Futa Barbarian #2. [Futa on female] [Vaginal] [Rough]

There was a cave. Because of course there was a secret cave behind every mountain village, that inevitably held some dark force that had to be vanquished. To Kera, it felt like the deities had ran out of good ideas long ago.

Not that she minded it all too terribly. It was slightly nostalgic, having trekked through the half-light, stone underfoot, the breath of the mountain flowing around her, stone rivers in the ceiling lighting her way. It felt good to be out and about, using her own wits and skills to navigate deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness.

She’d done this a lot, during the Voltanian Wars. Went right to the worst spots she could find, and forcibly purged the corruption. Insanely risky, brash and bearing, but hey, it had worked.

So, the problem wasn’t the cliché setting that had come up, or the exercise, hell, she was thankful for not having to ride that foul beast anymore.

No, what she was a wee bit stuck on was the whole purging part.

Now this was usually a relatively simple task. So simple, in fact, that numerous generations of cognitively-challenged royalty, adventurers and village farmboys had someone done it without bungling up once. You grabbed a sword. You went it. You got to hacking and stabbing until whatever was lurking inside stopped moving. Did a bit more to be sure, then you left and had yourself a nice victory feast, maybe the village chieftain’s lass. Good times.

Only, that wasn’t working too well.

Kera danced aside, the flowing blackness rushing past her side, colliding with the wall behind her and losing shape, splashing and dripping upon the earthen stone. A curse sprung from her lips, frustration boiling over.

Sure, she had lost her fancy-ass blade of brilliance after the whole saving-the-world ordeal, but she retained all her skills and experience, her magic, winsome personality and stunning looks. They should be helping her, right?


She had tried hacking. She had tried stabbing. She had tried blasting the damned thing into inky little globs. They had, of course, not worked.

It wasn’t a slime, because it didn’t have a core, but retained the basic shape. Formless blob moving about. Oh, and it floated instead of conveniently oozing all over the place.

Within the large cavern, it was more than a nuisance, it was a very real threat. The blobs it fired would slink along the floor, trying to trap her in place. That, and it’s body mass wasn’t shrinking. At all.

Now, Kera was headstrong. Really headstrong. She considered it one of her better traits. But even she knew a fruitless battle when she saw one.

Hopping over a bush of groping tendrils upon the rocky floor of the cave, she cast one last baleful glare at the creature, then jumped out of it’s reach and retreated, jogging in the half-light.

She would be back.


Keralia did not storm into Bikala’s cavern home. She justheavily walked in. The barbarian glanced at her with raised eyebrows, noting her focused expression and unsatisfied look.

“I take you did not find what you searched for?” She drawled, seated on her furs in a meditative pose.

“I did.” Kera replied, unbuckling her sword belt and letting it fall to the ground.

“And yet you are unsatisfied.”

“However did you guess?”

The barbarian shrugged, her argee, sculpted shoulders heaving the white fur mantle she often wore.

“You stormed in here.”

“I did not storm.”

“Whatever you say.”

Kera seated herself on her own portion of the cave, casting an appreciative eye on the interior. This was very obviously Bikala’s home, and while the the larger woman had been so kind as to let her stay here, she was not often inside. When she was, however, she continued to notice things. Small touches added now and then, hidden corners and tasteful placementss. Self-styled barbarian she may be, but Bikala was far from crude and primitive. Although some of her mannerisms might have suggested otherwise.

Like their arrangement.

Information for favors. A classic.

Just not in the way she had expected.

“So, what did you find?” She inquired, leaning her well-toned frame forward. The robe slipped here and there, no doubt on purpose, but Kera found it hard to drag her eyes away, even so. There was just something so obviously delicious about a well-toned form, one that combined the best of both worlds. The best.

Kera began to describe the beast, only to be cut off as she barely started.

“That creature. I have tried, but it cannot be defeated.”

Kera threw up her hands, right then and there.

“Oh, come on!”

Bikala eyed her with a critical expression.

“I did not say, however, that it could.not be dealt with.”

Kera just sighed. Not a tired sigh, but the sigh of someone who knew what was coming, and maybe even looked forward to it.

“A favor, I assume?”

The barbarian gave her a very knowing smile.

“The usual.”

Some time later, with Bikala’s large balls slapping her chin, and a massive dickthoroughly occupying the farthest reaches of her throat, Kera marveled at how her gag reflex was well and truly gone.She swayed forward on her knees, hands grasping the back of the barbarian’s thighs as Bikala’s rough hands held her head in place, hilted in her own personal sheath. The larger woman sighed in pleasure, sending her seed down Kera’s throat, pulling back a little before plunging back in. Her eyes were watering, but, on many levels, Kera very much enjoyed it.

With one slow motion, Bikala withdrew her dick from the confines of Kera’s throat, firing even as she retreated.

The last few spurts of seed were directed at the redhead’s face, covering her nose cheeks even as she gasped for breath.

Lazily sinking back into a chair placed behind her, the statuesque warrior gave Kera a moment to recover, her dick still standing at full mast, in complete and uncaring defiance of reality’s laws. Throwing one arm over the back of her chair, seated in a manner that thrust her magnificent breasts front and center, Bikala gestured towards her cum-covered dong.

Kera was never a woman who needed to be told twice. She knew what to do.

Planting a kiss upon the wide, bitch-breaking head, she set to work, licking and sucking, thoroughly wrappingher lush lips around her object of worship.

She could have done it much faster, honestly. But did she want to? Not really. She did it slowly, languidly, with long, careful strokes of her tongue, teasing and playful as Bikala laid one hand on her head, a semi-content expression on her face. Her tongue glided over the smooth flesh, savouring the accumulating cum in her mouth, giving dainty little sucks when she came to Bikala’s large, full balls.

Finally, all too soon. Bikala shuffled a little.

Kera knew, and was disappointed that it was done already. Giving one last suck, the entire head in her mouth, and swirling her toungue around it, she prepared to get up and maybe clean herself.

She stopped cold at Bikala’s next words.

“Get up. Turn around.”

She complied. Damn right, she complied. She complied so fast she was sure she set records. For both speed, and how wet a person could be. Because she went from moderately wet to gushing in no time flat.

Rough hands grasped her from behind, sliding over body. Her breath caught in her throat, and her beat wildly as Bikala fondled her ass, cupped her breasts and teased her pussy.

“Good hips.” She rumbled into Kera’s ear, her hot breath tickling the smaller woman. “Good for children, someday.”

Kera didn’t have time to think on that as Bikala’s hand on her back bent her forward, spreading her legs without command. She braced herself against the wooden wall, glad the barbarian had built a house within a cave. Rock would have been uncomfortable.

Her eyes locked on the swirling wood ahead of her, she whined in anticipation as something blunt and massive brushed her pussy, feeling Bikala clamp both hands around her hips.

She was in agony, the barbarian teasing her with false thrust and slow probes of her massive dick. A slap rang out, followed by a sweet stinging pain as the larger woman brought her hand down on Kera’s round ass.

“I love this moment.” She casually mentioned. “Just me, a bitch I’m about to fuck, savoring the moment. I am in control, she’s begging for it to start, and-”

With casual suddenness, she thrust in and hilted herself mid-conversation.

“I’m completely in control.” She finished.

Kera was, of course, in no state to formulate a reply.

She had had big. She had had huge, in the form a very specially made dildo. This was massive. It took some getting used to.

Bikala, however, was not one for giving other’s time to adjust. Even as Keralia’s vaginal walls clamped down like a vise, she pulled back out, and slammed herself right back in, deciding that doing things halfway was a waste of time.

Her dick did not hit Keralia’s pleasure spots, it obliterated them. Her eyes relocated to the top of her head, and the pleasure drowning out any pain that might have come from accommodating the behemoth inside her, she sank against the wall, propped up by her elbows as Bikala pistoned herself in and out. Moving with all the relentlessness of a machine and precision only great experience could bring. Well, less precision, more brute force achieving things precision could not.

And she was only getting started.

Author’s note: Hiya ya’ll. Back with another chap. If any of you are interested, I’m available for comissions. Just DM me, and we’ll work something out. I work fast, have reasonable prices, and go through PayPal.

Cheers, Blaze.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fby3e1/futa_barbarian_2_futa_on_female_vaginal_rough