The Wrong Road Taken Part 5 [MF] [Oral] [Anal] [Witchcraft]

When she began kissing the back of my neck, all thoughts turned towards one thing, making her happy.
From behind she reached around to stroke my already hardened cock.
Turning me around Lucretia sat me down in a chair while kneeling between my legs.
Within seconds my cock was engulfed by her mouth.
Let the ecstasy begin!

As Lucretia began her oral ministrations the two bits of wood embedded in my body began their dance.
The one in my penis started its vibrations while the one in my rear started pumping. Both of them banging into my prostate causing a heightened sense of ecstasy.
Within moments I was ready to pop.
To prevent wasting the moment I pulled Lucretia off me and had her switch places.
With a twist, instead of sitting I had her on her knees on the seat her upper torso bent over the back of the chair.
Pulling up a chair I sat behind her and wet to town with my tongue and lips.
For the next five or so minutes I concentrated on every spot my lips could reach while totally ignoring her pussy and clit.
When my tongue began to rim her little ring, she cried out her moans.
Stiffening my tongue I took a chance and pressed it inward past that little ring.
At this point it was necessary to grab her cheeks to hold her still or risk getting bucked off my chair.

“Oh my God Luke, no one has ever done that before.
Oh my God that feels incredibly naughty, but don’t you dare stop!!!”
While I administrating to her joy I kept pressing on her clit with my fingertip.
Every time she bucked I pressed and teased that little nub of joy.
As I was concentrating on the task at hand I began to feel small vibrations coming from within her body.
These must be the little bits of the tree that reside inside Lucretia, much like my own.

Let’s see if I direct my mind onto the bits of tree I bet I could affect them.
To place my idea in play I first stood and positioned myself to drive my cock into the place nature intended.
Starting slowly I slid myself forward, entering the holy place I began a slow and steady pumping motion.
While doing this I began to concentrate on the bits of wood within her body.
In the back of my mind I saw them begin to speed up their vibrations.
In only seconds Lucretia began screaming as her climax came upon her.

Suddenly the screams took on an ominous tone.
From joy the sound became one of pain.
Stopping what I was doing I withdrew my mind from her bits of wood.
“Luke what did you do?
I felt like my insides were being twisted in ten different directions.”
“Lucretia, I’m sorry I thought if I sped up your wooden friends I could give you a greater orgasm.
I didn’t think I would cause you any pain.” I told her.
“Luke I think its best if in the future until you garner greater control over your mind.” She said.
“I think you’re right, I didn’t think, I just let my mind go without exerting any control over what I started.” I admitted.

Hours later Lucretia and I were sitting around the pond I first spied while exploring the woods before meeting my host.
Now that I was in the same time frame as the pond I could see the water behaving like water should.
As the water poured from the top of the pillar arcing its way out to the middle of the pond you could feel the light spray from the mist it generated.
This mist had a wonderful cooling effect.
“Lucretia, what do you know about the history of the arts.
I mean how long has the power existed and where did it come from?
Or is that even a fair question.
I’ve been thinking along the lines that this power is available to most everyone.
It’s just that if people don’t know they have it they would never learn to develop the will to explore their potential.”

“Luke many years ago back when I was under the tutelage of Simone we hosted a guest for a few days.
I don’t remember his name and that isn’t so important.
What is important was the research he was doing.
He was a scholar doing just as you asked.
His interest was where did this power come from, why is it manifest in some and not others.
His body of work was truly fascinating.
He was able to trace practitioners of the arts as far back as the land of Ur.
Ur was a Sumerian city-state that existed from around 3800 BC until around 500 BC.
There had been found some cuneiform tablets from the first king of Ur named Ur-Nanshe.
In these tablets there was an account of a person who was the king’s personal assistant.
This person was said to have saved the king and kingdom by some strange practices.
Apparently this person had caused an enemy fleet of ships to become lost in a thick fog that sprung up out of nowhere.
The entire armada of ships were dashed upon the rocks and destroyed in less than a day.

But Luke here’s the rub, while he was doing this research he came under the scrutiny of the local Magistrate.
When he was found he was brought before this Magistrate and forced to recant his work.
Whereupon he was arrested and executed for his heresy.
Luke for century’s we have been lumped in with and called consorts of the devil, practitioners of evil.
Is it any wonder that we keep to ourselves while keeping a low profile?
Over the years there has been a group of us that have wanted to go public.
However there is a long memory of the inquisitions throughout history as well as such fear driven tragedies as the Salem witch trials.”

“But Lucretia, we live in a far more enlightened age.
People might be ready and willing to listen to reason and not equate the arts with the fears from history.” I said.
“Luke I think you have a slight bias.
Yes we live in a far more enlightened age, however look towards the internet and the crap that people are willing to believe as long as they see it on the screen in front of them.
Luke I’m sorry to say that the world is still filled with sheep that will follow those who spew the garbage they wish to believe.

Also consider this, while most people have a touch of the arts there are just as many people that will never have any of the art within themselves.
What is going to happen when these disaffected people decide that the arts are against God’s laws?
And the reason they are against it is because they don’t have it.
Luke there is a book I think you should read.
Now this book doesn’t address this issue it does however explain a set of human behaviors.
It’s title is “The True Believer” written by a man named Eric Hoffer.
It’s an eye opener into human behaviors.
When you get a chance download a PDF of the book.
It’s not very long and well worth reading if you want to learn about the sheep.”

Having returned to the house I was reading a PDF of this book while lying in the grass behind the house.
Both of the Gorth were doing what they do best, sleeping.
Tom had curled up behind me making for a wonderfully soft pillow to lean against.
While Jerry had rested his snout across my stomach.
This would have been the perfect arrangement if only Tom didn’t snore.
While he didn’t snore non-stop, he would fall silent for ten or fifteen minutes and then as if remembering that he was required to snore he would begin again for a few more minutes.
Every once in a while Tom would pop open his eyes if I stopped petting his head.
If I failed to notice this he would nudge my hand as a reminder that I was faltering in my duty as his personal massage therapist.

Attempting to extricate myself from under Tom was fraught with difficulty.
Every time I tried he would press his head downward attempting to keep me there keeping him happy.
“OK Tom, I need to talk to Lucretia my I please have my body back?”
With a snort he lifted his head allowing me to rise.
Once in the house I found Lucretia in the computer room chatting with someone in Japan.

“Hello Luke.
Luke this is Keiko Kajakawa, she is a very old friend of mine.
“Ohayo Gozaimasu Luke, it is a pleasure to meet you.
Lucretia has told me much about you.
We have been chatting about the upcoming gathering next week.
This is going to be quite an event.
It’s been over a hundred years since this many practitioners have gathered in one place.
I hope you are prepared for one hell of a party!
The last time we did this we had to repay the town elders a shit load of money for compensation due to the noise and repair of the inn we stayed at.
It’s not that we caused much damage but when you have a bunch of drunken overzealous practitioners.
Well you can pretty much guess that thing would occasionally get out of hand.
If I recall correctly Lucretia you caused pink flowers to grow by the thousands on every rooftop in town.” Keiko said.
In response Lucretia said to her,
“And who was it that caused all the people’s clothes in town to turn transparent for ten minutes?”
Lucretia asked.

“OK enough of this Keiko said as a sly smile crossed her face.
There is much to do before everyone gathers.
Lucretia I have managed to get hold of the last few stragglers.
We now have a complete roster of all the practitioners who are in our conference list.
I will be arriving at your place tomorrow afternoon.
Please do me a favor and keep your pets under control.
Last time I was there those two spent the better time of my visit badgering me to play.
Then spent the rest of my visit sulking around when I wouldn’t play with them.” Keiko said.
“Alright Keiko we will see you tomorrow.”

OK Luke we have some work to do before tomorrow.
If you would be so kind as to help cleaning and doing a bit of straightening up the area while I gather what I need for the dinner.
And by the way you are going love Keiko.
She and I were lovers for a time and she is going to go crazy for you.” Lucretia told me.
Well I thought that makes for some interesting speculation.
Keiko was an incredibly beautiful woman and the thought of the two of them together had me rather turned on at the thought.
“Lucretia, how are you going to put all these people up?
There are only four rooms in the house.”
Luke have no fear.
When the parade arrives you are going to get an eyeful of eccentricity.
If I am a good judge, you are going to have the time of your life.” She said.

Early the next morning the Gorth were going crazy.
They kept running around, up one path then the other.
Sometimes moving so quickly they were leaving a trail of dust clouds in their wake.
Jerry came running back leading a Winnebago motor home up to the front of the house.
Moments later thirteen more vehicles arrived.
These were just a tad different.
Something I had only seen in movies.
What I saw was covered wagons.
All of them looked like Gypsy wagons.
Each of them were highly decorated, multi colored fringe hung from the eves.
Each flying a dozen flags and pennants.

A most unlikely parade of transportation I have ever seen.
Soon enough Tom returned with another group of cars.
For the most part these were normal autos.
The only difference was they were a mixture of Rolls Royce’s and Bentley’s.
Some of them were classics from years ago others newer models.
As the last vehicle pulled up the owners began to disgorge from within.
And what a group they were.
There was an even mix of men and woman all of whom were stunningly handsome and beautiful.
It also appeared that a few of them had already begun the party a bit early, swaying as they tried to navigate the winding flagstone walkway.
The Gorth took up positions at the head of the walkway acting as honor guards for those sauntering up towards the house.
Being the attention whores they were they begged head and back scratches from each guest as they passed.
I could only shake my head and laugh as I witnessed this display of wanton self-indulgence.

Many of the woman were dressed in gowns or fancy period dresses.
The men wore a mix of everything from business suits to top coats.
Quite a few had a “Steam Punk” appeal to their outfits.
I will say this, a more colorful group I have never seen.
A small commotion arose as Lucretia made her grand entrance onto the walkway.
Well she does have a flair for the dramatic, I thought to myself.
Each guest had brought a gift for the hostess.
As each person passed in review they left their gift on a table set up next to the front door.

The last person in the line was Keiko.
Instantly I was smitten with her beauty.
Keiko stood around an even five foot tall and if she weighed a hundred pounds I would be amazed.
Long black hair with bangs that fell to her lower back.
Her body was adorned in a magnificent Kimono of white silk with a pink cherry blossom pattern.
Her Obi was pink with white lines.
As she approached Tom, the Gorth knelt at her feet and rolled over for a belly rub.
Reaching down Keiko offered her hand to his belly, the results of which had Tom’s tail wagging in overdrive along with that leg thing dogs do when scratched in just the right way.
I often told myself if I could find a girl whose leg I can make do that I would marry her in a heartbeat.

Moving forward to a much disappointed Tom, Keiko walked over to me and took my arm as I led her up to the front of the house.
Reaching Lucretia they hugged and shared a kiss that in no way could be considered chaste.
It may have been my imagination but I swear I saw steam rising from the two of them.
Boy I wish someone would kiss me like that, or maybe not.
I don’t think I would survive the experience.

As the last guest entered the house Lucretia mounted the staircase to rise above each of the guests.
In doing so she was able to see each of the guests.
“My friends and colleagues welcome to my home.
I have made all the arrangements for this weekend and for your comfort.
Rooms have been provided and the food and drinks are always at your disposal.
This is the first time in over a hundred years that such an august body of practitioners has been assembled.
I thank each and every one of you for making the long journey to be here today.
I know that some of you had other plans however the need to be here today has outweighed all other concerns, of that I think we may all agree.
So without further ado I will officially open this meeting and gathering of practitioners.
Now that we have all had the official opening, please everyone gather in the garden in the rear and let’s get this party started.”
Looking over at where I stood Lucretia gestured and said.
“Luke please attend me”
Stepping over to the stairs Lucretia took three steps down, hooked her arm in mine and led the procession out to the backyard.

Leaving the house I stopped dead in my tracks.
The entire backyard had been transformed.
Everything that was there before still remained however there was now a far larger clearing and in this new space there stood another house and from the looks of it this house extended far into the distance.
Well now I know where she had intended to house this gathering.
“Lucretia, where the hell did this come from?” I asked.
“Luke an hour ago this was a large tent.
With a little help from the arts we now have a place to room our guests.
Of course they all know it’s an illusion but this illusion has all the trappings of a real house.
Each has their own room along with the privacy that comes along with it.

An hour later all the guests had found their rooms stowed their luggage and had gathered in the yard.
The kiosk set up for drinks was in high demand.
There were five tables set up for food two of which were dedicated to those guests that were vegetarians.
Taking me by the arm Lucretia led me over to a small throng of folks who were having an animated discussion about what I was unable to fathom.
The language they spoke sounded like something biblical.
In fact the more listened the more I was certain of it
“Lucretia, what language are they speaking I can’t make heads or tails out of it?”
“That my boy is Sumerian, it is an extinct language.
Many think it originated in the area now in Sothern Iraq at least that is as far as anyone has been able to trace it.
Many practitioners use dead languages as a means of communication mostly to frustrate eavesdroppers.
If you become fluent in the arts you will discover that a facility with various languages becomes second nature.

Hidden behind a couple of large gentleman stood Keiko.
She had only become visible due to those larger gentleman moving aside for their hostess.
When she spotted Lucretia she bid her farewell from the group to join us.
As the three of us walked away from the crowd Lucretia took both of us arm in arm and led us out to the path leading into the woods.
“Keiko, I asked you to join myself and Luke for this little walk.
The reason for this is simple.
Luke I need to apologize to you, you see I haven’t been entirely forthcoming with you.
There is a greater purpose in this gathering which I hadn’t told you about.
I did this only to prevent you from worrying about what I am about to tell you.

Luke do you remember last week when there was that small brush fire?” Lucretia asked me.
Nodding my assent she continued with her speech.
“You recall that the fire was extinguished when the skies opened up and the rain put it out?”
Again I nodded.
“Well Luke that wasn’t any natural rain and I didn’t cause the rain.
You did!” She told me.
“I did?
That’s not possible, I didn’t craft anything and even if I did it would have taken me weeks to figure out all the equations.
I thought you did that.” I told her.
“No Luke, I didn’t.
Luke here is the issue, most practitioners take years to master just the basics.
Even though you have had some setbacks during your first attempts you have still gone faster than most, don’t let your beginners errors fool you.

Luke every once in awhile there is someone who defies all the rules.
These folks have more than a natural affinity for the arts.
They have something different in their makeup.
There is something in how their brains are wired that allows them to express the arts by shear willpower.
Luke in the world of the arts we’re talking maybe one in fifty thousand has this ability.
And Luke, you are that one in fifty thousand.” Lucretia told me.
“Lucretia that’s ridiculous, I could barely move that water or the acorn.” I said.
“Luke that rain storm, in the world of the arts it would normally take hours of concentration by a long time master to even have a cloud move in the sky, let alone create an instant downpour.”

“Luke the reason I called this rare conference of practitioners is to decide what to do with you.
How are we to train you, who is going to train you and last but not least, is it safe for you to have these ability’s?” Lucretia told me.



  1. To my readers,
    Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.
    I welcome any feedback you may wish to send.
    If you have any ideas for future
    stories please let me know.

    Thank you.

  2. Velora, I like your stories a lot. In keeping with your comment on feedback, one (hopefully constructive) critique I can offer is:

    Proper dialogue formatting would go a long way toward improving the readability of your work. It’s tough, I struggle with it, but it really helps break up the wall of text, or wall of paragraphs.

    Keep it up!

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