Sharing Isn’t Easy [Cuckold] [Cheating]

You never realize just how expensive life can be until you’re struggling to pay rent.

I consider myself the most financially responsible person I know, keeping a detailed excel sheet of all my bills, paychecks, and purchases, making sure I always know exactly how much I have, and how much I need to get by. That summer, the balances had been consistently red for the 4th month. Credit cards maxed out, car payment due in a few days, for the first time in my life, I didn’t have enough to pay next month’s rent. My girlfriend and I lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment just half an hour away from work. We both worked at a local medical office, making a decent living, but rent alone was burning through our earnings. We decided it might be best to start looking for a roommate, even though neither of us was thrilled at the idea, the thought of having a couple extra hundred bucks helped us move past any reservations. A few days of hunting on craigslist and being ghosted by several potential candidates, we desperately started asking around at work. A friend of a friend reached out to a brother, who then reached out to me to set up a meeting. Luckily for us, he was ready and willing to move in the following weekend. He didn’t have much else but a torn up mattress and a half-broken IKEA nightstand that looked as if he’d picked it up that same morning, likely from a yard sale. Moving went smoothly and he paid his share that same weekend, it finally looked like we’d have some breathing room.

I didn’t think much of Andrew at first. He seemed like a nice enough guy, though quite honestly, I was hoping we’d find a female instead to maybe help make Zoey more comfortable through the adjustment. Zoey took a liking to him immediately. She had a bit more interaction with him than I did, and within a few weeks, any questions/concerns either of us had would pretty much go through Zoey. I had nothing against the guy. I just figured we didn’t need to be friends. At the end of every month, he consistently sent his share of rent to Zoey, and she made sure to split utilities for us and managed our joint account. I was just glad he was trustworthy, and that our arrangement seemed to be working out okay without any hitches. After a few weeks, Zoey had become a bit friendly with the guy, I’m assuming they’d catch up on their own before I got home from work, at times even staying up watching tv together before coming to bed. Andrew was a part time car salesman, but mostly worked as a nutritionist, and he would talk to Zoey about it for hours and hours. She seemed captivated. I thought nothing wrong of them being friends. It only made the adjustment a lot easier now with 3 of us under the same roof. She’d occasionally mention something about him, like, his parents were in town, or he’d be out late grabbing drinks with his girlfriend. Things that to me seemed rather private. Zoey didn’t have many friends at our office. It was surprising they clicked so well, and although her closeness to him at times began to make me uncomfortable, the thought of them two ever doing anything was not at all a thought on my mind. The relationship seemed more like that between siblings.

That Saturday, Andrew had come home earlier than usual and kept mostly to himself. I thought he must’ve just had a rough week, since he locked himself up pretty early and hadn’t come out to grab anything to eat. Around 9pm, I went to bed and started catching up on some work on the laptop. Zoey was pacing back and forth between rooms, occasionally knocking on Andrew’s door to check up on him, and coming back to our room to check her phone, assuming they were texting. Closer to 10pm around the time I started shutting off, she sort of sat at the edge of our bed, legs crossed, as if wanting to talk to me about something. She seemed anxious. I tried asking her about her day, but she just shrugged it off and gave me a generic answer, her phone still glued to her hand. When I finally asked her what was wrong, her response shocked me, it wasn’t at all what I was expecting.

“Andrew’s had a really rough day today,” she shrugged, looking down at her phone then just staring blankly at our door. She seemed sad. Here we were, lights off a quarter after ten now, and my girlfriend is sitting at the edge of our bed worried about her new friend. I felt upset, but she insisted. “His girlfriend broke up with him today,” she continued, a few moments after I refused to comment. What did it even matter? I felt ignored and somewhat jealous of the fact she was worried about him over me. We had barely even said a few words to each other that day, and something about the way she talked about it just confused me. I didn’t know what to think, or why she’d even care to share all this with me. They were talking about their relationships with each other now? What had she shared with him? I must’ve mumbled something obviously irritated under my breath, but she didn’t hear me, or maybe just didn’t really care. Her mind was elsewhere. As she sat there in her pajama shorts and tanktop, she seemed to be building herself up to asking something from me, I didn’t know if it was advice, or maybe asking me to go talk to Andrew myself. It didn’t matter. She seemed persistentin asking me, regardless of the reactionI was giving her. “Do you think it would be okay if I go lay down with him for a few? He’s really hurt..”

My heart shattered at that moment. She wasn’t asking for permission to go talk to him, or even asking if they could hangout in the living room; she was openly asking me if she could get in bed with him. I was speechless. Why the hell would I ever allow my girlfriend to get in bed with another man, regardless of how close they might be? Everything felt wrong, there was an anxiety to her voice I’d never heard before. I could feel her eyes fixed on mine in the dark, even with me clearly upset with her asking, she asked again, “just for a few hours, I’ll be back to bed after a while.. I promise..” I saw her shift a bit closer, as if to comfort me.

You think back on the things you’d say, and even now I don’t know what my options were, her mind had already been made up. I was proud, angrily boasting about not needing her, “go do whatever the fuck you want,” I remember saying, before shifting over to my stomach, unable to face her from how angry I was. She must’ve sat there in silence for what felt like an hour, the light from her phone lighting up the room on and off, still without saying a word. A few moments later, I felt her get up. My body felt heavy, I couldn’t bring myself to ask her to stay, not after such a ridiculous question. The sound of our door shutting behind her made this real, this was all really happening. I secretly hoped she’d come back, opening our door again after reconsidering, apologizing up and down about even asking such a thing from me. No way anyone would ever be okay with that. I hoped anxiously for our door to open again. But that moment never came. I could hear Zoey gently opening his door, without even a knock, and shutting it quietly behind her. My heart and mind started racing at a million miles a second, wondering if she was now in bed with him, laying down there on his mattress on the floor. Would she be behind him? Or under the covers? What did he wear to bed? Was I overthinking and overreacting? Could she possibly just be there for emotional support? Why would she need to lay down with him? How could she do this to me?

All my questions were answered after a few moments of silence. I could hear them mumbling through the thin walls, he was doing most of the talking, though I couldn’t make out the words. And then I heard it, her unmistakable voice, softly moaning as if covered by some fabric. They must’ve been under the covers.

The mumbling stopped. He was no longer saying a word. My ears were ringing from how fast my heart was racing. I would occasionally hear her again, moaning quietly and deliberately. The bits of silence growing more and more rare, with her moans now following a rhythm. Was he touching her? Was he eating her out? Against every bit of my being, I could feel myself start to swell up under my own boxer briefs. It was now impossible not to make out her moans, my breathing somehow adjusting to hers, it was as if my body was acting on its own. I reached down to find I was rock hard, the head of my cock pulsing. My entire body shivered at my touch, and my cock throbbed under my hand, begging me to release. I pulled my foreskin back, nearly cumming immediately at the touch, her moans had now gotten softer, but I could still hear them. They were trying their hardest to do things quietly. I wondered if she knew that I could hear her, or even cared that I knew, at that moment it didn’t really matter. I heard Andrew say a few words, his voice echoing through the walls, and my little Zoey moaning in some sort of agreement. I think he was asking if he could fuck her. My cock tightened, shooting all over my stomach and covering my hand. I jerked myself till every last drop was released. Like I just had to unload this awfulness all out of me. The moaning stopped. I laid there confused. Heartbroken and aroused. Unsure of what I had just experienced, and afraid of what anyone might think, Zoey and Andrew especially. I leaned over our bed and grabbed my shirt, cleaning myself up from such an embarrassment. My girlfriend was likely nextdoor sucking cock now. And here I was, cleaning myself up from the most incredible orgasm I had ever experienced. I fell asleep trying to hear any sounds coming from his room, praying all the while that it had all just been a dream.

The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. My cumstained shirt tossed over Zoey’s side, the sheets were cold. She never made it back. Filled with a newfound rage, I jumped out of bed making my way towards the door. I must’ve conjured up a thousand ways I would slam the door down, grabbing Zoey from the arm, and confronting Andrew over what the fuck he was thinking. I swung open the door, to find his own already open. There in his empty room, on his mattress covered in all sorts of sheets, was Zoey on all fours just getting pounded by Andrew, her shorts tossed on the floor. His arms were firmly on her hips, driving her in with each thrust more heavy than the last. I froze in place. How long had they been at it? Had he fucked her through the night? Zoey’s eyes briefly locked in with mine, and I could read from them such detailed expressions. “Please don’t be mad at me.. Please don’t stop this.. I need this.. I’m so sorry… Please just let this happen.”

Her eyes rolled back, biting down hard on a pillow she had been holding on to for support. He was really giving it to her. The roomed filled with the sound of his hips and balls slamming up against her wet slit. He grunted with each thrust from how uncomfortably tight she was, determined to stretch her out regardless of the pain. His cock was absolutely massive, embarrassingly much larger than mine. I don’t think she had ever had a cock as big. All Zoey could do was lay there on her knees taking it, hanging on to his pillow to bite down and smother herself in. Her breathing and eyes looked like an animal’s, controlled not by anything human, but by some primal need that had her here now, ass up and ready for him, taking every bit that he was giving her, without question or complaint. He wasn’t making love to her. He was fucking her.

I felt that same sensation, terribly familiar, now filling up my body with a heavy embrace that froze me in place. My cock throbbed again, release me. I was unsure if Andrew had even noticed me by that point, standing in our hallway directly by his door. Zoey certainly had, but she was powerless to stop. Her eyes would lock onto mine from time to time, whenever she could catch her breath, reiterating those same expressions, “I’m so sorry baby.. Please don’t ask him to stop.. ” I couldn’t bring myself to even if I wanted to. My hand guided itself down to my own cock, massaging myself carefully over. A pit in my stomach mixed in with such intense arousal. I couldn’t believe how hard he was fucking her. I almost wanted to encourage him to be rougher.

He must’ve noticed me at some point, standing there alone rubbing myself and moaning quietly. He reached over and began to pull on her bra, she seemed uncomfortable helping him get it off, cupping her pale breasts in her arms before he reached over and groped her forcefully. She moaned loudly as he squeezed. He pulled her hair back, exposing her perfect neck for him. He bit and licked, before placing his lips against hers. I could see his tongue playing with hers, and my body shivered at the sight.

“You’re gonna taste that cock some more later,” he told her. She again moaned in agreement. He squeezed her breasts angrily while practically slobbering all over her lips. Her body snug tightly beneath him. He was fit, with a massive cock still firmly tucked inside of her. The way they kissed showed me this had been their first time fucking, though clearly they had wanted to for quite some time. He held her as if he owned her. His cock shoved deep inside of her, her pink lips gripping onto his shaft with each pull, she might as well had been his.

After he had his taste, he sort of tossed her head back down towards the pillow, instructing her to hold on. I ached with anticipation. Zoey looked up at me confused, my cock out in hand admiring the view. We both had a lot of explaining to do. Andrew pulled out slowly, desperately peeling off a condom that looked worn and beat. He rubbed over his tip and back down towards his balls, gripping himself as if prepping. With Zoey still on her knees giving him full view of her holes, Andrew spit twice on his hand, rubbing it once all over her slit, and then rubbing her wet all over his head. He was gonna go in raw. Zoey locked eyes with me once more, as if wanting to say something. But as her lips parted to say a few words, Andrew had shoved the tip in. Gripping her waist and pulling her back down onto his cock, Zoey’s face was one mixed with unnatural pain, lust, and submission. He rammed her waist back down onto him, grunting between his teeth all the while, eventually reaching down to massage her tight stomach. She must’ve felt that cock splitting her open.

Andrew spit once more on his cock, without pulling out entirely, and then rubbed his spit up and down his cock, guiding her waist back down gently to fill her up. Our eyes locked, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care about me stroking myself during, he was going to fuck her regardless. She was gonna let him. He wasn’t thrusting so much now, as he was driving her back down onto him. He was guiding her back, filling her up with his cock, and she was eating it all up. Her mouth open the entire time, drooling. At that moment she wasn’t mine. She was just some girl he was filling up on his mattress, using that massive horse cock he was gifted with. She took it all.

“Take that cock. You’ve been wanting that cock,” he’d grunt. “You wouldn’t have come over last night unless you wanted that cock.” I honestly couldn’t agree more. It seemed like neither could she. Andrew fucked my girlfriend like this for an eternity. Pounding away until that same wet sound of his cock filled the room. I came twice from how he was tossing her around.

A few more thrusts, “Hnngh, hnngh, hnngh,” and he held her waist in place as he moaned and bit his lip. His cock had burst, and he had every intention of draining himself inside of her. Neither Zoey or I protested. He flipped her around and grabbed a bit of her hair, guiding his pulsating cock right into her mouth as it dripped. I came a final time, my knees now waking ecstasy.

“Tell him how it tastes later,” he whispered. Her head bobbing up and down, milking him just as he’d asked. “Get every last drop. Most of it is already inside of you.”



  1. ohmyGOODNESS so many feelings came up as I read this. I felt commiseration, concern, and obviously arousal, but that arousal was very guilt-laden. Is there going to be a part 2 where they speak more about what happened? I’m very curious about the “resolution” aspect of cuckolding. You write very beautifully, it’s very personalized and now I’m feeling very committed to the characters, not only their sex acts, which to me is very critical. You’ve created amazing vessels of people, like I want to continue riding on them haha (if that makes any sense).

  2. Wow I mean I don’t know what to say apart of would beat his ass but other side of would find deeply arousing honestly I would probably kick the shit out of him then make him fuck some more afterward is there a part 2 this is an awesome story your a really good story teller

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