Tales of Erodale – Chapter 4 – [Fantasy, FFxOgre, Rough, Creampie, Femdom, Oral]

“Really wish that one of those guards had a smaller blade. Can’t use my guns or we’ll have a squad of guards right on top of us all over again.” Cadence, the skilled gunslinger and sharp-tongued beauty whispered towards her redheaded mage friend. Her brown and purple hair was still wet and some clung damply to the back of her neck as the skilled marksman rested against one of the walls inside of Queen Ariela’s castle. Rose’s magic had cleaned off all the cum and sexual juices from the girl’s skin and clothing but it had the side effect of having both girls as wet as if they had just stepped out of a lake.

Nearby, Cadence’s close friend Rose was looking around the left corner of the T intersection that they had arrived at.

“Well at least we have my magic.” Rose said, her voice kind and soft, not shy but definitely not hardened, even by the purpose she had embarked upon. Unfortunately, they had accumulated little success so far. After being waylaid by a tentacle creature guarding the dark queen’s garden, a group of guards had come across the two girls and believed them to be a pair of whores from the popular brothel in the town near the castle.

“I just hope your magic can keep us safe long enough. Blast, I wish I had learned the spell Nightrounds before we came here, then at least I could help out in another fight.” Cadence said before she followed her friend along the right path through the intersection. Rose and Cadence were dressed in some light armor they had found from the guard’s room where they had been fucked, but each girl was also covered up by a simple brown robe. Cadence doubted this

“Come on, even without using your spells you can still hold your own in a close fight.” Rose reassured her friend as they continued making their way through the stone covered walls of Ariela’s castle. Cadence smiled back toward her friend. One of Rose’s most endearing qualities was her love and caring for others, it was what had the pair of them here trying to free Prince Belind’s from Ariela’s dark clutches.

The dark haired sexy and powerful magical warrior had almost all of Erodale under her control. Once she killed Belind and the rest of his hardiest supporters, Rose included, Ariela would have Erodale concretely under her control. Cadence wasn’t worried about all that though. Rose had power unlike anything the spellslinger had seen before, and with Cadence holding most of the bad guys at bay they had more than a fighting chance against just about anything that Ariela might have in her castle. Soon enough, Cadence’s attention was distracted by seeing the occasional tunnel that seemed more solid and fortified than others.

‘I really wish I had a map.’ The spellslinger thought to herself. ‘Of course if they had found a map on me when they stripped us down, we ‘d probably be locked up in a cell.’ The spellslinger thought quietly before she noticed a bit thick iron door at the end of another hallway.

“Rose, this path has to lead into the prison area. It’s heavy, iron and even has bars on its window.” Cadence said, her voice also shifting slightly at the thought of any weapons that might be stored securely in the prison. Of course, when she thought about them securing stuff in some form of prison area, the brown and purple haired rogue immediately started wondering if there was some sort of treasure chamber in the castle.

‘Ariela may be a mean cold-hearted bitch but she has to have some gold and loot stored away’ The spunky girl allowed herself a small smile as she neared the heavy iron door. Behind her, Rose lingered a bit and looked back towards the intersection that they had just left. The redhead’s emotions included a bit of worry before she looked back towards her friend.

“Are you sure it’s the right way?”

“Sure? Not with this place. But I know if we stick to the exterior areas there is probably a better likelihood that we will run into guards. As fun as the last hour was, I don’t think we really have the time for some more happy endings with the members of the Ravenguard.” Cadence declared with a sharp grin towards her friend. After that she started working on the heavy door’s lock. She was about to feel bummed that she hadn’t had time to grab her lockpicking kit from the barracks when her blue eyes realized the door was unlocked.

“Well that was lucky.” Cadence said as she moved a few errant stands of purple and brown hair from her field of vision. She pulled open the door and then found her redheaded friend still hanging back and looking worriedly at the midpoint of hallway.

“Come on Rose. We’re supposed to be rescuing Belin right?” Cadence asked as she put her right hand on the edge of the door and then readied her golden plated revolver with her other hand.

“Of course. I… I just hope that we’re heading on the right path. Like you said, we can’t run into any more distractions.” Rose said with a slightly sly grin before Cadence opened up the door and took the lead into the more central area of Ariela’s castle. The pair of attractive girls found themselves moving through corridors that looked darker and more intimidating than the ones they had been going through so far. Gone were the curtains, hanged paintings and pieces of art that had decorated the other areas.

Rose didn’t really care about the abandonment of art and cultural items. What worried her more was what might happen if Belin had been killed or worse… turned before she could get to him. He was the last bastion of hope for the people of Erodale. If Rose and Cadence couldn’t save him and stop Ariela, well… Rose didn’t even want to think about that situation. ‘We will find him. I know we will.’ The powerful sorceress felt as she followed Cadence along the path that would hopefully bring them to their goal.

The pair moved along and eventually came to a open square room that had another heavy iron door. There was a heavy oak chest in the back right corner and two heavy wooden cabinets. Iron sconces were set on the back wall and the wall nearest the pair.

“No guards again. You’d think that they would have more guards in a prison area.” Rose admitted softly, not wanting anyone else but Cadence to hear her voice.
“Its normal. They wanna keep people from out. They probably only have a couple people guarding the prisoners and any treasure because their outside security is so good.” Cadence said as she moved forward to start working on this lock. Unfortunately for her, this door was not unlocked.

“Fiddlesticks!” Cadence growled out before slamming her hand on the door. Even though she had seen no trace of a treasure room, her nose had caught the scent of gold. Saving Belin and freeing Erodale from Ariela’s iron grip was great, but the plucky spellslinger wanted at least a bit of something shiny for all her effort.

Rose had been looking at the cabinets when her friend’s hand slammed on the heavy door. “Cadence please. That’s not helping anyone. Wait to you say treasure?”

“Huh? No no I said pressure, we’re under a lot of pressure to find those prisoners. Gods I wish I could use my gun spells. I could blow this door apart no problem.” Cadence said before making a bit of a bit of a frumpy look and putting her hands on her hips.

“Wait… I have an idea. With some focus I can make an illusion spell that might be able to keep them from hearing your gunshots.”

“What? Of course we should use that. So long as it will work. Otherwise we’ll have company running us down in no time. It would be fun but I really didn’t come here to take on Ariela’s entire Ravenguard.” Cadence said before she took a step back from the door and raised up her shiny gold revolver. She grinned back at her friend and pulled back the hammer of her magical weapon with a resounding click.

“All set.” Cadence said before she returned her attention back towards the door.

“Okay…” Rose said. Her orange eyes focusing on the door and then looking out around the castle walls of the room. Turning to her left just a bit, the lovely girl with her red hair down up in a stylish ponytail set her hand on the dark stones. The redhead with unearthly beauty took another calming breath and then let her mind mold itself into one focus, one drive. Her mind reached out, bouncing along the castle walls around her and all the other inhabitants in the castle. She could feel the life around her but she dared not waste more time than she could afford. With this she was able to send out a powerful spell that would block out the upcoming sound her accomplice was about to make.

Once she had cast the magic her eyes glowed a bit brightly with a reddish fiery hue. Soon enough she turned slowly towards Cadence and gave her lovely friend the smallest of nods.

‘Great. Time to get to work.’ Cadence thought to herself as she braced her arms and her gleaming golden pistol. Blasting a door off its hinges was not an extremely difficult shot but the spellslinger still had to make sure her eyes were on target while her mind prepared a powerful spell.

“Boom.” Cadence whispered before she pinched her trigger. Bright powerful magic transferred out from her body into her exquisitely crafted weapon. The magic spun and combined with the round as the triggering mechanism ignited. In an instant, the enhanced bullet leapt from the gun and crashed into the door. The heavy iron door didn’t stand a chance against the bullet from Cadence’s gun. There was a momentous wrenching of metal as the door and the hinges were broken as the powerful magic crashed into the door.

‘Weeehhrunnk!’ was the noise the door made before the door buckled forward and then fell inward into the dark room. Cadence’s small grin grew even wider. It felt good to finally get to use her revolver again. Something told her that she would be using it a lot once Ariela or her guards realized that she and Rose were in the castle. But at least getting to use it as a nice door opener had sated her lust a bit.

“Come on.” Cadence said as she moved forward. The brown and purple haired woman looked left as she stepped into the room. Unfortunately, she should have been looking to the right… that’s where the ogre came from.

“Hurraaghhh!” The dark-green skinned monster growled out as it charged right into Cadence. She was caught completely off guard and her fingers were not able to hold onto her golden revolver as she tumbled across the floor of the room and then came to a crashing halt on the ground. Her back hurt and her legs were a bit bruised up, but of far more danger was the large creature still hovering over Cadence.

“Cadence!” Rose cried out as she rushed into the room. She held out both of her hands and cast spells of radiant fire right at the ugly creature’s eyes. The ogre pulled back for a moment, blinded and caught off-guard by the fiery blasts. It let out a howl and Cadence could only hope that the redheaded sorceress’ magic was still in effect. Rose turned towards Cadence and knelt down to check on her friend.

“Cadence are you okay?” As the spellslinger realized what was going on, she realized Rose’s mistake.

“Rose look out! He’s coming!” Cadence called out while her blue eyes looked over the area to find her golden revolver. Rose turned around just as she was grabbed by the ogre. The green skinned creature was immense and tall and easily plucked up Rose by her neck. The lovely redhead struggled to breath while the ogre turned around and delivered a solid strike towards Cadence’s face.

Pain lashed through the spellslinger as she fell back against the stone. Rose meanwhile was turned around and pressed up hard against the stone wall of the room. The monster leaned in and licked its smelly thick tongue along the sides of her neck while the creature tore away at Rose’s clothing. With a loud ‘Shrrrrriiip’ her white and golden garments; which had already been a bit worn out by the monster in the guard, torn and ripped along the middle of the white dress. The outfit would be useless without some magic to fix it up. Of course, that was the least of the redhead’s worries.

The ogre let out another growl and nibbled on the sweet pale flesh of Rose’s neck while one hand ending in thick sausage like fingers moved around to play with Rose’s bare breasts.

“Hey!” Rose cried out as the green thick fingers squeezed all around the amazing redhead’s tits and nipples. The creature was getting greedier by the second. With its right hand, it grabbed Rose’s right leg and lifted up her leg just as she started to feel the monster’s large knobly cock starting to press along the inside of her exposed pussy.

“Don’t you dare. I’m here on a mission. Stop this at once!” Rose protested while she continued to feel the wet and slimy tip of the ogre’s cock pushing and teasing her pink pussy lips. No matter how much she struggled the ogre continued probing her and it was only a matter of time before the head wedged its way right into her tight pussy.

“Fuwwaaaahhh!” Rose cried out. The knobly cock was very large and it was nearly enough to make her cum. Soon Rose’s internal energy started to ignite. She had already soaked up a great deal of energy from her last sexual encounter and now the ogre was playing with fire by having his way with her. Before the creature knew what was happening, Rose’s body was glowing with vibrant energy.

Her pussy squeezed along the thick cock thrusting its way into her pussy. The ogre was completely befuddled as large hawk like wings spread out from glowing lines on Rose’s bare back. Her freckled face smiled from the continued pleasure of the ogre’s cock drilling her pussy. Soon the pleasure from her otherworldly magic was enough to make both her and the ogre cum. As the ogre’s cock let lose deep inside of Rose’s pussy, her wings spread out wide as her twin wings unfurled.

“Howwwaaarrhh..” The ogre growled out as it fell backwards with Rose in tow. Rose’s glowing orange eyes shined brightly with angelic energy as she started to turn around on top of the massive spear. Some of the cum that the ogre had planted in her pussy spilled out but she didn’t care about the loss, she simply wanted to look upon the creature as she took control of their joining.

“You should not have messed with us. Now I’ll drain you with my power.” Rose said somberly. The warm sensation of the cum still bubbling inside of her pussy was soon joined by more magical energy. The sorceress with angelic lineage used more of her power to reignite the energy in the ogre’s cock. As Cadence moved over towards the ogre’s head she noticed the sudden moan coming from her friend’s pink lips as the ogre’s cock hardened within Rose’s tight gushing pussy.

“Well since you’re hogging his cock I guess I’ll enjoy his tongue.” Cadence declared as she reached beneath her brown skirt and pulled down her black pantyhose.

“Take what you want from him.” Rose declared, her voice slightly darker and more sultry. Cadence knew it was just part of the magic flowing through her friend, but it still made her a bit unnerved. The spellslinger decided to distract herself by seeing just how good the ogre’s tongue skills were.

“Hey ugly.” Cadence said as she looked down over the ogre’s puzzled face. “You better make me cum or my friend is really going to ruin your day.” Cadence said with a slutty smile. She hadn’t expected to try out having an ogre eating her out when she set off on the adventure, but then that was just part of what made adventuring fun for Cadence. She enjoyed the unexpected. Before the ogre could utter even a word of protest the spunky spellslinger settled down and pressed her bare pussy at the ogre’s lips. Understanding enough of the girl’s warning the ogre started to use its big thick tongue to lick and explore Cadence’s pussy. It ended up feeling like an almost tender expression for Cadence after she and Rose had been treated so roughly by the guards.

“Iraaawahh…” Cadence moaned out as the spades on her boots clinked while her feet tapped on the ground. The ogre’s tongue was knobly like its cock and managed to touch and play all over Cadence’s sensitive labia and clit as it licked and slurped away at her wet pussy.

Rose was back to her normal self though her wings were still extended. The extra difference in weight made her body drive down even harder on the ogre’s cock, so much so that the tip of his spear was easily pushing its way into the freckled woman’s womb each time her body lowered onto the ogre’s member. Given the vigor of each motion and the tightness of her womb, the beleaguered ogre couldn’t hold back his orgasm for long. Soon enough with Rose moaning on top of his cock the green skinned fingers of the monster reached up and grabbed the meat of Rose’s perfectly curved asscheeks. The ogre started to pull down on Rose’s body with even more force. It didn’t take too many of these thrusts to make both human and monster hit the point of no return.

Rose came first, her pussy pinching and coiling up around every inch of the ogre’s cock as her juices spilled out from her cleanly shaved pussy. Her breasts heaved as her body buckled forward. The tips of her wings rubbed against the floor as her sex was once more fully basted by the ogre’s thundering cock. As his cum started to seep out of her like a flood of mud the creature growled lowly right into Cadence’s cunny, setting off her own explosive release.

Rose didn’t end up draining the beast of its life force but she definitely made sure to take a lot of his energy as she used her magic to fix up her outfit once again. She used a bit of her magic to clean up herself and Cadence of course. Lastly, she created a strong length of rope and bound the ogre with the magical bindings. After they were sure he was gagged and secured, the pair moved on. Rose’ entire body ached from the pleasure she had just received, but she had a feeling that after dealing with Ariela’s latest guardian that they were much closer to finding Belin.

“We can’t be far now.” Rose declared confidently as the pair pressed on.

“Definitely.” Cadence said, even though her mind was now more on the possibility of treasure rather than focusing on their task. After sating her carnal needs the was definitely hoping to find something shiny to fill her financial needs.


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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/f4yukq/tales_of_erodale_chapter_4_fantasy_ffxogre_rough