The Wrong Road Taken Part 3 [MF] [Oral] [Anal] [Witchcraft]


Leaving my new favorite botanical specimen I delved further down the path.
After going about a mile I began to hear voices.
Moving very quietly I did my best to be stealthy while looking for the source.
As I rounded a corner I saw a pair of hunters sitting in a blind.
Not very good hunters at that.
When you are hunting quiet is the golden rule.

I was about to sneak around them to avoid detection when one of the hunters left the blind and walked right up to where I was standing.
He had to be no more then ten feet away when he un-zipped his fly and took a leak.
I mean come on, really dude I’m standing right here. I said.
He just ignored me and continued to empty his bladder right in front of me.
I even yelled at him and he never noticed me.

How could you not notice a naked boy sporting a permanent erection not more then ten feet away?
Retracing my steps I turned back towards my the estate.
As I passed the Gorth they picked up their heads in hopes that I would play with them again.

“Not now boys, I have something to do.
Tomorrow OK?” I told them.”
With a shrug of their shoulders they curled up and went back to sleep.
As I entered the garden I found Lucretia on her knees weeding the rows of cabbage.

What an enigma she was.
“Lucretia, something just happened that I’m not sure I understand.
I was touring the woods after playing with the Gorth and came upon a pair of hunter in a blind.
When one of them left the blind and walked within spitting distance while looking right at me or should I say right through me.
Why couldn’t he see me?” I inquired.

“Luke, do you remember when you asked about the water in the glades that felt solid?”
“I told you that you couldn’t touch the water because it was in a different time frame.
Well the same is true with people and this estate.
Nobody can see you, me or the estate due to the time shift.
They could be standing right in front of the house and never see, touch or feel it.
To anyone not in our time frame we just don’t exist, you and I can pass through the barrier without
problems because I have willed it.
To all others there is nothing there to see.”

What if they were to walk over here and stand where the living room is.
Won’t that be a problem if we are sitting there with them walking around even if they can’t sense us.”
“No Luke, part of the spell causes people to walk around the estate in a circle even though they think they are going in a straight line.”

“Well that explains a lot.
For a moment I thought I had become a ghost and didn’t know it.
That’s a load off my mind.”

“Luke, I would like you to try to to create a small spell, nothing elaborate.
I would like to have you try to move this acorn sitting on the table.
Sit down and lets try this shall we.
Now I want you to look at the object you are trying manipulate, study it and find it’s essence.
Think at it, that you want it to change it’s state.”

I studied it and studied it, try as I might it just sat there laughing at me and my feeble attempt.
“Luke let’s try something different.
You have a brilliant mind for mathematics, so lets try this using what you are best at.
I want you to consider the Fibonacci sequence.

It took years before anyone appreciated the importance of this branch of mathematics.
Yet it is so fundamental to the world around us and is also a key point in what I am trying to teach you.
So now when you try to move that acorn think of how the Fibonacci sequence applies to it’s physical structure.”

So I sat and stared at the acorn and contemplated what Lucretia told me.
In my mind I saw it’s cell structure and the fact that it’s at rest.
As I was doing this I thought of Issac Newton’s laws of a body at rest remaining at rest unless it is acted upon by outside sources.
As I was doing this the acorn began shaking and just as suddenly it shot across the table and hit Lucretia square in the shoulder with a thud.

Jumping up and shouting to the world.
“Shit, I did it. I really did it!”
“Damn Lucretia said, it took me almost a year before I could do that!
Alright Luke, don’t get cocky.
This had to have been a fluke, let’s try it again shall we.”
So I retrieved the acorn placed it on the table and began to repeat what I did before.
This time instead of flying off the table it just began to spin on it’s axis.
“OK Luke, I knew I was on the right track when I chose you.
You have a natural talent for mathematical thought.
I think that is one of the reasons you were chosen for the “Fields Prize”.
Your work on the “Yang-Mills existence and mass gap” equation was a clincher.

Now, that being said I need to caution you that you need to be very careful with what you craft.
Simple thing like moving objects is relatively safe.
However when things begin to become more complex you must pay very close attention to every detail.
The smallest change to an equation can have far reaching effects.”

As the afternoon wore on I was given the opportunity to try other “safe” spells.
For the most part I failed miserably.
Lucretia was not at all bothered by these failures, she just said it’s a learning curve so don’t be disappointed if you can’t master it all in a day, week or year.

Sitting in the garden Lucretia made a wonderful lunch for us.
Starting with a soup and salad then onto the hands down best burger I ever had.
Hell the food alone would keep me here for the duration.
Laying back on a lounge made by the tree, I was recuperating from lunch and thinking about the ramification of all I have been told and experienced these last few days.
I began to wonder where all this was ultimately going.
While pondering these heady ideas I began to doze off.

I was having one of those moments where you know you are falling asleep yet you are aware of this and find yourself hovering between sleep and wakefulness.
I began to think about Lucretia’s body, the very body that is in itself a work of perfection.
In my half sleep I could feel her stroking my cock and fingering the little ring in my bottom.
Soon enough she had my legs spread wide and bound.
The same with my arms.
Her fingers wrapped around my cock and alternating between lightly stroking and strongly tugging, never letting me reach a climax.
When next I felt my bottom being stretched open and what felt like a baseball bat working it’s way inward I began to struggle trying to increase the pressure and intensity of what I was experiencing.

The bat in my bottom began sawing in and out of me.
Creating the most wonderful feeling of fullness while the fingers wrapped around my cock played it like a flute.
Suddenly I became aware of the two original invaders in my body the one in my rear kept banging into the bat that was now in me and the one in my penis just pressed against my prostate while vibrating to it’s hearts content.

“Luke, what are you doing?” Was the voice I heard.
Snapping out of my slumber I opened my eyes only to find Lucretia standing in the doorway to the house thirty feet away and not sitting there with me as I first thought.
What I originally thought was Lucretia turned out to be the tree morphing itself for my benefit.

As I tried to untangle myself from the branches and tendrils that had wrapped themselves around my body I discovered the feeling in my bottom was created by a large stub of a branch shaped like a penis.
As I finally managed to untangle this mess Lucretia was doing the most practical thing I could think of.
She was laughing her ass off!
In between her guffaws and belly laughing she said, “Luke I’m sorry for laughing but I wish I had a camera at this moment.

Maybe I should have warned you about falling asleep under this particular tree.
It has a bad habit of bringing to fruition whatever sexual thoughts the person sleeping there dreams of.
Some years ago I fell asleep thinking of myself getting fucked by a monster cock.
When I was jolted awake there standing in front of me was a “Monster” with a monster’s cock and boy was it one ugly fucking monster!
From that day forward I only slept there when I was under full control of my senses.

So fair warning, if you wish to partake of this make certain that you have a well formed idea of what you wish for before you lay down under this tree.”
Asking me what I was dreaming of I told her the truth, I was dreaming of her.
“Oh you sweet boy, I am flattered.
Why don’t you lay back and let me take care of you.”

No, I have a better idea.” I told her.
As I was saying this I walked up to her and undid the clasp holding her gown allowing it to vaporize leaving her naked and in my arms.
Beginning with her neck I started with little butterfly kisses to her neck and working my way downward towards her breasts.
Taking my time to lavish attention on those little breasts I took one of her nipples between my lips and teased it with the tip of my tongue.
Doing this brought forth a long sensual hiss from her throat.
Downward to her naval my lips nibbled and teased until she begged me to stop.

While I was doing this I lowered her to the tree/sofa.
Formulating a dream that she was spread eagle and bound by the tree I watched with fascination as the tree took my idea and made it a reality.
Branches and tendrils began to crawl along her body and wrap her arm and legs while pulling them apart to open her up to my gaze.

“Luke, what are you doing?” She asked.
“Just getting you ready for my next idea.
Just trust me” I told her.
When she was totally bound I leaned inward and began to work her pussy.
Eating her out with all the skills I have learned through hours of watching porn, I was doing to send her into orbit.

If it wasn’t for the tree holding her stretched out and open she would have bucked herself off the sofa.
“Oh crap, Oh fuck, Oh shit, that’s good, eat my pussy that feels so good.
Luke where did you learn this?
Oh crap I love this.
Fuck I’m cumming, Oh, Oh, Oh, shit!!!!”
With that she fell back as her orgasm took over her entire being.

As she lay there panting I approached her and began to work my cock into her.
This resulted in her renewing her journey towards her next orgasm
“No Luke, I’m to worn out, I can’t do it!”
“Yes you can.”
At this I began working my cock and her pussy.
As she struggled against the tree that held her bound I could sense her mind and body letting go of the ridged control she has kept over herself for years.
When she finally let go her reaction was a sight to behold.

The water began to flow from her pores and coat her body with it’s sheen.
I saw for just a second a woman who has for so long held herself aloof from the world give in, what a transformation this was to behold.
She was submitting to the will of another for the first time in god knows how long and she was loving it.

In my mental dreaming I saw the tree flipping her over while keeping her bound.
As the tree responded to my dream wish she was turned over onto her stomach.
I moved into position and renewed my driving into her pussy.
As this was occurring the tree extended another limb that began to work it’s way into her bottom.
Now Lucretia was screaming out her joy.
With me hammering her front and the tree pounding her bottom, she let out a series of gasps and a final scream as she climaxed and then fell limp and unconscious.

As I watched the water began to retreat back into the pores of her skin and out of sight.
Running to the house I grabbed two towels.
One of which I dampened and then I returned to Lucretia.
I spent a long time wiping down her body with the damp towel before I dried her off.

Picking her up I carried her over to a real couch and lowered her to rest and recuperate.
When she came to she had a look on her face that left me wondering and worried that I had gone to far. Well I was ready to take my lumps.
In a weak voice she beckoned me closer.
As I did so she reached out and grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me in close.
This was followed by the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced.
“Boy did I pick the right one.” She exclaimed.

“Lucretia, I’m sorry if I got carried away, I just felt there was something missing that you needed.”
“Hum, we’ll talk about what’s missing later.
Right now come here and snuggle with me for a bit.”
As we lay together Lucretia spent time stroking my face and chest.
What she was doing felt very maternal.
A soothing gesture that put me at ease.

“Lucretia, tell me about your life, where have you been and what have you done.
You told me a little but I am very intrigued and very interested in learning all about you.”
“Luke I have lived a long time as you know and my early years were not so good.
I was born in 1469 in a town located in France called Rouen North of Paris.
Louis the XI was the king and although it was the seat power for the Norman empire.
The peasant population were as poor by any measure you care to judge by.
As the last child of a poor family that subsisted as share croppers.
I was just another mouth to feed in a family that could barely feed those that came before.

When the food situation became grave due to three years of drought my father took me on a three day trek to meet Simone.
Simone had been living far into the wilderness far from people.
Everyone knew of her yet few would dare to enter her domain.
Such was the fear of her and her practices.
Many said she was a witch other just a seer, while some told stories of a jilted woman who took her sorrow and fled into the wood to die alone in solitude.”

“As payment for my services to her my family would be granted ten years of bountiful harvests.
And true to her word my family prospered and survived.”
“Tell me about Simone, what was she really?
Did she mistreat you or enslave you?”

“Luke at first I was terrified, when I first heard of her I had this image in my mind of the ugly old hag that everyone thinks of when they hear stories of the lonely old lady living alone in the woods.
When we entered her woods she was there to meet us.
I was stunned, here was the most beautiful elegant woman I had ever seen.
A woman who’s appearance would be second to none in the royal courts of the day.

My father left me with Simone at the age of ten.
For the first few days I wouldn’t come out of my room.
Finally out of pure hunger I came out after smelling the food she had put on the table.
Such abundance of food I had never before beheld.
Slowly over the course of a month I became less afraid and more intrigued by the things I saw her do with her magic.

One day she sat me down and began to tutor me in her arts.
At first I was a miserable failure, I couldn’t even do what you did on your second try.
Finally one day I managed to make a pea roll across a table.
You can’t imagine how excited and thrilled I was to just accomplish this one little thing, once I began to “feel” the way I began to accelerate my education.”

“How long did you live with her?” I asked.
“I stayed with her until I reached the age of about twenty six.
As I said she grew tired of the world and her life.
I recall at times she would speak about how she wished to send herself into the void.
She described this void as an alternate plane of existence.

When the day came she stood upon a hilltop, spread her arms and just kind of dissolved into dust that was picked up by the wind and carried into the clouds.
I think that somewhere she is still alive in some fashion.

Who knows, someday I may chose to join her wherever she is.
OK Luke, it’s time for a quid pro quo.
Tell me of your life.”

“My life, well there isn’t a lot to tell but here it goes.
I was born in 2001 and adopted at the age of eleven weeks.
I never new my birth parents and as far as I am concerned my parents are the faces I saw above my cradle.
My parents are those who comforted me when I was sick or hurt.
The ones who sat with me at night helping me with my homework when I didn’t understand the problems.
My parents are the ones who did what every parent in the world should do to and for their child.

When I was about six I began to learn to play the piano and found that I had an aptitude that was unique among kids my age.
The epiphany was when I discoverer J.S. Bach.
In particular a piece that is commonly called the “Little” Fugue in G minor.
I was in temple before the “High Holiday” services with my parents when the organist began to play this piece to an empty synagogue while warming up.

Suddenly it struck me that here was a purely mathematical piece of music.
Every note had it’s counterpart, nothing was left hanging in the air searching for it’s mate.
I walked up and sat next to the organist and looked over the sheet music.
In just a few moments I began to play this piece, taking over from the organist as he sat there with a stunned look on his face.

What really set the stage for me was when he looked over at me and said,
“Ahh, you feel and are beginning to understand the mathematics that Bach was trying to express.”
Keep learning, keep practicing and study mathematical expressions if you want to really understand Bach.”
It was at that point that I started to look at math in a different light.
While math for me has always been so simple that I never understood why others never saw the same simplicity in mathematics.

I never had to struggle to solve problems, they just somehow appear in my mind.
When I was in high school one of my teachers submitted one of my papers to a MIT’s department of applied mathematics.
That paper got me a full scholarship to MIT.
While I was there I was nominated for the “Fields Prize”.
From there I was head hunted by the firm I was on my way to represent at the conference before I ended up here.”

“Luke, I know you must be tired.
Why don’t we pick this up tomorrow after we have had a chance eat and rest.”


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