I [M] blacked out at a party and got walked in on with two [FF] I didn’t know and the story doesn’t stop there

So to set the scene, this was last year on New Years Eve and my buddy was throwing a party at his place. Our friends were always over there drinking since he has a pretty big house to himself (4 bedrooms) and most of the time his roommate is out of town for work.

Our normal group of friends was there and it was shaping up to be a fun normal party, nothing too crazy. As the alcohol continued to flow, my memory got more and more hazy but here is how I remember things to have played out and filled in with what I was told by my friends. (Names are fake)

So there I am having a good time with the boys, playing some drinking games feeling a good buzz. In walks Ava, my ex girlfriend of 2 years and it’s like an anxiety train runs right into my body. Her and I have a long past and it’s best we just stay away from each other but now she’s here and in order to chill, I hit the booze even harder. She shows up with 3 other girls and 2 other dudes, none of them I really know. About an hour goes by (I think?) and everything is fine, we just ignore each other and life is okay. Then, I see it. She’s flirting with a guy right in front of me and giving me some side eye like she knows what she’s doing.

At this point I’m pretty faded/confident so I go up to one of the girls I don’t know and start chatting it up. Kailey, she’s pretty cute, about 5’1 (same as my ex, I like them short) with a tight body a good looking ass. I don’t remember much of the conversation but my buddies said I was putting in some good flirting and she was definitely into it. I remember asking how she knew Ava and she said she didn’t, she only knew the guys that came with them but they brought had also brought Ava along. At that point I knew there was some potential.

Now I party at this house a lot, so much that I have a designated room I always crash in and even have some of my clothes there to sleep. This room is pretty big and has an attached bathroom, it’s kind of like a small master bedroom. Kailey and I are hitting it off and throwing back more drinks (probably should’ve slowed down on these lol) and I ask if she wants to take it somewhere more private, she is down and I’m feeling like a million bucks. I grab her hand, look at Ava whose eyes are burning into the back of my skull, and give her a little smirk.

Okay now here is where my blackout really sets in. I remember kailey being pretty aggressive, throws me onto the bed and gets down on her knees and is giving me some decent head. I’m laying down on the bed and honestly starting to doze off(damn you Jack Daniels) and kailey can tell. She gets up and is a little upset and I jump up and apologize trying my best not to get her to leave. She does anyway and now I’m sitting there pants down like a real asshole. I’m pretty sure at this point I knock out intermittently.

Fast forward to the morning. I wake up with a roaring headache and blurry vision in bed and I’m totally naked. I look to my right and there’s kailey, full naked. I look to my left and there’s her friend whose name I have no clue but pretty hot might I say and also, very very naked. What the hell happened lol, I fall back asleep. I wake up again a few hours later and I’m feeling a bit better but the girls are nowhere to be found. I look around for my phone and wallet and to see if I can find any clues as to what happened. There about 4 condom wrappers on the ground and I see 2 condoms thrown in the room and they are definitely used, go me for being able to do that while blacked out lol. I walk out to the kitchen where the guys are recounting what happened last night. I get some nice applause as I stumble into the kitchen in my boxers looking like death.

Everyone’s asking, “dude what the fuck happened to you last night and who were those girls”. It’s the morning after and I realize I can’t even remember their names. I figure I can look at my phone I have to have managed to get at least one of their numbers. Nope. Not a text, not nothing. I’m scrolling through insta and I can’t find them connected to Ava or any of the guys she was with. I’m kind of sad because I wanted to see for myself if they were actually hot or if I was just drunk lol but my friends assure me both were pretty cute. One of the guys remembers the first girl, “ I think her name was Katelyn, or kailey. I don’t fuckin know”. This is how I remember kaileys name lol.

Some time passes and I’m scrolling through social to see what I missed. I don’t normally use Snapchat but I see I have a notification so I check it out. Sure enough, it’s kailey. “Last night was fun, hope you’re not feeling to shitty today ? send me those videos when you get a chance.” Videos… what videos… I go through my saved snap videos and holy shit. I have a fully documented threesome that I don’t even remember. I’m watching the videos and actually impressed at how I’m putting in some work while totally belligerent lol. In one of the videos, I’m pounding kailey doggystyle and she’s eating out her friend. Suddenly the bedroom door opens and the girls scream and grab for covers, it’s my buddy Adam and his gf. I start laughing as I’m still recording and he’s busting up too, his gf who he had just started dating looks disgusted lol.

Now Adam is still passed out from the night, but obviously I have to go wake him up and see what he remembers. I wake him up and he’s still drunk and doesn’t remember a thing.

Now there is a wild second part to this story… if you enjoyed this I’m more than happy to tell it. Maybe even post up some of the videos that don’t show any of the girls or my face ??‍♂️ let me know in the comments!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ffklta/i_m_blacked_out_at_a_party_and_got_walked_in_on


  1. You have to post at least a little clip from the videos to prove it man lol

  2. You should definitely post some of the videos, and then pm the rest to me!

  3. > I’m watching the videos and actually impressed at how I’m putting in some work while totally belligerent lol.

    “Belligerent” means that you’re gearing up for a fight. That doesn’t make sense here.

    > Maybe even post up some of the videos that don’t show any of the girls or my face ??‍♂️ let me know in the comments!

    Ask them, first. They might have identifying birthmarks or something that they don’t want seen on the internet.

  4. I wanna see the video damnit ???? but I’ll gladly read the rest of this awesome night lol

  5. Blackout sex is kind of, well, creepy. Glad it supposedly ended well and all, but, cringe.

  6. Now this is a great story! And I agree we need the second part stat!!

  7. WTF!!!!! You most definitely need to share the rest of the story. Also if you’re confident enough, the videos would be a bonus!

  8. I am almost interested enough to follow you to see if you post the second part. Vids would be nice, but I would love to know the wild second part.

  9. You gotta post the rest & the pictures too. Sounds like a wild one

  10. And this is why you don’t binge drink.

    Dude had a hot 3-some and will never remember it.

  11. You have to continue the story bro.and the video would be a nice addition

  12. Okay this got way more popular than I expected so part 2 will definitely be coming soon. I’ve decided against the videos thanks to a couple messages letting me know I could go to jail so fuck that lol. Stay tuned!

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