[FM] [Bondage] My dom punished me for not following directions and it REALLY hurt ?

Iā€™ve had many people ask for details surrounding the picture I posted the other day with a binder clamp on my clit. Like last time, I thought I would be easiest to explain it on here rather than respond to everyone individually.

To start – I recently entered into a sub/dom relationship. Iā€™m still new to the dynamic, but Iā€™ve already learned a lot and been incredibly turned on in the process ?

Anyway, on my second training session with my dom, he taught me 7 submissive commands. These commands are essentially specific positions he wants me to get into. For example if he asks me to get into submissive position 1, then me means he wants me to get on my knees, open my legs and rest my hands on my thighs with my palms facing upwards (that is, if my arms are not already cuffed behind my back lol). There are 6 other positions, but I do not feel like I need to explain them all. He did a good job of teaching them to me and he had me practice all of the positions several times. He also told me that if I forget any of the commands in the future, that there would be a consequence, but he did not say what the consequence would be.

So, on a recent training session he tested me on the submissive commands and somehow I forgot what 3 of the commands were. He was obviously very disappointed about that. Normally I have a really good memory so I was pretty disappointed in myself too. It didnā€™t help that I had recently confessed to playing with myself at home even though he had told me not to lol.

I knew I was going to be punished, but he did not punishment me the same night that I forgot the commands. Instead he had me come over to his house on another night that was specifically for my punishment. I was definitely a little nervous leading up to it since I had no real idea what it was going to be. The only thing he asked me to do in advance was to wear my favorite bra and panties. When I got to his house he asked me to go into the living room, undress to my underwear and wait, so thatā€™s what I did.

When he came back he was holding towels, baby oil and couple other things I could not identify. He placed 2 towels on the floor and one on the long section of the couch that someone could lay down on if they were watching tv. Nothing so far seemed threatening so I was like maybe this wonā€™t be so bad lol. He asked me to stand on the towels he placed on the floor. He then asked me to put my arms behind my back. He grabbed some rope that he had been carrying under the towels and used it to secure my arms behind my back. The ropes also came across my chest and over my bra.

Once my arms were tied he asked me to kneel in submissive position 1 on the towels. He grabbed the baby oil and as he was about to squirt it on my chest I was like wait! this is going to ruin my underwear… and he just said ā€œI know, but this will help keep you warm laterā€ (which was an ominous thing to say, but I ignored it at the time lol) and proceeded to squirt it all over my body. The oil completely saturating my bra and panties, both of which were not only my favorite, but also relatively expensive ?

So yeah at this point I was frustrated that my favorite underwear were ruined, but thinking to myself that if this was the punishment, then it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. It was at that point that he asked me to stand up. Instead of pulling my panties down, he cut them off of me with scissors (so they were definitely ruined at that point ?). He then asked me to lay down on the towel on the long part of the sofa. He positioned me so I was on the edge of the couch with my feet were still on the floor. He opened my legs and started to explain what he was going to do to my clit.

He placed this suction thing, which was the main item I could not identify earlier, onto my clit. Basically it was used to make my clit swollen, which after a few minutes, it definitely was (and also weird to look at ?). It was at this point that he reached into his pocket and pulled out the binder clamp. He began to explain that he was going to place the clamp onto my clit. He told me it was likely going to be very painful but that he sincerely hoped that I would be a good girl and not moan or cry.

This was the moment when I was like whoa this punishment just got severe. He asked me to do some deep breaths before he applied the clamp. As he was slowly letting the clamp close onto my clit I was biting my tongue so hard to try to deal with the pain, but that did not really help much.

Once the clamp was on, he told me to take some more deep breaths and then he helped me stand up. He asked me how I felt and I said I was okay (but actually not really ?). He called me a good girl and then told me to carefully follow him up the stairs. Walking with the clamp was especially painful.

We got upstairs and he took me into a guest bedroom where a large closet door was open and a towel placed on the carpeted floor. He asked me to get into the closet and kneel on the towel in submissive position 1. He then bound my feet. With my arms also still tied behind my back, I could not move from the position I was in. He told me he would come back in 1 hour and my heart literally sank and I felt tears of pain and frustrations in my eyes. I wanted to scream and I think he could see it on my face because he reminded me why he was punishing me and explained why it was important to my training. He had me repeat back to him several times that I deserved this punishment and called me a good girl for handling it so well.

Before he closed the door he told me I could use our safe word if the pain got too overwhelming, but reminded me that I would still have to complete a different punishment in the future if I could not complete this one. As he closed the door he told me I only had 50 minutes left since I had already had the clamp on for 10.

The closet was completely dark except for a little clock sitting on a box in the corner with a blue illuminated screen. It was maddening to watch the time tick down. There were periods of time where I feel like I just checked out mentally and the pain seemed to subside, but those moments were always fleeting. I was on the verge of using the safe word several times, but after 40 minutes I realized I only needed to make it 10 more minutes.

During those last 10 minutes I questioned if this whole sub/dom thing was really for me. I mean who would willingly volunteer to let someone put a binder clamp on their pussy and lock them in a closet for an hour? ? I came to the conclusion that I might be clinically insane ? but that ultimately this type of journey is something I have wanted for a while and something I do not want to give up on. Either way, I learned that my dom is 10,000% serious about following instructions and now that I know, I will not make the same mistake again.

In case you didnā€™t see the picture I posted wearing the clamp, here it is: https://i.imgur.com/ijNGzFG.jpg

Hope this explanation wasnā€™t too long-winded.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/f3iv18/fm_bondage_my_dom_punished_me_for_not_following


  1. Fucking hell, lass. That’s intense.

    And that’s *incredible* that you were able to last a whole hour with that.

    Was it by chance even worse when it was taken off?

  2. Your stories are REALLY hot! Did he tell you you weren’t allowed to masturbate anymore?

  3. Listen. This needs to be about mutual pleasure… If you do not want the guy to fuck up your panties, have him buy you two. I used to go out with a girl and I bought her two sets at the mall… And then we would go home to play.

  4. Thats insane
    I think you have doubts but the is the beginning of your transformation.
    In the end we can see that u like it and u want it.
    You just need to be trained.

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