Hitching a Ride | Teen, Rough, Rape, Anal, Brutal

**Not been writing lately due to studying and stuff… but managed to write this in my spare time. Hope you all enjoy! xx**

It was the first car the girl had seen in three hours. She had been walking the winding road for what felt like months. A grey snake of tarmac weaving the way through an expanse of pine trees and lonely wilderness. She was exhausted and aching, her slender athletic legs feeling like they could give out at any moment and her shoulders were screaming from the heavy backpack. It became an apparent truth that if she collapsed on this dark forest road, there was a good chance of her *actually* dying. *Just keep walking,* she told herself.

The car appeared behind her. Two bright lights from the darkness and a loud engine. This was the first person she’d seen and the sudden coarse sound made her jump. She had promised herself that she wasn’t going to hitchhike. She was going to get to her aunt and uncles house without getting in a car with a stranger, but the aching that ran up her legs and thighs begged for her to stop walking. Without thinking, she wearily waved at the oncoming car. *It’s not gonna stop.*

To her surprise, the rickety car started to slow, and as it came closer she saw that it was dirty old Ford truck. The silver paint had long chipped away and now only dirt remained. It pulled to a stop a few metres down the road. She walked as fast as her tiny frame could carry her. The passenger side window rolled down with an electronic buzz. The truck was big and high and she had to go on her tiptoes to look in.

The driving was big and fat. Two black beady eyes looked at her. Behind a large greying beard he smiled at her.

‘Can I help ya, darlin’? A southern drawl as thick as whiskey.

He intimidated her, like something out of a horror film, yet she replied none the less, ‘Yeah, I’m sorry mister… but I need a ride…’

He breathed in, eying her perfectly round face, freckled and pale. ‘I could give ya ride, darlin’.’ He licked his lips slightly, ‘Where is it ya headin’?

‘Just into the next county. Until I can get to a payphone and call my aunt to pick me up.’

He leant over and opened the door. ‘Climb on in. I’m headin’ in that direction anyways.’ He spoke slow and methodically, it reminded her of an actor her sister used to have a crush on, *Matthew… something…* She climbed up, she was petite and small and it took quite a bit of effort to scramble up. ‘You need some help?’ He smirked.

‘No, I’m fine.’ She said it was more bitterness than she intended. She got up and closed the door. The man put the Ford into the first and accelerated down the dark road.

‘So, you got a name?’ He asked after five minutes of silence. The girl thought for a second. *Use a fake name? I dunno? Shit, I’m thinking too long.* He giggled, ‘It’s okay, you don’t have to give me your name. I’ll come up with one myself for ya.’ He glanced at her, examing her slender legs, the way her jean shorts gripped her firm ass in the seat. She was wearing an oversized band t-shirt, and every time the Ford went over a bump he could her perky little tits jiggle slightly. ‘Hmmm.’ He looked back at the road, ‘I’m thinkin’ something like… Jewel.’ *Jewel? Sound like a slut.*

‘That’s fine, mister.’ Jewel said looking out the window at the passing trees.

‘Yeah. It is fine. Jewel’s a real pretty name.’ A moment passed, ‘Don’t ya want to know what my name is?’

‘It’s fine, mister.’ Jewel didn’t look him in the eye.

‘Okay, okay. You just carry on callin’ me mister. I like it.’

A few more minutes past.

‘So, Jewel,’ He said, ‘Why is a young girl like yourself out on the road in the middle of the night?’

‘I’m trying to get to my aunt’s house. My Mom and Dad, we had a pretty big argument.’

‘So you’re runnin’ away from home?’

‘Yeah, I guess I am.’

‘Can I ask what this argument was about?’

‘Just stupid shit.’ Jewel was suddenly angry, remembering the shouting match she’d had with her parents. It felt like a year ago. ‘Mom didn’t like how I was dressin’.’

‘How were you dressin’?’

‘Like this.’ She gestured at her attire, the short jeans that showed off her ass, and the t-shirt which his the jiggling breasts.

‘Well, I for one think you look cute.’ He said, again eying her teen body.

Jewel was scared of him. ‘Thank you, mister.’ She said awkwardly.

After a few minutes of silence, Jewel could feel herself falling asleep. Occasionally she had to shake herself awake, focus on the passing wilderness. She let out a loud yawn.

‘Why don’t get some sleep darlin’?’ He said, ‘Another hour or so before we cross county lines.’

Jewel wanted to stay awake, didn’t want to be asleep next to him. But she was shattered, her legs ached and her mind felt hazy. She reluctantly let her eyes close and embraced the warmth of sleep.

Jewel stirred slightly in her sleep. She let out a little moan. ‘I don’t want to get up yet dad.’

The thick southern drawl replied and she remembered where she was. ‘Daddy wants you to get up now.’ *What?* She felt a big warm hand on her bare upper thigh, caressing the perfect skin.

Still partly asleep she said, ‘No, mister. Get off me.’ She forced her eyes open. The car was switched off, they weren’t on the main road anymore. Large pine trees surrounded them, they were on a small dirt clearing in the wilderness. She slapped his hand away from her leg. ‘Where am I? I want to get out now, mister!’

He smiled, she noticed a slight bulge in his jeans. ‘Calm down, Jewel. Calm down. We’re here. We’re half a mile outside of town.’

Jewel breathing got heavy. ‘You were touching me, mister.’

‘Yeah, I was.’


‘Well, seeing as you were hitching a ride, I’m guessin’ you don’t have no money on you?’

‘Yeah… mister?’

‘So you can’t pay me for the ride?’

‘I… I didn’t know you wanted payment…’

‘I’ve driven you 70 miles.’ He leaned in closer, ‘So I’m gonna need something in return.’

‘Mister, please don’t do this.’ Jewel’s heart had sunk and tear had welled in her brown eyes.

‘I’m sorry but I have to.’ He smirked. ‘You have no money. So you’re gonna have to pay with your ass.’

Jewel grabbed the door handle. It was locked. She started shaking, looking around for any way out. He didn’t move. Jewel started banging on her window and the windshield. She started screaming for help.

Still, he didn’t move. ‘This one of the least populated counties, in one of the least populated states in America. No one is gonna hear you. No one is out there.’

‘Please, mister, don’t do this. My aunt has money, she’ll pay you. I promise.’

‘I’m sorry.’ He started caressing her leg again. ‘But there’s no other way. I don’t want to hurt you. But…’ He opened the glove compartment and pulled out a flip knife. ‘…I will if I have to.’

The sight of the blade forced Jewel to start breathing. Her heart sank. Tears fell from her face. The realisation that she was about to be raped filled her mind.

He grabbed her tiny wrist and moved her hand over his bulging crotch. She could feel his cock throbbing through his trousers. ‘Unzip me, darlin’.’ Jewel looked away from his grinning face and fiddled with his zipper. She pulled it down. He undid his belt and manoeuvred his jeans down, then pulled down his white boxer shorts. An uncut, erect cock, popped out. Veiny and thick with a bed of greying pubes at the bottom. ‘Go on, stroke it.’ Jewel wrapped her shaking hand around his cock and started to massage up and down. *What am I doing? I should never have left. The argument was stupid.* Jewel broke down in tears. ‘You’re crying *now*?’ He laughed ‘The worst part ain’t even happened yet, darlin’.’ She continued to stroke and he let out a groan, he slid a hand up her t-shirt and fondled and pinched her breasts.

Suddenly, he slapped her hand from his cock. He reached over her and pulled a lever on her seat, it fell back so she was lying horizontally. It made her jump but she didn’t move or fight. Jewel just continued to cry. He clambered on top of her and pinned her down, he must have weighed three times her tiny body. He kissed and caressed her face, his tongue penetrated her mouth like a snake. He beard was itchy against her face. The constant stream of tears had made her makeup run, giving her black streaks. He felt him undoing the button on her jean shorts. He pulled them down, and then pulled down her black panties. He sat up, stared at her teen pussy.

‘I really wanna fuck that pussy, darlin’.’ He growled. ‘But, I have no condoms. And I don’t need another kid.’ His hand caressed her teen cunt, then moved lower, lower towards her tiny tight asshole. ‘I’m gonna fuck you in the ass.’

Jewel let out a sort of half shriek, half cry. ‘Please, mister don’t.’

‘It’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna real bad.’ He caressed her face and leant down and kissed her. ‘But you’ll be okay darlin’. Once I’m in it’ll feel good.’

In one strong movement he grabbed her both of her pale slender legs and forced them upwards so her asshole was tilted towards him. Jewel shut her eyes tight, her breathing was erratic and deep. He took hold of his cock and slowly aimed it at her hole, he rubbed the tip against her. She let out a gasp.

‘Breathe, babygirl, breathe.’ He thrust forwards, his bellend entering her tiny hole. Jewel shrieked in pain. He let go of her legs and they rested on his shoulders. He took both her wrists in one big hand and held them above her head, and wrapped his other hand around her pretty neck. He squeezed her throat, ‘Here we go, darlin’.’ With one powerful thrust, he shoved his thick, throbbing cock into her virgin asshole. Jewel screamed and squirmed underneath him. It felt like she was being sodomized by a molten rod of steel. He started to rhythmically move his hips, in and out, in and out. He tightened his grip on her throat, stopping her from letting out any more screams or cries. She felt her ass stretching to accommodate his brutal assault, tearing her and mercilessly maiming her.

*I wanna go home…*

*I want my Mom and Dad…*

*Please come and save me Daddy…*

She wept and cried, the man’s rough attack not stopping or slowing down. ‘I. gonna cum.’ He moaned in her ear, ‘Gonna fill you up.’ His thrusts got quicker and harder and more violent. He was like an animal, forcefully taking a mate in the wild. He gave out a pleasured scream and held his thrust deep inside the abused teen. Jewel felt his sticky load in her ass, he growled as he came for what felt like an eternity. He went limp on her, crushing her. After a few moments he breathing steadied and he pulled himself out of her destroyed asshole, thick strings of cum leaking out onto the leather seat.

He sat back in his seat and cleaned his cock off with rag from under his seat. Jewel didn’t move. She felt dead and empty. An abused piece of meat.

He looked at her. ‘Are you gonna go or what, darlin’?’ He sighed. ‘Jesus.’ He opened his door and stepped out. The sun’s morning beams cut through the pine leaves. He walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. He roughly but effortlessly picked Jewel up and carried her half-naked and red body from the car. She didn’t even move. She studied the morning sky. A light blue. A bird sang from a tree. He dropped her onto the sharp and brambled ground. She wanted to crawl away but the pain in her midriff stopped her from doing so.

He stood over her. ‘Here.’ He opened his wallet and dropped a two-dollar bill next to her, ‘So you can call your aunt.’ He climbed back into the Ford. He turned the ignition on. He shouted through the window. ‘It was a pleasure, darlin’.’ And he laughed, ‘Gonna have to start pickin’ up more stranded teens.’

He continued to laugh as he drove away and left Jewel sobbing in the dirt, cum leaking out of her bleeding asshole.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fe33x7/hitching_a_ride_teen_rough_rape_anal_brutal

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