Two sides to every tale…. NSFW. M F


Drew’s knuckles appeared white on the steering wheel. The scenery outside flew by as he drove with his foot almost to the floor. His face was pale and his eyes were wild. He was thinking of her as he drove, muttering occasionally. The tray shook as he crossed the cattle grid entering the property, not slowing for it as he usually did, not caring either. At the house, Rai lifted her head to the sound, knowing right away it was him. Knowing, with the roar of his engine that he was upset. Drew always drove safely. Always. She walked to the verandah to await his arrival.

Drew saw her as he drove into the yard proper. She was sitting on the front step, her gaze hidden in the shadows. The house was in darkness behind her and the front light shone brightly into his eyes. He shut the truck off and just sat there, staring at her with anger burning. He wondered if she could feel his anger yet. She didn’t typically meet him out front unless it had been a bad day or something was up, so he guessed she had been told he was coming. Someone at the pub obviously still looking out for her. He couldn’t believe what he’d heard, but he couldn’t deny that the thought had crossed his mind before. He always wondered why she’d married him. Always felt she had settled for less. That she’d deserved more. Now, as much as he loved her, he wanted her to pay for hurting him again. His anger was seething under the surface unlike ever before. He heard his mobile begin to ring, but ignored it, still staring at her as she sat, her gaze not meeting his. He still clung to the steering wheel, so he focused on his hands and slowly loosened his fingers, wiping them across his pants leg to dry the sweat that had been squeezed from his skin. He looked across the yard at her again. He grabbed his phone to check who’d been calling and his rage increased. Craig. Of course. Drew looked over at Rai sitting there so calmly and he threw the phone across the seat, shoving open his door with a kick as he jumped out. He was more than half way across the dusty yard before he saw Rai lift her head. She looked up at him and her surprise was evident immediately! She looked shocked then before she registered how serious this was. She cried out his name as she jumped to her feet and Drew stretched out his arm to grab her. She was too quick and dodged his grasp, stepping back on the porch as he stumbled and struck his knee. She again called his name and began to speak but stopped when Drew’s loosely clenched hand flew past her face. Rai darted away and into the house before he was recovered and he roared her name in frustration. He mounted the verandah and almost pulled the screen off it’s hinges as he entered the darkened hallway. In the distance he could hear his phone again. She’d stopped just inside the door and now faced him again, calling his name and telling him to listen, it wasn’t real, it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously, it was all a stupid joke. For his birthday no less. He couldn’t believe what she was saying. Why would she lie like this? This time his hand connected. He hadn’t even known he was going to swing. He punched her in the stomach and she buckled immediately. He held her up by one arm and watched her gasp and cry, trying not to throw up while trying to breath again. He shook her and she cried out. Why. Why would you do this to me you bitch? Why? I want to kill you you know that right? I want to put a bullet in your head. Then in mine. Why Rai? Just tell me why? Rai tried again to answer him but couldn’t catch her breath yet. Drew pushed her into their bedroom which was just off the hallway where they stood. Rai cried and she fell into the room as Drew shoved her forward. I don’t know why you’d do this Rai. He’s been trying to call me ever since he saw Matt and I talking. Did he call you too? I bet he did, that’s how you knew I was coming isn’t it? He called you and told you I knew didn’t he? Answer me Rai, it’s the least you owe me! Didn’t he? Drew’s voice got louder and louder, ending in him roaring in her face as she cried on the ground. The slap was shockingly loud when it came, knocking her on her side again. Drew couldn’t believe how good it felt to see he like this. She was such a control freak, seeing her on the ground like this excited him, something he didn’t know he had in him. Finally she gasped out his name. Drew squatted next to her and she tried to tell him again it was a misunderstanding, but her words were airy and he wasn’t caring at this point. Instead, his eyes lingered over her breasts, one of which had almost slipped from the top as she lay on her side in a dress he’d never seen before. He reached forward and pulled the material aside, tugging the bra away with it. Her nipple exposed to him, he caressed and pinched her hard. Rai gasped and pulled away from him, covering herself and trying to fix her clothes as she sat up. Drew laughed and grabbed her by both elbows and heaved her onto the bed in one move. She scuttled back up the bed and Drew climbed up after her, his cock now raging hard in his pants. The tears streaking her face, the mascara running and giving her those raccoon eyes he loved, it was all working for him. In the semi dark of the bedroom, she looked vulnerable for the first time in their seven years together. Drew felt like he had total control over her. And he loved it! She actually looked afraid of him! Take the dress off he demanded. She sat still for a moment, then shuffled the dress up her legs and lifted it over her head. Beneath was a lacy bra and a white g-string. She rarely wore G-strings, said they chaffed. He felt his stomach roll as he wondered had she been with Craig this afternoon? Was that who she wore them for? He pulled his own shirt from his body and opened his pants, dropping them to his knees as he came and knelt before her, his cock almost hurting. Take the bra off. Did you meet him today Rai? She looked up at him and cried harder, no Drew, I’m not seeing Craig I swear, she repeated. No, just fucking him hey Rai? Just like you did me when you were married to Brad? He saw this hurt her badly and her eyes dropped. Drew looked away from her as he took a deep breath and pulled her closer by her hair. Suck my dick Rai. You owe me one you cunt! Despite her cries, she did a pretty good job and soon enough Drew could feel himself getting ready to cum. He shoved her back on the bed and away from him. He told her to pull her panties aside. When she did, he told her to hold herself open, which she again complied with. Then he told her to wet his dick so she began to rub him around her pussy, spreading her juices across his knob. When she slid him across her hole, he pushed forward and into her, not stopping until he needed to reposition to push even further into her pussy. She groaned and he sighed as he felt himself hit her cervix. He pulled back slightly, then shoved back in hard and fast, hitting it again and again, causing her to cry out. Drew got up on his hands and watched her face as he repeatedly pulled back slightly only to slam back in again. He liked seeing her hurt. He liked hearing her groan like that. He took her throat in his hands, gently to begin, lengthening his thrusts in and out of her. His hand tightened as his speed picked up. He began to pound into her pussy, watching her tits bounce as he did, watching her gasp and pant as he continued to hammer into her. As he came, he squeezed and watched her begin to struggle, then oanic. He felt her buck under him and saw the fear on her face. He tightened his hold and fucked get hard as he could. He felt her pussy clench on his dick as he finished inside her. He felt her cum on him as he wound down his pace and collapsed onto her, his hands at last allowing her to breath.

He rolled off of her as she coughed and gasped beneath him, and stood to gather his clothes. He didn’t look at her now, fearing what he’d see. He could hear her wheezing and her slow sobs as she curled into a fetal position on the bed. Drew pulled his clothes together and left the room. He was done here.
