Dear Diary [MFM]

Dear Diary,

Yesterday my good friend Leroy called me up wondering if I wanted to get a couple of beers after work. He sounded odd and even when I asked him if everything was okay, he insisted everything was, but still I could tell, everything was not alright. When I showed up at our usual bar, the feeling struck me, once again, that something was wrong. He had this look on his face. I thought he was going to tell me her had cancer, or something. You can imagine my shock when he told me he asked to see because, in his own words, “he couldn’t take it anymore.” That’s when he told me he was fucking my wife

He apologized profusely. He e further explained that his reason for telling me was because he felt guilty and couldn’t go on lying. He is also knew that me and my Marisa were trying to get pregnant.

“But…but you got your shit snipped!” I roared, the full impact of what he was telling me talking a moment to sink in. He was lucky I didn’t jump out of my seat and immediately start beating him.

“I did. Henry. I did.” He answered. “Which is another reason why I wanted to get this off my chest. I know you and Marisa have been trying to get pregnant-”

“Yeah! For two years. Two fucking years!” I thundered, damn near foaming at the mouth as I got right up in his face. “How long has this been going on?”

“Five month. Well, almost five months.” He sheepishly answered as he lowered his head. “Remember, back in the spring when you went on that business trip.”

I nodded my head yes as I sat down, doing my best to calm myself.

“I don’t think Marisa is the cheating type,” Leroy added. It talk all that I had left not to laugh. In the end I just shook my head and took another drink of my bear. “I just think she wanted a baby so bad she was willing to do anything to make it happen. Even if it meant getting pregnant by another man.”

“Then why you?” I asked as I finished the last of my bear and signaled to the bar tender for another. “You shooting blanks.”

“I know,” he said, tears bubbling in his eyes. “When she approached me I couldn’t say no. Your wife is a beautiful women and I hadn’t been with a women for almost two years and…and…I just jumped at the chance. I didn’t even think about it, I just said yes, and that was it.

“Bullshit.” I said as the bar tender handed me another bear and took a drink.

“It’s the truth. I feel horrible.” He added, turning to me as we sat on the bar. “You’re my best friends, and…I feel horrible. I feel horrible for lying to you and I feel horrible for lying to her.”

And that’s how I found out my wife was cheating on me.

The truth is, I can’t blame her. More than anything she has always wanted to be a mother. We’ve been trying to get pregnant for two years now, and nada. I thought when we decided to take this next step in our lives – to get pregnant – she would go off birth control and that would be it. I figured it would take two months…six at the most.

After six months went by, I didn’t think much about it. Maybe we were trying to hard, or too often, and the best thing we could do was to stop thinking about and just let it happen. That was my approach, anyway. Apparently, Marisa had a different approach.

“I just wanted to tell you before I told her.” Leroy said as he got up from the bar. “And to say I wouldn’t doubt you for hating me, but I’ve always considered you to be my best friend, and…”

“Sit down.” I told him, the gears in my mind now spinning a mile a minute.

That’s when it struck me.

“You can’t tell her.” I said.

“What?” Leroy asked.

“I said, you can’t tell her.” I repeated, not even myself believing the words that were coming out of my mouth.

If Leroy told her that her the truth, she would just go out and find another guy to fuck behind my back. At least with him I knew who she was fucking. That would all change the moment he opened his big mouth. And, at least with Leroy I know he’s clean and safe and would never do anything to hurt either me or Marisa…

And that, dear diary, is how and why I started sharing my wife with my best friend.

Much more can be found on my blog [](
