose a yell of joy as Will began jack-hammering her pussy.
As I watched his large cock work over her pussy, I was fascinated by how as he withdrew his cock the lips of her pussy would pull outward as if reluctant to let go of his meat.
Moments later she called out for Will to stop a moment.
As he backed off she placed Will on the table on his back where she straddled his cock and sank down, impaling herself.
Picking up a tube of lube she handed it to me and spread her ass cheeks.
I didn’t need to be told what to do.
I lubed up her bottom and my cock and began to work my fingers to loosen her up.
“Hurry up, I don’t know how long I can last !”
So I abandoned my stretching and lined my cock up with her ass.
While Will was fucking her from below I slid my cock into her bottom.
It took a few moments for the three of us to figure out a rhythm and when that was done Will and I began giving Jo the ride of her life.
Three people grunting, moaning and just making every obscene sound one could imagine were making the table move backwards with each thrust and counter-thrust from Will and myself.
In just seconds Jo was yelling “I’m cumming, I’m cumming”, over and over.
As her floodgates burst she set off both Will and I.
Suddenly through the thin wall that separated Will’s cock from mine, I could fell Will’s cock begin to pulse as his balls drained into her pussy.
This set my orgasm into high gear and in seconds I was pumping my load into her ass.
For a few moments we were frozen in place as our bodies recovered.
I was the first to withdraw from the furnace that was Jo’s ass.
Jo was next, straightening up, she rose from Will’s cock and with a “plop” pulled off his cock.
Will on the other hand was nearly unconscious from exertion and just lay there in a daze.
While Will lay there recovering, I leaned in and began to clean his cock with my mouth.
However, Will’s cock was super sensitive at the moment and as I did my best to clean his cock he kept pulling away to prevent sensory overload.
Looking over I saw Sara’s eyes, they were wide with wonder and lust along with something else, envy.
“Sara, what’s wrong?” I quizzed her.
“I don’t know, I feel left out somehow, I mean I’ve done everything I could hope for this week and yet
I feel something is missing.
I just can’t put my finger on it.”
“Well let’s try to figure out what’s eating at your soul.
“Why don’t we take a walk by the lake and chat, shall we.”
As we began our stroll we chatted about nothings.
“Sir, this weekend has shown me things I never thought I would see let alone have the guts or courage to participate in.
You have not only opened my eyes to a world I never thought about beyond what one reads in trashy novels or movies.”
“You have treated me with greater kindness then I have ever experienced, even while you have challenged all of my assumptions about myself and my sexuality.
But Sir, while I have reveled in the role of “sub”, allowing myself to just sink into the persona that was always within me, part of me wants, no not wants, needs to finally stand up and take control of my life.”
Suddenly there was a dam breaking, Sara’s eyes burst into tears and she began sobbing uncontrollably.
Slumping to the grass, she buried her face in her hands and wept inconsolably.
If it was bad for her, my heart was breaking.
Here was a girl I had taken under my wing, almost on a lark and during our time together I have grown to stand in awe of her and her strength and inner character.
Everything I put before her she not only overcame but outright mastered.
“Sir, I love my husband and child, but I hate the life I was living, it was a lie.
My husband was in charge of my life, not in a bad way it’s just that while he was the “Bread Winner”
in the home and I was relegated to keeping the house and raising our child.”
“Sir, I didn’t even realize that I was so unhappy until Sue and Will came along.
The four of us made me understand that my life was a sham.
And even though I love being “used”, I want more !”
“Ah” I said.
“Gem, turn around.”
As she did so I reached up and unhooked the clasp holding her collar closed.
“Sara, from this day forward, you will never consider, call or accept the idea of your being a “Sub”.
I now free you, you are now your own person, now and forever.
You chose what you are, what you want to be and where your life will travel from here on out,
do you understand me ? As I handed her the collar that bound her to me.
“Yes Sir, sorry, I mean yes.”
“That’s better” I said.
Now I was in trouble, Sara’s face exploded in a smile wide enough to swallow the moon.
Followed by her knocking me over as we sat crossed legged on the grass and attacking my face with a torrent of kisses, had she been wearing lip-stick my entire face would have been colored red, not a spot untouched.
This was followed by Sara literally throwing her collar as far out into the lake as possible.
Without preamble she swallowed my cock whole and once erect, she pounced upon my cock and drove herself with me along for the ride to a furious series of orgasms, one, two, three orgasms in a row, never had I cum three times in a row without rest in between.
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ffgd0w/saras_self_discovery_part_9_mf_mm_bdsm
To my readers,
Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.
I welcome any feedback you may wish to send.
If you have any ideas for future
stories please let me know.
Thank you.