“Make love to me.”
I stepped up to her and began to undress her while looking deep into her eyes.
Starting with her top I lifted her arms and very slowly raised the shirt and removed it.
Leaning in for another kiss I undid her bra and she shook it off of her shoulders.
In front of me were the most wonderful breasts, as I said she had these little “A” cups with a chest that was almost flat and a pair of nipples that stood proud, like a pair of pencil erasers.
Lizzy loved her little titties and would look down with distaste to anyone who thought breasts make a woman and I loved her for that.
I spent a long while just teasing them to their full hardness.
Taking a lesson from Lizzy’s own playbook I went to my closet and took a wide black tie.
Stepping up to Lizzy I asked her “Do you trust me?”
“Yes” Was her answer.
I requested that she stand passive and not to touch me until I ask her.
Taking the tie I placed it around her eyes and tied it, blocking her vision.
I turned her away from me and began to trace my finger ever so gently across her spine and along the lines of her back.
As I did this you could see little shivers crawl up her back wherever my fingers had just traveled.
When I reached the back of her neck I began to deliver light butterfly kisses.
As I did this her knees began to tremble and buckle.
I followed this by delivering those same kisses along her spine until I reached the top of her shorts.
Standing up again my left arm went around her front to play along her stomach as my right hand
lowered those shorts to the floor.
Never touching her between her legs, I spent a long time just touching her everywhere else.
The front of her calf’s and the back of her knees were especially sensitive to touch and had her moaning.
When my fingertips finally brushed her most treasured place she released an involuntary gasp.
Turning her around to face me I took a feather duster she had on her table and stroked it lightly across those magnificent nipples.
I did not believe it possible but I watched them harden more then I thought possible.
Leaning inward I took her left nipple between my lips and oh so gently began to nibble on it.
As I repeated this with her right nipple she began a very low pitched moan that never quite stopped, it just altered in volume.
Reaching under her back and legs I lifted her and placed her upon her back on the bed.
Putting a line of oil down her front I took the time to slowly massage her starting at her feet and ever so casually working my way upward.
Again never touching her treasure, I lay along side her and lean in for a kiss.
“You are free to use your hands now.” I told her.
As we kissed our tongues played within our mouths.
Two tongues intertwining tell more about love then anything else.
Lizzy reached down and gently began to stroke my cock, nothing more than light touches with her fingertips.
Her touch was maddening, so light it felt as if the wind was caressing me.
Yet it was far more effective than a firm grip.
As we kissed my hands were playing with her bottom, kneading both cheeks and occasionally tickling that little ring in the center.
Breaking the kiss was torture, yet I needed to pay attention to those little buds upon her chest.
Running my tongue around each in turn caused goose bumps to pop out upon her chest,
when finally I took one between my lips Lizzy let out a quiet little hiss followed by a shudder of her body.
Reaching down for the first time, I allowed myself to run my finger along her slit from back to front.
Each time I ran my finger along it the deeper I would probe.
Each stroke would open her a bit more.
It took only moments to begin feeling her moisture collect between those lips.
As I felt that moisture I coated a finger and ever so lightly made a circle around her clit, never quite touching, just far enough away to keep her wanting more.
As my fingers slid inside, she attacked my mouth once again.
What bliss, a single kiss!
The universe encompassed in a single moment!
Breaking that kiss was the hardest thing I ever did.
I needed to begin my journey downwards.
My kissing traveled down her chest to her navel and around her tummy.
As I planted my kisses on her tummy she broke out into a fit of giggling from the tickling sensation I imparted upon her skin.
Reaching my goal I opened her legs to my view.
What a magnificent sight I beheld a perfectly smooth slit, with a puffiness caused by her excitement.
At the first touch of my tongue her legs stiffened and locked around my head.
Opening her again to me I nibbled on those lips, using my lips and a bit of suction, I tugged on each one.
Lizzy’s moisture tasted of ambrosia, the drink of life.
After five minutes of gentle treatment I flipped around into a sixty nine position, allowing Lizzy access to my hardened cock.
Lizzy was starved, there was no slow build up, no teasing, she went right to full throttle.
She attacked my cock with everything she had.
Reaching up to grab my bottom, she pulled me in as deep as possible.
I could feel her struggling to open her throat so to take the whole of me.
Together we worked each others sex in a fury of lust, the heat generated could be felt on our bodies as we lay atop each other.
Lizzy had had enough.
Pulling me from her mouth she cried out, “Do it! It’s time, take my virginity now!”
I turned around and opened her legs further as I moved into position.
Starting by rubbing my cock around her treasure Lizzy became impatient.
“Please don’t tease me any more, fuck me, please do it now, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” She cried out.
Moving inward I began to slide inward, at first she was so tight.
I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to penetrate her.
But as I began to push I felt Lizzy flexing and releasing the muscles of her pussy, until I overcame
her tightness.
With a pop I entered her.
Lizzy drew a sharp breath and when she exhaled it came as a scream of joy.
I stopped for a moment to gather my own control to prevent an early ending.
I began a slow but steady stroking. Never completely pulling out and with each in stroke, delving deeper than the last.
Until at last I was burred to the max.
At that moment I stopped.
When our bodies were pressed as closely as possible, I leaned down and renewed our kissing.
As our bodies pressed together the sweat we each generated was acting like a lube.
Our bodies slid across each other, it was the most wonderful feeling, there was no shame in this it was the byproduct of our loving and that made wonderful.
This time there was no gentleness in our kissing, what there was, was the purest of animal lust.
Our tongues were doing battle within our mouths, each one seeking to wrap the others in it’s search for joy.
“Now please fuck me hard, make me yours, take me now.”
I leaned up upon my elbows to gain leverage, this allowed me to use my hips to the best possible advantage.
I began to thrust harder and harder. Our hips slamming into each other,
along with this was the sound our bodies made as my cock withdrew and then slammed forward.
This wet and squishy sound some might find objectionable, to me it was an affirmation of what we were sharing in the moment.
I rolled over taking Lizzy with me, now the onus was upon her to gather her own pleasure.
She waggled her hips to gain the most friction on her clit.
This was her time, it was wonderful to watch her experiment with different positions.
As I sensed her approaching orgasm I reached around her hips and played with her little ring.
As she began crossing over the threshold I pushed my finger inward, this sent her over the edge into a screaming orgasm.
As her pussy began contracting from her orgasm, it sent me over the edge.
My cock began pulsing as it released it’s cum deep within her.
A moment later Lizzy collapsed on top of me.
To feel her weight upon me was a most comforting feeling.
Once again we renewed our kissing this time there was no hurry.
The kissing was slow and lingering, the best kissing ever in the afterglow of loving.
As we DE-pressurized from our joining we wrapped each other in our arms and slept the sleep of the innocent.
I was awoken with the gift of more kisses, first came little butterfly kisses all over my face.
Followed by a renewal of our lips intertwining.
“Lizzy, I love you. No greater gift has or ever will be given me than this night.
No matter what the future holds I will always know what pure bliss is and I owe that to you.”
The next day in town Dave and I were talking about Lizzy again.
By his very nature Dave was rather shy and had a tough time expressing himself, especially when it came to girls.
I wanted to give him some advice but this was the wrong time and place to talk.
So I asked him to join me later at he pond to go swimming where we could talk in private.
Later as I was walking towards the pond Dave met me on the path.
We made the last hundred yards to the pond and dropped all our stuff on the bank.
Stripping down Dave remarked that I didn’t bring a swimsuit.
“Dave, I like the feel of being naked in the water besides there’s no one around and even if there was,
who cares.”
Dave looked thoughtful for a moment, shrugged his shoulders and dropped his swimsuit.
Now I had seen his cock the night I spied on he and Lizzy, but it was different to see it in the light of day.
He was cut like me and had at least seven inches of nice cock.
When he looked over at me he was curious about the fact that I shaved my cock and pubes.
“Well I love the smooth feeling and in the summer I don’t feel as sweaty when it gets hot out.”
While we were swimming Dave asked me if I thought that Lizzy would take him back.
“Dave I don’t think she ever dumped you, you were the one who freaked out on her and left the house in a huff.
I know for a fact that she was wondering and hurt that you haven’t gone to her and apologized for going ape that night.
If you walked up to her today and explained what happened she would probably jump into your arms and fuck you on the spot.”
We laughed at that and I could see that Dave had a weight taken off his shoulders.
As we were splashing around I had the opportunity to brush up against him, at moments I got to feel his cock as we bumped into each other.
One time we were wrestling and he grabbed me from behind while putting me in a headlock that he challenged me to get out of.
As I attempted to get loose I could feel his cock pressed up against by bottom.
As I struggled, I felt his cock get hard.
As soon as he noticed this he backed up and said “Sorry”.
“Let’s take a break and warm up in the sun.”
Dave thought this was a grand idea.
As we lay on the grass we talked about life, our plans for the future and of course girls.
While we talked about girls the conversation naturally swung around to sex.
As normal for me just thinking about sex let alone talking about it caused me to get a bit of an erection,
the same thing was happening to Dave.
As I looked over at his cock hardening I told him I was impressed with the size and girth of his cock and that I could see what Lizzy liked so much.
I told him that she had often said how she loved touching his cock when she was giving him a hand job.
“You mean Lizzy talks about sex with you?”
“I told you before that she and I share everything, she knows my secrets and I know hers.
We trust each other.
She never told you I was bi did she?” I asked Dave.
“What? Your bi, I would have never guessed.
How did you become bi.” he asked.
I told him I never became bi it’s just that I think that a cock is just as beautiful as a pussy and that neither Lizzy or I had a problem with that.
“Well, shit, I never would have guessed but then again people don’t wear a sign saying “I am bi or gay.”
with that we both had a good laugh.
Now as I was making my personal disclosure I saw his cock get considerably larger and harder.
“Dave have you ever been in the locker room and spent just a few seconds longer looking at another cock.”
“Well to tell the truth, yeah.
I have wondered what it would be like to touch a cock that isn’t mine,
but I never had the nerve to ask anyone.” He admitted.
“Dave, would you like to touch mine?”
“Are you serious?”
There was a lull in our conversation as we both laid back to keep sunning ourselves.
Moments late I felt Dave reach over and lightly touch my cock.
“Your OK with me doing this?” He asked.
“Yes” I told him.
Dave leaned over on his side and took his time touching and inspecting another guys cock for the first time.
“I never thought I would have the chance to do this, it’s not so bad and it’s rather fascinating.
I mean I know what mine feels like but it is so different feeling one that isn’t mine.
I like how your cock twitches when I touch you under the head.”
“So touching my cock isn’t so bad, is it?”
“No, not really, it’s weird I never thought I would do this and to tell the truth it’s exciting.
Yet at the same time I don’t see anything so bad about it.” Dave said.
“Dave, would you mind if I touched you?”
“No, go ahead.”
I reached over and began to lightly stroke Dave’s cock.
The response was as expected, his cock grew longer and harder.
For the next five or so minutes we played with each others cock.
Dave was fascinated by how our cocks were the same and yet at the same time different.
“Dave, lay back, close your eyes and just relax.”
As he did so I played with him for a moment, and then leaned in and began to give Dave a slow blow-job.
At first he opened his eyes and was about to say something, but at the last moment he closed his eyes and laid back.
At first I concentrated only on his cock.
Then I began to tease the area between his cock and ass.
I could tell that this was having a major effect upon him.
As I felt him getting closer to his orgasm I began to tease that little ring on his bottom.
This really had him pumping his hips as he tried to register all the sensations he was feeling.
Now it started, I felt his cock begin to pulse, as he began the onset of his orgasm I pushed my finger into his bottom.
The moment I did this Dave exploded, his hips thrust upward as his leg stiffened.
Then my mouth was flooded with his cum.
I swallowed as fast as I could but the torrent was to much.
Much of the cum just spilled out the sides of my mouth.
When he was finished we both laid back to rest.
“That was fucking amazing, I don’t think I have ever cum so hard!” Dave said.
“Does this mean I’m gay?” He asked.
“No dumb shit, it doesn’t mean your gay, it just means you like sex and you have just expanded your mind and killed one of your prejudices.
As we lay there he said thank you.
I asked him what he was thanking me for.
“I’m thanking you for opening my eyes and allowing me to discover that I was wrong, wrong about what I thought was right and letting me discover it in such a way that wasn’t demeaning or forcing it upon me.
As we lay there off in the distance I heard Lizzy’s car going up the road to our house.
I knew it was hers, only Lizzy’s car with the muffler patched together with a cut up soup can banded around the pipe made that sound. “Dave, come on, let’s go up to the house, I think it’s time you and Lizzy had a talk.”
“Do you think it will be all right?”
“Dave, it won’t be all right if you don’t go talk to her.”
We beat Lizzy to the house by just moments.
As Lizzy came into the house she spied Dave sitting with me in the living room.
Lizzy didn’t say a word, she dropped her bags on the kitchen table and calmly walked upstairs to her room.
“Well, dummy, go up there and talk to her!” I told him as bluntly as I could.
As he started up the stairs after her he looked back at me
I just waved him up the stairs.
I heard the knock upon the door and Lizzy saying,
“What do you want!”
That’s all I heard for some time until I heard the argument begin, lasting all of five minuets and then silence.
For a moment I wondered if Lizzy had killed him, but no I heard them talking again and then once again silence.
Then curiosity got the better of me.
Yes I know, “Curiosity killed the cat” but they never tell you the end of that quote.
It went, “But satisfaction brought it back.”
So it was moments later you could find me in our darkened bathroom watching through the crack in the door.
What I saw was Dave and Lizzy frantically tearing off each others clothes.
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/f9kk5q/my_sister_lizzy_part_3_mf_mm_bdsm
To my readers,
Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.
I welcome any feedback you may wish to send.
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stories please let me know.
Thank you.