[MF] I got felt up during a massage a few weeks ago, I’m thinking of going back for more.

I recently went and got a massage near my job because of herniated disc issues. A man led me to my room but I thought nothing of it once he stepped outside for me to change. Usually all my massages had been performed by women. But once he walks back in I felt uneasy after he began. I decided not to say anything because I didn’t want to make him feel bad or uncomfortable.

I was only wearing panties under my towel, so I still felt comfortable to a degree. We begin with me laying face down and he massages my shoulders and works his hands down my spine. He begins focusing on my hips and I feel his fingers grabbing my hips very very slightly. I think nothing of it at first and assume my hip tendons are tight. That was until I feel his fingers follow my hip bone all the way to my pelvis. He does this a few more times on both sides.

My mind begins racing and I wonder what the hell I should do. Should I pull his hands off and yell? Should I just go along with it? I decide that if he does it one more time and I’m sure of what he’s actually trying, I’ll push my hips up with his hands to let him know that I know what he’s trying.

Sure enough I feel his fingers on my warm pelvis once again, this time tracing the crease between my vagina and thigh. So up my hips go, tilted in his direction and he feels how warm he’s gotten me.

I think he knows I’m going along with it now because his rubbing becomes slightly anxious and excited. He starts massaging my ass and rubbing my butt with enthusiasm. He begins taking my panties off and I help him but still keep my face down, I’m too embarrassed to actually look him in the eyes.

He asks me to turn over and I keep my eyes closed, feeling my nipples getting hard from being exposed to the cold air. He starts to pinch them and rub my breasts and the surrounding muscles. He starts going down to my abdomen, my thighs, and finally my vagina. What I’m not sure of is if he was intentionally leaning over from the top of the table so that his hard penis would just barely rub my lips as he gently spread my vagina apart with his index and middle fingers. I was so wet I felt myself leaking almost to the middle of my back, and he saw it all.

Unfortunately the timer rang after he finally began parting my lips apart further, so he collected himself and began just rubbing my shoulders and breasts again. He kneeled down, hands still making circles around my hard nipples, and whispered in my ear, “Thank you so much, beautiful. Thank you.” And I got up immediately, feeling sorta creeped out. The woman at the desk tried charging me and I called him over, visibly upset, and he said no charge.

Now I constantly think back on this and wish he had slipped just one finger in. I want to go back and try and see if he’d want to do it again. Hopefully this time though I can get him to pay. Wanted to share my story but also get advice, and thoughts on if I was to go back.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/f6l6ud/mf_i_got_felt_up_during_a_massage_a_few_weeks_ago


  1. This is a bad situation all around. What that guy did sounds like sexual assault to me.

  2. I’m confused, did you want to have sex with him? Or did you want him to slip a finger in so you could report him?

  3. So, you would go to the spa, get rubbed up and down, have an orgasm, and have him pay you? That sounds like a different kind of business you’re talking about now….

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