An Narcissistic Love of Not Touching Romance

I have always been attracted to it. A man who appears gentle, kind, intelligent and wealthy. He’s seemingly only interested in me for some peculiar reason.

That all changes when I finally open to him. He invites me to his house/apartment to cook a meal together without my knowledge not knowing that would be my last meal for a few days.

We drink a glass of white wine as we talk about our daily lives and laughter naturally follows our conversation.

After the meal, we go to your room and I notice a bit of unusual behavior. You’re just staring at my eyes as if you’re gazing at a new galaxy of stars.

I shy away in nervousness because of his intensity. All of a sudden my vision starts to get blurred as I see him still looking into my eyes until all I feel is nothing.

I wake up the next morning in a room I’ve never saw before – and he walks in.

Now dressed in a thin white cloth like something you would be put in if you were at the hospital. In a room with cameras on each four corners and him watching me through a see through window but the only twist is – I can’t see him.

With limited food, physical touch and stimulation I start to lose touch of my outside environment – Isolation.

I eat, sleep and drink for his pleasure, and only if he allows me to.

If I refused his offers, turn away from him or even think wrongly of him – A punishment will come about.

These punishments take the form of humiliation. To showing him the full anatomy of my body with the thin white linen cloth on using the precise scientific terms to buying me flowers, as I start to feel loved for a second in time as he orders me to read the card. In it reads “Look into the tallest Rose” and there lies a pill. A pill that I have to take. Never knowing what happens after it.

So far, he hasn’t even held my hand and the anticipation makes me anxious. I would go so far as to say makes me ache for his touch even in these circumstances.

A few weeks pass and I can hear his foot steps outside of the door – a few seconds later I hear keys shackling as he’s finding the key to the door. He opens it up gently and unlocks me from the chains. As he’s doing so he made sure not to caress me in any way shape or form.

He has set aside an outfit and makeup for me to wear for him. He has already packed my bags as he has done for himself.

I knew not to ask any questions or look like I’m thinking of asking one because I knew he would know. He always knew what I was thinking or being.

We get into the car not making any eye contact with the driver. He must’ve had already discussed the location we must be driving to with the driver beforehand.

No words were exchanged in that moment. Or perhaps he has done this with many other women before…

What felt like hours had only been 45 minutes as we arrived to a house along a beach. You could hear the waves come crashing down, soothing at first until you hear them at night.

He walks me to his room where we will share a bed together. As I was sitting on his bed, I felt flattered. Maybe this weekend will be different. This was the man I recognized – This was the man I had fallen in love with.

Still being naive to his games he asked me to strip for him while never taking my eyes of his piercing brown eyes – So I didn’t… (To be continued)

…I know he loves me but he loves his games even more…

