A Night on my sailboat [MF] [MM]

AN EVENING ON MY SAILBOAT (A 100% true story.)

When I was younger I was a partner in a beautiful thirty two foot Catalina sailboat.
My boat was docked at Monroe St. harbor.
I didn’t have the money to have a berth on the dock and had to settle on tying up to a can.
Cans are buoys that are evenly spaced out in the harbor.
The only way to reach your boat is to ether have a small dingy or to use the tender boats.
These are basically water taxis that would drive you over to your boat.

Here in Chicago we have a tradition called Venetian Night.
People dress up their boats and often join the parade of boats as they motor around the harbor and lake shore.
Other use it as just another excuse to party on their boats (As if boaters need a reason to party.).
Traditionally I would just invite a couple of friends and stay moored to our can as we grilled our food
while drinking an excess of beer.

Last year I invited a friend from work and her husband to join me in the celebration.
My friends name is Kim and her husband is Steve.
Kim and I had worked together for the last ten years.
We had never fooled around or done anything sexual.
There was however an ever present sexual tension between us.
Along with that we were both in the habit of telling dirty jokes and in general constantly teasing each other.
So she was married and I was freshly divorced.
I knew her husband Steve almost as long as I knew Kim.
We had a good friendship that often found us sitting around their place pounding back a few beers.

The evening began when I picked them up at the dock and we took the tender out to my boat.
For the next couple of hours we sat around drinking and grilling three bone-in rib eye steaks.
As the sun went down the parade of boats went into full swing.
Each of the boats that passed by in review for the most part had a few bikini clad girls waving to the other boaters.
Think Mardi Gras on the water.

Around ten pm none of us were feeling any pain.
We weren’t totaled or for that matter wasted, we were however just a little drunk.
Now my boat had a very nice appointed stateroom with a large bed and all the amenities.
After a while Kim told us that she needed to use the head.
While Steve and I sat on the aft bench watching the last of the parade go by we began to wonder where Kim was.
Not that there was very far a person could go on the boat.

In the midst of our questioning Kim returned from below.
Her return caused a double, hell it caused a triple take.
As she came up she had changed out of her shorts and tee shirt into white lace Lingerie Teddy to be exact.
Once Steve and myself were able to pick our jaws up from the ground I looked over at Steve with a cocked eyebrow asking him what was going on.
His only response was, “Hell if I know!”
Needless to say I had immediately sprouted a woody.
As I said earlier Kim and I had a habit of teasing each other and telling naughty jokes.
Never had it gone any further.
While I was always attracted to Kim it never went further than good natured banter.
After Steve and I traded questioning looks at each other he spoke up.
“Kim, what are you doing?” He asked her.
Kim’s only response was to crook her finger in a “come hither” motion.
Along with her tongue slipping between her lips in an exaggerated licking motion.

Looking over at Steve I asked,
“Steve I think she wants you to go below deck.
Have fun I’ll wait here, go and make her a happy lady.” I told him.
As Steve rose from his seat and approached his wife Kim looked over at me and repeated the “come hither” gesture.
Steve caught this and looked over to his wife and then back at me.
I was hesitant to rise from the bench let alone get involved if it was going to cause friction between my friends.
Steve returned his eyes towards Kim.
To answer his questioning look she replied.
“This is my fantasy and I couldn’t think of two people I would rather indulge it with than the two of you.
I’m tired of always being a good girl and I want to have fun and take some chances.” Kim said.
Looking over at Steve I had to ask, “Steve are you OK with this?”
His only response was to shrug his shoulders and say, “This is her idea and fantasy so I guess the answer is yes.”
I had to resist the urge to jump up, pump my arm in the air and shout YES!
In place of that I stood and followed them below deck.
As we entered the stateroom I turned on the radio to a light Jazz station.
With an unspoken nod, Steve and I embraced Kim front and back.
Steve lowered the shoulder straps of her Teddy while I took my time caressing her shoulders and delivering butterfly kisses upon her shoulder and back.
Reaching around her front I lowered the fabric covering her breasts.
Very gently I pulled Steve’s head to her breast.
As his lips descended to suckle her breast Kim threw her head back while exhaling a sigh followed by a long moan.

Raising his head he took her in his arms while kissing her.
Followed by his reaching down to lower the remainder of her Teddy.
As it whispered downward to pool around her feet she lifted first one leg then the other to kick the garment away.
Standing before us naked she suddenly turned shy.
Placing one hand over her sex and the other arm across her breasts, she treated us with a little smile as she dropped her hands allowing us to glory in her nakedness.

Reaching out Kim began to remove Steve’s Polo shirt.
When it came to his shorts, her hands struggled with his belt.
In her frustration she grabbed the waistband and just yanked downward.
Steve followed suite in kicking away his shorts.
Kim now turned her attention upon me.
First she removed my shirt and shorts in much the same manner as Steve’s.
Taking me by the shoulders she turned taking me with her.
I was now between the two of them.
Kim reached around my front, with her hand snaking down to grasp my cock.
She began to stroke me to full hardness.
Holding my cock she looked up at Steve,
“Steve, look at his cock.
Isn’t it beautiful?”
Reaching out with her other hand she took Steve’s hand and placed it upon my cock.
“Steve he has a nice cock, don’t you think?
As Steve grasped my cock Kim told him to keep stroking it.
“Feel how soft and velvet like the outside is yet inside it’s like an iron bar.”Kim said.
As Steve continued stroking me I had to pull away.
I was getting far too excited and would blow prematurely.
Kim reached around and took me away from her husband for the moment.
Turning she took my head in her hands and kissed me with a short peck.
After this she turned back to Steve, grabbed his arm and led him to the bed.
Throwing herself backwards onto the bed she motioned for Steve to join her.
Without hesitation he knelt between her legs and began to feast upon her pussy.
While in the midst of her pleasure Kim took my hand while guiding me towards her head.

It didn’t take an Einstein to figure out what she wanted.
Pulling me forward she gobbled me down in a single swallow.
Here I was with my two friends of ten years and being treated to a world class Bj.
“Switch” was the next sound I heard.
That order came from Kim.
By now Steve and I figured out was giving the orders this evening.
At this point I must admit, eating pussy is by far my favorite thing to make a woman happy.
There is no special technique, just spend more time around the edges then going for the gold right off.
Kiss and nibble her inner thighs.
I have found that the tease is far more effective than the direct approach.
Wrapping my arms under and around her upper thighs to keep her in one place, I held her down as I went in to touch the tip of my tongue to her clit.
I’m glad that I had the foresight to hang onto her body.
Otherwise she might have launched herself through the roof of my cabin as her body bucked in response to my oral assault.

Looking up, Steve was having the time of his life as Kim worked over his cock with an oral talent that I have yet in my life to experience a better session.
I found myself totally sympathetic as he fell away to prevent his climax from happening to early.
Both hands pulled at my head drawing me inward, tighter nearly smothering me in her depths.
“Enough” Kim cried out.
Both hands still upon my head she pulled me up and guided me onto the bed upon my back with my legs hanging down to the floor.
Taking Steve by the hand she had him kneel between my legs.
“Steve do you remember when you confessed to me some time ago that you would love to try giving head to a guy?
Well, here is your opportunity.

With that Kim leaned back waiting for her husband to come to a decision.
Reaching out Steve took my cock in his hand and began exploring new and previously forbidden territory.
He took his time feeling my cock while testing the heft and tender skin covering my balls with one hand.
The other ever so softly caressing the shaft.
Leaning inward with hesitation he touched the tip of his tongue to the top of its head.
From there he licked up and down the length of the shaft.
Screwing up his courage he lowered his mouth over the tip.
Within seconds he had overcome any reluctance he might have had.
If there was a prize given out that evening for enthusiasm he would have won the grand prize.
While he had yet to develop any sort of technique his vigor made up for any short comings.
For her part Kim was sitting back on her heels clapping her hands and giggling like a school girl.

As overstimulated as I was it wasn’t long before I was forced to pull Steve off my cock.
As soon as Steve pulled away he looked over at Kim.
“Alright woman, now it’s our turn.” He told her.
Pulling her to the edge of the bed he placed her on hands and knees.
Standing to gain his leverage he grabbed Kim by the hips and slammed into her pussy with a vengeance.
The cry she let out reminded me that we were only about thirty feet from the nearest occupied boat.
Oh well let them hear, we’re all adults here.
With every withdrawal Steve spanked her bottom admonishing her for being such a tease to their host and friend namely me.
With every spank she cried out, “Yes daddy”.
For a moment I was concerned when I saw his hand print emblazoned on her bottom.
Very quickly it dawned on me that this was not new to their style of play.

I took a chance, waking over to my closet I retrieved a wide leather belt and dropped it on the bed next to Kim.
Steve looked at the belt then over at me for a second.
Picking it up he doubled it over and stepped back a few feet.
His arm back, and then like a wound up spring he let fly.
As the belt found its home Kim let out a yelp.
Yet never flinching from the belt Steve allowed the belt to sail forward four more times.
You could see the marks left by the edges of the leather.
Kim by this time was turning into a wild creature hell bent on achieving the greatest orgasm of her life.
And it was up to the two of us to deliver that promise.

However before that could occur Steve pulled out of Kim and stood back a bit.
Kim rubbing her bottom rolled to the side while pulling me with her.
Together we lay side by side while Kim stroked my cock back to full hardness.
While this was happening her tongue was invading my mouth in a full on attack.
Placing her lips close to my ear she whispered to me,
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes” Was the only answer I could offer.
Upon hearing my answer Kim rolled me onto my stomach, then proceeded to sit on the small of my back.
“If at any time you want to stop just say the word RED and we will stop, Is that clear?” Kim said.
I had guessed what was about to happen and I was correct.
For seconds later I heard the whoosh of the belt a split second before it landed across my bottom.
That first impact was an eye opener.
Now I had been spanked a couple of time by girlfriends but those were love spanks that had the power level of a single piece of paper hitting your bottom.
In other words I had never been hit like this.

The sting was intense yet short lived.
Each time Steve dropped the belt onto my bottom Kim would use her hand as a follow up spank.
Belt, hand, belt, hand over and over.
While the sting faded between hits it was the burn that lasted.
Each time the belt was withdrawn I tried to shift my position.
It was the weight of Kim sitting on my back that limited my movements.
After twenty hits from both belt and hand Kim leaned over while grabbing both of the cheeks of my bottom and spreading them open.
As Kim played with my little ring, dipping her finger in and around I heard the sound of a plastic cap snap closed.
There was only one thing in the cabin that was going to make that sound.
It was the sound of my bottle of hand lotion that I kept by my bedside.
Her finger now lubed up she returned to the task of opening me up.
Withdrawing her finger as the bed shifted a bit and my legs being pulled towards the edge of the bed.
Still holding me open Kim guided Steve’s cock into my bottom.
Steve began to inch his way inward, ever so carefully he would advance and then withdraw.
After about five attempts his cock broke through and embedded itself deep inside me.
Holding still to give me time to adjust to this invasion he waited until I told him I was OK.
Face down on the bed my knees on the floor and Kim sitting perched on my back, Steve began to slowly move.
Pulling outward I felt my bottom pull out along with his cock and then pushed back in as Steve drove forward again.
Over and over his cock plundered my bottom.
There was no pain only the amazingly wonderful feeling of his cock slipping past my little ring.

Suddenly Kim spoke up, “Steve pull out for a minute”.
As Steve pulled away Kim had me stand as she lay where I had just been.
“Frank, I want you to fuck me now.” She said.
Who am I to deny this lovely lady her request.
I returned to the bed and slid my cock into that warm wonderful embrace.
After a few moments Kim told me to just lay still while still inside her.
“OK Steve I want you in him now.” Kim said.
Steve stepped up and mounted me.
This time his cock slid in without the slightest bit of resistance.
Now as I was fucking Kim her husband was fucking me.
At the beginning we hadn’t established a rhythm.
Yet in only a short time we found the perfect balance.
Never in my life had I felt anything like this.
How could I have this feeling every hour of the remainder of my life?
I knew that wasn’t possible so I had to make the best of the moment.
From behind me I heard “I’m cumming!!!!
Within moments Steve froze in mid motion as he buried himself as deeply as possible in my bottom.
In the momentary stillness I felt his cock pulsing as he delivered his seed into my bottom.
As his climax faded Steve began grunting and drove his cock inward a couple of times to complete his orgasm.
This in turn set me off.
Now it was my cock throbbing as it released my cum deep within Kim’s body.

After cleaning ourselves we headed to the upper deck where we relaxed as we called for the tender boat to pick us up.
By now it was one am.
As we walked to the Monroe St. garage the three of us kept hugging and laughing about the evening.
We never repeated that evening yet for years to come the three of us would have fun teasing each other and pass a knowing smile whenever we were together with a group of our friends.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/f2br5i/a_night_on_my_sailboat_mf_mm


  1. To my readers,
    Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.
    I welcome any feedback you may wish to send.
    If you have any ideas for future
    stories please let me know.

    Thank you.

  2. Thank you for your comment.
    And your support.
    Glad you enjoy my writing.
    Check out my other stories.

    “My Step Sister”

    “My Sister Lizzy”

    “Sara’s Self Discovery”


    “My Confusion”

    ” What I did in England”

    ” The Adult Bookstore”

    ” The Farm Pond”

    “Once upon a train ride.
    Or (“The adventures of Frank and Karen” )

    “Of my eyes”

    “It Found Me”

    Some of my stories are works still in progress.

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