I get to receive free handjobs because of my medical condition [MF]

Doctor “Hello Mr. Sanchez, how are you doing today?”

Me “I’m doing very well, thank you. How about you?”

Doctor “Oh everything is fine.”

Doctor “So… Your results came in… And you have a little bit of an unusual condition.”

Me “Oh my God, is it that bad? Please don’t scare me like that.”

Doctor “Oh no don’t worry. It’s just unusual, not something you should be that worried about. But you’ll have to treat this for sure. Do you have a girlfriend?”

Me “I do doctor”

Doctor “Good good, you’ll understand why I’m asking in just a moment.”

He gets some documents from his drawer and puts them on the table. Some of them look like my exam results.

Doctor “So, when you came in the first time you said you’re feeling pain on your right testicle, correct?”

Me “Correct, also that the pain was spreading, and sometimes it would hurt up to my belly.”

Doctor “Yes, I remember. I asked you to get a lot of exams, but all of them came back clean, so you got nothing serious. But I discovered the reason for the pain with this exam right here (he holds up a piece of paper)”

Me “Jesus Doc, can you cut the suspense? I’m getting anxious over here”

Doctor “I’m sorry. Listen, your condition, in simple terms, is you’re producing an excess of sperm. So the sperm fills up your epididymis, an because you don’t ejaculate fast enough, it starts getting “clogged”.”

Me “Oh man, what should I do to solve it? And why is that happening?”

Doctor “Well you have 2 options now. Let’s say you have the fun option, and the boring one.
The boring one is taking hormones. That’s what’s causing your issue. You have a hormonal imbalance that makes your testicles produce a lot more sperm than they should, so you would take some hormones to balance it out. The other option is to just ejaculate a lot more frequently. That’s why I asked you if you had a girlfriend, she can help you with this issue, and I’m being serious now. How often would you say you have sex?”

Me “Oh I don’t know, I would say like 2-3 times a week.”

Doctor “Okay, do you also masturbate?”

Me “Yeah, when I don’t have sex. Probably every other day.”

Doctor “Okay, so, that’s not enough. If you decide to start taking hormones the problem would be solved. However you’d create other problems for you. The first one being the expanse, hormones are not cheap. The other is you might lose your libido. So in all honesty I do not recommend this option, not because it’s not the fun one, as a doctor I don’t recommend it.”

Me “The other option is just ejaculating more frequently?”

Doctor “Exactly. It’s a simple and natural solution. You’d have to find out by yourself how much you’ll have to ejaculate so the pain goes away. Considering the results, comparing it to a normal production of sperm in a male your age, you’ll probably have to ejaculate 3 times more frequently than what you do now.”

Me “Damm. That’s a lot Doctor.”

Doctor “It is, but I do think it’s the best option Mr. Sanchez.”

So that was essentially how my conversation with the doctor went that day.
It sounded like a joke, or like the beginning of a porn video. But it is what it is I guess. I’d just have to work around it.

First things first, I had to break the news to my girlfriend. Her name is Anne.

[via text]

Me: Hey, the results came in, I just got back from the doctor.

Her: Heyyy, how did it go? Is everything ok???

Me: Yeah I’m fine actually, but I’d rather tell you in person, it’s kinda complicated to explain

Her: Oh no problem, I’ll get to yours as soon as I can

It was an awkward conversation to have, but a necessary one.

When she came to mine, I sat her down to have the talk.

Me “So it’s going to sound very weird, but I’ll tell you exactly what the doctor told me.”

Her “Okay…”

I’m laughing awkwardly, she looks confused.

Me “My testicles produce a lot more sperm than they should, due to a hormonal imbalance.”

Her “Oh that doesn’t sound so bad. So that’s the reason you’ve been feeling pain?”

Me “Yeah, basically. He told me exactly why it was painful and it has something to do with my epididymis, but I don’t remember exactly.”

Her “That’s okay, I wouldn’t understand either way. But that’s great news right? Well, how can you fix this?”

Me “Well, one option is to take hormones to balance it out, the other one is to ejaculate more frequently….”

Her “Oh okay, what did doctor recommend?”

Me “He actually called them the boring and the fun solution. He recommended I ejaculated more, because hormones have side effects. He even asked if I had a girlfriend, he said you could help me…”

She laughs, and squints her eyes, as in she’s suspicious

Her “Reaaaly? Did he actually say that?”

We’re both laughing

Me “No no, he actually did, it’s not a joke. He told me ejaculating more is a natural and easy solution to my problem. I’d just have to do it a lot more. And he did actually say you could help, wich was kinda funny.”

Her “Okay, I believe you. Of course I can help, but how many times are we talking? Are we going to have sex like ten times a day everyday?

Me “Oh God, I hope not…He told me the only way to find out how many times a day would be trying. If I feel any pain, it means it’s not enough. So we’re going to have to try it.”

Her “Okay whatever you need baby.”

Me “Thank you. You’re the best girlfriend ever you know”

Her “I know”

Me “But I’m a little worried, I don’t know if it’s going to be like, twice a day or even five times a day.”

Her “Well we’ll figure it out, don’t worry. Besides, when you’re alone you could just… you know…”

Me “What?”

Her “Oh you know…”

Me “What??”

Her “Jerk off idiot. Every guy jerks off. Don’t tell me you’re the only one who doesn’t ”

I laugh

Me “Oh yeah, no, I do jerk off sometimes. But the thing is with my condition, if I had to jerk off like 3 times a day or maybe even more, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be healthy. You know a lot of people get addicted to porn, it’s a serious problem. And sometimes it ruins their sex lives.”

Her “Oh yeah, I know that. But I’m just saying you could masturbate sometimes you know. If we couldn’t have sex. Not all the time.”

Me “Oh sure, that wouldn’t be a problem”

A moment of silence. Then my girlfriend got a little closer to me and put her hand on my chest.

Her “So uhmm, are you in pain right now? Do you want to start your treatment?”

She says in a sexy tone

Me “I do actually”

I know where this is going

We were both sitting on the couch, she got on top of me and we started making out.
She quickly got up, took my shorts off, got on her knees and started blowing me. It felt amazing.


When she’s ready she got up and took her clothes off.
She sat on my dick and started riding it. She knows what she’s doing, I could just sit back and relax, it’s just heavenly.


She’s on the pill so we don’t worry about anything. I don’t even warn her. When I’m really close to an orgasm I grab her waist with both my hands and start really pounding her pussy hard. She’s moaning really loudly, almost screaming. I cum all the way deep in her pussy, and she cums with me. We both hug each other and just feel the waves of pleasure take control of our bodies.

When we’re done, she got up and my cum started leaking everywhere. I tell her to go to the bathroom so she could wash herself while I cleaned the mess.

Few minutes later…

Her “So, how are you feeling now?”

Me “I’m feeling great, how about you?”

Her “I’m great aswell. But I’m only worried about you.”

Me “Well I’m actually worried about you aswell. You know this condition might make me need to cum 5 times a day, we don’t know yet. And I don’t want you to feel pressured into having sex that many times if you don’t feel like it.”

Her “Baby, it’s fine. If I don’t really feel like having sex we could have a quickie just to get it over with.”

Me “Yeah but that’s what I’m saying like… what if you really don’t feel like it? Maybe you’re busy with something I don’t know… I don’t want to get in your way, make you stop what you’re doing all the time just so we can have sex.”

Her “But babe the only other option is for you to masturabate, and you told me that wouldn’t be healthy.”

Me “I know, but I’m afraid it will just be a pain for you to just have to have sex for me because of my medical condition, I don’t want sex to get boring for you, or like a chore, you get what I’m saying”

Her “Yeah I get it, but the fact of the matter is you have this hormonal imbalance and you can’t do anything about it. But I love you a lot, and I’m determined to help you, and make you feel better.”

Her “If I don’t feel like having sex I can give you a quick handjob or blowjob, it’s not gonna be a problem okay?”

Me “Okay, but I need you to promise, if you really don’t feel like doing any of those things you’ll tell me okay? I’ll just masturbate then.”

Her “Okay babe, I promise.”

The conversation went great. Anne was very understanding.

The week went by normally. Sometimes I would feel pain, we would have sex, or maybe a quick blowjob. We figured 3 times a day was enough most of the time. But sometimes I would need more. Like five times.

But we worked it out pretty well I mean. When she didn’t want to, or we couldn’t be together, I just masturbated.

Sometimes I would start feeling pain in situations I couldn’t really ejaculate. Like in classes, maybe in a friend’s house. When that happened I usually texted Anne, asked her to send a naked picture and just jerked off in the bathroom as quick as possible. It wasn’t ideal, but the pain was so bad I just had to do it.

It happened quite often actually.
The weekends were always great, or the days I didn’t have class.
But when I did, when I had to spend the whole day out of the house, I just had to masturbate in the bathroom.

My girlfriend was worried about me. She was worried that by her not being always available to help me I would seek someone else’s help.

I told her I would never do it. But she kept insisting that any man with my condition would do it. And she wouldn’t blame me. She just wanted to avoid it.

So she had a crazy idea to solve this. I really didn’t expect it. But I was very pleasantly surprised.

She was friends with one girl that studied where I did. Her name was Olivia. Me and this chick knew each other pretty well because she would hang out with my girlfriend. But we didn’t talk a lot when Anne wasn’t with us.

My girlfriend told me this girl is “kind of a slut”. Not in a bad way, she just really enjoyed having sex, and wasn’t insecure about it. So she just fucked a lot of guys.

Anne actually told Olivia about my problem, without telling me about it first. And asked Olivia if she could “help me”.

I was really angry at first because telling this random girl about my condition was insensitive, since it was very private.

But she explained to me that Olivia was very open about sexuality, and she really trusted this girl, since they knew each other for 5 years or something.

She thought it would be a good idea for Olivia to give me blowjobs or handjobs if I really needed it. Wich was crazy, but to be honest I liked the idea.

My girl told me she knew I wouldn’t want to be jerking off all the time, so she was worried I’d try to have sex with someone else if she wasn’t available. So her solution was to ask a friend that she trusted, give me a handjob or a blowjob, wich was less personal, and that she knew wouldn’t mean anything to her, to Olivia, or to me. It would be like a “medical treatment”.

It was a crazy revelation. Olivia was already down to do it when my girlfriend and I had this conversation. So it was pretty much official. The days I’d have to be on campus I could just ask Olivia for a quick blowjob or handjob and she would give me.

I think I have the most perfect girlfriend to ever exist.

I had to pretend I wasn’t super excited about. I pretended to be nervous, and told her it would be awkward.

She didn’t even buy it. She said she knew I was excited about it, and that I didn’t have to hide my excitement. Of course getting free handjobs and blowjobs would be exciting for a man, let alone a man in a serious relationship.

So then it started.

On most weekdays I would ask Olivia a couple of hanjobs a day. Sometimes she would just give me a blowjob without me asking. We had like a secret little room that was for maintenance but was always empty and never locked.

To avoid making a mess she would always, and I mean everytime, swallow my cum. Even if it was a handjob, when I was about to cum, she would put her mouth around my dick and swallow everything.

And the best thing about it was, it wasn’t a secret. I could tell my girlfriend everything about it and she wouldn’t mind at all. She actually asked me if Olivia’s handjobs and blowjobs were better than hers. I told her they weren’t. I actually preferred my girlfriend’s handjobs, but Olivia’s blowjobs were better. That could remain a secret though.

Olivia and I wouldn’t really talk when we were doing it. It actually did feel very impersonal. Maybe Anne asked her to be like that.
So I would text Olivia, ask her to go to the secret room and wait for her there.
When she’d get there we’d close the door, she’d pull my pants down, give me a blowjob and then leave.
We would say stuff like “Hey” “How are you doing” “See you later”, but that was it.

My conversations with Anne were actually very hot about it. I would tell her “Olivia jerked me off three times today, I really needed it” and would just respond with “Oh isn’t she great?”.

Hell yeah she was great. Everything about this was great.

I was so worried about my condition then. I thought I’d become this weird guy who had to masturbate all the time and everyone would judge me and feel disgusted around me.
But I ended up having a lot more sex with my girl, and getting these free handjobs from Olivia.

I rarely masturbated actually. When I was at home I spent so much time with Anne that if I ever wanted to cum and she didn’t want to have sex she would always give me a handjob.

So my condition actually made me a much happier guy. And a lot more confident aswell.

My encounters with Olivia eventually got a little less awkward.

At some point she felt comfortable enough to talk to me.

So while she was jerking me off we would talk about class. Talk about Anne and how great she was that she let me do that. And just random things.

Once she told me

Her “I really wished other guys were like you”

Me “What do you mean?”

Her “Oh sometimes guys ask me for a blowjob or handjob and they take ages to cum. And my arm starts getting tired and everything. They want me to show my tits and grab me, when I’m blowing them they force me, it’s just awful.”

Her “You’re not like that. You let me do it in my own pace and you just cum in like 2min so it’s great for me.”

I was glad she liked it. I mean I did take that whole thing as more of a medical ejaculation, like just the need to cum, instead of a sexual handjob from Olivia. Because I know that’s what my girlfriend would want.

Sometimes I would fantasize about having sex with her, but that’s inevitable, I never actually considered to have it, or try anything with Olivia. I was totally happy with how things were working out.

But of course, eventually something had to go wrong right?

I’ll tell you everything about it in another post, if you really enjoyed this one.

If I get a positive feedback I’ll write the updates, so I really hope you liked it.

English is not my first language so I dont know if this story is well written enough for r/eroticliterature. I hope it’s good enough because it’s a lot of fun to write.

Anyway,thank you for reading, and feel free to give me any kind of feedback, I’ll appreciate it.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/f8s5jv/i_get_to_receive_free_handjobs_because_of_my


  1. Brilliant story, man! I loved how you actually gave a decent explanation and still managed to make it hot. You put adequate human responses and not just the porn type. And most of all, I love that the guy wasn’t a douchebag. We need more characters like him.
    Great job!

  2. Dude, this is an amazing story! I love the concept of it (and want to see if there are any cases of it) and it’s really hot. Keep up the excellent work!!!

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