They Came for me last night (MF) (Bondage) (Forced Orgasm) (Tickling) (Blindfold)

They came for me last night.  I was told they would come, told my actions would have consequences, but still, I was surprised when they grabbed me out of my bed.  I fought, but against three strong men, I had no chance.  A blindfold was tied over my eyes before I felt a sharp prick on my arm.

I awoke to the feeling of steel cuffs being ratcheted shut over my slender wrists.  My arms were lifted above my head, pulling the cotton nightgown I wore up above my hips.  I was on my back on a cold surface, with the blindfold still covering my eyes I could only hear and feel my surroundings.I heard the clicking of the handcuffs to a metal ring, my arms were stretched tight above my head.  My captor didn’t say a word as he walked the length of the table on which I was laying, Each footfall seemed to echo in my head.  I felt a strong hand grabbing my right ankle, pulling my legs apart.  I fought, tried to kick out, but his strength was too much.  I felt a thick leather belt cinching tight around my ankle.

I waited in absolute stillness, waited for the moment his hands touched my left leg, I snapped my leg up towards were I sensed his head was, toes pointed in the hope of catching my captor in the throat.  He must have moved like lightning, my foot barely moved before he seized it and strapped it down, leaving my legs spread apart.

I heard the scrape of metal as something was picked up off of a tray, seconds later I heard the snip snip snip of scissors as my nightgown was cut away.  He took his time, working his way up from my stomach to the collar, then along the arms, I felt the thin cloth fall away, leaving me naked save for the thin white cotton panties I had worn.

His fingers traced along my skin, sending shivers of trepidation through my body of what was bound to come next. One finger slid down between my legs, as light as a feather as it traced over my panties along the lips of my pussy.  I whimpered as that finger began to slowly rub.  I fought the urge to moan, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

Read what happens next [here](

This is my first full BDSM erotic story I’ve written, I would love some feedback.
