The loudest sex I’ve ever had [MF]

#The time before the time it happened
It could have been a passing encounter of no consequence, a face forgotten among the thousands we meet in life. I was in Bali with friends, staying at one of the villas the island is famous for. We were 20 plus as a group, there for a few days of surfing and partying. On arrival, we all – guys and girls – noticed an unfamiliar face among the group. Long, wavy blond hair with dyed streaks of pink; pert breasts adorning a slim, athletic body; a soft North American accent; a sweet smiling face that flitted intoxicatingly between a benign innocence and a devilish intent.

She was the visiting guest of one of the group, perhaps dating – I don’t know and I don’t think we even spoke. I thought nothing of it until three years later when, back home on the other side of the world, I opened the door to that same face standing on my doorstep on the night of my Christmas party.


#The reconnection
Another mutual friend, a career switch from one country to another, a free night…the chances were slim but it happened and there she was, stepping in through the doorway on a cold night. Being a Christmas party, of course the dress code was Christmas sweaters – an assortment of ill-fitting, horrendously patterned garments that set exactly the opposite tone from anything sexually provocative. She turned away from me and unbuttoned her long woollen coat, for me to take and hang up. She hadn’t got the memo.

It was a golden dress. The top, just covering those perfect breasts; the length, just enough to reach her thighs. Her shoes, sleek and high heeled, as if any help was needed to frame her perfectly slender legs. The dress clung to her body as if she was a tightly wrapped Christmas gift. As I followed her up the stairs to join the party, it was all I could do to drag my gaze away from her legs and rearrange myself before walking into the packed room with a thundering bulge in my pants.

#The calm before the storm
She glided through the party straight to the kitchen, parting the group as if by some divine power. It wasn’t divine power, it was the dress and the body – but what a sight. All eyes were fixed on her, most of all my own as I followed her right across the room. For a reason I’ve never really understood, she grabbed an apron, put it on and started to slice limes to make drinks for everyone. Never has an apron looked so seductive, but she was totally focused on taking the party to another level. She sliced, I poured, she served (with that smile). Teasingly, her hands would brush mine each time I handed her a drink to serve – and when it happened with eye contact at the same time, I felt my cock throb just a little bit more.

Eventually we’d served all the drinks that the party needed, and we leaned back against the counter to have our own, in a private, mini celebration. She looked at me and took a sip.

“Can you take this apron off? My hands are all sticky…”

The ribbon was tied behind her back, and she made absolutely no effort to turn around for me to reach it easily. I stepped close to her, inhibitions loosened by the early drinks, and put my arms around her tight waist. I slid my fingers under the ribbon that encircled her, feeling my arms around her firm body as I sought the knot at her back to slowly untie it. I don’t know if my cock was close enough to press against her, but for sure she could feel the energy as I let the ribbon fall and lifted the strap over her head. *Thanks*, she whispered as I put the apron to one side.

Well, that’s that, I thought. She went to wash her hands and I went to join the party before my balls exploded right there in the kitchen. My eyes were constantly drawn to her through the crowd as the night wore on, but there was no sign of anything more happening.

At one point, I saw her leaning alone against the wall, phone in her hand and her eyes on it. Thinking she was bored, I went over.

“My phone is dead – do you have a charger?”

“I do in my room”, I said without any sense that she wanted anything other than her phone to work. Maybe she was done with the party and just wanted a cab out of there…

I told her I’d go get the charger and she smiled. I turned and walked, just along the hallway to my bedroom and unplugged the charger from next to my bed. You don’t need me to tell you that when I turned back around to take it to her, she was right there. Dress; legs; heels; smile.

“Here it is”, I said as I handed her the cable. She looked at me silently for a moment and then said something I’ll never forget.

#The question

“Can we just have sex?”

This isn’t the kind of thing that happens to me. Ever. Before or since. Somehow I didn’t fall apart, and stepped forwards to bring myself closer to her. No apron, no crowd, nobody but my body and her body. My arms encircled her for a second time, and this time she can have been in no doubt about the readiness of my cock for her. We kissed.

In the fraction of a second before kissing, maybe just me but I always think *”please let it be good”*. Her kiss was rapacious. I’ll wait here while you go check what I mean.

That’s what I mean.

It was glorious.

My hands locked onto her butt in an instant, her hands clamped onto my face, and we kissed with energy and depth and wetness that made the whole party almost an imperceptible background hum. Tongues, lips, groans. Our bodies pressed against each other impatiently, telling us to stop with the starter and move onto the main.

I lifted her dress all of five inches to reveal her butt and her panties, then knelt down and pulled them off her, seeing the wetness of her pussy as she stepped out one leg then the other. I pushed her back against the wall and she set her legs wide, her eyes looking straight into mine.

#They must have heard
I needed no more questions as my hand went straight to her soft, waxed pussy. I moved in to kiss her again, but she shot out a hand against my chest. She just wanted me to fuck her pussy with my hand, for me to see all of her while I did it and for her to watch me do it. I’ll say it again – this isn’t the kind of thing that happens to me.

Her moans started to grow. There was no biting her lip, no holding back – her head was back, her mouth wide open and she let out moan after moan as she kept her hand on my chest and her legs fixed wide. Could she get any louder? She could. By now her pussy was so wet, droplets were cascading down her thighs and drops were flying from her pussy lips onto the floor as my fingers worked harder and harder. She clenched her hand, gripping my shirt as she came with the loudest moan so far.

They must have heard. The music was loud but that moan – my god.

We kissed as her hands reached for my cock. I felt my belt buckle opening, the button opening, the fly opening, her hand reaching over the top of my briefs and onto my cock. She wanted more?

“I want to feel you inside me”

I pulled everything down and out of the way. We moved to the bed and she lay back against my bank of pillows. A pussy that wet needs no lube, and a cock that hard needs no warm up. I slid the full length of my cock into her. At this point, her dress was still on, my shirt was still on, her heels were still on, and her legs were wrapped around my waist as my body pressed against her. I had my hands under her butt, grabbing it tightly as we fucked.

And the moaning. For every thrust, a moan. Each one louder than the last. I felt my balls tightening as her face, her dress, her body, her pussy, her moans just made me want to cum. Sometimes slow sex is good. This was not one of those times. I moved from missionary to kneeling, holding her hips up off the bed as I fucked her.

I soon felt my cock throbbing in the way you know means you’re about to cum. She saw – maybe she felt, too – and it only made her pussy tighter and moans louder.


I needed no encouragement – nothing could have stopped me at that point. As I came, I half expected the loudest moan but as her mouth opened, barely a sound came out. Her eyes clamped shut and her pussy tightened like a clamp around my cock as my cum filled what space was left inside her. I pulled out and after a few seconds the cum dripped slowly from her pussy, over her asshole and down onto the sheets.

#Back to the party
We did what we needed to do, plugged in her phone (it really did need recharging) and went back to the party. A few friends laughed as we walked back into the room, but most people were drunk, dancing and oblivious.

We had another drink, and the night made it way through to the end of the party. She left – not the first to go and not the last – with a final kiss and a thanks for charging her phone. The phone?!

#Was there more?
There was, a couple of times. I have to say I think I was more attracted to her than the other way around, and so as is often the case it fizzled away with no hard feelings, just a happiness for the experience and gratitude for the fates that started the story in a pool party in Bali and created that night at a Christmas party years later.

This was a fun memory to bring back! I haven’t really thought about it for a long time (it was Christmas 2015). Thanks gonewildstories for giving me a prompt to write it down. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Was it too long?

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