She (F) used her hall pass [MF], long

In my first story about Kim the college student there were a couple of comments that implied that I didn’t seem to care about my wife or being married. This story might help correct that mistaken assumption. The reality is we have had some variation of an open relationship for years. The only reason I didn’t tell her about Kim is that we both agreed college students should be off limits. Mea culpa.

Anyway, this story took place before my story about Kim. All of my other stories to come are possible because of this one. I probably should have posted this one first.

I’ve recreated the dialogue- it isn’t word for word, but it’s as close as I can remember it.


Like most couples that have been married a while, my wife and I got into a bit of a rut in our sex life. We did our best to keep the spark alive, but after a while even the most interesting positions start to seem routine. BDSM added some excitement to the mix and we both still loved it, but we were looking for new inspiration.

One night we were watching a movie with Angelina Jolie in it, and I made a comment about her body. My wife said, “You’d love to do her wouldn’t you? So would I! Who wouldn’t?” That got us on the topic of celebrity crushes and the idea of the celebrity list. I’m sure lots of you have played the game, but it’s the idea that if for some reason you ever ran into a hot celebrity who wanted to sleep with you, your spouse would give you a free pass to do that. It’s pretty fun, and you learn a lot about what turns the other person on, at least physically. It also opens the door to talking about letting your spouse sleep with someone, but in a way, let’s face it, that is probably never going to happen. We agreed that each of us could have a top 5 list that were freebies. It became kind of a running joke- any time a movie came on with one of the people on our list in it, we would make a joke, talk about fucking them, and generally have a good time with it.

So one day my wife was talking about Lisa, one of her hot friends, when I said without thinking, “I would totally put her on the list.”

My wife said “No! You can’t do that! She’s a real person.”

“Celebrities are real people.”

“You know what I mean. She’s someone in our actual lives.”

“What if we had a real people list?”

“I bet you’d love that.” She smiled. “Who would be on your list then?”

This was dangerous territory, but what the hell, she asked. I named Lisa (obviously), and then I named four more people- all friends of ours.

“What about you?” I asked.

She stopped for a minute and then named five people- a couple of our friends and a few guys at her work.

“Wow” I said. “You came up with those pretty easily.”

She slapped my arm and dropped the subject.

That night we were having sex. She was on top of me and out of the blue she asked me, “Would you really have sex with Lisa?”

“Wait, what?”

“Would you really fuck her?”

“If she was on the list and you wouldn’t get mad, I totally would.”

She seemed to like that idea as she smiled and started riding me harder.

“What about you?” I asked? “Would you really fuck the guys on your list?”

“Well,” mocking me, “if they were on the list and you wouldn’t get mad, I totally would.”

We looked at each other and didn’t say anything, but the rest of our night was pretty turbocharged.

This became a game we would play during sex.

“You wish I was Lisa right now, don’t you?”

“You wish this was Mark’s cock don’t you?”

Both of us obviously got a charge out of it and I realized the thought was turning me on more than I thought. It definitely jump-started our sex lies we started having sex almost every night again.

After a few weeks of making this a big part of our sex talk, lying there in the afterglow, my wife turned to me and asked, “Would you really want to fuck one of them? Really? Or is this all talk?”

I was quiet for a minute. This was possibly thin ice.

“Yeah, actually I think I would. But only if you wouldn’t get mad. I wouldn’t want to ruin us. What about you? Would you?”

She replied, “Yes, I’m pretty sure I would too. But only if it would be okay with you.”

We were both quiet for a minute.

I sad, “Are we really talking about doing this? For real?”

“Maybe. It’s a little scary to think about, but maybe.”

I found myself getting a hard on again and she obviously had a similar reaction because we started fucking again, fast and hard. We hadn’t had a second round like that in a while.

The next night we were in bed and starting to fool around a little.

She stopped, looked at me really seriously, and didn’t say anything. Uh oh, that’s usually a bad sign.

“What?” I asked.

“I’ve been thinking about it a lot. And I think- I think I’d be okay with you doing it.”

“Doing what?” I asked, not really believing what she was saying.

“I think I’d be okay with you fucking someone on your list. Actually, I think it really turns me on”.

I was in shock. I mean, we were very open with each other and had great communication between us, but I didn’t think we would get this far down the line. I also knew we both had pretty extensive experience before we got together- she had actually lost track of the number of guys she’d fucked in high school, college, and beyond- but I guess we both assumed those days were behind us. Maybe not.

She looked at me expectantly- obviously the other half of the equation was out there. I thought about the idea of her sucking someone else’s cock and getting fucked and I found myself getting hard.


“Yes what?”

“Yes, I would be okay with it.”

She sat up.

“Are we really going to do this?”

“I mean, we don’t have to go run out and do it tomorrow, but if we really want to do this let’s think about it some more.” And we fucked like rabbits for the rest of the night.

So being the professorial type that I am, I decided to do some research. I spent a couple of weeks looking at advice online, and we eventually came up with our rules for the hall pass. Basically, it boiled down to not doing anything that would ruin our reputation at work or in our community. So no friends or neighbors, no bosses, no employees or students (whoops), and no close colleagues. When it came down to it, we eliminated most of our easy options (and our original lists). We both agreed that if we followed these rules, we could explore our options. The only other rule was that we had to get permission from the other spouse first. This way, each of us could still call it off if we didn’t feel comfortable.

I was pretty excited by the prospect, but honestly didn’t see how it was going to happen any time soon given our conditions. But I was really only looking at it from my perspective. I hadn’t thought about her…

Fast forward a few months. I still hadn’t had any opportunity to try to use my newfound hall pass; day-to-day concerns, plus our rules, made it more or less impossible to find someone suitable. We still talked about it during sex, but it didn’t really seem real. But then one night she reminded me that she had a work conference coming up. She works a corporate job, and their conferences tend to be way more elaborate than mine, with more nice dinners and open bars. So suddenly we were faced with the prospect of her having the first attempt. She thought it was unlikely, because she tended to hang out with her work team and they were off-limits, but both of us were both excited and nervous about what might happen.

The few days before she left we had a couple of long discussions about our agreement and the hall pass. We agreed again on the rules and agreed we still wanted this to happen. She had mixed feelings because she was really more turned on by me fucking someone than her necessarily getting fucked, but she wasn’t going to turn down the option. I had mixed feelings because I still wasn’t completely sure how I’d react if she did, but I definitely found it exciting.

Conference time came and we agreed to stay in contact throughout via text. She left on Thursday. I got texts before, during and after dinner- she went out with her boss and her team, so there was no chance. She texted me good night. I was both relieved and disappointed.

Friday she was in meetings and sessions all day, but there was a big cocktail party scheduled for the evening. She sent me a picture of the dress she was wearing right before she went down for the party- she was pushing the limit for what could be considered professional dress. She looked incredibly hot.

She texted that she was having fun, hanging out with her work friends. Then the text came- “I’m getting hit on.” I was simultaneously through the roof nervous and turned on. It turns out her boss ran into someone he knew at another company, and their work groups started hanging out at the cocktail party. A guy from the other company, call him Jerry, started flirting with her. That’s when she texted me. “What are you going to do?” I asked. “I’m going to encourage it.” Fuck. I knew she was probably at least a little drunk, and drinking makes her horny. There was radio silence for a couple of hours. I tried to focus on stuff at home, but my mind kept going back to her at the party. Then, about 1:00AM her time, I got a text. “Back in my room. Nothing happened. I’ll text you tomorrow.” I was surprised to find myself disappointed, but also a little relieved.

The next day she filled me in. She and Jerry had flirted pretty strongly, and when they all got together for a group photo he grabbed her ass while they all posed. She said she thought it was on, but then her work friend cock-blocked both of them. She loudly said she and my wife had a long day tomorrow, and that it was time they went to bed. My wife couldn’t beg off without making it too obvious, so she said goodnight and went with her coworker to the elevators. The coworker said she noticed Jerry was coming on to her and she had stepped in to help her out. My wife thanked her through clenched teeth and went to her room. She thought about just going back down to the party, but she was worried about being seen by her work group. So she texted me and went reluctantly to bed.

Saturday night was the last night of the conference and she had a big dinner with her work group planned, so she said she didn’t think anything was going to end up happening. We texted on and off during the day, and she texted that she was meeting her work group in the lobby for dinner and that she’d text when she got back to her room.

Instead, about two hours later, I got a phone call from her. My wife and I text all the time, but we almost never call each other. All thought of hall passes and sex were gone; I assumed something bad had happened.

“What, are you ok?” I answered.

“Yes. I’m good. More than good. I… I’m going to use my hall pass.”

I was floored. Talk about a change from what I was expecting.

“What? What happened?”

“I ran into Jerry waiting for my work group, and he gave me his room number. Dinner’s over and I’m going to surprise him.”

“Do you really want this?”

“I’m on my way to his room now. I told my group I was heading to bed. Which I am, just not mine.”

I was instantly as hard as I’ve ever been.

She checked in. “Are you ok with this? If you say no I’ll go back to my room.”

“No, it’s okay. I want you to. I love you”

“I love you.” And she hung up.

I spent the next hour and a half alternately pacing and playing with myself, until she called again. She walked me through the whole thing.

He opened the door and they immediately started making out. She had his pants down and was sucking his cock before they even had a chance to get out of the entranceway. They eventually made it to the bedroom, where he licked her for a while then he fucked her hard from behind. She eventually got on top of him and rode him until they both came. He asked if she wanted to stay for the night and go again, but she declined. She went back to her room and that’s when she called.

I asked her how it was. “The sex itself was okay. He wasn’t as big as you, and he missed a lot of the little clues you’d catch. But actually fucking a guy I’d just met, and you were okay with it, was incredible. That’s what made me cum.”

“Do you want to do it again?”

“Yes, I do. But it’s your turn next.”

And that was the turning point in our relationship. I went on to use my own hall pass a little while later, and not long after we branched out to playing together as well as separately. And our rules have evolved over time as well.

It’s funny to me that while I’m very dominant and she’s submissive, what got us started was her fucking someone else.

I’d thank Jerry myself if I could.



  1. Very well written! Literally felt that feeling, thinking about if it was my wife, in my stomach. It’s so hot but gut wrenching at the same time. Well done sir! Can’t wait to hear more

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