After a sleepless night of joy, wonderment, fear, and anxiety I forced myself to get out of bed and start the day. I was terrified. What must Niall think of me? How will he react to me today? What do I say to him?!! I gave myself a pep talk as I dressed, determined that I would be nonchalant so as to not make a big deal over last night. The last thing I wanted was for Niall to see me as an infatuated puppy dog, but I had never had anyone behave as selflessly as he had. To have given me so much pleasure and not taken any in return was mind-blowing to me. I would be friendly and cheerful and not let him know he had gotten to me. To give someone this knowledge was never a good thing in my point of view. At best, they will get cold feet and back off, at worst, they will use their power over you to their advantage and use you.
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