The New Hire’s Accident

Leena, a college student, has just been hired as a night patrol for a production plant. The first night on the job goes as expected, nothing unusual, just the boredom of constant walking through a empty facility. “Easy money,” Leena whispers to herself as she continues her stroll through the facility. By the second week, Leena is so bored that she starts patrolling restricted areas of the plant. When she accepted the job, she didn’t really look into what kind of product the company produced; so she was surprised when she came across a door with the words “Milking room.” “Huh, cows are milked indoor in a facility like this?” Out of boredom and curiosity she tried to turn the door knob, and to her surprise it was open. “So much for a restricted area,” she thinks to herself.

Leena enters the room and notices a row of pod like structures against the wall making noises similar to a washing machine. No cows in sight. The cows must be in the pods. She walks to the end of the room inspecting the pods and comes across a big glass tub filled with a white substance. There is a mark on the tube with a date/time (tomorrow, 10A.M.) indicating how much milk will be produced by tomorrow morning. “What kind of milk looks like that?” She turns around and accidentally trips on a cable, ripping it from the wall. “Shit” she whispers as she rushes to plug the cable back in. Leena notices the washing machine-like noises from the pods were gone even after plugging the cable back in. “fk, fk, fk, fk, not good.” She starts to randomly press buttons on the user interface until suddenly all the pods open. The sight before her has rendered her speechless. A row of naked guys unconscious with their penis hooked up to a pump. “The milking room is a room for milking guys?! What kind of company am I working for?!”

“I am definitely quitting tomorrow, but I have to find a way to fix this, or they will definitely find out that I was in here.” Leena thinks of a quick solution, “The only way to get rid of any suspicion is to get the tub of “milk” uh semen to the target level.” Leena finds a bucket and starts jerking off each guy one by one until he comes into her hand. She then runs to the tub and brushes the cum on her hand into the tub. “There’s at least 50 guys, this will take forever,” thinking to herself. She starts using her mouth to speed up the process; only emptying her mouth when it is full of cum.
