Blackmailed bred virgin [rape] [dubcon] [noncon] [1st time] [forced impregnation] [small boobs][petite][size difference][monster cock][humiliation][degradation][forced blowjob]

*Hey, in case it wasn’t obvious from the descriptor, the following story is a rape fantasy, so please don’t read it if you don’t like non-consent fantasies. Thanks.*

I never could have guessed that I would end up losing my virginity to my mom’s boyfriend in such a fucked-up way, but I also feel like it was totally my fault. If I hadn’t made such bad choices in the first place, it never would have happened.

I didn’t get along with Chuck from the start. I didn’t know what my mom saw in him. He was a misogynist asshole, and he treated her like shit. She and my dad had been divorced for like ten years when they started dating, midway through my senior year. I guess maybe it had been a while since she’d been with anyone, and he made her feel special. He was handsome, in a way. He had that kind of … like… I don’t know… rugged older man thing? He was in his fifties, divorced, drove a BMW, and wore expensive watches. He was a customer in the bank where she worked, so I guess she knew he had money from the start, and maybe that was why she hooked up with him? Because she thought he would take care of us? Ironic.

Anyway, he did take her to a lot of fancy dinners and on vacation to the Bahamas at one point, so I think at first she really thought he was, “sweeping her off her feet” or some shit. But then the lying and the cheating started. I could hear her on the phone with her friends about how she had gone through his text messages and when he was supposed to be on a business trip, he’d been fucking some much younger slut he met on Tinder. They would fight about it. He’d buy her jewellery, or take her for a dirty weekend, and she’d forgive him. By the time I’d graduated from high school and was getting ready to move away to college in the fall, he was over at our house pretty much every night. I could hear them fucking down the hallway from me, and it made me sick to my stomach. It sounded like my mom really loved it, too. She would scream her lungs out. I would just put on my headphones and blast my music as loud as I could to drown out the sound. I couldn’t wait to get out of there.

I was still pretty shy about sex stuff back then. I was still a virgin, at the age of eighteen. I mean, I’d fooled around with a couple of guys at parties and stuff, but I hadn’t fucked anyone yet. I wasn’t exactly, “saving it” for someone special or anything, it just hadn’t happened for me yet and I guess I’ve always been a bit of an introvert, so I wasn’t exactly going partying all the time. I used to play a lot of soccer back then, and most of my friends were girls on the soccer team. Between soccer and studying my ass off senior year to get into a good college, I didn’t really have spare time to date.

Until… there was this one guy, though, and it’s really where all my troubles began.

So, I had a crush on my chemistry teacher, Mr. Carlton. He was young, had only been teaching a couple of years, and just the cutest guy I’d ever seen. I didn’t really like high school boys, and Mr. Carlton was pretty much my idea of the perfect man. Fit, blue eyes, a kind smile, and he always seemed to take out extra time to explain anything that I was struggling with. I actually ended up spending a lot of time after class talking to him. Chemistry was my favorite subject, and I was the top student. We didn’t just end up talking about chemistry, though. He told me about his life, how he had been raised by a single mother like me, about how much he missed living out on the west coast with the beaches and the hiking trails, and I talked a bit about how much I was looking forward to getting out of the small town where we lived and going to college, getting an MBA and actually doing something good with my life so I didn’t end up in a dead end job working as a bank teller like my mom.

One night, a few days after my 18th birthday, when I was feeling extra brave (and let’s face it, a bit horny), I looked him up on Instagram and follow requested him. I couldn’t believe it when he followed me back and actually sent me a message. It started out pretty innocent, just him asking me what my weekend plans were, etc, but things kinda escalated, and he started saying how pretty I looked in one of my photos. So, I asked if he wanted me to send him what I was wearing right then… and… well, I think you know where this is heading. I mean, I was so nervous chatting with him like that, I was shaking. I’d never done anything like that with any guy, ever. I was a bit insecure about my body back then, too. I was pretty fit from doing soccer, but I had small boobs (I was a B cup) and I thought my body was too boyish and not womanly enough. But he told me that I was sexy and beautiful and perfect. I had never had anyone say these things to me before, and I ate it up.

Before long, we were messaging each other dirty photos, and sexting like crazy, all the time. We hadn’t done anything yet in person, but we would stare at each other in class and give each other these knowing looks. It would drive me crazy to know that I had a secret, and I would get so wet just thinking about it. Things escalated even more, and we started skyping together. I would play with my pussy for him on cam and watch him stroke his beautiful cock, and we would cum together. He told me he loved me and couldn’t wait until I graduated so that we could be together, but that we would still need to keep it a secret for a while because he could get in so much trouble. I have to admit, that made it even more exciting to me, that I couldn’t tell anyone. I honestly thought that there was no way that anyone else could possibly know about it. I was so naïve.

It was just after graduation when things in my life got *really* fucked up.

I remember it was a hot afternoon. I’d just gotten back from soccer practice, and I was just on my bed in my room scrolling through Instagram. Chuck was in the living room watching basketball and drinking beer. My mom wasn’t due to get home from work for a couple of hours. He seemed to be spending a lot of time at our house lately, even when my mom wasn’t around, which I thought was weird, but it didn’t seem to bother her. She loved coming home and having him there. I had my headphones on, so I didn’t hear the door open. I don’t know how long he was standing there looking at me before I sensed his presence, and turned around to see him staring at me from the doorway.

I took off my headphones, annoyed and a bit surprised. “What?” I asked. I probably had a note of exasperation in my voice. I thought he was there to tell me that my shoes were clogging up the hallway or to come and do the dishes or something. But he didn’t. He closed my bedroom door, carefully pulled my desk chair away from the desk, and facing it to me, sat down. “We need to talk.” He said.

I sat up, my stomach suddenly in knots. What the hell was this about? He had never come in my room before and never really even had a conversation with me when my mom wasn’t home except to complain that I had left my gym bag in the living room or something.

“Riley,” He said, “it has come to my attention that you have become involved in an extremely precarious situation.”

My heart started beating like a trapped animal.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’ll be blunt. I have evidence that you have been carrying on an affair with a teacher of yours. I have been tracking and recording your interactions with him on your phone and laptop. I am sure that if any of this got out, it could ruin the poor man’s life.”

I felt like all the blood drained out of my face and thought I was going to faint for a moment. I started shaking, and before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face.

“Please, please don’t tell my mom!” I begged. “Please don’t tell anyone! We haven’t done anything. Please. I love him.”

“Oh, I know you haven’t ‘done’ anything with him yet. I know that you’re planning on fucking him at a hotel this weekend, when you’re supposed to be away with your soccer friends. I have seen all of your interchanges. I also have video footage of him exposing himself to you and masturbating while he was still your teacher. If I report this to the school, not only will he be fired, but he will never work as a teacher again. Do you want that to happen?”

I shook my head.

“Good. First off, you will message him immediately and tell him you are never talking to him, ever again. Is that understood?”

I started sobbing. He spoke again, but this time in a much firmer, louder voice, “Is. That. Understood?”

I nodded. “Better yet, I’ll do it for you.” He took out his own phone and started typing.

I stared in horror.

“That’s right. I’ve cloned your phone and I have access to all of your accounts. I’m just messaging him as you. I have access to your Instagram account, obviously, and he’ll think it’s from you.”

I was suddenly enraged and overwhelmed. Before I knew what I was doing, I jumped up and started screaming at him to stop, and I tried to grab the phone from him. I was crazy with rage, almost blinded. I couldn’t believe he would do this so coldly, so casually. His response made me go cold all over. He simply smiled.

He stood up and he grabbed me by the throat. He was a full foot taller than me, and easily had a hundred pounds on me. I was helpless under his grip. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. “Another outburst like that, and I will make you regret it more than you have ever regretted anything in your life. Are we clear?” He let go of my throat, forcing my chin up so he was looking me straight in the eye. “Are. We. Clear?” My throat gone dry, I whispered, “Yes.”

“Good!” He said, suddenly cheerful as if nothing had just happened between us. “Now sit back down on your bed like a good girl and don’t make any further moves until I tell you to.

Defeated, I silently watched as he resumed his texting and pressed “send” on whatever awful thing he had written to Mr. Carlton. “There.” He declared smugly. “That’s taken care of now. Don’t worry. I’ve blocked him too, so you don’t have to know what he replies. Although I don’t think he will, because ‘you’ have just threatened to go to his boss and tell her everything. He won’t want to have anything to do with you from now on.”

I hugged my arms around myself, shaking, in shock.

“Now,” he continued, “you won’t be wanting me to post those videos I’ve made online, will you?”

I looked up at his mocking expression, wondering what cruelties he had in store for me next.

“Will you?” He repeated, as if I were a slow child.

“No.” I whispered, looking down at the floor, looking anywhere but at him.

“Good. We’re in agreement. Now, if you want me to do you the favor of keeping your little secret for you, you’re going to have to do something for me.”

I looked up again. What the hell could he mean?

“From now on, you will do exactly what I say, or I will expose you as the shameless little slut that you are to the whole world. I’ll ruin you, and I’ll ruin him. But do what I tell you, and everything will work out much better for you. Do you understand?”

Frightened at what would come next, I nodded.

There was a new look coming onto his face. A softening of the eyes. I could hear a certain thickness to his voice now, and he was breathing a bit heavier. On a level I didn’t want to admit to myself, I knew what that meant.

“Come here.” He said. His voice was thick now. “Come and sit on my lap.”

Shuddering with revulsion, I forced myself to stand up from my bed and go to him. I sat down on his lap and could feel a hardness pressing against my tight little ass cheeks through his running shorts. I could smell his sweat and cologne. He slid his hands up my sides, and around my front, caressing my small breasts through my sports bra. He leaned forward and put his chin over my shoulder, rubbing and caressing me as the hardness in his shorts grew. I could hear his ragged breathing. “Good girl.” He whispered.

I felt his hands move down to the bottom of my jersey and slowly pull it upwards, up my sides and over my head. I didn’t resist, and let him slip it off, with my arms returning, limp, to my sides. He subtly thrust his hips forward, pressing his hardness into my ass crack through my shorts. Then, he undid my bra and slipped it off my shoulders. I felt my nipples harden as they hit the air in the room, and closed my eyes as his hands found his way up to my bare breasts, entirely covering them with his meaty hands. He began to massage them and I heard a small groan in his throat. “Mmmm. I love your fucking hot, perky little tits. I’ve been wanting to play with these for so long.” He shoved me off his lap, then, and stood up. “Turn around to face me and take off your shorts and underwear.” He commanded.

Trembling, I did as I was told. I slid them down over my hips, cringing as my bare mound was exposed to the room. I had been to a waxing place recently to get it smooth and ready for Mr. Carlton to take my virginity. It was so humiliating that the first man to ever see my bare pussy in person would be this man I hated so much right now instead of the man I loved.

Chuck pulled his t-shirt over his head then and dropped his shorts. He was powerfully built, with well-muscled arms and a broad chest. His profuse black chest hair was beginning to go grey. I didn’t want to look down, but he grabbed my hand and led it down to his crotch. “Look at it. Stroke it for me. Get it nice and hard.” With revulsion, I obeyed. His cock was enormous, much bigger than Mr. Carlton’s, a good eight or nine inches, and thick as my wrist. I couldn’t imagine how something so big could fit inside a woman. I wondered if this was one of the reasons my mother stayed with him. Tentatively, I took it in my hand. It seemed to grow even more with my touch, and he groaned slightly at the heat of my hand. “Good. Mmm.” Suddenly, he pushed me back against the bed, and made me slide back onto it. “Lie back.” He said. “And spread your legs.” Reluctantly, I spread them slightly, but he slapped the insides of my thighs. “Wider!” He demanded. “I want to see your pink little cunt lips.”

With my legs spread as wide as I could, I turned my head to the side and closed my eyes, tears streaming down my face, as he stuck the first finger, other than my own, that had ever been inside me. He leaned down to spit on my vulva now, massaging the warm slime into my cunt lips with his finger. My body responded despite my fear, and with great shame I realized that I was getting wetter.

He tried to stick another finger in me but couldn’t get past my virgin barrier.

“So, it is true.” He said. “You have been saving yourself for teacher. Bet you didn’t know you were really saving yourself for me.”

His words hit home. I think on some level I had convinced myself that this wasn’t really happening, that he wasn’t actually going to fuck me. But now I realized that I would be giving up my virginity to this disgusting pig, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Then, with his finger still inside me, he bent down and licked my clit. I couldn’t help myself. It sent a shiver of excitement through my nervous system. Despite the horror of what was happening to me, my body was becoming aroused.

He spent some time licking and sucking on my clit and pussy lips, and fingering my hole, and I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. Suddenly, he stopped, and climbed up on the bed. I braced myself as I felt the tip of his cock hone in on my sensitive bald pussy lips and slide up and down them. He bore his weight down on me, crushing me, so that I could feel his chest hair mashed up against my breasts while his enormous cock head toyed with my pussy lips. He whispered in my ear, “You better kiss me back when I kiss you, or I’m going to get very angry with you.” Shutting my eyes tight, I accepted his tongue into my mouth, stained with the taste of my salty pussy secretions. I tried not to gag as he explored my mouth, while continuing to slide his cock up and down my vaginal lips. He took a break from tongue-kissing me to whisper in my ear. “Your tight little virgin pussy is going to feel so good when I split it open with my cock.” I could feel myself tense up when he said this, and I could sense that he somehow loved it the more I fought him off.

I wondered what the time was. My mother was supposed to get home at a quarter past five. What would happen if she came in and discovered us like this? I knew that she would blame me, not him. Everything was always my fault with her. I was desperate for this to be over, so I felt a glimmer of hope that he would be done with me soon.

Almost as if he was reading my mind, he said, “I have so many things that I look forward to doing with you, but right now, you’re going to have to make me cum quickly.”

I wasn’t sure what he meant until he signaled for me to get on my knees and ordered me to take his cock in my mouth. I don’t know if I was relieved or further horrified. I had never given a blow job before, although of course, I’d talked about it with my teacher lover online. I opened up my lips as far as they would go, and he forced himself inside my mouth, sliding his cock to the back of my throat immediately, although it was so big that not much more than the head fit past my lips. I could taste my vaginal secretions on his shaft from all the grinding he’d done against me, and another taste which I now realize was pre-cum. I had to stretch my mouth so wide my jaw ached. He instructed me to put my lips over my teeth so they wouldn’t touch his cock and threatened to make me feel real pain if he felt any teeth. He then grabbed me by the hair and began hammering in and out of my mouth, choking me on his cock-head, jamming it into my throat.

“That’s it, slut. Take it, you little fucking teenage whore. How do you like your first taste of cock?” He spat at me, grunting in between his cruel taunts.

I coughed and spluttered, doing my best to breathe and just get through it. I could feel his rhythm picking up suddenly, and he started fucking my face furiously, as tears ran down my cheeks ad strings of saliva ran out of my mouth. Suddenly, he grabbed me by the back of my head and forced his cock even farther down my throat, constricting my breathing and I felt his cock violently pumping its salty load into me. I could feel the hot seed shooting down my throat, and as he pulled his cock back again, he was still cumming, ropes of warm jizz hitting my tongue and the insides of my mouth. The salty, pungent flavor of semen overwhelmed me and I gagged. “Don’t you dare waste it, bitch. You swallow every last drop.” He demanded. I forced myself to close my mouth and swallow. Just then, I heard my mother’s car in the driveway.

He immediately jumped up, and threw his clothes back on. He left me in my room, naked, shaking, as he went down to greet my mother like it was a normal day. I thought, “Maybe this is the end of it?” But of course I was wrong. There was so much more coming.

That evening, I stayed in my room, telling my mother I had a stomach ache. I received a text from him saying, “This one night, I will let it slide, but from now on, you will come down and have dinner with me and your mother as usual. Furthermore, you will go to your job tomorrow as if nothing unusual has happened. You will come home in the afternoon as you always do and I will be waiting for you. Do not in any way defy me, or you know what will happen.” At this point, I seriously considered just running away, and going to Mr. Carlton. But what would happen, then? Would he even accept me after what had happened? And then, I would be the one responsible for ruining his life. I couldn’t leave. I had to stay and take the punishment that was coming to me, and all I had to look forward to was the end of the summer, when I would leave for college.

The next day, after getting home from my summer job at the mall, he was waiting for me in the living room, his arms casually thrown back on the couch. “Get in here,” he yelled, “And take off your clothes.” “In here?” I gasped, in horror. The blinds were down, so the neighbors couldn’t see, but it seemed so exposed. What if my mother got home from work early? But I had no choice. I had to do whatever he said now. With great approbation, I walked into the living room and slid down my jean shorts and panties, then removed my crop top and bra. I saw him beginning to stroke himself through his shorts, and then pull them down so that his cock popped out. “Come here and suck it.” He commanded. He face fucked me again, cumming down my throat after a few minutes, then pulled me up to sit on the couch next to him. “Good little slut.” He said to me, moving his hands up and down my body. I realized that my pussy was wet despite myself, and sitting on the couch was leaving a little wet spot. My cheeks reddened.

He made me spread my legs, and he ate my pussy. I felt a new shock as his finger found the rim of my tight little asshole, and he began to stroke and prod the sensitive ring of my anus. It made my whole body shiver, and for a moment, not meaning to, I relaxed a bit, and he stuck his finger into my ass. Between him eating me out, and the fingers in my two holes, I began to feel a build up of pleasure. I didn’t want it to feel good, with this man I hated forcing himself on me, but I couldn’t help it. Before I could stop myself, a moan escaped my lips. “You love this, don’t you, my little slut?” He said from between my legs. I squeezed my eyes tight shut, humiliated.

The stroking of his finger in my cunt got faster, and I could feel the heat and tension building in my stomach. Involuntarily, I began to jerk my hips as the sensations in my clit began to travel through my body. I felt sure I was about to orgasm, but he stopped abruptly, and suddenly was on top of me, prodding my pussy lips with his bulging cock. I gasped at the sudden sensation. “I’m gonna stretch open that tight virgin pussy of yours.” He growled maliciously, and pushed forward, parting my vulva and lodging himself inside the entrance to my vagina. I felt pain as his cock strained against my thick hymen. He made a grunting noise, moved his hips back and then pushing forward again. It hurt, and I wanted it to end. I gritted my teeth, hoping that it would be over quickly.

Pushing my thighs back with his hands, spreading me as wide as he could, he attempted to enter me again, and I felt the soreness as I was being stretched out and violated. “You’re too fucking tight.” He said, in a voice between frustration and ecstasy. At this point, he began sawing in and out of the entrance to my vagina, just getting the head in, but not being able to break my hymen. He began to grunt as he ground against me, stroking his cock with his hand as he thrust.

Although I was frightened and in pain, my body had not recovered from its previous near-orgasmic state, and the sensation of him sliding against my pussy lips began to feel shamefully pleasurable. He began to rub my clit with his thumb, and I felt again the heat rising within me, despite myself. I moaned, and he responded, “Yeah, that’s right. Cum for me, slut. Cum on my cock.” He grinded against me, and thumbed my clit harder and faster and suddenly, I couldn’t take it anymore. My entire body, from head to toe, was ripped through with a powerful orgasm. I screamed out, spasming with unstoppable pleasure, and that’s when I heard him grunt loudly and felt the hot shower of his semen shoot up inside my unprotected pussy. As the waves of orgasm left me, a new fear hit me. “You aren’t wearing a condom!” I cried out. “I could get pregnant!” This seemed to send him over the edge even more, and he groaned, pushing himself forward as fresh loads of cum shot inside me. “Yeah.” He grunted. “I probably just knocked you up. That’s what you get for being such a little slut.” Then he laughed. “But still a virgin!” I started crying, terrified that I might be pregnant. I knew, practically, that I could go buy the morning after pill later, but still the idea that I could be pregnant from Chuck’s seed was disgusting to me.

I thought he was done with me then, but I was wrong. He lay there on top of me for a while, forcing his mouth onto my mouth, tasting my tongue. There was still an hour before my mother would be home. He had already cum twice, I didn’t think he would be able to do it again. He began to finger my sticky, cum drenched pussy lips, and then pushed his seed further inside me. He whispered, “That’s right. My little swimmers are probably fertilizing your egg right now.” He laughed as I shuddered. My cunt was so slick and lubricated with the combination of his cum and my orgasmic juices, that he was able to fit another finger inside me this time. “Mmmm. You’re loosening up for me now.” He said. I couldn’t help but squirm. Even knowing that I might be pregnant with this disgusting man’s baby already, I felt my body responding. His fingers felt so incredible inside me.

Unbelievably, I realized that he was getting hard for a third time, his urgent erection pressing against my inner thigh as he forcefully finger-fucked me. He spread me open again, and lined his cock up with my pussy, re-attempting his previous assaults on my tight hole. I felt the pressure again, and this time he didn’t let up. He kept pushing. “Umm. I’m gonna get it all the way inside you this time.” He was determined. He spread my pussy lips with one hand, and grabbed his cock, guiding it with the other, jamming into me. Suddenly, he wrenched his hips back and slammed himself forward, and I cried out in sudden pain. His glans was still stuck at my virgin passage. He did it again, and this time I could feel something give slightly, and a tearing pain in my vagina. I cried out. He thrust his hips back again, and pummeled his heavy cock into me. I could feel that the battle was won. He had successfully ruined my pussy and I was a virgin no more. He gave a long groan. He got his girth about halfway into me, and see-sawed back and forth now, fucking his cock further and further into me with each thrust. I couldn’t believe how incredibly I was being stretched out. The pain of my hymen tearing was beginning to dull, but I felt my tight cunt being unbelievably stretched by his massive grotesque penis. I couldn’t believe that he could fit so much of it inside me and looking down to see my pussy lips impaled on his shaft, I saw that he still had a couple of inches to go.

Grunting and pushing and sweating, he ground in and out of me, more and more of his thick, meaty pole disappearing into me, until his hairy ball sack was finally nestled up against my ass. I felt overstretched, barely able to stand the sensation.

Breathing heavily, he taunted me, “How does it feel to be a woman, now?”

He then fucked in and out of me, massaging my breasts with one hand, and grabbing hold of my hair with the other, while he forced my mouth open with his tongue. I thought for a moment of how I had planned the moment that I would lose my virginity with my lover, and how different reality was from fantasy. As he had already cum twice, he was able to hold out much longer this time. He started out fucking me slow in missionary, then made me get on my hands and knees, which he fucked me from behind, grabbing my ass with both hands and grunting. He stuck one of his fingers inside my ass and said, “I can wait to take your other virginity.” And laughed. I cringed at the thought, but knew I had yet another painful humiliation to dread. His pounding got harder and harder, and I thought that my sore, aching pussy couldn’t handle another minute when I looked up at the wall clock and realized that my mother would be home any minute now.

“Stop! We have to stop! Mom’s coming home!”

In response, he grunted, and fucked me faster. I think the words actually sent him over the edge. With an enormous moan, he came in me for the third time that afternoon, sending shots of sticky seed deep into my abused cunt.

“Ooh, god. You’re a good fuck.” He said. “So glad I got it all on camera.” He laughed again and I glanced up to see what I hadn’t noticed before. The green, gleaming eye of a small nanny cam attached to the curtain rod. “Now, you be a good girl from now on, and always do what I say, or I’ll have to show that to your mother, so she knows what a little fucking slut her daughter is.” He laughed again. “Now, go take a shower before your mom gets here.” Without a care in the world, he pulled his shorts and t-shirt back on as I stumbled up the stairs with my clothes, hearing my mother’s car in the driveway again.

I knew that I would have to endure another three months of this, and there was nothing I could do about it. If only I hadn’t been such a little slut with my chemistry teacher, maybe none of this would be happening, but that’s always the problem with me. I just can’t seem to help myself.



  1. How come no one appreciated this?
    Excellent piece of work! Waiting for more…

  2. Incredible story telling. You’re very talented. Really enjoyed reading this.

    But since when is a B cup small?? Damn I feel really insecure now haha

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