BITTER PILL Chapter 3 (long), [mom/son], [non con], [BDSM], [MF], [MDom]

*This is fiction. Rape is wrong. Enjoy.*

Bitter Pill Ch 3

The next day pop left on a business trip to Europe that would keep him gone for a couple of weeks. By the time he returned his wife would be my slave.

I waited until Janice had showered and gone to bed, vaped a few drags of THC, grabbed the bag of supplies I had been amassing via Amazon over the past few weeks, and let myself into her bedroom.

She screamed and struggled under me as I pressed her down into the mattress which was beautiful and just made me ache with lust. God, I wanted her to struggle. At 5’ even and still girlishly slender, she was like a child in my hands. Not sure how I came out of that tiny body, or how she avoided most of the obvious damage childbearing causes in some women, but aside from some light stretch marks on her round hips, and a slight pooch to her tummy, mom was keeping it pretty tight.

I was painfully aware of this because we have a pool and even at her age mom enjoys being admired. By me, especially.

She has become somewhat self-conscious now about the droop to her tits and doesn’t go braless in public anymore, but at home she is still a shameless whore. I can’t remember how many times I have had to cover an erection because mom was strutting around in swimwear that left nothing to my imagination. For years I thought she was unaware of my poorly hidden interest in her body because she did things in front of me I didn’t understand were inappropriate until I was older. Eventually, I came to understand that her behavior around me was not at all normal for a mom. As I learned more about life and other people’s families it became obvious that not only was she aware of my attraction to her, but she was intentionally doing things to turn me on because it amused her.

Well, that chicken had come home to roost.

I straddled her and pinned her arms overhead with one hand again while feeding the handcuffs through the steel bars of the headboard. I had wondered if she and Dad had ever been into bondage because that bed was designed for it. Made from 1” thick steel bars, the head and base looked like different sized cartoon cross sections of a loaf of bread. It was my favorite piece of furniture in the house and perfect for immobilizing her.

She fought hard to remain free, but she never had a chance of resisting me. After a brief struggle, I clasped her wrists overhead in the cuffs. Still astride her hips, I leaned back to see what I had done as her tiny body thrashed underneath me. She screamed obscenities while I laughed. Eventually, the screams devolved into tears and pleading.

“What are you doing? You can’t DO this to me! I’m your MOTHER! FUCK you! Let me GO! Danny, pleease!” And so on. What she never said was, “I’ll tell your father!”

Fuck yes. Mine. No one to interfere. Let the evening begin.

I leaned down, took her face between my hands, and mashed my lips against hers in a long, sloppy, kiss she couldn’t escape. “OH GOD! What the FUCK, Danny?!” she gasped when I released her. I just smiled and began flicking at her prominent nipples through the sheer silk of her nightgown while she wriggled and tried to buck me off of her hips. I rode her bouncing and giggling until she was too exhausted to struggle. So fun.

While she panted I jumped down to get my bag of tricks and put it up on the bed so she could see what I pulled from it. A long, many-tentacled, black, leather, flog came out first.

Her eyes bugged out as she stammered. “Oh God, Danny! NO baby, NO!” she scolded. “Don’t you dare hit me with that, Danny! I’m your MOM!” And so on as I laid the whip down next to her on the kingsize bed.

I continued to pull out a ball gag, an excessive number and variety of vibrators, a handful of clothespins, a ridiculous butt plug with a plume of feathers attached that made it look like an old fashioned feather duster, a bottle of my favorite water-based lube, some lengths of rope, medical tape, and a few roles of self-adherent medical wrap I was so familiar with from years of wrapping sprains and whatnot for lacrosse. Stuff is also very popular in the BDSM community for its ease of application and removal.

She started to scream, “HELP! HEEELP!” I laughed and started shouting even louder than her until she realized the futility of it and gave up. The servant’s residence was more than 100 yards from the house through some trees, and the house at least that far from the street, but the way this place is built you probably couldn’t have heard us if you were standing right outside the front door. No one was due to come in until early tomorrow so we were alone all night.

“What are you doing?” she yelled at me with mingled panic and outrage. “Just stop now, Okay? Just stop it, Danny!… Danny?… Danny?”

I had decided it would be worse for her if I didn’t talk at all for the first part. With a sinister smile, I gazed into her terrified eyes as I began slowly sliding the slinky nightgown she slept in up over her legs. In her panic, she managed to clutch some of the fabric between her knees but the almost frictionless material came away with a gentle tug as I continued unwrapping her wriggling hips.

When I had pulled it high enough to expose the white cotton granny panties she likes to sleep in her rap went into overdrive. “Okay. Okay. Okay. Danny. Danny. Talk to me, baby. Okay? Just talk! We need to talk. Okay? Okay, Danny? We all have to talk because… because… you’re angry! Right baby? You’re mad at me. I hear you, baby, I hear you now, honey. You don’t have to do this. Okay? We’ll fix it, baby I promise! Whatever you want, honey. I promise! You can have whatever you want!”

I so wanted to point out that I was having exactly what I wanted, but since I was still being extra creepy I kept it to myself. Instead, I chuckled and continued sliding her nightie up over her belly, breasts, and shoulders, until it was all the way up over her head and bunched around the cuffs.

“Really, Danny? You’re not even going to say anything? You have to *say* something, Danny! Talk to me, baby! We need to talk about this!” she babbled.

Her breasts are best described in porn vernacular as ‘hangers.’ Capped by thick, dark pink, nipples that jutted proudly from her wide, well defined, areola. Under the right conditions, her nipples hardened to epic proportions. Marvels back in the day, her tits now pointed slightly down when not supported by a bra, but for me, they would never be anything less than the benchmark by which all other breasts are judged. Now on her back with her arms overhead, they hung to her sides a little so that her nipples pointed away from each other, but holy fuck I’d never want anyone more.

I felt a sudden surge of anger bubble up in me at how much I wanted her. It wasn’t fucking fair or fucking right to have a mother this fucking sexy and this fucking selfish. She fucking deserved everything she was about to fucking get.

I grabbed her by her knees and before she even thought to resist swept her legs wide while she whooped in shock. She made another surprised whoop when I pushed her knees up towards the headboard raising her ass off the bed. I moved her splayed knees around experimenting with how I wanted her bound.

Finally, any hope of reasoning with me was abandoned and she balled, “Pleease Danny, please don’t hurt me, pleeeeease… I’m sorry. OK? I’m SORRY!”

I had planned this night in great detail, even going so far as to visualize a sort of screenplay of the things I would do to her. The key was patience.

I worked methodically, ignoring her protests, smiling at her tears. Leaving her panties on I put the soft cuffs on her knees, folded one calf to thigh and wrapped the stretchy tape around several times trapping it like that. I did the same to the other leg. She tried frantically to engage me in a reasoned discussion about how things would change between us forever if I went through with this while I pulled out the straps that would spread her bound legs, and attached them to the corners of the headboard. I took my time connecting straps to the cuffs on her knees while she wriggled against her bondage and begged me to release her. When I shortened the straps her knees were drawn up and out leaving her crotch maximally exposed with her ass a few inches off the bed.

Maybe reality was beginning to set in because once she was completely immobilized she began to thrash and scream hysterically. I had expected some serious amount of anger or fear from her, but the pain in her voice touched me in a way I didn’t want to be touched. My impulse was to help her. I reminded myself that for the plan to work she had to believe that she was truly helpless. Her pain was not only necessary, pain was the point. It was important I not show weakness.

I let her scream it out while I pulled out my phone. I hit video and held it near to capture her rage. When she saw what I was doing her shame at being recorded in the most vulnerable moment of her life seemed to deflate her. As if resigned to her fate, she dropped her head back to the mattress and wept in low, guttering sobs.

I left her to prop the phone up on top of her dresser with a good view of us on the bed.

I climbed back up, settled myself between her spread legs, and began to caress her body. For a few moments she found some reserve to struggle again crying, “Oh God, oh God, Danny, noooooo.” She writhed under my roaming hands like they were burning her skin.

“Danny, I’m sorry!” she sobbed exhaustedly. “I’m so sorry, baby for whatever I did to make you angry. This is so wrong, baby. You can’t touch mommy like that.”

Mom was so fucked up she was calling herself ‘mommy’ and talking in the third person like I was a child. I hated it then, but I loved it now. Weird, right?

I ground her heavy tits roughly with both hands until her babbling stopped and a throaty moan escaped her. I smirked and lifted her tits by pinching her nipples and her moan shifted instantly to angry, high pitched, squeals.

I dropped her tits and she gasped in relief but it was short-lived. I picked up some clothespins and began attaching them to her tender areola on either side of each gumdrop sized nipple. I attached more until they made an artful line of pinched skin across both tits. Lastly, I clamped a clothespin on each of her fat nipples while she cried out.

“Baby you’re hurting me! That hurts!” she cried. Well, duh.

When I leaned back to admire my work I noticed a definite damp spot had formed in the crotch of her panties. ‘Oh.’ I thought to myself. Whether it was the fear, or the perversity of being taken by her son, or the pain I was inflicting… mommy couldn’t help it. I looked into her eyes and smiled as I gently brushed my fingertips back and forth over the wet spot to let her know that I knew. Not breaking eye contact I brought those fingers to my nose and inhaled deeply. She actually bit her lower lip in embarrassment.

I turned and looked into my camera on the dresser with a wide-eyed grin to share that amazing moment with future me who was probably jacking off to this. Holy fuck, I was having fun.

I picked up the leather flog and stood over her on the bed. I started dragging it in gentle strokes across her crotch and up her body to her face, and then back down again between her legs as she watched in horror, occasionally pausing to gently smack the heavy strands against her exposed pussy and anus so she could feel the weight of it.

After about a minute of teasing, I raised the flog high overhead and held it there between my outstretched hands for a few seconds letting her fear grow.

“Wait! Danny! Wait! Just wait!” she begged.

The whip made a whoosh and a sharp crack as I brought it down hard across her tender inner thigh.

“AHHHHIIEEE!” she screamed.

I lifted it again and brought it down harder on her other thigh. This time she just grunted and looked shocked like she couldn’t compute the pain. Again. Another scream. Again, this time on her stomach. Again and again, I brought the heavy leather down on her belly, her ribs, her thighs, and her feet. Her helpless body convulsed under my whip. Wherever I brought it down hard it soon raised puffy, pink, welts that began to blend together as I beat her.

She screamed with a new intensity when I started slapping the clothespins from her tits. I walloped her beautiful breasts with gusto until all of the clothespins had been sent flying from her leaving little welts of pinched flesh behind. I wondered for a second if I was leaving bruises on her that she would have a difficult time explaining to Daddy, then decided I didn’t give a shit.

Then I started to beat her pussy. She writhed and squealed under the blows but was helpless to stop it.

I felt a wild joy whipping my mother. I wasn’t me in that moment. I was an animal thrilled at the piteous squeals of another animal. Dark dots of pre-cum were leaking through my light grey sweats as my cock begged for release.

I began to spin the flog in quick circles like I had been trained, each revolution slapping her panty covered vagina and asshole until her squeals became shouts and her hips began to buck involuntarily. I watched in fascination as the wet spot in her panties spread under the leather.

She screamed, “DANNY… DANNY!… DANNY!” like I was in another room and she was calling out for me to come and save her. Again and again, I spun the whip until my name was replaced with high pitched cries of pain intermingled with cries of pleasure.

I was starting to break a sweat from the exertion of swinging the heavy leather flog, but the results were spectacular. I was relentless, switching hands whenever one arm grew tired. She writhed and twisted in futile attempts to avoid the blows but her bonds only allowed her to move her vagina inches in any direction. Eventually, her cries became shouts, then guttural screams as her pelvis began to thrust against the whipping. My arms were very nearly exhausted so I threw down the whip and started slapping her pussy fast and hard with my open palm.

She thrashed and screamed in fury at this new insult, but within seconds her ass started clenching and her screams devolved into desperate barking laughter as she began to ejaculate heavily through her panties. My slapping sent splashes of ejaculate in every direction getting it all over both of us.

I ended my assault. Breathing heavily, I tasted a briny drop on my lips. It stirred something in me. I tasted the cum dripping from my fingers. It was like tasting a memory.

I jumped up from the bed to retrieve the phone while she panted with shock and exhaustion. I panned up to her still writhing body taking time to see clearly the mess she had made on herself. I held it close to her face to capture the confused expression of a mother who has just been tortured to orgasm by her son. Beautiful. She tried to turn away from the invasive camera but I followed her face with it until she gave up just lay there with her eyes tightly closed, tears streaming backward into her ears.

I felt a brief stab of guilt over what I was putting her through, but it was no match for the ache in my pants. Whatever empathy I had left for her was dwarfed by the sheer joy of having absolute power over my utterly helpless bitch of a mother. I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. I was really going to fuck her.

Finally, I broke my silence. “What’s happening to you right now?” I asked her for the camera.

Still sobbing and hiccuping for breath she cried, “You’re making me…. I can’t… I can’t… stop you.”

“What do you think is going to happen now?” I taunted.

“Let me go you BASTARD!… Let me GO!” she screamed while yanking at the chains securing her wrists.

“Why am I doing this to you?”

“I don’t KNOW!” she cried. “Because you’re SICK!”

“Oh, for sure,” I replied. “But you’re going to need a better answer than that, you fucking narcissist.”

“You’re going to jail for this you little shit! It’s incest, Danny! This is RAPE! You’re raping your MOTHER!”

I slapped her pussy hard a few more times, then shoved my hand under the waistband of her drenched panties and slid my long middle finger between vagina lips slick from my punishment. The blows made her lurch and scream, but when I slid my finger inside her she gasped. I began to slowly fuck her with my long middle finger while I held the phone in front of her face.

“Where is my finger, Janice?” I asked her.

“Oh God.” she moaned.

“Say it!” I shouted.

Danny, noooo.”


“… It’s… in me … you’re … in me …” she hiccuped.


“You’re RAPING me!” she screamed.

“Yes, mother. I’m raping you. And who are you going to tell?”

Nothing. She turned her head away from me as I continued slowly penetrating her with my finger.

“Say what I told you to say.” I pressed.

“WHAT?” she screamed. “What do you WANT from me?”

“Everything, Janice. I own you now. Say it.” I inserted a second finger making her gasp again. Then a third. I held the camera on her face. She was weeping openly and hiccuping like a little girl. I began to move my curling fingers faster inside spanking her clit with my palm as I plundered her. Against her will, she began to moan through her tears.

“Please don’t make me cum again Danny… please… I can’t…” she sobbed.

“Say I own you, Janice.”

“FUCK YOU!” she screamed

I pulled my fingers out and started forcefully spanking her inflamed pussy again over the sodden panties.

She screamed, then stammered, “Oh GOD!… Okay! OKAY! You *DO!* You *DO!* You *OWN* me! You *OWN* me!” she cried saying anything to make it stop. I stopped the spanking and gently slid two fingers back into her throbbing puss while she twitched.

“Say it again mom, and mean it because it’s true.”

She closed her eyes and her face crumpled in tears. I could see that she was having trouble accepting the reality of this moment, but her son’s fingers sliding around inside her made it impossible to deny. I held the camera in front of her face as she flashed through a range of contorted expressions. Finally, she erupted in a scream of deepest frustration.

“Is this really what you want from me? You fucker! You want to use me for sex? You want me to be your slave?”


“You get to rape me whenever you want?”


“Oh noooo…” she wept.

“Yes,” I whispered and lovingly sucked on her nipple.

I returned the phone to the dresser top and turned to take in the scene I had created. She looked back at me as tears ran down her face.

I returned to the bed and grabbed a pair of safety scissors still in my bag, made two snips through the front of her panties over each thigh, grabbed the middle still covering her crotch, then yanked them from under her. Even though she was bound open to the bed and had already been tortured to a shattering orgasm, she cried out in humiliation when I stripped away her last shred of cover.

“Oh Danny.” she breathed as I spread her fleshy lips apart with my hands and lowered my face to her glistening pussy.


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