My Manageable Misunderstanding [MF]

I was running, for my life as it felt. Adrenaline carrying me through the narrow cobblestone pathways in the quiet neighborhood west of the marketplace that this whole debacle originated. The early morning sun was already beginning to warm the back of my neck.
The people chasing me, I could hear they weren’t letting up the chase. I didn’t think their current disposition could be reasoned with even though it was quite obvious I was not the one who stole jewelry from their market stall. Never the less, when one started chasing me with sword unsheathed a part of my brain, a primal side perhaps, took control and before I knew it I was already running through the crowds. Curse that part of me, now I look guilty. I couldn’t stop running.

As I crested the top of a bump in the road I was met with quite a sight. This neighborhood sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking the rest of the coastal town. Had I not been in the wrong place at the wrong time I could have continued my solo vacation and perhaps even enjoyed the view for more than a second. Sadly, I had to keep moving. I couldn’t go back, but the neighborhood was a dead end. I continued to run towards the end to get as far away from the people chasing me as I could, ignoring thoughts of the cliff just beyond the furthest set of houses.
Reaching the last set of houses I attempted to hide behind a bulky garbage bin. I heard several angry voices run by. They weren’t leaving the area. I had got myself surrounded. I risked a glance around the corner to find they were looking in another direction. I took a chance and ran along the set of small houses quickly trying the doors. It was the worst idea I have ever had in my life. I could hear my commotion drew the attention of those chasing me, although I had no time to turn and see how close they were.

As I hastily made my way amongst the small houses the rough, green, wooden door of the third house opened to my immense relief. The interior was an open-concept living space. Starting from my left at the far end of the space was a small kitchen with a table and two chairs, softly illuminated from the light coming in through a window. Closer to me was a short, worn couch and a coffee table with some papers atop it. To my right was a bathtub sitting out in the open. It looked smooth and sleek, like a large egg that had been carefully broken open and left here. A translucent changing blind stood folded open beside it. Shadows of baubles and hangers behind it revealed themselves from the light pouring in from a second window in the wall. Finally, there was a bed. It was exquisite. Perhaps my exhaustion had caught up to me, but it looked to be the most welcoming sight I had seen since I arrived on the island. My heart was still racing, but for an additional reason. My rattling of the door had roused someone in the bed. She rose, sleepily, waking further from the noise of the men outside. The room was so open, I didn’t know where to hide. As the woman saw me her eyes widened. At the same time the door crashed open and she became bewildered. The men chasing me had stopped in the doorway. I was hiding behind the door, my wooden shield. Her eyes quickly darted from me to the men who were mixed up with shouts about a thief and apologies for waking her. The woman’s annoyed shouts and the awkwardness of their entry led to the swift exit of the men who then closed the door loudly behind them as they ran off in further search of me.

Sitting on the floor I was frozen in fear. If I left I might be found by the men outside, but at the same time I had just broken into this woman’s home and I feared retribution for that as well. She fully rose from her bed, pushing aside fluffy pillows and a large blanket. She was wearing a short, silken nightgown. My fear began to melt due to something all together more inappropriate. I noticed all the wrong things first. Her legs looked athletic with an ass that I assumed was just as toned that pushed against the bottom of her nightgown, disrupting its the flowing, curtain-like nature. Similarly, the nipples of her large, perky breasts poked at the fabric. I then got a true look at her face. She looked to be in her late twenties. Her face was framed by long, curly hair her face was that of a goddess. She was looking at me seductively, I thought. I was wrong, it was anger.

“What is going on? Tell me the truth or I’ll call them back!” She asked.

All I could do was look away to stop staring.

“What did you steal from them? Show me.” She demanded.

I pulled open my empty pockets and held my hands up.

“Oh, come on. Fine, just go sit on the chair over there.” She directed me, pointing to the kitchen table.

I made my way over to the kitchen and sat down. I couldn’t look her in the eyes. My mind screaming about several things I had done wrong up to this point. My concentration clouded.

“Slide your bag over to me.” She said.

I slid my travel bag slid across the floor right to her feet. The woman slowly made her way through my bag. It was during those few moments that I was able to steal a few seconds of time to glance at her body again. I couldn’t help myself. I could have sworn her butt was not fully covered by the bottom of the nightgown. As she finished fishing through my bag with little interest, tossing it in the bed alongside all of my belongings she had searched through. I turned my head back down as she looked back up at me.

“Take the money. I’m sorry for breaking in,” I stammered, “Just please let me stay for a few more minutes so I can leave in peace.”

“You know they would have beaten you senseless, right? If not outright killed you,” She said. “It doesn’t look like anything in your bag would be worth them chasing you all this way though.”

I held up my hands and managed to look the woman in the eyes as I explained, “I was at the market minding my own business. All I remember is there was a shout at one of the stalls and lots of people shifting around. When the dust settled, the owners of the stall settled on me. I didn’t take anything!”

“Hmm,” The woman considered my words before remarking, “I’m still not sure I can trust you.”

“I’ve shown you all of my belongings already,” I said.

“Your clothes,” she said with hand outstretched, “And the shoes.”

“I am certain we could…my what?” I asked incredulously.

The look in her eyes meant she was serious. I first tossed her my shoes followed by my shirt, pants, and socks. Sitting in my underwear, I felt awkward. As she gathered my clothes in her arms I swear I caught her steal a glance at me. It had to be in my head. A part of me that wanted to see things different from the reality I had got myself stuck in. As she placed my clothes on the bed she dropped my shoes onto the floor beside her. That must have dislodged the money I had hidden in my shoe. Curiously she bent down to investigate what had appeared. As she did so, she bent down away from me. The bottom of her nightgown pulled up and away from her sleek, toned ass. It was more of a sight than I had anticipated. I could feel the blood rushing away from my brain somewhere seemingly more important. It didn’t stop there. Even bending slightly at her knees, I caught a glimpse of her vagina. Distracting thoughts swirled in my mind. I forced myself to look away to clear my mind. I must not have heard her the first time.

“Hey! I said all of your clothes,” she demanded.

My hands were resting over my crotch. I could feel a half-chub resting beneath my underwear. However, I couldn’t think of another way out of this. I stood up, facing away from the woman and pulled down my underpants. I kicked them behind me toward her.

After a moment she called out, “One last thing. I need to make sure you’re not a magician. Turn around and show me your open hands.”

I resigned myself to my fate. I turned around with my hands out at my sides. This time she was definitely staring and definitely not at my hands. She was checking me out. As her eyes rested on my eager crotch she turned away and moved behind the changing blind.

“You can sit down again,” she said with a giggle.

I called back, “Listen, I’m really sorry about all this. I –“

I stopped myself as I saw the sun shining from behind the blind revealing the shadowy outline of the woman’s lithe, naked body. Her nightgown was resting atop the blind alongside my underwear that had been gently draped over the top corner. The thoughts in my head were interrupted by the flow of water into the bathtub. The woman’s shadow stood back up, her back arched slightly accentuating her voluptuous breasts. My mind was filling in all the blanks.

The woman turned her head around the side of the blind resting it against the crotch of my hanging underpants and said, “I believe your story. You can stay for a bit. But if you don’t mind, I need to take a bath. Especially after such a stressful morning.”

“N-no problem,” I replied.

The woman came out from behind the blind wearing a white, linen towel covering about as much as her nightgown had. She made her way to the bathtub and dipped in, hiding herself with the towel as she did so. All I could see was her head to the top of her shoulders from where I sat. She laid her towel behind her neck and squeezed a liquid of some kind into the water. She then picked up a bar of soap dragging it deep into the water. She appeared to actually be bathing, although keeping most of herself hidden. She was in the bathtub facing the window, away from me.

“You can get dressed again if you want,” she said.

“I-uh,” I stammered as I was already walking over to the changing blind. I stopped to glance into the tub. The frothy bubbles blocked out any view overly enticing. I was starting to feel like I was going to able to have my mind grounded in reality again.

“Ugh,” she bemoaned, “I must have slept wrong. All this warm water and I’m still a bit sore. Would you mind getting my shoulders first?”

Almost. I was almost grounded. Then she says just the right thing and, like a vampire, drains my brain of blood once again. Before fully considering that fact I had found myself kneeling on a towel outside the bathtub. She had protruded her shoulders up past the edge where I could reach them in their entirety. She had also moved her hair to one side which allowed me to see her neck flow down seamlessly into her shoulders. My gaze, catching a glance over the edge from behind noticed her wet breasts, the bubbles just barely covering her nipples. I had to rear myself back to avoid letting myself go completely and diving in.

I was snapped out of my stupor just in time as she mentioned, “Oh, I don’t have any oil. Uhm, just wet the soap.”

The woman reached a hand up out of the water. I placed the small, dry bar of soap in her hand. Her hand closed over the soap before I could pull away. Our hands locked together. My mind, thinking of some genius thing I could say next, was again interrupted as the wet bar of soap slipped out from our hands, bounced off the wall, and fell at my knees. She giggled as she looked over at the wall, but then sank back into position.

I picked up the soap and wet my hands with its slickness. As I began to massage her shoulders I could feel her relax under my grip. I continued, but had lost track of time. It didn’t matter. I was lost in the moment. Whatever she had squirted into the bathtub was giving off an intoxicating scent that seemed to come from her skin. I found myself inching ever closer to her neck, first due to the smell, and second because she had asked me to massage lower down her back. Her chest must be fully out of the water by now. Not thinking, I was going to use the smell as cover for looming over her shoulder. However, the slickness of the soap had dried up on our skin. She held out her wet hand again and I instinctively handed her the bar of soap. Perhaps she had been lost in the moment as well when the soap slipped from her hand into the depths of the bathtub.

I stifled a gasp as she replied, “Here, I got it.”

The woman wasn’t holding the soap where I could see it. I had to lean over the edge. This time I had no choice, I thought excitedly. Sure enough, she was holding the soap in her palm just above the surface of the water in the center of a circle of bubbles that had been cleared away. She slightly moved her hand as if inviting mine to cross the barrier of the bathtub further into her domain. As I reached over into the bathtub, I noticed her hand moving slightly toward her now fully exposed breasts. I couldn’t make sense of it until my hand closed over hers and the soap slipped back into the deep. She moved my hand over her soft, perky breast. I was about to fondle it when I noticed she was looking over at me. We stared at each other in silence for what felt like a few moments. Her hand stretched up out of the water and touched my face. Our faces came ever closer together before sharing a light kiss. I could feel goosebumps forming on her breast under my hand and I kissed her with more intention.

“Could I wash up first?” I asked as if I was on my way out to return to my solo vacation plan.

“Sure,” she answered as she slowly moved back to the other side of the bathtub.

As I entered the water it overflowed on all sides, each movement spilling more water and bubbles onto the floor. I could see her naked form under the shimmering water. I couldn’t help but follow over to her side. To embrace. To explore each other’s body. My hands sliding up and down her form as her tongue slid around the inside of my mouth. Where to start first, I thought. Erratically, I moved my hands from her neck, to her breasts, down to her ass and back up.

“Slow down there,” she said, stopping us. “It’s been a while for me. Let’s not rush.”

“At least tell me your name,” I asked between breaths.

“No, no names,” she exclaimed, “Make this special. Like two ships passing in the night. Even further back. Imagine two tribes meeting each other near the beginning of history. If they didn’t attack each other they might trade. Let’s make a trade, Mr. Nameless. I provide you safety. You provide me with a distraction from an otherwise busy life. Just for tonight.”

The woman guided my hand from her toned, circular ass down lower. Down to the depths. The soap wasn’t there. I didn’t care. I began to rub her clit in slow semi-circles. We went back to kissing, this time interspersed with light panting and breathing the same breath. She had begun to slide her hand up and down my cock, rubbing slowly around the tip trying to truly ascertain what she was dealing with.
My finger began to explore deeper inside of her, exploring depths beyond the bottom of the bathtub.
I pulled her closer with my other hand. Her breasts swelled against my chest. Their inviting nature guiding my mouth down to suck on them.

“Oh my, I haven’t felt like this in a while. You…mmmm…you’re really into my tits, aren’t you?” She asked. Her grip on my hair was tightening.

I responded with my mouth full. My middle finger, feeling more adventurous, went to assist my index. I soon felt her begin to shudder as she began to slide down into the water. My mouth followed. I might have drowned if she hadn’t pulled me up.

“How about we head someplace more…” she trailed off already moving towards the bed. She pulled the blanket and my belongings to the floor. I got out behind her and began to dry us off with a towel. Her hand rose up to my neck anchoring us together. The hips of her smooth, toned body were grinding slowly against mine pushing my cock up between her ass cheeks. She let me explore her body as we dried off. The towel soon disappeared.

As I lowered her to the bed we became further entangled in each other. What started as mouth to mouth became mouth to neck. And without the threat of drowning, mouth to bosom came next. I could have stayed there for some time, but she guided me down further. Her hand clamped down on my hair when I had reached the proper distance. I didn’t need more instruction than that. I licked and sucked on her clit slowly as if to restart from our introduction in the bathtub. Her moans and squirms made me bold. I plunged my tongue into her. I could taste her. As her thighs began to tighten around my head as she squirmed.

“Mmm…ohhhh yeah. That feels so good,” she exclaimed, “Oh, just like that.”

My face was getting wet. She was into it. Especially when we locked eyes from across her writhing form. As her full, natural breasts swam over her torso I could see her face was getting flush. It was turning me on. As if I needed more encouragement.

“You ready to take this further?” She asked. “How about you show…fuck.”

I slowed down my pace, but did not stop licking, never breaking our gaze. She didn’t want to rush and I was more than happy to oblige.

“Please….mmmm…don’t make me beg,” she said with a sultry tone, “You got the tenacity I want. Don’t you want to make my titties bounce? Or do you want to soften my tight ass?”

I sped up my tongue to its previous tenacity and held on to her wet thighs for dear life.

“Oh fuck! You…mmmm, okay. Please,” she stammered, “I want it, your full cock. Your full force. Flatten me against the mattress. Fuck me till it’s soaking wet.”

With enough urging, my desire for this woman took over. I stood up and spit her wetness onto my hand, lubricating my full erection.

“Oh,” she said staring at it, “You’re a grower too? You’re just full of surprises, Mr. Magician.”

I went to place my cock between her open thighs, but instead guided her over onto her hands and knees. I finally, slowly, eagerly slid my cock into her vagina. She wouldn’t turn her head to see me until I noticed her staring at the mirror on the wall. I could see the full side profile of us joining, stroking, and moaning. I picked up my pace, but kept the same strength. I was holding onto her ass to steady my thrusts. Maybe she was right. Maybe her ass easier to grab if it was soft. I spanked her ass and was met with a moan and a lustful stare in the mirror.

“Mmmm, you got it.” She said, “Don’t stop now….ohhh, don’t stop….ohhh don’t you dare.”

As we continued, her torso dipped lower. In the mirror her breasts appeared to be dripping onto the bed like two gobs of honey. If I put in all of my effort would they drip away and fall to the floor as if in a dream, I wondered. This had to be a dream. Or perhaps I was killed in the chase and released into an afterlife. It had to be. These kinds of things don’t happen, especially to me. My mind was drifting, trying to escape this prison. This trick of the mind. I was reminded that reality includes all five senses. One by one I tested them. A vivacious sight for my eyes, a delicious and intimate taste from earlier, an encouraging chorus of sound, an electric touch through out my loins, and the aromatic smell of our mixing sweat. Through all of this I had begun to slow down. Only I could have distracted myself from this corporeal oasis I had happened upon. The woman noticed my internal disruption. She once more reached out to anchor me, but this time to hold my mind in this place that was all too real.

“Could I have a turn?” she asked coyly.

Before I could think of an answer she had slid off of me. She turned on her knees to face me again. Her face moved towards my cock, keeping her eyes gazing into mine.

“Let’s see how you like it,” she murmured seductively.

She wrapped an arm around my hips and her other hand guiding my cock to her mouth. As her mouth closed I could feel her mouth and tongue slipping around over me. Back and forth. Up and down. I grabbed her hair as she increased in effort. I had to concentrate not to thrust. Another primal urge. Maybe she felt it too. But eventually she stopped. I didn’t want her to. She knew.

“Lie down.” she said motioning to the bed. “We’re just getting warmed up.”

I felt as if I drifted down through her, smelling and touching the whole way. She laid on top of me. We kissed for a moment before she inserted me back inside her. I could feel the walls of her vagina on all sides, still warm and tantalizing as ever. I wanted to continue to thrust, but she leaned over me, her tits offered to me to placate my desire as she got her own rhythm going. It worked for a short time, but the fondling and sucking turned to squeezing and stroking. I spanked her amazing ass again and gripped it, guiding her over my cock to share a rhythm. I stared in the mirror and saw her form arching on top of me, her lustful stares signalling an increasing effort. I thought back to her shadow that I got lost in earlier. It was nothing compared to reality. I forgot about the mirror too, the reflection paled in comparison to the reality on top of me. Here I was lost in her for who knows how long.

“You have me right where you want me,” I puffed, “I’m almost there.”

“No, don’t give out on me yet,” she said as she slowed down.

She stopped with me still inside her. We embraced again, but she guided me to turn over to the other side of the bed. She wanted me to finish the job. I got on top of her, not wasting any time. As soon as her back was against the bed I had begun. I thrusted deeper, with purpose.

“Mmmm…I love breakfast in bed,” she moaned as she dug her nails into my shoulder.

Soon, I could feel my will losing control. I was thinking of pulling out. I was staring at her wonderful tits again, her hard nipples pointing sky-high. She saw it in my eyes.

“I’ll finish if you cum inside me,” she said between ragged breaths, “I want the full experience…your vigor.”

The last few thrusts had my eyes falling back into my head. My rhythm, purposeful and urgent, was encouraged by her moans, her twisting body, her pulsating walls grasping my cock with surety.

“Oh fuck-” she managed to eek out before losing herself in the fire that had been building inside of her. Inside of us both.

When I came my hips held fast against hers as her pulse teased out pump after pump of my cum. I coated every inch inside of her, I could feel it. It felt amazing. At the same time, her back had arched so far she was biting the pillow behind her.

As I backed myself out I could see my cum seeping out of her. We soon collapsed together onto the bed, entwined. She reached down, swirled some cum onto her fingers, and wiped it onto her nipples. It dripped down underneath the curves of her breasts. We kissed passionately as I fondled her breasts gently. She licked the cum from my fingers.

“You can stay a little longer,” she offered. “It might not be safe out there yet.”

“Till around lunch?”

“I was thinking dinner.”

“Eating out?”

“Yeah, right here at home.”


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