Something about us [B/S] [Incest] [Romantic]

[This is a repost as my old account was deleted.]

It wasn’t the first time this had happened. We messed around as kids sure, playing doctor. I would always be the patient and she would be the doctor. She would always have me strip down and lay on the divan in her bedroom and she would examine me from head to toe with her toy stethoscope, always with a serious look upon her face. She always took it so seriously, but at the same time, she was so caring, loving…tender. 

As we grew, so did our games. Always when mom and dad were out of the house, we would take turns hiding while the other sought them out, leaving a trail of clothes behind as clues. The loser always had to kiss the winner. She used to lose on purpose i swear, she was always one step ahead of me. I still remember the last time we played, I found her panties on the hallway floor outside the airing cupboard. I froze on the spot, in awe. I bent down slowly and picked them up, white and pink stripes with a small frilly detail on the edges. They were still warm and I could feel a dampness in the crotch. I lifted them to my lips and I could smell the sweetest musk from them, like nectar. She was close. 

I was resolved then. I had to find my prey, I thought to myself. I stalked down the hallway leading to my bedroom. “The fool!” I said to myself under my breath, as I noticed the small white trainer sock perched precariously on my door handle. “You’re in my territory now!” 

I entered my room, it was dark except for the evening sunlight beaming from between the blinds in my window. Bathing the room in a warm golden glow, painting tiger stripes across my floor. My eyes were immediately drawn to the mound under the duvet on my bed. “Subtle…” I giggled in my head. Slowly I tiptoed across my rug towards my bed and with a deep breath I wrenched back the covers to find…

My clean laundry. “What the?!” In that instant I heard a rush of footsteps behind me and before I could react, I was laying face down on the bed with my completely naked older sister sitting on my butt. 

“Pinned you…” She boasted. “Get offa me!” I shouted as i squirmed my body round but she just adjusted herself to stay straddled on top of me, she had gotten this down to an artform. 

“I win!” She always looked so smug and proud of herself. “And you know what that means.” She said as she pinned my shoulders down with her little hands. “I know, just get it over with.” I said this every time, I’m sure she obviously realised that this is what i live for, she is what i live for…

The smile was still beaming on her face as she closed her eyes and lowered her lips down to mine. She was always so soft, so smooth. Her lips were like satin. Inevitably after a few minutes of her claiming her prize, her hips started to grind and gyrate as usual, I never knew if this was a concious movement or if she just got caught up in the sensation and her sex just took over body but i never complained either way. One way or another she was in charge, she was always in charge. Her hands found their way down to my zipper and after some fumbling, she freed me, without hesitation she grasped my length, and started to stroke. She had done this so many times she could probably do it in her sleep. Knowing her she probably had. 

She sat back on my lap and admired her handy work. “Come on, you know the drill, shirt off.” I obeyed wordlessly. She yanked down my jeans and immediately started sucking me. Now usually this is meant as a treat to the guy, but i don’t think she ever meant that for me, this was all for her. Sure she cared about how I felt, she never wanted me to feel put out, but she was the older sibling, she came first. Pardon the pun. 

She worked my cock around in her mouth like a pro. At only 17, her skill was impeccable, you would think she did this as a living. “I’m close” I muttered and she pulled off instantly with her mouth making an audible pop like a lollipop. “No, that’s not even funny. I haven’t even got started yet!” She was fucking adorable when she pouted. She puckered her lips to the side of her mouth and gave my cock a light irritated slap with her fingers, this sent fireworks screaming into my mind. You could clearly see she was thinking what to do next without making me cum before she had even got a chance too.

She stood up on the bed, ordered me down flat, and I got into position. “No, lower. Lie flat.” 

I pulled my pillows off the bed and lay completely flat. “Better” She said as she lowered her glistening pussy down onto my mouth. “Eat me.” was all she said, but my tongue was already going to work. Inside, outside, touching every millimeter. She always tasted like honey. 

She worked her hips back and forth, making love with herself using my tongue. She took my wrists in her hands and shoved them onto her breasts, she knew exactly what she wanted. I worked her sumptuous breasts like clay, trying my hardest to be firm and soft all at the same time. Her nipples were like buttons under my fingers, every time my fingers flicked past them she would gasp, every time she gasped her thighs tightened around my head. 

She dismounted and ordered me up, it was her turn to lie down now. She didn’t speak but I knew what to do. I went to where I knew she wanted me, between her legs. Where I belonged I thought to myself. I slid myself into her with no resistance, she was soaked, a mixture of her cum and my saliva, I put my head down to kiss her softly and her tongue found mine. It always seemed like hours we would stay there, in each other embrace, making love to each other, becoming so much more than brother and sister. 

Her moans mixed with mine. My cock throbbed, i wanted to cum so much it hurt. Every time I told her I was close she would stop and just stare in my eyes until the feeling subsided and the dance would start all over again. I was her marionette and she knew exactly how to pull my strings. I didn’t care. I was hers. 

“My turn.” My mind screamed, although I said nothing out loud. I pulled out of her and flipped her over. She raised her ass up in front of me, presenting her wet, pink openings. I glided my fingers across her curves. I lowered my head and kissed the small of her back and worked my way down, when i was low enough i let my tongue just flit across her asshole and down towards her clit. Her whole body jolted. I straightened up and again my cock eased into her, slowly i built up rhythm and speed. Firmer my thrusts became, her every moan spurring me on. “I’m going to cum! Fu-!” She cut off. I could feel her gushing around me. “Great, now I have to change my sheets before mom gets home” I thought for an instance before I too was interrupted. 

With a final thrust and a grunt I came like a howitzer. I collapsed beside her as we both laid there panting. Covered in sweat. I kissed her forehead and she smiled as she dozed off…

That was two years ago now…

She left to go to college in Paris not long after that, it was the last time we made love but i think about it every day. We still speak now and then but she has a fiance now. I doubt I’ll ever be with her like that again. I hope he knows how lucky he is…
