I’ve been wanting to talk about this with my throwaway, so the March contest is well-timed. My experience of this situation is apparently a little unusual, based on people I’ve talked to. And after asking a few friends about it in person, I mostly stopped, because weird looks…
I joined a student club at a university in Europe a few years ago. I was an expat so wasn’t as familiar with this tradition. These things are frowned upon in my home country (rules against hazing), but apparently still happen in Europe.
A few people had warned me against joining because I’d have to do crazy stuff and they thought it was demeaning to women. It turns out I did do crazy stuff, but I didn’t find it demeaning at all. In fact, I found it exciting.
My particular experience involved being topless in a thong in front of at least 100 people while having a messy, sticky substance thrown on me. I’m not exactly sure why, but I found everything about this experience exciting. It felt a little exhibitionistic, but even getting messy was exciting. Maybe it was “you aren’t supposed to do this” kind of thing.
Afterward, other people I shared this with didn’t really share my feelings about this. They were either indifferent about it, or just felt it was fun but not sexy. And to be clear, it wasn’t all sexy. For one, it was cold, which I didn’t love. But I don’t know why exactly my experience of the situation was different than others — maybe because of cultural differences.
So I’m wondering if anyone here experienced something similar, and how did you feel about it?
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fc0ym5/university_student_club_initiation_fun_contest