Do You Want To Tell Daddy No? [MF] [anal] [cons nc]

“It will be about 10 minutes,” the hostess says.

I find a spot away from the draft of the door to lean my shoulder against the wall and get out my phone to text Owen and let him know. I can’t believe I’m finally meeting him.

I think back to that moment just 3 weeks ago when he told me, “come to Texas.”

“You don’t really want that.” I said.

“Perhaps not. We can simply have dinner. We’re friends, right?”

“Ha! Ok. I’ll wear one of my modest sweaters so as to not tempt you…”

So here I stand, wearing a grey turtleneck sweater, black skinny jeans, and calf high boots. I feel good, but respectful of the situation. Unlike my husband, his girlfriend doesn’t know about our relationship. I can’t believe how nervous I am. I love him. Meeting him is the dream.

Suddenly, a hand slides under the back of my sweater to grip my bare waist, and I feel a warm breath against my ear as a low voice says, “as if you really thought that sweater would keep you safe from me, Fucktoy.”

Heat spreads from under his hand to my entire body. Goosebumps form from his breath hitting my neck and my nipples pearl inside my bra. It’s him! I suddenly feel short of breath, my pulse races, and I feel my hands shaking as I turn to face him. Looking up into those soulful brown eyes, the only part of his face I had ever seen, I feel my heart skip a beat.

He smiles at me, and fuck if it isn’t the absolute sexiest thing I have ever seen, and says, “you’re even more beautiful in person, Kallie.”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I want to remember this moment forever. I open my eyes, staring at the open collar of his button up shirt, thinking about unbuttoning it and sliding my hands all over his chest, up onto his shoulders, and gripping tight while I kiss him. I lick my lips, thinking about his as my gaze travels up to his mouth.

“NO!” Shouts the voice in my head. I can’t go there. We’re just meeting as friends. I swallow hard and meet his eyes. He’s grinning at me as if he knows exactly where my mind had wandered to.

“How long is the wait?” He asks.
“She said 10 minutes…4 minutes ago,” I say after glancing at the clock on my phone. Has it really only been 4 minutes? Time had seemed to slow to a stop as soon as he touched me.

“That’s too long,” he says. He grabs my hand and drags me out of the restaurant. Once outside he asks, “which way to your hotel?”
I point to the left and he pulls my arm into the crook of his, his grip strong, and we begin walking that direction. I look sideways up at his face. His jaw is set. He seems determined.

“Owen, I thought we weren’t going to do this?”

He lets out a sardonic laugh as he glances down at me with an eyebrow raised, “Really Whore? I think you knew this was going to happen.”

Fuck! Maybe I had. Or at least hoped. I knew I’d be too nervous to make anything happen, though. I watch my feet, just focusing on putting one foot ahead of the other and the feeling of his grip on my arm. I can feel my pussy getting so wet just remembering his hand on my waist. Is this really happening? Finally?

“Which one?” His question pulls me out of my thoughts and I look up to see 2 hotels in front of me. We had chosen a restaurant near my hotel so I could walk and not have to deal with a Lyft. I nod at the one to the right and he starts towards it, walking faster than he had been. I can’t blame him, after basically 7 months of foreplay, we were both ready for this.

I pick up my pace to keep up as he guides me into the lobby, heading straight for the elevator. I glance at the front desk to see if they thought anything of us but the only clerk present has his gaze fixed on a stack of papers. The elevator arrives quickly, it was early enough to not have a lot of people coming and going.

“Which floor?” Owen asks as we step in.
“Four,” I mutter.
He grins at me while pushing the button for the 4th floor, and I inhale sharply, caught off guard again by how sexy his smile is.
“Cat got your tongue, my Slut?”

My pussy starts pulsing. This was just like it is when we chat online. Fucktoy, Whore, Slut. Just before he makes me ravage myself for his pleasure. I lick my lips and manage to squeak out his name, “Owen…”

His gaze sharpens, “it’s Daddy to you, Whore.”

Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m in trouble. Am I ready for this? I told him I was. That I was made for this. I believe it. Or believed. I’ve only been with one man before, what the hell do I know? The elevator arrives at the 4th floor all too soon. I realize I had been caught up in my thoughts and he was just watching me. I think he could see the panic on my face. His grin widens and I’m not sure I’m imagining the sinister edge to it.

The door opens and as he looks out into the empty hall, he says, “5 second head start. Run!”

Instinct took over and I sprint down the hall.

“1!” I hear from the elevator. Why did I request the room at the end of the hall? I didn’t think this was going to happen, right?

“2” he calls. I fumble in my back jean pocket for my keycard as I run.

“3” floats down the hall. I’m almost there.

“4” seems to come so quickly after 3…

“5” I barely hear as I make it to my door. I grab for the handle as I swipe the keycard in front of the reader and wait for the light to turn green. I could hear him coming but I don’t dare look away from that light.

Finally, the reader beeps and the light turns green. I push the handle down and shove the door open as a hand grabs the back of my neck and slams the side of my face against the open door. He steps into the room behind me, pushing me further in and letting the door close as he pins me against the wall.
“Please, Owen…Daddy, I’m not ready for this.”

His grip on my neck loosens and I feel his body press against my back. He presses his face against the wall, next to mine, meeting my eyes, and touching his forehead to mine. His hand moves from my neck to caress my cheek while I pant from the dash down the hall.

“Shhh, babygirl,” he says tenderly, as his thumb caresses my bottom lip, “you don’t get a choice.”
The steely edge returns to his voice as he hooks his thumb in my mouth and his knee pushes into my lower back. I close my eyes against the tears that well and choke back a sob. Why am I so afraid? We talked about this. All the time. I guess you can never fully prepare for this though.

“Unbutton your pants, slut” he says.

I don’t move. Can’t move. I’m frozen with fear. His thumb in my mouth wrenches my head back and his mouth at my ear growls, “are you going to deny Daddy what he wants? Isn’t pleasing me your purpose?”

I take a deep breath and center myself. I can do this. He’s right. This is what I want. Isn’t it? I move my hands to the waist of my jeans and the pressure from his knee eases, allowing me enough room to undo the double buttons.

“Good girl. Now the zipper.”

I unzip them and his knee pushes me back against the wall. He pulls at the back of my jeans, getting them down just far enough to expose my ass.
“Nice panties, fucktoy,” he says, as his finger loops into one of the holes in the teal lace and begins to pull them apart.

“Reach back and unbuckle my belt. Now!”

I do as ordered, though with little grace, as my hands tremble and I can’t see what I am doing. Once I finally manage his belt, I continue with his button and zipper, knowing that would be next. His pants fall to his knees.

“Good whore,” he says and his hand leaves my panties to free his cock from his boxers. He then goes back to work on destroying my panties and he shoves the thumb of his other hand further into my mouth, almost gagging me.

“Suck, slut. Suck hard. I’m feeling generous and that’s the only lube you’re going to get.”

The tears begin to stream down my face as full panic sets in. I know what is next and I desperately try to coat his thumb with as much saliva as I could. My whole body quaking.

“You know what Daddy wants, don’t you?”
I nod, tears coating my face and spit dripping out of my mouth around his thumb.

“Do you want to tell Daddy no, babygirl?”

This is my chance. He’s been merciful before. If I tell him no, he might stop. I actually think he would. But he’d be disappointed. That would be far worse than any physical pain. I take a deep breath and shake my head ever so slightly.

“Oh, you’re going to regret that, fuckmeat. Daddy loves it!”

He pulls his thumb from my mouth, wiping it off on the tip of his cock, and then uses both hands to finish ripping my panties fully off of me. He pulls my sweater up and over my head then pins both of my arms against the wall at my elbows, so I can’t move them. He thrusts into my ass, all the way in with one stroke, and all the way back out. I feel a hot, searing pain unlike anything I’ve felt before. No amount of training could’ve prepared me for the brutal ripping of my asshole. I can no longer contain my sobs and my body struggles involuntarily as he thrusts back in, just as hard as the first.

Maybe it would hurt so bad that I’ll pass out. That happens, right? Maybe that’s how I get through this. I will myself towards unconsciousness but it never comes. I feel his every thrust, fire with every move. I coach myself to stop struggling but I can’t stop the onslaught of sobs wracking my body.

Ravaged indeed. I had asked for this. Begged for it, in fact. *”Take me, Daddy. Please make me yours. Don’t take no for an answer. Rape me, Daddy! Please.”* Well, he listened.

“How’s it feel?”

Just like when I’m riding my dildo for him, he always asks.

“Hurts,” I manage to grit out between sobs.

“You know how you can stop it,” he says as he lets go of my arms, letting them fall limply to my sides, and grabs my hips.

“Beg!” he commands, thrusting in as hard and deep as he can, pulling me towards him as he does.

I let out a sharp wail as black spots dance in my eyes. Beg. I need to beg. Not to stop. I won’t beg to stop. Can’t disappoint.

“Cum. *sob* Pluh *sob* eeeeease. *sob sob* pleasecumdaddy.” I squeak out.

“Play with your clit, slut. Show Daddy that you fucking love this.”

I wedge my hand between my body and the wall and do as instructed. I can’t believe how wet I am. My body immediately responds to my fingers on my clit. It’s electric. Instead of a sob, I let out a long moan. Followed by a whimper. He gives another hard thrust and the sobs return.

This continues for I don’t know how long. Feels like hours. Rub, moan, thrust, sob. The pain and the pleasure are mingling together and I’m lost to the sensation of it all. Until suddenly, the pressure builds. He thrusts right as I push down on my clit and I explode. My pussy quivering with the most intense orgasm I can remember. My knees buckle and he holds onto me as I slide down the wall, both of us sinking to our knees, his cock never leaving my ass.

“Did you just cum, fucktoy?” he asks, his voice terse and gruff.

I slowly nod my head, cheek still pressed against the wall. Shuddering with aftershocks as I do.

“Did Daddy say you could cum?”

My eyes spring open. Shit! No! He didn’t. How could I forget myself like that?

“Tsk tsk. You need to be punished.” He grabs my hair and twines it around his fist, then pushes me completely flush against the wall, on my knees. *Crack* I never even knew it was coming before his hand whips across my ass.

I yelp and 6 more smacks land on my ass in quick succession. I’m wailing at this point.
“Shh, fucktoy,” he says and then kisses my neck, his hand rubbing my ass, taking the edge off the sting.

“3 more smacks coming, but you will be quiet.”
I feel him pull his arm back, farther than he had before, and he strikes me in the same spot as the last 7, this one landing harder than all the others. I swallow my scream as a silent sob shakes my whole body, and lay my palms flat against the wall, bracing for the next two.

They both fall with the same force of the last one. I clamp my lips shut and let my screams fill my cheeks with air, but only the slightest whimper escapes. Owen’s hands move up to my shoulders and pin me hard against the wall as he starts pumping into my ass again.

I cry as quietly as I can, remembering my directive to be quiet. The only sounds echoing off the walls are his grunts and his thighs clapping against my ass cheeks as he pounds into me, hard and fast. No mercy for my tears.

A nearly unbearable few minutes later, he stands up, grabs a fistful of my hair, wrenches me around until I’m facing him, and commands me to open my mouth. He stands above me, his cock inches from my chin, hand stroking as he lets loose his load all over my face. Rope by rope it hits my eyes, my hair, my nose, and finally the last few pumps land in my mouth and on my lips.

“Goooooooooood girl” he groans out as his hand slows to a stop.

I collapse onto the floor and he disappears into the bathroom. I lay there crying silently, covered in cum and feeling completely broken, as I hear the shower running. He emerges from the bathroom naked, and he gently pulls my pants off of me, one leg at a time. He undoes the front clasp on my bra before grabbing me under my arms and helps me to my feet. He pulls me against him and caresses the back of my head with one hand, while sliding my bra straps off my shoulders with the other.

“It’s ok babygirl, Daddy’s here. You did so well. I’m proud of you.”

He helps me stumble to the shower and climb in. He gets in behind me, his chest solid against my back as the warm water soothes me. I stand there, resting against his back as his hands gently stroke my neck and shoulders. My sobs eventually slow to just a hiccup every few seconds and I plunge my face into the water, scrubbing at the cum on my face. His presence at my back never wavers, and he helps me wash all over, paying special attention to my hair, placing gentle kisses on my shoulder and my temple every so often.

Once my hair is fully rinsed, he turns off the water and helps me out. I simply stand there while he towels me off, basking in his tenderness. He straightens up from drying my legs, wraps the towel around my chest and tucks the end into place so it won’t fall off. He ever so sweetly places his hands on either side of my face and pulls my lips to his for the first time.

His kiss is feather soft and as he pulls away, he lets one thumb trace my bottom lip, just as he had earlier. His eyes meet mine, searching, and I’m completely overwhelmed by love for this man. I had begged for this countless times. He definitely didn’t disappoint. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips. He immediately notices and a tender smile breaks across his face.

“Oh, you beautiful girl! So you don’t hate me?” I give a small shake of my head and he pulls me into his arms, squeezing tight. “Come,” he says, “I need to hold you.” And he pulls me out of the bathroom, to the king size bed that hadn’t even come into view earlier.

He lays down, pulling me on top of him. I curl into a ball as he wraps his arms around me and settles the blanket over us. His hands trace trails up and down my back, easing the last of the tension out of my spine. I kiss his bare chest and looked up at him.

“I love you, Owen.” I say, happy to finally get to say it while seeing his face. I lay my ear on his chest and drink in the view of this man I have been yearning to see as his eyelids droop and his hands come to a stop on my back. His mouth turns up into a slight smile as his breathing grows even.

I’m content to rest here, watching him. I could stay here forever. In his arms. I feel unbelievably happy. Soon my own exhaustion takes over. I close my eyes as I let out a sigh and suddenly feel his arms squeeze me tight again. “I love you Kallie, know that.” he says as I drift into a blissful sleep.



  1. Oh this was intense (in a good way). I loved the detail, and the ending, too. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Wow never thought words can be this exciting and intense. At the end I noticed my jaw hurt turns out a was clinching my teeth so hard while reading Lol.

  3. Wow that sounds like one awesome lady gave me a raging boner hearing how it all affected her

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