The Story of Cunt – Day Two [serial] [BDSM] [Forced Feminization] [MF/FF]

Day Two

Cunt was awoken at 9 AM. One of Mistress’ nameless submissives woke her up with a nice calm kiss on the cheek. It was a perfectly pleasant way to wake up, but it was oddly disappointing in its own way. She had paid to be tortured, after all. She was unsure of how to feel about this. She was also unsure of what was to come next.

“Mistress demands that you go see her right now,” said the submissive. Cunt began looking for her clothes, when the submissive added “Mistress will dress you.”

Cunt got up out of bed, covered in goosebumps, nipple stiff from the cold of the room, and walked out towards the main room. There, she found Mistress, sitting in a throne, waiting for her with a frustrated look on her face.

“Never make me wait again,” said Mistress, throwing something towards her. “Put it on.” It was a high-rise lace thong. She put it on, exposing her ass for all to see and covering up her Barbie doll crotch. As she was putting it on, she copped a feel of her new ass: those pills are a miracle!

Whereas she was nude a moment ago, she was now…almost nude, while the space was not any warmer. She was about to ask for more clothes, but before the words could get out, Mistress firmly grabbed her by the left nipple and led her away through another door. Through the door was a salon of some sort. She was forcibly sat down in a chair in front of a mirror. Behind her, a woman walked into the room. She could see the woman in the mirror; she didn’t look like a submissive. What was she doing here?

As Cunt was thinking this, Mistress was busy tying her hands to her seat, an act which went unnoticed until it was too late. Well, whatever was about to happen would happen.

“Hello, babe,” Mistress said, cracking a smile for the first time since yesterday. They were obviously friends.

“So, what are we doing today,” asked the newly arrived woman, “nipple piercings? Branding?”

“No, no,” replied Mistress—thankfully—“this one is just a week. Just a makeup job for the week. And a bit on the lips. Same rate?”

“Always the same for you, sweetie,” the woman said, reaching into her briefcase and pulling out a needle, which she promptly jammed into cunt’s upper lip without a word. Probably for the better that it was without a word, as she would have likely disagreed. Well, her lips immediately puffed up nice and full: not like the lips you see online, this woman is a damn professional.

After the lips filled out, the mystery woman got to work on her face. The foundation was put down, followed by a glossy black shade of lipstick, some nice smoky eye, wings, blush all topped up with some nice false eyelashes. This was followed by a set of fake fingernails, painted a matching shade of black. This process was finalized with a full plucking of her eyebrows. At the end of the lengthy process, Cunt finally got to see herself in the mirror: she was HOT! She would fuck herself so hard right now!

Unfortunately, she didn’t quite have the time to appreciate herself, as Mistress undid her hands and picked her up again, by her right nipple this time. Fortunately, she was finally given some clothes to keep her warm. Well, not quite warming clothes. She was given a corset, tightened to minimize her belly, while shoving her tits out further out into the world. As if in an act of mercy, she was also given a pair of thigh high socks. Yes, this meant her chest would remain cold, but at least her legs would be fine.

She was finally a girl, plain and true. Maybe even something of a bimbo?

“Okay, Cunt,” Mistress said, time for the testing, squeezing both nipples this time and dragging her into another room. This room made a bit of sense to her. It looked like a gym, if gyms were designed for masturbation. There were rubber dicks hanging all over the walls. As Cunt took it all in, a submissive with a clipboard walked in. You could always tell the submissives apart from their collars. Everyone in this building seemed to have a collar on, unless they had a position of power or were an outsider. Cunt didn’t have a collar. She was very disappointed by this. She was walked over to one station, where a cock hung from the wall.

“Suck it,” Mistress commanded. Cunt had never actually sucked a cock before, but she had had her cock sucked. How difficult could it be? She sucked it, with great enthusiasm, until she was told to stop. The submissive made a note on her clipboard and not another word was spoken.

“Swallow it,” Mistress commanded again. She took it as far down her throat as she could, before she gagged. Another note was made. She did suddenly realize why she was told to avoid breakfast though. Don’t want to puke in the middle of a scene. This was the rest of her time in that room. She eventually realized that they were testing her limits. How much could she suck? How much could she take up her ass without a complaint? How big of a gag could she fit in her mouth? How many fingers could she take in her hole? How much weight could her nipples take? How hard could they be pulled? She felt violated, indeed; that’s what she paid for, after all, but this still wasn’t as hard as she was expecting it to be. Anything that seemed to be too much ended almost immediately. Any time she began to have fun, things would stop. Plus, all of this was leaving her exceedingly horny and she couldn’t even get a release, not with her dick halfway up her body! This was torture, but not the kind she expected. And just as she thought things were about to pick up, it was over. She was grabbed by her nipple again and walked to the door. Mistress looked her in the eyes and told her that they were done for the day. She had free time to do whatever she wanted with three rules: 1) no changing clothes, 2) she had to have something to eat, and 3) she would be awoken at 6 AM, no matter how much sleep she got. Before she could ask any follow-up questions, the door was shut in her face.

Cunt considered the rest of her day. She was very hot and very naked, so going out was not an option. She went to the dining hall and had a light dinner, before retiring to her room. Masturbation was not an option, but she was so enamoured by herself that she spent a few hours playing with her sexy new body. She eventually went to sleep at way past midnight. That was her first mistake.


1 comment

  1. This is so strange, I’m looking forward to every chapter. I bet things get a lot more intense on day 3!

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