Sara’s Self Discovery Part 5 [MF] [MM] [BDSM]

As we were walking I once again fell behind and watched as the wind would lift the rear of her skirt exposing her bottom to any who cared to look.
A few did so, often with classic double takes as they suddenly understood what they were seeing.
Catching up to Sara I said that I loved the looks of the other people when they saw that you had no panties on.

One older gent walked face first into a lamp post while trying to decide if what he saw, was what he thought he saw.
It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud.

We entered a small boutique that handled local artisans clothing.
OK Sara, look around and let me know if there is anything you like.
Sara picked out a beautiful handmade silk scarf that had a sea green motif that accented her pale white skin.

I told her it was as beautiful as she was, however I want to make it look more beautiful.
As I said this I pulled from my pocket Sara’s collar.

“Please not here, not now.” She said.
“Turn around.” I said.
“Yes sir.”
As the latch on the collar clicked in place, a viable transformation took place in Sara’s demeanor,
she suddenly became quiet and more reserved.

As I was paying for the scarf the sales girl had an interesting look in her eyes, a look that said she understood what had just happened to Sara.
Walking out of the shop Sara suddenly brightened up, a smile crossed her face and as she leaned into me she whispered, “You sir, are a wicked man, and I love it!”.

“Sara, we forgot to pack swimsuits, lets stop and buy some for later for the hotel pool.”
The next shop we went into had a large assortment of swimwear and I told Sara to pick out a couple for herself while I bought a pair of trunks for myself.
While Sara was in the changing room I asked the salesgirl if it would be OK if I went in the dressing room with my wife to see her choice.
When I entered Sara was trying on a thong bikini that left nothing to the imagination from the back and just as little from the front.

“I think it’s perfect.
Take that one and then take that one piece for the tamer places,
I’ll take these up front and pay for them. But before we leave the dressing room I have something for you. Sara, bend over.” with a puzzled look upon her face she did as she was told.

From my bag I produced one of the butt plugs I had purchased.
“No she said”, “Yes I said, now please be a good girl and bend over.”

With a little drop of lube on it’s tip, I slowly inserted the plug.
Now this plug had a secret.
The base of the plug had a ruby red glass gem for decoration, when you pushed on this gem it would inflate the plug just enough to keep it in place.

As I inflated it Sara let out a little gasp.
“How does it feel?” I asked.
“I feel very full, I can feel the pressure as you inflated it.”
“Good girl.” I said.
As we exited the shop with our purchases in hand Sara said to me, “It feels so weird, this feeling so full and yet it’s so exciting knowing that I have this inside me while were around all these people.

I think you have created a monster, a sexually depraved monster and I love it !”
Our next stop was at an ice cream parlor.
While we were checking out the selections Sara was bending over looking in the freezer case, momentarily forgetting what had become visible to anyone behind her.

Suddenly remembering her situation she straightened up and with an embarrassed grin smoothed out her skirt.
Looking behind her the only person who saw her plug on display was a young lady with an infant in a carriage.

As we were leaving the shop this lady came up to Sara and said, “I think that is so cool ! I wish I had the courage to leave my house with a plug in place.
I have to say the two of you are really cool, and your wife is very sexy. When I saw that red gem I wasn’t sure what I was seeing and when it sunk in
I was so jealous of you and your courage.”

“Well I didn’t have the courage you speak of until “Sir” required it of me.
You see when I am wearing this collar I am “Sir’s property, and while I have a certain amount of free will during these times I trust in him that he will never cause me harm or push me beyond my limits.” Sara said.

“That is so cool, you two are amazing!
I’ll tell you a secret, I have always wondered what it would feel like to give up all control to another.
I watched a porn movie where a girl was standing on a stage and was being auctioned off as a sex slave for 48 hours to the highest bidder.

What must it be like to be treated as a purely sexual object and to be so sexy, so desirable that men and woman were going crazy bidding on the opportunity to have you even for only 48 hours.
In the end it was a woman who bought her.” She said.

“By the way my name is Susan, what’s yours?”
“My name is Frank and this is Sara, however when she is wearing her collar she calls me Sir or Daddy.
Although when she is wearing her collar I suppose she should have a different name and to tell the truth this is something we had overlooked until now.

Tell you what, since you had pointed out this discrepancy we will allow you the honor of naming her, what do you think about that Susan?”

“That is so cool, that’s quite an honor and it will require some thought.
I mean this is something not to be taken lightly.
The naming of a person has to say something about them and who and what they are.” She said.

“Susan, why don’t you join us later this evening, that will give you some time to think over your task.
We will be staying at the Hilton Hotel for the evening, our room number is 302 and we should be back there by 7 pm.”
“I don’t know about that, but if I can get away for the evening I’ll try and stop by.” She said.

As we left Susan we wandered around the art district enjoying the different shops, and everywhere we went Sara was the center of every eye around.

At one point we were in a shop where a teenage couple were starring at Sara, the guy with lust in his eyes, the girl with envy.
Without even asking my permission when we were out of sight of all but the four of us Sara flipped up her skirt, showing off her ass and pussy to the couple, and not just a quick peek. She pulled it up and kept it up for as long as she dared without shame.
The couple were stunned to say the least.

When we left the shop, I said to Sara, “Why did you do that?
You understand that I had not given you direction or permission to do that, don’t you.”

“Yes Sir, I’m sorry I just thought it would be fun to see their reactions and I didn’t think you would mind.”
“Yes it was fun to watch their reaction. I bet you right now they are on their way home or trying to find someplace private to fuck their brains out thinking about what they had witnessed.
However in the future I would ask that you at the very least inform me when you plan on doing something without direction.”

“Yes Sir, I’m sorry Sir.”
“I’m forgiving you because I am impressed by how you have grown in such a short time.”
“Sir, I’m not sure what your talking about.”
“Sara, I have watched as you have gone from a frightened, self isolated housewife, who was afraid to express yourself for fear of what others might think of you.
And I am incredibly proud of you and honored that you have allowed me to be your companion on this journey.”
To that end I have a gift for you, please open this envelope.
As Sara opened the envelope her eyes went wide.

“What is this paper, I don’t understand?”
“Sara you told me of how much you had sacrificed when you married your husband.
That you had to leave school in the midst of your studied to get your degree as a psychologist.

Well I have a friend who is the Dean of this collage and with his help and a small donation from my savings you now have a full scholarship, all expenses are covered.”

“Oh my god, you can’t do this it’s much to expensive, I won’t allow you to do it!”
“Sorry Sara, it’s done and can’t be changed.”
“Besides my friend the Dean of the collage owed me a large favor.”

“Sara here is how I see it, the role of a Dom is not just that of one person exerting control over another.
It’s just as if not more important that the Dom cares, protects and nurtures the other person.
As far as I can tell furthering a persons education is of greater import than any amount of sex.
Also do not worry about explaining to your husband how you got this windfall.
The Dean has already told him that it is part of a scholarship that you applied for from last year that just became available and you were one of ten winners.”
“In addition, you are not obligated to me in any way, if tomorrow we should go our separate ways this is still yours, free and clear. “

It was at this point that Sara began shaking and tears began pouring down her cheeks.
The bear hug she threw around me nearly broke my spine and my shoulder suddenly became soaked with her tears.
As wiped away her tear I said “Sara, lets go before we make to much of a scene.
We have more shopping to do.”

Our next stop was a used bookstore I spotted.
As we entered I looked around and saw a young man browsing the shelves, he was probably in his late teens.
“Sara, I want you to go over to his area and look at some book on the bottom shelf.
Get about ten feet away from him and as you are kneel down I want you to flash him a good long look at your pussy.
Do it in such a way that he thinks it’s an accident.”

As I watched she followed my instructions with a coy little smile.
Kneeling down she thumbed through a book while spreading her legs wide for his viewing.
At first he failed to notice, when he did he was so flustered that he fumbled the book he was reading and dropped it on the floor.

While he was picking it up, Sara stood up, turned around and showed him the plug in her rear.
As she walked past him she reached out and touched his hardening cock.

As we left the bookstore she had a grin on her face and had a fit of giggles.
“And you call me wicked.” I said.
That poor boy will never have a normal sex life thanks to you. I chuckled.

Returning to our room, I had Sara remove her clothes and stand in front of me, telling her to remain perfectly still.
Walking behind her I took her hands and tied them behind her back with a soft leather strap, followed by tying a blindfold around her eyes.

“Sara you are truly a marvel, however you didn’t follow my instructions today.
I don’t recall telling you to touch that boys cock, did I.
Taking her by the arm I pulled her across my knees and began to spank her bottom.



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