Mandatory Ejaculation Service [Consent/Nonconsent] [Millking] [Last men alive] [Horror Kinda]

The first orgasm I was forced to have was the best one.

As a matter of fact as I think back on it now, it might have been the only good one.

Well no, that’s not entirely true either. Usually the orgasms I have early in the morning are quite enjoyable. And just the very first one after mealtimes are usually not too bad…

Ah, sorry. I got carried away thinking about other things. In my defense, this is all I have the opportunity to think about. Day in and day out they milk me dry, sucking out every last drop of semen from my balls, and there’s nothing I can do about it. So to pass the time what choice do I have but think about my situation?

Oh right, my situation, that’s what I wanted to tell you about. I really should focus, someone might come in here any moment.

About 150 years ago according to what I’ve been taught, the birthrate of men plummeted. Nobody to this day knows why it happened, but as a result only one out of every 600,000 births was a male. As the men began to die off, the various female leaders across the globe came together to declare an international emergency. In order to preserve the longevity of the human race, men were to be forced into involuntary breeding service. Quite a few men came forward willingly. There were actually very few riots or arrests that needed to be made when this happened about 5 years ago. I don’t think they would have come with those silly grins on their face if they knew what torture awaited them.

I was there 5 years ago too, with my wide grin and hard cock ready to dispense some of my cum to women who wanted to use me to get themselves knocked up. When they were giving me my medical exam all of their phrasing really led me to believe that I’d be able to fuck the girls for real. I even recall feeling particularly flushed when a cute, curvy doctor examined my dick. They actually brought her in just to perform that one check, so I assume she had been the one to check the other dozen or so guys who came in for the same reasons I did. I distinctly remember her saying “I bet the girls are gonna LOVE using this thing.”

I know now that they brought her in as part of their ruse. Her sweet face and soft speech were all calculated actions to get more men to join without argument. I think someone higher up must have told the nurses to lie about what type of services we would be performing, because nobody mentioned how intense the whole experience was going to be.

I remember being escorted down the hallway by a nurse with quite a nice butt and wide hips, perhaps another trick to keep you staring so you don’t notice the moans coming from the other rooms? Similar moans to what I hear every day, but when you aren’t paying attention they might sound like regular moans of pleasure. But having listened to them for so long, I can’t help but hear an additional twinge of agony coming from the rooms nearest me.

The nurse brought me into the room, about the size of a regular examination room, with a comfortable looking table which she told me to sit on and wait. “Someone will be in to service you shortly.” She said with a wink, another half-cocked truth. The next nurse that came in told me to lie down on the table while she strapped my wrists and ankles into place. “This way we won’t have any complaints of inappropriate touching. Don’t forget that you are performing a mandated service, here. We can’t have any chance of possible lawsuits coming our way, so you’re just gonna have to lie back and let yourself get milked, alright?” I nodded along stupidly. I didn’t care, I didn’t even think twice about escape. Not at that time, not yet.

Lying there on my own, anticipation welled up in my body. It seemed to well up the most in my slightly glossy cock, perched upright and triumphant in the face of future reward. Those ten minutes when I thought a woman was gonna walk in and meekly introduce herself just before sitting suddenly right on my dick were quite literally some of the hardest moments of my life.

Imagine my surprise and disappointment when from the ceiling lowered a device, with a widened tube at one end clearly meant to accept my trembling member. The device loosely dropped down onto my dick, with no pressure given to relieve my current frustrations. Then suddenly, coinciding with the whirring of machinery, I felt a wet tightness grip the base of my shaft, slowly conforming all the way to the top with ample grip strength. I’ll never forget that sensation as long as I live. This device was clearly manufactured for optimal milking, and my throbbing partner was currently engulfed deep inside of it. A small clicking sound indicated that the calibration was complete, and a quick set of tones indicated that it was time for the milking to begin.

I said that the first orgasm I had was the best one, and I wasn’t lying. A feather-light sensation wrapped around my whole member, twisting and morphing and stroking every part of my cock at once. The tip was given the gentlest of suction, enticing my precum out in a slow but steady stream. My shaft was stroked without rest, up and down, up and down, with strength and tenderness at the same time. A small lubricated patch near my balls kept on licking and rubbing them with each stroke of my shaft, forcing me to produce my seed while the rest of the device worked its very hardest to get me to release it.

Eventually I did, after what I now know was ten minutes of pure ecstasy. Ropes and ropes of cum shot out, getting sucked up by a vacuum through pipes to an unknown location outside the room. And throughout all this, the machine didn’t relent on its intensely pleasurable movements. The machine didn’t know I was ejaculating, it just continued doing what it was programmed to do. After what felt like 30 seconds worth of orgasm coupled with another 40 seconds of post orgasm sucking from the machine, it finished its cycle. It tightened one last time, wringing me from base to tip, no doubt to clean off all of the extra bits left over from my pleasure. The tube shlicked itself off my now satisfied cock, coming off with a little *pop* as it made its way back into the ceiling.

I must admit I was very happy with my choice at that point. “How funny is it that this is my government mandated duty,” I thought to myself. I lay there and waited. 5 minutes passed and nobody had come to loosen the straps. I called out, but either nobody heard me or nobody chose to listen. After about 20 minutes I stopped yelling. I figured I was just stuck there. I didn’t know why they weren’t just monitoring the rooms for once the sperm had been extracted.

After 30 full minutes had passed since my first orgasm, the ceiling opened again and the tube poked its way through. “Holy shit, again?” I thought. The device came down to find my dick flaccid. Unsurprisingly, I wasn’t quite so eager to have that procedure done again. Not that it wasn’t fun, but my perception of the whole operation was a little different now that I had spent 30 minutes with nobody to come let me out.

The machine descended in the same fashion it did the first time, but when it met my limp penis it just applied light pressure to it. I could hear the inside of the device tighten, looking to be filled but finding nothing within. Once that happened a light vibration came from the device, along with light lubricated strokes. Clearly a method designed to get the patient hard again. It only took about a minute for the machine to make me hard, against my current wishes. As my cock got harder, the rubbing of the machine caused it to slide gently inside once fully erect. Immediately, the machine detected the new presence in its hole. Again, the machine tightened from bottom to top and began its relentless milking.

At this point again, I was still pretty happy with my choice. After the foreplay ended, I was enjoying some more pleasure. But this second cumshot was the one that made me realize the gravity of my situation.

These sensations that were welling up in my member were the same as the ones I had felt just a half hour before. With the tip being puckered against and gently tugged on by the gentlest vacuum suction, with the shaft getting a slippery service reminiscent of the best blowjob givers who make it a point to get their hands involved, with the balls getting an immaculate rubbing from the slick surface on the underside of the tube. This combined with the foreplay at the beginning led my dick to get very excited far too quickly. It must have been about 5 minutes before I came the second time.

Another powerful jet of pleasure streaked from the tip of my cock, being enticed all through the shaft by invisible hands dragging from the base all along the length. Usually, multiple orgasms in a row will cause my cum to be weaker every time I pull out another shot, but not with this machine. For thirty seconds at least, a solid thick stream of cum was drawn out of my cock, no doubt helped along by the suction on the head. You know those powerful bursts of pleasure that come along with the ejaculation? Imagine having one of those “Pops” that lasts for a full half minute. It may not sound like much time at all, but when you are locked in a powerful surge of adrenaline and dopamine, your brain does weird things to your perception of time. That thirty seconds of pleasure is all I live for now, because for the rest of it I’d rather not be awake to experience it.

The machine, you see, is automatic. But it’s not ridiculously intelligent. It can form to the shape of my cock and provide a great sensation of pleasure, but its mechanisms are all built upon a ten minute timer. Which means that once it begins, it continues to milk for ten minutes straight. No matter if you cum or not.

Those next 5 minutes were excruciating. That same constant milking sensation was pleasurable for 40 or 50 seconds total, then came the sensitivity. After just a minute the once pleasurable sensation turned to pain as the machine wouldn’t let up on my currently empty cock and balls. I made moans much like the ones I failed to hear while navigating both the hallways and the backside of that thick nurse. The thought of her perfect curves kind of gave me a new strength to make it through, though the sensations were still incredibly intense for the next 4 minutes. Once the machine finally let go, I collapsed. I had been sucked post orgasm for 5 minutes straight. My mind was a whirl of thoughts and sensations. I called for help again. Nobody came.

The third time the machine came was when that real cosmic kind of fear crept in. The realization that every half hour, this machine would come down and milk me for a full ten minutes, steal my cum, and then leave me empty and winded for who knows how long caused me a great panic. So much so that luckily it was hard to cum this time. After about 8 minutes of “treatment”, the machine did finally start to feel good again. And I knew that the timing was close enough that I could cum without much post orgasm torture, so I let the sensations take hold of me. As I was getting into the groove I could feel the orgasm welling up deep in my gently stroked shaft. I let the feeling guide me, as I felt the load begin to leave my balls and head straight up towards the tip…

Only to have the device pop off of my cock just as the pleasure took over my body. After ten minutes, the machine stops. I suddenly felt all of that intense orgasm build up quickly vanish. It left my body entirely through a sad dribbling stream of cum that left the tip of my dick and flowed down the length, dripping delicately from the head. I grunted hard, trying my best to bring my hands to my cock to give myself some touch, anything at all. But it was to no avail, the chains I was kept in prevented me from reaching it. Instead all of that pleasure was simply ruined.

I spent the next half hour hard as a diamond, both needy and nervous for when the machine would come again.

But no machine did come. Not yet, at least. Instead, it was the curvy nurse who came through the door. I was so excited to see her of all people that my cock began to leak precum. “Oh, looks like you didn’t cum from the last one, huh?” She asked, slyly. She was carrying a tray that I saw was full of food. “It’s lunchtime, big guy.”

Fuck. How long was I gonna be in here?

“Please let me out” I said meekly. I realized I had almost no energy left.

“Oh, poor guy.” She said, with at least a small amount of sincerity. “Sounds like the machine’s really drained you. Well sadly we can’t let you out right now, we’re gonna need you to stay here and produce some more sperm for us. So here, eat this.”

With a reassuring smile, she held out a spoon next to my lips.

“How long am I gonna be in here?” I ask, expecting the worst.

“Eat first, then I’ll tell you.” She said, sternly. She knew that she was in charge of the situation here. Not like I could do anything to retaliate with my wrists tied up. Maybe it was better to eat anyway, all of those powerful orgasms had left me starving. I open my mouth and she gently places the spoon inside.

“Of course this is your government mandated duty, and we ask men to do one month in the Milker and then they get 3 days off to recharge. We need a LOT of sperm to repopulate, especially as the male birthrate continues to decline.”

I couldn’t eat the next spoonful, because my mouth was agape. A fucking month. A whole month straight of this Milker draining my balls every thirty minutes with no chance for respite. I desperately tried to think of anywhere I might find a moment’s peace.

“How will I be able to sleep?” I ask, hoping.

“Oh, the Milker only runs from 9 in the morning to 9 at night, after that it’ll shut off so you can sleep,” She warmly remarked. She thought she was giving me relief by telling me that, but all I heard was that the device would be milking me 12 hours a day.

“And,” she said, “it takes a full hour break so we can feed you at lunch and dinner. So you have some time to recharge. We aren’t monsters, after all!” She giggled. She must know at least a little about the toll this is taking on the men’s bodies, right?

She finished feeding me and stood up to leave. She noticed my gently pulsing cock, still wanting from the ruined orgasm I had before lunch.

“The Milker didn’t finish you last time, huh?”

I shook my head.

“Well I could take care of that for you. One of the perks of being a nurse here is that we can use our clients outside of active hours. And I think lunch counts? I’m not sure, most of the time just wait for the end of the day. But this thing looks nice…” She quickly grabbed my dick to examine it as if it were some toy. The feeling of finally being touched after so long in anticipation felt sublime. She looked it up and down, measured it with her thumb and pinky, squeezed the tip gently between two fingers and her thumb.

“Yeah, I’ll try it out. Maybe this’ll help take the edge off.” She said, immediately releasing her grip on my cock. In one smooth motion, she stood up, bent over, and began sucking on my dick. All that pent up frustration started to melt within me. Her skills were very well practiced, her tongue was swirling around my tip while a constant light touch of the hand helped lubricate the rest of my shaft.

She only did it for a few seconds though. She paid no mind to my pleasure, she was only slicking up my dick to make it easier for her. The blowjob, while excellent, did feel like a practiced routine. How long had she been doing this to the other men in the building? There must be hundreds of them here, all getting milked, and I guess occasionally fucked by the nurses.

She walked clinically to the side of the bed and stepped up onto it, exposing a well fitted set of scrubs with a hole clearly meant to supply easy access to patients. She faced the door before getting down on her knees just above my rigid cock, giving me a perfect view of her round ass hidden behind tight nurse’s pants. Without hesitation and with swift speed she grabbed my cock and hilted it into her pussy.

“Oh fuck…” I said suddenly. This sensation had been long awaited. The tight, rubbing walls of her vagina wrapped expertly around my sensitive spots, made all the more delicate by the length time since my last orgasm. And then, all I could see or think about was her ass bouncing mechanically up and down on my cock. Her rhythm suggested much practice. Unrelentingly she began milking me, almost as if she was trained by the Milker. The sublime feeling began to well up in my cock, and I could just maintain focus enough to hear her laughs and moans of pleasure.

“Yeah, this one’s pretty nice.” She said, her voice bouncing along to the same beat as her perfect butt. “Well, it’s your duty to fill me up, so just unload when you’re-” She didn’t even get the full command out before I burst, her perfect rhythm never letting up as I filled her with shot after shot of cum. Shockwaves of ecstasy ran through me, the epicenter of each emanating from my cock.

Once the pleasure subsided, she unmounted me and wiped herself with a towel she kept on her. “That was fun, hope I helped your little issue there. Now don’t worry, this place can be fun sometimes. It can be a tough go sometimes, too. But it’s your government mandated duty to perform this Mandatory Ejaculation Service. So you may as well try and make the best of it.” She winked.

I sat in a still stupefied state. The time after a well-earned orgasm is always the best. But my bright time came to an end as soon as I heard the sound of a machine whirring up.

The nurse picked up her tray and silverware. “Well it looks like lunchtime’s over. Thanks for the fun, and try and enjoy yourself, okay?” She smiled slyly, she knew what went on behind the doors along those hallways.

“I’ll see you at dinner in about 5 hours.” The machine pressed down on my sensitive dick and began its rubbing routine in an attempt to get me hard. I winced and moaned.

The nurse turned away from me and closed the door on her way out. She left me alone with my thoughts, my orgasms, and almost a full month left to go.



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