My [f22] first night working at a private swingers club [FFM]

So, a while ago my roommate and I went to an LGBT night at a private swingers club we’d seen advertised around by people we knew. The night we were there I spoke to the owner and we hit it off. He and his wife were older swingers who were still very active in the scene and liked to host nights out of a building they owned and had a hard time renting.

The place is BYOB and the first night I was there the wife was bartending and serving drinks towards the end of the night and I asked her about it, she said they had a girl who worked there for the last six months but she moved back to the West Coast to go to medical school. I spent two years bartending in college and made good money and she said you make really amazing tips because it’s BYOB and people aren’t spending money on expensive drinks.

I had a blast at the club that night and it was a younger, fun crowd so I talked to her about taking over the gig starting in March when I finished some other work stuff. I agreed to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights for the next few weeks and see how I liked it.

Saturday was my first night and it was amazing. I got there just as some of the first people were strolling in and getting changed in the locker for our Frozen Bikini Blast party. It’s been pretty chilly out so the club cranks the heat and everyone shows up in bikinis and swim trunks, which is awesome.

Since I haven’t been to the beach in like a year I had to go out and pick up a bikini. I wound up getting a small black one that wouldn’t glow in the black lights but would hopefully show enough skin that my tips would maximize. The owner had told me the old girl that worked there used to wear very little and would make really great money. As someone who is currently liking money, I was okay putting my body out there so I happily changed into the low slung cheeky cut bottoms I picked up that covered about 20% of my ass. The top was a sheer off the shoulder top that was cut way smaller than it looked on Amazon.

While changing in the bathroom lockers I met and talked to some of the people there to party that night and they were all pretty cool and excited to meet the new bartender. Most of the guests there are on the younger and in good shape side because it’s invite only and private. I started being as flirty as possible right away to help make everyone feel more at ease.

After meeting some people and changing I headed behind the bar where I was told to “just have fun” and make sure everyone else did as well. We check in people’s bottles and label them, so that’s a big part of my job. I set everything out and people get numbers and we match them up. Most people bring vodka and soda or wine.

With the heat on it got pretty warm in there pretty fast and I was happy to be in a bikini and not a full outfit. It seemed like everyone else was also. The dance floor filled up with about 30 couples and I started mixing and pouring drinks quickly.

The women were definitely more comfy walking around in bikinis, at least more so than the guys were walking around topless. After a solid round of drinks for everyone a lot of the women started losing their bikini tops and getting into grinding with the guys as people swapped dance partners. Couples started vanishing into the backrooms as the dance floor thinned out.

The one constant of the night was getting hit on. It sure is an ego boost to have almost every guy and girl that walks through there trying to get into your pants. The owner warned me right off the bat how thirsty everyone is there – literally and figuratively – and told me if I wasn’t ok with people touching me and being VERY forward, this wasn’t the place to work.

The first girl to really hit on me was probably around 28 or so and with a much older guy in his 40s, both in amazing shape and gorgeous. The bar is fairly deep so everyone has to lean over to talk or pass stuff back and forth. I poured her two glasses of wine and passed them over and she leaned forward at the same time and told me I had an amazing ass while running her hand down my neck which was a bit of a shock, but not shocking and made my whole body tingle. Her husband was standing right next to her watching us and smiling. I put on my sexiest voice and told her thank you, and slid my hand down her arm.

Then she straight up asked me if I was allowed to do body shots. I said I was and she said she’d like to buy one. We had some house booze there that wasn’t for sale, but I poured some tequila in a shot glass. Her husband helped me lay on the bar and I handed her a lime wedge and salt shaker. She shook some salt across my chest and had me bite the lime then dumped the freezing tequila onto my belly button.

I was totally surprised how good she was at this. In one fluid motion, while resting her hand over the crotch of my bikini, she sucked the tequila off of my tummy, sliding her tongue upwards and slipped one of my tits out of my bikini and glided her tongue across my nipple while teasing it with her teeth. Then she took the lime wedge in her mouth, dropped it to the side and kissed me deeply while rubbing her finger across my clit through my sheer bikini bottoms.

My entire body was instantly covered in goosebumps and I could feel my clit swell as I got wet. She helped me slide off the bar and her husband adjusted my bra back in place. It was the most sexual contact I’d had in a while and it made me a bit wobbly because it was so sudden, intense, and I had no idea who she was.

I walked back behind the bar and she took off her bikini top showing off a pair of obviously fake but well done breasts and told me to keep an eye on her top for her and she’d be back for it. Then her and her husband walked back into the back room. I could feel my pussy soaking through my bikini bottoms and couldn’t get her touch out of my head for a few minutes.

A few people had been watching and came over joking about getting their own body shots, and told them they were $40 each, and a guy instantly jumped for the chance. He said he wanted to take one off me and me to take one off his wife. Easy $80.

So, I walked back out around the bar and the owner, who was very entertained by all of this, got me a little step stool. I climbed up and got the salt and limes and the tequila bottle and asked him who was first. He wanted to go first so I poured the shot and laid down. He took the tiny shot glass from me and dumped the tequila on my tummy and most of it ran down my thigh, then he sprinkled salt across my chest and put the lime wedge in my mouth.

He said something to his wife I couldn’t hear then slowly licked his way up the top of my thigh, curving his tongue towards the inside of my thigh and dragged it across the front of my bikini. I could feel his hot breath pushing against my pussy lips. He continued up my tummy and with one hand pushed my bikini top aside sucking one nipple, then moving to the other while sliding his fingers into my bikini from the side, I could feel them warm against my wet lips. He then pulled the lime out of my mouth and licked across my mouth before laughing and helping me up. My whole body was tingling at that point and I pulled my top back into place and slid my bikini bottoms over to recover me.

The owner of the club smiled at me and she helped the man’s wife onto the bar for her own body shot. I asked her over the music how she wanted me to do it and she told me to just have fun, which seemed to be a theme for the night. I poured a shot and set everything up, her husband was like right there on top of me the whole time with his hand on my waist.

The wife, who had incredible abs and was in a very small g-string and matching skimpy top rolled down her bottoms, exposing the very top of a cleanly shaved vagina and then took her top off. She wiggled a bit and seemed to get comfortable as she spread her legs some and arched her back. I hadn’t taken a body shot since college, so I’d do my best.

I slowly poured the tequila down her tummy to her belly button and it ran off her side to her ribs and I saw her instantly get goosebumps. I then sprinkled some salt across her bare chest and put the lime piece in her mouth. She put a supportive hand on my ass as I leaned in and licked the tequila off her tummy, then followed the stream of it to her ribs. I could feel her arch her back more and I saw her ass rise. I saw a big tip in my future when I saw her husband dump another shot on her tummy and laughed.

I crawled up on the bar by her legs and tried my best to sexy crawl up the length of her body, slowly licking my way up her incredibly smooth, muscular thighs. I was wondering if she did crossfit, but if she did it would’ve come up in conversation by now. I moved towards her bikini and felt the husband kissing my neck and back while I could feel a firm hand on my ass sliding under my bikini and moving between my legs.

I hovered over her crotch and pushed my lips against her sheer bikini bottom feeling the heat of her pussy against my mouth. I slid my tongue along them feeling their dampness. I felt her hands firm on the back of my head. I used the tip of my fingers to tug her bikini down and then slid my tongue along her soaked pussy lips and glided the tip of it across her clit. She shuddered a bit and I could feel her pushing against my face hard. I teased her clit for another 20 seconds before moving up and sliding my tongue across her chest focusing on her tiny pierced nipples. Her husband had a finger solidly inside of me and was massaging my gspot. I could feel myself soaking him.

I moved up, pressing my entire body against her, both wet from the licking and tequila and I swiped the lime out of her mouth and kissed her hard. She held me tight and I broke it and said, thanks! I slid off her and instantly walked behind the bar. The husband and her pretty quickly went off to the back rooms and I went back to pouring drinks.



  1. Damn, I hope this really happened because it was sexy as Hell. Thanks, and let’s hear some more Tales from the Bartender!

  2. Absolutely intreging thank you for sharing your amazing experience with us. One of the best I’ve read.

  3. The only thing better than the story itself was the CrossFit comment ?

  4. Definitely!!! That would for sure give me something to look forward to everyday. And would possibly be the high light of days.

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