Just another roommate hookup [MF]

Yeah so I realize I’m not exactly the first to write about how I ended up having sex with my roommate. I mean fair enough. You put a couple of horny twenty-year-olds in a small two bedroom apartment day in and day out, chances are *something*’s going to happen at some point. Anyway, original or not, here’s how it happened to me.

Second year of college I shared an apartment with one of my good friend’s girlfriend. My previous roommate had moved out at about the same time she was looking for a new place, and my friend didn’t want her to move in with him, so things just worked out that way.

For me this arrangement was great. I made it clear to my friend that I didn’t want to hear him having sex in my apartment, and neither of us wanted to deal with the other bright and early in the morning, so his girlfriend slept over at his place almost every night. This meant that I essentially had the whole place to myself most of the time, which was great.

Unfortunately though, a few months after she moved in the two of them broke up. And after a while of being on her own she met a new boyfriend. The guy was fine, I didn’t mind him. The problem though was that I didn’t have the same arrangement with him as I did with my friend, and on a lot of nights he was sleeping over at our place.

Our bedrooms shared a wall with both our beds on either side of it. Which meant that when they had sex, I was lying oh… I’d say about a couple of feet away from them. Sure there was wood and plaster and drywall and whatever else they used to put in walls back in the days when that old place was built, but it really wasn’t enough to block all the noise they made. Most of the time that was fine, but on some nights she could be really loud.

Now I’m a guy and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t jerk off a few times on some of those nights. I mean c’mon, when you hear a girl moan and scream and yell “Yeah yeah yeah fuck me baby” you’re kind of conditioned to react in a certain way aren’t you? But really I’d have much prefered to jerk off to some porn and have some peace and quiet than to hear those two go at it for the better part of an hour.

I wasn’t jealous of the guy or anything. I’d known that girl for a long time, first as my friend’s girlfriend and then as my roommate, and I had her slotted firmly in the not-having-sex-with-this-girl category. And that was fine by me. I had my own thing going on trying to hook up with other girls and even though I wasn’t really lucky in the whole love department thing, it kept my mind busy enough and I didn’t have to fantasize about my roommate. Granted this can be difficult when you hear her get fucked day after day, but I have the mental discipline of a fucking kung fu master about these things and there was no way I was letting this girl out of that box. Just way too complicated.

If I had her in the no-sex-with-her box, she probably had me in the that-guy’s-kind-of-a-nerd-and-never-has-sex box. Fair enough. I hadn’t had any luck with the ladies in well over a year and she had never even met my last girlfriend. So to her I was this non-sexual being and she treated me like she would a gay best friend or something. Not that I think gays don’t have sex, I know they probably fuck like bunnies, but you get my drift.

I thought being the gay best friend was actually pretty neat. She’d tell me about her boyfriend and stuff, and it gave me a window into the female mentality that I’d never had before. To this day I think it’s helped me a lot. Whatever little understanding I have of women came from her. All the parts I still suck at are all me.

Anyway, as I was saying, she didn’t think of me as a guy and I didn’t think of her as a girl. I mean we did of course, but not really. Fuck, I’m actually confusing myself here… Whatever. All this changed when I finally met a girl.

We had a class together and I asked her out and yada-yada-yada from the third date on she was sleeping over at my place almost every night. And we had sex almost every night. And that girl really liked rough sex. Now really my own style is more the gentle slow loving kind of fucking, but she really wanted the banging and the pounding and all this going at it hard thing. There wasn’t any spanking or anything like that, but she really appreciated a good pounding. I hadn’t had sex in a year so I wasn’t going to argue so I adjusted my style to fit hers. On a lot of nights after one of our sessions I had to move the bed three or four feet back to its regular spot. If my roommate had given me a show before, now it was her turn to get an earful.

What made it worse is that a couple of weeks after I first hooked up with my new girlfriend, *she* broke up with *her* boyfriend. So now *she* had to lie there all on her own on the other side of that paper-thin wall and listen to us go at it (I’d like to say like bunnies but I wrote that earlier… but fuck it I’m a horrible writer) like fucking bunnies. Now, again, I know I’ve said this before so I hope you’ve been paying attention, but I’m a guy. So of course I’d be lying if I said I never thought about her lying on the other side of that wall sometimes… Man if that wall could just vanish for a second you know? But again, fucking kung fu master remember? Remember the no-sex-with-this-girl box? That’s right. So I may get an unintentional mental image or two sometimes, but *I’m not having sex with this girl*.

Unfortunately for me things didn’t turn out so well with my new girlfriend so after a month or two we broke up. I was a bit bummed but I went back to my old single guy routine of dinner on my own and some late night tv viewing. My roommate was still single but she had classes around dinner time on most nights, and anyway she was never the kind to cook herself dinner so she was never home in the evenings. She did join me for that late night tv though.

She’s one of those people who don’t have a tv and say they never watch it but you turn on some crap reality show and they’re glued to the set like they’re from one of those tribes in South America who have never seen a fucking tv before in their entire life. That girl would sit down on the couch next to me and just watch *hours* of crappy shows. After being on my own for a while that was pretty nice. And she kind of took a liking to me too at that point I think, what with my witty banter and everything.

It’s not like we did that every night but we did it often enough. And little by little she started to give me these little signs you know? Like she was being a little more friendly, or way more friendly actually. And she’d talk in that way that girls do when they like a guy sometimes. Or she’d go out of her way to touch me, like put a hand on my arm when she laughed too loud at one of my crappy jokes.

Anyway if this had been any other girl I’d have taken that as a go-ahead sign, but no-sex-box remember? I still wasn’t taking her out of that box. Besides, if you’re a guy like me you’ve misread some of these signs plenty of times. “Oh my god this girl touched my arm that means we’re going to have sex!” Yeah, that stupid. That’s how you end up getting slapped in the face. Or worse, that’s how you start dreaming about that girl and fantasizing about her and then you get your heart crushed into a thousand little pieces because you don’t mean anything to her. Anyway, sorry for sounding sour. But now you get why I didn’t make a move on that girl.

But boy she must have thought I was dumb or stupid or something (yeah, I know, those are synonyms… horrible writer remember?) So this touching the arm and being all nice and shit wasn’t enough, so she turned it up a notch. She started walking around the apartment in a fucking *towel*. Just in the morning you know, casually getting out of the shower all wet and dripping and so fucking sexy, and taking the time to stop by the kitchen to put a piece of toast in the toaster while I sat there eating my cereal like a goddamn *idiot* because I can’t bring myself to realize that this girl actually *wants* me. Yeah, that’s when you say fucking kung fu masters might be *fucking stupid* sometimes.

In the evening she started watching tv in a fucking *negligee*. Yeah that’s right fuckers I know some sexy French words. Have you ever seen a girl in a fucking negligee before? Have you seen how fucking sexy they look? Yeah that was her, sitting so close to me I could touch her and putting a hand on my thigh.

Ok so I know I said before I’m an idiot, but I’m not *that* big of an idiot. At about that time I finally got the hint. Thing is, I still took my sweet time. It’s not like I pounced on her the first time she wore that thing. But now I knew what was on. She was out of that box.

It took a couple of days for things to happen. I remember still eating my cereal like an idiot in the mornings, but now I was staring at her ass while doing it, in that tight little towel of hers, gathering up my nerves for when I’d make my move. I didn’t wait very long.

Now I know how this subreddit works. I know you fuckers want to hear all about how I tapped that cute little ass of hers. You want all the fucking sexy details right? But at the same time you’re thinking Zxxxy89, you’re such a fucking horrible writer, there’s no way you can pull *that* off. And you know what? You’re probably right but I’m still going to try.

So yeah it started all innocently and stuff. So sorry about you pervs who want some fucking taboo shit or whatnot, but it started slow and easy. We were sitting watching tv like usual. I think it was some fucking Roseanne rerun or something. Man that Darlene chick always gets me in the mood.

So anyway I make some bad joke and she laughs and she puts her hand on my arm and she’s so fucking close to me her bare leg is rubbing against mine and that goddamn *negligee* is riding up so high on her ass I can tell she’s not wearing any fucking panties, so ok now it’s time and I make my move.

I lean in toward her all awkward and shit, but also pretty smooth if you can be awkward and smooth at the same time. I mean I didn’t just go in and crash my nose into her face. I leaned in but I still kept my *distance* you know? Like I’m maybe a foot away from her face and I’m gazing into her eyes looking for the ok. And she gives it. She smiles and she leans in too and we start kissing.

God she’s a good kisser. I mean I don’t think I’ve described her to you but the girl is hot. I don’t know how tall she is. I’m five ten and she’s quite a bit shorter than me but she’s not short. I don’t know, she’s a good girl size. And I don’t know nothing about fucking cup sizes but her breasts are big enough to notice but small enough to mostly fit in your hand without spilling out too much (yeah I know I know, that’s a horrible fucking description but give me a fucking break). Her ass is amazing though I can tell you that. Why is there no measurement for asses? You’ve got height and weight and cup size but no fucking measurement for asses? That’s a pretty fucking important part if you ask me. There should be an ass scale or something. Anyway on the Zxxxy89 scale of asses she’s off the fucking chart. And she’s got long curly brown hair and dark brown eyes and pale skin and these *pink* lips. Even without makeup her lips are pink as can be. And they’re not too big and not too small and just the right size for a great kisser.

So we kiss and we kiss and boy am I getting turned on. And it’s not just me she’s getting turned on too. So I put my hands on her thighs and she kisses me more. And I move my hands up a bit on her skin and she kisses even more. And I lean into her and she lies down on her back and I’m on top of her and we kiss more and more and more.

I get my nerves up and I put my hand on her boob and I run my thumb over her nipple and it’s fucking hard, man. It’s a fucking pebble and my thumb plays with it and she lets out that little moan that says “Yes Zxxxy89 you don’t stop doing that.” And we kiss more (yeah I know I’ve said that like a hundred times already but we kissed a lot) and now my hands are moving all over her little negligee and each time they go up that thing hikes up a little higher so now I’m getting a peek of her shaved pussy down there.

So of course I want to see the rest and the couch ain’t exactly the best place to fuck so I take her to my room. I hold her by the hand like the fucking gentleman that I am and when we get in my room I let her walk ahead just a bit so I can put a hand on that tight little ass of hers. She stops and lets me enjoy the view and I bring up that flimsy little nightgown of hers (that’s right fuckers, a fucking *synonym*) and as I’d guessed because I’m so smart she’s fucking naked under there.

Ok guys think of this as the halftime show for a minute because I’m taking a commercial break for a fucking public service announcement. Girls, I’m talking to you. I don’t care what you think you look like naked or what kind of issues or fucking *insecurities* you have about your body image because you’ve been reading magazines and watching music videos since you were ten and all the girls in there are fucking models (and not just models but fucking *photoshopped* models). But when a guy sees you naked the first time he’ll just think you’re so fucking hot his dick will just shoot straight up and make a hole straight through the fucking *roof*. I’m no fucking Casanova or anything, but I’ve seen a few girls naked and the first time it’s always the same thing. You girls are *hot*. Let me repeat that. You are *hot* as fuck. So whenever you get that first night with a guy that you think is really cute and really nice but you’re all nervous and shit because he’s going to see you naked? Fucking don’t be nervous. You’re all hot as fuck.

Ok guys, halftime is over so time to get back in. So I’ve got this naked girl in front of me and right now I can only see her back and her butt but damn! I can barely control myself. And remember, I’m a fucking gentleman. A slow tender love making fucking gen-tle-man. So I caress her butt and I kiss her neck and I rub her back and I press myself against her and she seems to like that. She lies down on the bed and *oh my fucking god*.

Now I realize how much I want to fuck this girl. Now I realize how the tension’s been building for days, for weeks, no… for fucking months. Ever since she moved in and I’ve had to hear her scream because she was getting fucked silly and she was enjoying it so much she couldn’t hold it in. All this time the fucking kung fu master and his fucking box were just a ruse. A fucking illusion. There’s no fucking box. I want to have sex with this girl. I always did.

Her breasts are just the right size (see above) and her pussy’s the cutest little pussy I’ve ever seen and I just want to ram my cock in it. But I’m slow and gentle (see above) so I undress and I watch her check me out (I’m not such a bad looking guy, don’t think just because I don’t get laid that often that I’m the fucking elephant man or something) I lie down on top of her and we kiss some more (yeah I know we do a lot of that but have you seen her lips?) and I suck on her nipples and she’s enjoying that and she’s got her hands in my hair and I’m just so fucking hard my cock’s about to burst.

But I’m a good guy and I want her to check out my moves so I go down on her. And she’s no prude and she knows what she’s doing so she puts my cock in her mouth. And after a bit more of this nice little display of mutual appreciation from both sides we get to the actual fucking. The actual fucking *fucking*.

We start out missionary so I can fondle her tits and kiss them and she’s so tight I’m thinking she must do fucking kegels or something. She’s on the pill and we’ve known each other so long we trust each other so we don’t bother with condoms or anything. So it’s skin against skin and she’s so wet she feels so fucking good. But I take my time and with her I’m not gonna try to move the bed four feet like with that other girl so we go nice and slow, tender as fuck.

We mix it up a bit and I take her from the side, like spooning a bit but I’m on my knees while she’s lying on her side. But then when she’s really ready to cum she gets on top and rides me. And I’d like to say she rides me like a fucking maniac but no, she doesn’t. Yeah the sex is great and by God we’re both enjoying it but it’s not that wild animal thing. We actually *like* each other. We’ve known each other for a long time. So in a sense it all feels familiar and… loving (yeah go ahead and call me a big softy. I told you I’m fucking sentimental.)

So she rides me and she looks at me and she smiles the cutest little smile I’ve ever seen, like she’s suddenly shy or something and she grabs some of her hair and puts it in front of her face like she’s trying to hide, even though she’s right there naked in front of me and I can see her titties and her pussy. But that smile is just the cutest little thing. And we kiss (yeah, again, take that fuckers) and finally she really gets into it and she’s rubbing her clit and she starts to go really hard and really fast and I’m doing everything I can not to bust my nut too soon but goddamn I just can’t and I just *explode* into her. Yeah that’s right. All that built up tension just *explodes* into her (now shut up or I’m going to say it again)

And I’m worried that it was too soon but it isn’t because she’s cumming too. And she moans and shakes like girls do when they have a really good orgasm. Guys, you know what I’m saying, they always look like their orgasms are like ten times more intense than ours when they have a good one. So she does that and she shakes and shakes and shakes and finally she just lies down on top of me and we hug and we cuddle, and before you know it we’re fight fucking back at it again.

So that’s how my story ends. Just another one of those dime a dozen, two roommates hooking up kind of thing. We were together for a while. Eventually we broke up. I was bummed for a while after that. But anyway, that’s my sorry ass conclusion. Horrible fucking writer, remember? So long.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fcioo3/just_another_roommate_hookup_mf


  1. Probably one of the best and most entertaining stories I’ve ever read

  2. This is what would happen if Samuel L Jackson wrote up a sex story. It’s fucking great, motherfucker.

  3. Why is your writing style identical to holden from catcher in the rye

  4. Bra-fucking-vo Bro. The bar has been raised. A scribe is among us.
    O, and kudos for the sweet word painting of your paramour. A touching tribute to a properly touched roommate honey.

  5. I’m a dude and I don’t usually like stories written by dudes on here, but this one was sweet and hysterical and I loved it.

  6. This was fucking awesome. Cute. Sweet. Funny. This was a perfect story.

  7. Your story is one of the best I’ve read here. I’d only put one above it… But your narrative voice was great and I did laugh a couple times. Great work, keep it up.

  8. This frustrated-self-deprecating-humor tone was so funny. What a way to tell a story

  9. Start a YouTube channel narrating random shit -I’m pretty sure you’d be a hit

  10. This is like a Chuck Palanuik novel that doesn’t add filler so it can pretend it’s not erotica.

  11. Three cheers for the best story telling, self deprecating story I have ever read, this should be your new career or side gig! ??????

  12. You got it right, you’re not a sexy writer, but you are a fucking funny writer. thanks for a damn good laugh! :D

  13. lmaoo, great story man, I love your writing style, makes it all sound realistic
    What ended up ruining the relationship if I may ask

  14. Great story but I am 100% sure this is a repost. I hope you’re the same guy just reposting his content.

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