The Story of Cunt – Day Five [serial] [BDSM] [Forced Feminization] [MF/FF]

Day Five

Cunt woke up, feeling the sticky residue on her face. She took a quick moment to clean her face before Mistress arrived. Anticipating Mistress’ arrival, Cunt fixed her collar, held her leash and got down on her knees in front of the door. Mistress entered moments later, happy to see the obedient slut before her. She patted her on the head, took her leash from her and off they went. They arrived in a sterile room, looking like a mixture between a pristine bathroom and medical theatre. Cunt was shackled to the ground in position and awaited what was to come, as Mistress walked away behind her.

This is when Cunt heard water. She took a guess at what was to come, which was confirmed when she felt something invade her asshole. This wasn’t some thing plastic object either. This was a thick, cold metallic object opening her up, preparing her for the arrival of what she could only hope was warm water. She was being given an enema. The water shot into her with the force of a sledgehammer, making her wince, ending as soon as it began. Well, ending step one at least. She was no preparing for step two.

“Let go,” Mistress told her. What did she mean let go? Was she expecting Cunt to just shit herself, right there and then? This was the major predicament, of course: either she essentially shits herself on the floor like an animal or she holds it in indefinitely, a choice between humiliation and pain. The good thing about pain, though, is that it always ends in relief, which came in the form of humiliation. The water shot out of Cunt’s ass onto the floor, going down the drain along with some filth which, thankfully, remained unseen to Cunt, at the risk of blushing for the rest of her life. At least it was over.

Except it wasn’t, because the metal entered her again. And again. And again. Each time, the water came out with more force, less hesitation and less filth. By the fifth enema, her asshole was completely clean and she could move to the next step. Her leash was grabbed and she was walked to another room, on slightly shaky limbs. She arrived in the dungeon once again. This dungeon used to fill her with dread, but now only caused confusion. How would she be treated this time? Well, Mistress was not a fan of this rumination, because when Cunt was thinking, she wasn’t doing what Mistress wanted done, so Mistress gave her a firm, hard smack on the ass to snap her back to reality. Cunt jumped at the pain, leading to Mistress sitting on her back and smacking her on the ass again and again to force her to move where she wanted, like a common mule. This process continue until they had arrived in the correct position and Cunt’s ass was the correct colour. Cunt’s head and wrists were placed in a set of wooden stocks attached to the floor and her feet were attached behind her, ensuring that her immaculate asshole remained in the air, as if a flower worshipping the sun. In order to assure her that her mouth would not be put to use today, Mistress filled it with a giant ball-gag. That’s when she heard the door open and saw a pair of feet enter the room. She recognized the stride of the new entrant. The legs appeared to belong to the trans woman with the huge cock! Well, there was no question what was to come, was there?

The woman walked behind Cunt to get into position. Her cock was already hard and it was big enough that Cunt could feel it on her asshole before anything else. The cock began to enter her slowly, until the head broke through the barrier. Cunt already felt full and she already knew that this was just the beginning, as the cock began to further enter her. After a bit of a struggle, the cock suddenly came out in one brutal go. Cunt would be confused, if she wasn’t so overwhelmed. She realized the issue, though, as Mistress came back with a bottle of lube and lubed up her designated fucker. The cock head entered her again, going in a bit further this time. The cock was in previously unexplored territory now and it didn’t seem to want to stay in one place for too long. She could have stopped for a moment and stretched Cunt out, but she obviously had no interest in that. Cunt could feel the woman’s thighs against her ass, which could only mean one thing: Cunt was as full as she was going to get. Then, she began to empty out; what was happening this time? Not much: the woman behind her was just beginning to pump in and out and in and out. Cunt was definitely a stranger to this sensation. She began to breathe heavily, occasionally letting out a moan or a whimper. Where had this feeling been all her life?

As if concerned that she was enjoying this too much, Mistress called for the woman to spank Cunt as she pumped away into her. Pump, smack, pump, smack, pump, smack! This just turned them both on so much more. Cunt began to scream in ecstasy as did the woman fucking her, who could no longer take it, coming with a scream deep inside Cunt’s ass, practically falling backwards in a fit of pleasure, quickly exiting Cunt’s ass followed by her own cum. Cunt was filled with it!

Usually this would be the end of training, but Mistress felt this wasn’t enough. She picked up the trans woman and walked her to a point where Cunt could see them both. Cunt looked up to see the spent cock of the woman and her Mistress’ rubber cock, four times longer and three times thicker than what had just fucked her. With this Mistress once again disappeared from view sensed next as a sensation inside Cunt’s asshole. She began pumping too, the only difference being that Mistress would never have to stop because she came. This anal session went on for an exceedingly long time, practically splitting Cunt in two. By the time Mistress was done pumping inside her, Cunt was exhausted and senseless.

Mistress first undid her feet before going forward to undo the stocks. Cunt slid out slightly, as if she no longer had any control over her body, beyond what the implements dictated. Mistress flipped her over onto the floor, where she landed on her ass with a pained moaning screaming, before rolling to her front. She had succeeded in showing that she could make great use of her ass, but it was certainly a pyrrhic victory, as she felt as if her insides were shredded. She went to get some food but the act of sitting to eat was torturous, so she took her dinner to bed where she ate on her side. Before going to sleep, she reached back to feel her swollen asshole and her still slightly pink cheeks. She was in pain, but it was a good pain. She was dying for a sense of relief; she was going higher and higher, but when would she climax? She slept on her stomach with her ass in the air, thinking about what awaited her tomorrow.
