Viva la [F]rance! Our first visit to a swingers club [MFM]

The [husband]( came into town and we decided to adventure off to a local sex-club venue for the first time. Unaware of the local liquor laws, we didn’t’ realize that hard alcohol sales ended at 9 pm! (what kind of bullshit is that?!?). Completely sober, in a BYOB environment, we anxiously entered the club. After filling out the membership forms, and finding out fishnet hose and spiked heels got me $20 off (yea for coupons! Who knew they had them at sex clubs!) the door entrance fee we were given the newbie tour. We were guided through a series of hallways and many different rooms all with their own rules (who knew sex clubs had so many rules!). One room was the big orgy room with a circle bed and a heart pillow where anything goes! Another room had a series of church-camp style bunk beds with sheer red curtains that struck me as something out of a Lifetime cautionary tale special. “Camp counselors gone 50 shades!” The next room was similar in style but had heavy black curtains. The rule there was if the curtains were closed you weren’t supposed to open them. Down the hallway was a movie theater with theater-style settings and I shudder thinking about what deposits were made in that room over the years. Then there were the private rooms with doors that shut but windows to watch and a large glassed-in fishbowl, called “The Office”, with the largest bed I’ve ever seen! I’m sure many deals haven’t happened in that space! Lastly, there’s the main club floor with cheesy, 80’s porn style horseshow white couches, scattered about the room and dance floor. With a pole, of course! Can’t have a sex club without a pole – and strippers dancing in various states of undress. And this concluded the “newbie” tour. At this point, we were left to our own devices. Sober, and unsure of our surroundings, we took our place on one of the corner white-porn couches – people watching.

After about 15 minutes later, and the strongest virgin Dr. Pepper I’ve ever drunk, we decided to go venture back into the camp counselor room where people had begun to partner up. And in true exhibition style, perform a **lot** of oral sex! Let me tell you, watching people fuck live in person isn’t the same as watching porn. I thought it was an awkward experience my husband said it reminded him of frat parties in college – minus the young fit coeds.

We then walked over to the semi-private black curtain room where two men and two strippers (we later found out they were on a night-off) were making so much noise with their moaning and screaming that I had to stop myself from laughing! It was almost comical, no one makes noises like that in real life! *(again, I found the show lacking and it seemed like watching bad dollar bin porn)*

I decided there was **no way** I could go through this thing sober and thankfully I came prepared with other amenities. Coming from a legal THC area, I decided to partake in order to relax and let go of some of my inhibitions. Discretely tucked in my clutch purse, I had hidden a sleeping face mask which I frequently use with my husband to block out any distractions and allow me to let go and experience the physical pleasures and sensations (I’m a little ADD so this helps a lot! If you haven’t tried it I highly recommend it). My little purse also contained some condoms and a rather imposing looking black butt plug.

Husband then guided me back to the room with black curtains (we had a theme going). I enjoyed the fact, that as we walked through the club, the women threw me looks of either lust or cattiness because (not to brag) but I thought I was the hottest thing there! (that’s not saying much – it was a Friday night and sausage fest. Apparently Saturday night is the night to go!) However, at over 6′ tall, 132 pounds, DDD cups, size 4 waist, I admit I frequently turn heads in something as simple as yoga pants and a t-shirt. We selected our little cubby and slid on to the (hopefully clean) sheets. Husband pulled out the heart-shaped pillow and placed it under my head. With the THC kicking in hard and feeling extremely relaxed and slightly aroused, he placed the mask over my eyes. I was wearing a fishnet crotchless bodysuit. Over the top of it was a shiny black vinyl bodysuit, with a zipper across the crotch that unzipped from the small of my back up to my navel. On top of that was a black leather skirt. There I am, laid out on this bed, and husband removed my skin tight leather skirt as I helped him wiggle out of it. With my eyes covered, he then started to unzip the bodysuit, and I noticed his hands were slightly shaky and he was moving faster than I would have liked him too. He should have been slow and sexy in unzipping my bodysuit, exposing my crotch and ass, like unwrapping a beautiful gift, ended up with him unzipping the bodysuit into the fishnets and getting the fishnets caught in the zipper! I whispered to him “Stop, slow down”, and like a fish caught in a net, he had my fishnets caught in the damn zipper! Once freed, he began to unzip the bodysuit over my crotch, and he caught the lip of my pussy! I yelled out for him to “Stop” (quite emphatically). There’s nothing as painful as having to back a zipper back out to free your flesh from the metal teeth of hell. It’s quite the mood killer. But, I’m a real go-getter, and not prone to quitting, so I offered to unzip the suit myself (rather than have him unzip my clit from my body). After the unsexy clumsy start, it soon turned into something interesting after I snuck another hit off my vape pen. He offered to kiss away the sting he had caused and began to kiss and lick my cunt. My hands hit the wall palms down, thrusting my hips against his face, as he greedily ate my cunt. I was unaware of my surroundings and completely in the moment in the pleasure, he was giving me. I’m not an exhibitionist, but the idea that there might be people watching me, pushed me towards my orgasm quickly as he shoved the butt plug in filling my ass.

It wasn’t until after coming down from my orgasm and took my mask off, I looked straight in the faces of several couples staring straight at me, and my first response was “Oh, hello! Hi” in a slight embarrassment of watching my husband perform oral sex on me and take this big ass butt plug! We got fully dressed and walked out of the room and I asked him if people were watching us the whole time. When he answered “Yes”, I no longer felt I could make eye contact with anyone else in this club! Every part of me wanted to run away in embarrassment – catching the first Uber I found – because total strangers had just seen my lady bits (and I wasn’t raised that way!)

after stepping outside for a breath of air, I persevered with another hit of THC and went back into the club and partook of another round of strong virgin Dr. Peppers. The music was good and I decided to give the Wednesday night, blue light strippers, a run for their money and give my husband his first-ever lap dance from me! During my dance, I noticed many people watching us. There’s only so much bumping and grinding you can do before your legs get sore and by the end of “you dip I dip we dip” my thigh muscles were getting fatigued. We decided to go check out the camp counselor room again.

This is where we found Frenchie. He was about 5’10, thin build, not unattractive in an early Hugh Grant type of look, and in a very thick French accent in broken English asked, “You want to play?” To which I responded, “Why not!” I’ve been to Paris and I didn’t like it. Bilquis wanted her revenge and I hoped this guy was Parisian. The three of us walked back to the black room, to the same cubby husband and I was in before, with the same sheets from our own experience not 5 minutes earlier. I supposed we could have climbed back in but I thought “screw it” clean sheets sounded good! As we waited for the sheets to be changed, the three of us stood against the back wall. Husband began to kiss on my neck and Frenchy began to grab my tits. As both of them started kissing my neck and rubbing on my body, I found myself in one of the most aroused states I’ve ever been in in my life. Here was this total stranger and my husband pawing on my like fat kids in the candy store. I reached down to grab Frenchy’s crotch to see what my human dildo was packing, and at that point, I almost called it off. Because there didn’t appear to be anything there. However, about the same time, the sheets had been changed and the bed prepared and the two of them were literally pulling me into the cubby.

This time, the two of them managed to get the mask on, remove the skirt, and unzip the bodysuit without catching my fishnets or my cunt in the hardware. Before I even had time to process what was happening, someone’s head was in my crotch and their mouth enveloped my entire cunt while the other one sucked and licked my breasts. *(did I mention I wasn’t allowed to remove my butt plug? It remained in my ass this entire time)* In the moments that followed, I felt a cock enter me that was **most definitely not my husband!** Old Frenchy was a grower and not a shower! As he thrust himself rhythmically inside of me, I could hear him telling my husband, “Oh, so good. Oh, so good” over and over. As I sucked my husband’s cock, I heard him tell Frenchy, “You should remove that plug and fuck her ass”. Frenchy asked “yea? that ok?”. Husband said, “Yes, do it”, and my immediate thought was “oh shit, he’s got a big dick!”. As he thrust in, I yelped like a miniature teacup poodle taking it from a Pyrenees! To my surprise, I thrust back against him like a champ harder and harder, greedy to be full of his cock. I could hear Frenchy yelling out, “Oh, so good! Her ass…so good!” again and again. Husband later said Frenchy was looking at him, dumbfounded and appreciative, telling him that (not me). Hearing something like that is great for a girl’s ego!

I’m moaning, completely unaware of my surroundings, enjoying myself when the next thing I hear is some drunk idiot yelling, “Fuck her, You Poldark-looking mother fucker!” and once again the illusion was shattered as I realized there were people watching me get fucked in the ass. Husband’s raging hardon melted in my mouth (not in my hand) but it didn’t seem to phase Frenchy at all as he shot his load (inside the condom), deep inside of me. Husband pulled the curtains closed, on my request, as I got dressed – said thank you to Frenchy – and I made a beeline for the exit as fast as I could. It was already past 3 am and the pickings were getting quite slim, and not anyone I wanted to watch or watch me having sex (especially after turning into a participating sport), and I realized I am not an exhibitionist. We summoned our Lyft and headed back home. I have no clue what Frenchy’s name was and I have no doubt I’ll never see him again.

What some might interpret as a bad experience was actually a moment of clarity for me.

1. my husband truly enjoyed sharing me and I’m extremely aroused when having sex with 2 men at once.
2. I’m not an exhibitionist. In the true sense of, if I had seen the people watching, I would have had zero arousal at that prospect.
3. I most certainly will try this again but in a private setting.
