Sex shorts [MF]

My ex-girlfriend and I used to have a bit of a weird kink: whenever we were going to have sex, she would always be wearing the same super-short pink shorts (not something to wear in public). It somehow just became a routine, and whenever she was in those shorts, I knew that we were about to get it on. Somehow, later in the relationship, it became a thing for me to pull out during sex, take the condom off, and come on those shorts. Of course, we would wipe it off after, but it turned us on so much that we had a pair of dirty sex shorts. Even when we traveled, she would always pack the shorts as well.

Well, sadly we broke up — and not on good terms. I was staying with my parents at the time. She sent me a package with an angry letter and the sex shorts included, along with a few other things. I guess she didn’t want to keep them. Well I didn’t know what to do with it either, so I just put it in a drawer in my closet, and I forgot about them.

A few weeks later, I realize that my mom has apparently washed the shorts. Apparently she was cleaning out a few things in my room and did some laundry for me. She asked me about them. I was in shock, but I played it cool and just said, “hmm I don’t know what those are… Maybe [my sister]’s laundry got mixed in somehow?” My mom asked my sister, who of course said she didn’t recognize them. And thank god, my mom just put them away and didn’t ask again about them.
