The Sex Talk Chapters 1 and 2 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

*I’ve written this story through chapter 5. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*

*Commissioned by Kuudere*

**Chapter 1**

“David? Are you in here, sweetie?” Naomi Suzuki entered her son’s room with a gentle knock on his door. It was difficult to think he’d be off to college soon. How had time flown so fast? “I want to talk you about something.”

“Sure, Mom.” David looked up from his book and smiled at his mother. She was a short gentle thing, with long, dark-brown hair and pretty, serious face. Her glasses magnified her soft, brown eyes. He watched her sit on the edge of his bed. Her boobs pressed out against her blouse, and he could see a slight roll to her belly as she leaned forward. “What’s up.” He wondered what the box was that she held hidden next to her hip.

“Well, it’s a little embarrassing actually.” She patted the blanket next to her. “Come sit.”

“Okay.” David got up from his chair, walked across the room, and sat next to his mom. He enjoyed how his physical presence dwarfed hers. “Shoot.”

“Well …”? Naomi nervously bit her bottom lip. “You’ll be going off to college soon, and you’ll start having opportunities for sex.”

“Start?” David offered her a confident smile. “Right. Go on.”

“I know you’re a healthy young man, and you’re bound to be curious about women. So …” Naomi took a deep breath. “I want to give you these and make sure you know how to use them.” She handed David the box of condoms she’d kept hidden behind her hip.

David smirked. “Thanks, Mom, but those won’t fit.”

“Nonsense, sweetie.” Naomi frowned at her son. “They fit your father fine.”

“Well, they’re too small for me.” He watched her carefully, thinking over the opportunity that had just fallen into his lap.

“David Suzuki, please take me seriously. They’re stretchy. Of course they fit.”

“Sorry, Mom.” David shrugged. “They won’t.”

“I’m trying to help you with a life transition.” She folded her arms over her ample chest and frowned at him. This wasn’t how she thought this talk was going to go. “Please cooperate.”

“Fine. You want to see?” David tossed the box between them and pulled down his shorts and underwear. His dick sprung free. He was already hard thinking about how this was going to go.

“No way.” Naomi put her left hand to her mouth in surprise. Her diamond ring shone in the warm afternoon light. “I didn’t know they got so big. And you’re … hard.” She looked from his penis up into his dark eyes and adjusted her glasses.

“Go ahead, Mom. Try and put one on. They won’t fit.” David cocked an eyebrow at her and watched as her trembling fingers opened the box and tore open a foil packet. Married women were so easy. You just showed them what they’d been missing and their moral posturing turned to jelly. David loved seducing the moms in the neighborhood, but if he could get his own mom, that would top them all.

“Oh, my.” Naomi tried to fit the condom over the bulging head of her son’s penis. She tried it straight on. She rolled it at angles. Eventually she gave up. “You’re right. It won’t fit.”

“You can keep going. I like the effort, Mom.” David smiled at her.

“You like …” Naomi dropped the condom on the bed. “I … I … forgot I had to do something. Goodbye, David.”

“Bye, Mom.” David watched her round butt roll under her skirt as she raced out of the room. He chuckled to himself.


For a week, Naomi Suzuki couldn’t get the image of her son’s large penis out of her head. She made the fateful decision not to tell her husband about any of it. He wouldn’t understand. Eventually, she decided to give the talk with David another try.

“I must have done something wrong last time, sweetie. I’m sure I can get it to fit.” Naomi sat on her son’s bed again, tearing open a foil packet. On the bed next to her, David sat with his lower half naked, his large member sticking out proudly.

“Go ahead and try.” David smiled down at the look of nervous anticipation on Naomi’s face as she tried to roll the thing onto him. Who was she kidding?

“It’s almost there.” After several minutes of working the condom, Naomi finally rolled it over the head. “Ha, I did it.” She looked up into David’s eyes with triumph. “That’s how you’ll need to do it in college.”

“No, it’s not.” David shook his head slowly. “Look at it. It doesn’t go past the head.”

“Well …” Naomi looked down. He was right. She reached down and began trying to pull the condom with her left hand. Up and down, up and down, she worked that thin polyurethane membrane. It took her about three minutes before she realized she was giving her son a handjob. She jerked her hand back, but David took her hand in his and placed it back on his penis.

“Keep going, Mom.” He moved her hand up and down the full length of his dick. “I think you almost got it.”

“I … do?” Her hand moved on its own as she stared through her glasses at what she did to her son, completely mesmerized. How had such a magnificent penis existed so close to her all these years and she hadn’t known? After a few minutes, the ill-fitting condom popped off but she kept on working him without it. A few minutes after that, she put both hands on the shaft.

“You’re good at this, Mom.” David watched the reverent way she stared at his dick. This was going to be so much fun. “Here … it … comes.” He came all over her pretty hands, coating her diamond wedding ring in the potent stuff.

“Oh, David. Oh, my. Oh, sweetie.” Her hands milked him until he was dry. Then she looked up into his eyes and her face went very pale. She’d just committed a sexual act with her son. “I have to get cleaned off.” She stood and raced from his room without so much as a goodbye.


The following week was awkward in the Suzuki household, even Naomi’s husband noticed. But when he asked, she told him David was just going through teenage stuff. She vacillated back and forth. She had the strong urge to see David’s thing again. And, maybe, touch it again. But that was so wrong.

After many days of crippling indecision, against her better judgement, she found herself in her son’s room again, sitting on his bed. His marvelous penis was hard and waiting for her. She reached down for it. “Hold still, sweetie. I just have to make sure it’s healthy.” It was the flimsiest of excuses.

“Sure.” David could barely hold back a laugh. “Whatever you say, Mom.”

She worked him with both hands for several minutes, and then David put his hand behind her head.

“What are you doing, Davey?” Naomi let him push her face toward his lap.

“If want to make sure it’s healthy, you need a closer look.” He exerted continuous, gentle pressure on her wavy, brown hair. She got closer and closer, and then, with a surprised little gulp, she took him into her mouth. “That’s good, Mom. I knew you could do it.”

“Mmmmmppphhhhh.” She struggled to hold him in her mouth at first, but soon her head bobbed up and down while she gripped the bottom of the shaft tightly with both hands. “Gghhh, ggghhhh, ggghhhh,” Naomi said. She’d never made these noises for her husband.

“Hey, Mom?” David wove his fingers in her hair and held on as she blew him. “Since I’m going off to college soon, I thought maybe it was time I taught you about sex.”

Naomi gagged and bobbed her head faster. Good God, what was he doing to her?

“I mean, I know you know about sex.” Before he came down her throat, David wanted her to know this was just beginning. “But I’m talking about real sex. The kind that changes you.” He was close. “Life is about … to be … a … whole … lot … different.” He erupted in her mouth and listened to her whine around his dick. Such sweet music. When he was done, he pulled on her hair and lifted her up to face him. Cum ran down her chin. She looked stupefied as she gasped for breath.

“Davey …?” She licked her lips. Her son tasted delicious. Like life itself.

“Thanks, Mom.” He let go of her hair, pushed her up onto her feet, and turned her toward the door. “That was awesome. But you better get going before Dad catches us.” He slapped her round butt and she stumbled to the door.

Oh no, her husband was downstairs. What had she been she thinking?

“You’re going to want to get cleaned up before he sees you.” David lay back on his bed, completely satisfied. “You’ve got my cum all over your face.”

Naomi nodded and left her son’s room. She moved as fast as her wobbly legs could carry her to the nearest bathroom. When she got there, she adjusted her glasses and stared in disbelief at her reflection. Who was this woman with sperm on her chin? She wasn’t sure she knew anymore.

**Chapter 2**

What do you do the moment you realize your little boy is all grown up? That moment happened for Naomi when her eighteen-year-old son promised to teach *her* all about sex. And then she’d somehow given him a blowjob. The guilt and shame that followed her around the days after that were like an anchor around her neck. Who was her son now that he was a man? Naomi realized she didn’t know.

On Saturday night, when David was out doing whatever he did Saturday nights, Naomi tiptoed into his empty room. He had posters of scantily clad women all over his walls and a few books tossed on his bed. She sat on the bed and looked around. Her husband was in the den reading, and the Suzuki house was quiet. Naomi noticed David’s iPad in amongst his books. She fished it out. It was password protected. She entered the name of Fiskers, his first pet, and the software opened up for her.

Who was her son? What did he like? What did he do when he disappeared most nights? Naomi scrolled through folders until she came to one marked 2019 Taxes. David didn’t have any taxes, so this interested Naomi. She opened the folder and put a hand to her mouth. There were pictures and videos of naked women. She’d found his porn stash. She clicked on a video and was shocked to discover that it was more than porn, it was David’s homemade porn. Goodness, what had she discovered?

“Am I bigger than your husband?” David’s voice said on the video. He was holding the camera and taking a pale woman from behind. Naomi could see the woman’s delicate back muscles flexing with pleasure and hear her grunts. The woman’s waist narrowed and then her wide butt flared out. David had one hand on her right hip. “Answer me,” he said.

The blonde woman only squealed in reply.

“Am … I … bigger … than … your … husband.” David smacked her butt and Naomi could see the shockwave spread out from the impact on her flesh.

“Uuuugggghhhhhhhhhh,” the woman said.

“Answer me, slut.” David commanded the woman. He wasn’t asking. It reminded Naomi of the force he’d used on her head to put his thing in her mouth. Where had he learned that? Certainly not from his meek father. “Who’s bigger … slut.” He slapped her again on the rump. What language. Naomi had never heard such talk except in the movies.

“You … are …” she screeched.

“What?” David sounded angry.

“You … are … bigger than my … husband.” The woman tossed her blonde head back and forth.

“That’s right.” David slowed his strokes a little. My God, Naomi could see the poor woman’s pink inner vaginal walls stretched out on his fat penis. How was she even taking it all? “Now look at me and tell me … you love teenage dick.”

“Ooohhhhhhhhhh.” The woman turned her head and looked back over her shoulder. Naomi gasped and adjusted her glasses. It was Mrs. Debra Turner from down the road. She was married to a nice investment banker with two kids. She was a soft-spoken, friendly woman. What had her son done to her? “Oh, God.” Debra’s blue eyes had a far-off look, and some drool hung at the corner of her pretty mouth. “I love … teenage … dick.” Debra’s eyes rolled back in her head and she had what looked to Naomi to be the world’s largest orgasm.

“Heavens.” Naomi exited the video, closed the folder, and tossed the iPad back on the bed. “Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my.” Naomi stood and quickly left her son’s room. She had hoped to discover more about David with a bit of snooping, but she hadn’t expected anything like what she found.


When Naomi went to bed that night, she found her husband getting into his pajama’s. She looked at his pudgy belly, skinny limbs, and small, dangling penis and couldn’t help but compare him to his son. If she closed her eyes, could she imagine herself with a strapping teenager? Maybe. “Would you like to have sex tonight, honey?” It had been over a week since they’d last made love. Naomi took off her shirt and undid her bra. She tried to stick out her large boobs seductively.

“What?” Barry looked over at his wife. “Oh. Not tonight, dear. I’m golfing early tomorrow.”

“Come on, I promise to treat you to something special.” Naomi walked over to him and dropped her skirt to the carpet below.

“Sorry, not tonight.” Barry stepped around his wife and hit the light. “Maybe if you had asked earlier in the evening. I have to go to bed.” He slipped into bed and put his head on the pillow.

“But you were reading earlier.” Naomi stood there in the dark, crestfallen. That stupid video played in her mind’s eye. She heard Debra say *I love teenage dick*. Now was not a good night for her husband to reject her.

With a sigh, Naomi felt her way into the bathroom. She heard her husband’s snore before she closed the door. She flipped on the light, removed her panties, and sat on the edge of the tub. The video played in her mind over and over. She wanted desperately to go back to David’s room and rewatch it. She wanted to see all the other videos he’d made with women. How many women were there? But she knew he could come home at any moment. She took off her glasses and put them on the counter.

Naomi’s hand crept down between her legs as she thought of the sweet, soft-spoken wife taking her son’s long penis. Naomi stroked her wet slit, and then rubbed her clitoris with two fingers. No one had ever called Naomi a slut. Not to her face, at least. And she guessed that until David had come along, no one had said such a thing to Debra either. But the blonde woman had responded to those words. She’d let the person saying such dirty things into her most guarded places. And the person that so defiled that pretty lady was Naomi’s own son.

“Gggggghhhhhhhhh.” Naomi clenched her teeth and grunted out her climax as she thought about what David had been up to.


In the morning, David still had not returned from his night out. Typical, Naomi thought. She cleaned the kitchen, alone in the house now that her husband had left for golf.

Halfway through sweeping the floor, Naomi put down her broom and quickly walked upstairs. She probably had hours until David got home. She slipped into his empty room, sat on the bed, and pulled out the iPad. Soon, the video played again and she watched poor Debra surrender to David while taking it from behind. Naomi’s hand crept under her dress, moved her panties to the side, and found her clitoris.

“Who’s bigger … slut?” The David on screen said. Naomi could feel her orgasm approaching.

“What the hell, Mom.” The real and present David stepped into his own room to find his mom violating his personal space. And violating her pussy to boot. “That’s my stuff.”

With a yelp, Naomi tossed the iPad onto the bed and moved her hand from under her dress. “I’m so sorry, sweetie. I was just …” Naomi tried to think of a plausible explanation. Her body still buzzed with pleasure and frustration. “I … was checking my stocks online.”

In the background, Mrs. Debra Turner could be heard saying how much she liked teenage dick.

“It’s cool, Mom.” David held up his hands to try and calm her down. He could see her large breasts heaving with each breath under her dress. “I get it. I promised to teach you about sex, and then we had no follow up. My bad.” He sat down next to her on the bed and gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s okay.” He picked up the iPad and closed the video. He scrolled through the folder and opened another video, tilting the iPad screen so she could see. “This is one with Mrs. Turner on top. Check out those bouncing tits.”

“Oh,” Naomi said dumbly. The woman had large, hanging breasts with big areola. They were indeed bouncing in counter circles as she rode David.

“Porn is an important part of a healthy sex life, Mom.” He put his hand on her knee and his fingers slipped under her dress. “Watching porn, making porn. It’s all part of a full life.” His fingers traced their way up the inside of her thigh, while he held the iPad with his other hand so she could see what he had done to Debra.

“Don’t, Davey.” But Naomi made no move to stop him. “I don’t want to … ugh … oh, my.” She felt his fingers slip inside her. “Oh, sweetie.” She felt him pick up the pace and soon he was banging her with his fingers. Was this the “fingerbanging” Naomi had heard about? It felt so good.

“That’s it, Mom.” David could see from the tormented look on her pretty face that he had her right where he wanted her. He worked his fingers hard in her tight, wet pussy. The image of the Debra’s big tits reflected in Naomi’s glasses. “Imagine those were your tits bouncing for my camera.”

“Oh, Davey … I … I’m going to …” Naomi’s eyes rolled up in her head, and she made guttural sounds deep in her throat over and over. Her son was giving her an orgasm and it was magnificent. When she’d calmed some, her wits returned. “You shouldn’t have done that, sweetie.” She pulled his hand from between her legs, stood, and straightened her dress. “I’m your mother, not one of your neighborhood harlots.” But she knew Debra was no harlot. Naomi turned and walked to the door.

“Wait, Mom.” David didn’t want the tutoring session to be over so soon. “I’ve got more videos. You wouldn’t believe which wives let me film them.”

“I’m disgusted, David.” Naomi tried to sound convincing. She left his room and slammed the door behind her. She stood in the hall, breathing hard, trying not to go back in there. Eventually, she marched down the hall and downstairs. She needed to put it all out of her mind. She’d finish cleaning the kitchen for a start. If she was very lucky, Naomi wouldn’t think about her son’s large penis for the rest of the day.

*I’ve written this story through chapter 5. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*


1 comment

  1. Yes! Your mother’s breast do seem ample. Perhaps I could consume them later. Their beauty is mesmerizing. I’d love to meet you both.


    ~My Left Testicle

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