Finding myself in college [FM]

So this happened three years ago in my freshman biology class and might be a little tame, but thinking about it just got me ridiculously hot and bothered, so I thought I’d share.

I had just moved very far from home to SoCal, and I was excited about re-making myself since I had been a serious introvert in high school with controlling parents. When I got to school I found that it was still really hard for me to meet new people and make friends (even though that is like the easiest time in your life to do it), plus I was still technically in a relationship with my boyfriend back home and he wanted to talk pretty much every night.

Fast forward five weeks, and I was !!really!! depressed. I had a few large groups that I’d hung out with, but it still felt like there was nobody here for me, and I was spending most night playing Stardew Valley and sleeping. I had been sitting one seat down from a boy named Will since the first week, but we always had an empty seat between us and never talked. That being said, I had definitely noticed him: he was probably 6′ tall (although I’m 5’5”, so everyone looks tall as fuck), with wavy dirty-blonde hair and bronze skin. More importantly, he always carried his skateboard in this particular *way* and spread his legs in his seat so that it seemed like the world was there just for him. Even though we’d never talked, it was like I could feel warmth from him on my right side every day.

But like I said, we’d never talked. That particular day, my usual row was full except for the seat next to Will, so I sat next to him without really thinking much of it, and I pulled out my stuff to get ready for another boring class. Then, I don’t really know why, I said something stupid like, “I guess you can tell the midterm is next week because people actually came today”, and he responded: “Yeah, it’s a shame you’re forced to sit next to me”. It all sounds cringy af writing it down now, but that was really all it took to break the ice. We joked around through the rest of class, and (again, I know this sounds cringy) I made sure that my knee stayed in contact with his as much as possible, which felt amazing in that weird giddy way that normal physical contact with a crush feels.

So, he added me on snapchat and we got progressively more flirty. Lots of shirtless pics from him, lots of lame “lol-I’m-sooo-bored” selfies from me, but nothing explicit. Finally, (probably like 2 weeks later in reality but felt like an eternity), he invited me to a party. I put on a short floral dress, put more time into my makeup than I had since highschool, straightened my long brown hair, and headed out across campus. It was a usual weird party in someone’s cramped apartment, and I drank enough to say a bunch of stupid shit very loudly. But Will pretended everything I said was funny, and he got loud and stupid too. After a couple of hours his arm was around me on a couch, and probably 15 minutes later I found myself outside, making out with him against the wall of the building.

Then, we went back inside, did a shot of fireball, and he ended up carrying me piggy-back and running back to his room. His room was a classic boy room, with clothes all over the place, and an overflowing bin full of beer cans, but it smelled like him, and somehow it was just perfect, like I had always imagined hanging out with boys in college should be. When I walked in, he said “Sorry-“, but nothing else before I threw my arms over his head and kissed him again, and I let my tongue wander around his mouth in the way that I only do when I’m drunk or incredibly turned-on. Then I felt his hands wander down the small of my back, and slowly over my ass, and then felt one lift my dress, slide under my lacy black thong, and begin rubbing my clit. I instinctively widened my stance, pushed up onto my toes, and exhaled into his mouth. I could already feel the fronts of my thighs going weak, and I turned my face away because I knew I was about to cum literally 30 seconds after he put a finger in me, and he took the opportunity to give me my first ever hickey on the left side of my neck.

The feeling of his breath on my neck sent me over the limit, and I made a very unflattering orgasm groan and started humping his hand against his leg for what seemed like a full two minutes. When I finished, he was just beaming down at me with a huge smile, but I could only think about one thing. I kissed him, and started fumbling with his belt buckle with one hand while rubbing his bulge, but I couldn’t make any progress (especially since he now had two of his large fingers inside me and the other hand roughly playing with my nipple). After I kept failing for a few seconds, he stopped me, held me by the shoulders, and told me to take everything off. Without thinking, I slipped my panties off while I watched him let his extremely hard (and admittedly larger than my boyfriend’s) dick out of his jeans.

I slipped my dress up over my head, and by the time that I’d pulled it off he had grabbed me by my hips and pushed me over his waist high mattress. I pushed my ass up and looked back at him with my head against his sheets, and I felt his dick lying against my lower back and his balls against my ass. He reached over and pulled my long straight hair from off of my face, and he said “Is this what you want?”

“Yes, please,” I said, trying to sound less desperate and horny than I obviously was. He pushed it in slowly, and I felt it getting harder as I struggled not to moan like I was in a bad porno. That didn’t last for long though. Each thrust made me lose a little more inhibition, and soon I was breathlessly “harder, please, harder” while I felt my knees starting to ache again. I reached down to touch myself, and it was like pressing a button: he fucked an orgasm out of that literally made me feel like my brain lost contact with the rest of my body, apparently I was loud enough that the person it the room next door banged a fist against the side of the wall. After that, Will kept going with his hand over my mouth, and I started sucking on his finger just to stay quiet.

Eventually, I felt too sore to keep going, but he hadn’t finished yet and I was still turned on. I sat on the side of his bed and started blowing him. Before, I had never done this for my bf except for right after he showered and only on special occasions, but it was like a switch had been flipped in my brain; the taste of myself on Will’s cock turned me on even more… But he still didn’t cum, even after he put his hands on the back of my head and started masturbating with my mouth (which, granted, I couldn’t do for very long). Finally, he looked down at me and said, “Sorry, but I really can’t do it unless I’m jerking off. I know it’s weird.” And he started slowly rubbing himself while looking down at me. “You really don’t want me to do *anything*?” I said, and he told me to just sit there.

So I sat there and watched while looking into those beautiful blue eyes, and he sped up, closed his eyes, and came on me (another first), and I felt like I had finally become the person who I was supposed to be.



  1. What happened next? Did you date or fwb it? Are there more stories of more encounters?

  2. This is really well written and incredibly sexy. First time that one of these stories turn me on lol.

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