Amy’s visit to the Army base – Part 1/3 [FM, MFM, masturbation, exhibitionism, threesome, oral, Fsub, Mdom, rough sex, anal, aftercare]

*This is my first post of a fictional story. I invented it during a dull four hour team meeting at work ;)*

**Part 1**

The moment Amy Davis got off the helicopter the dry, hot desert wind hit her, immediately covering her with a fine layer of inevitable dust. It was midday and the moment her borrowed combat boots hit the sandy ground she felt the heat of the day reflecting back. The sun burned relentlessly from a cloudless sky and she was glad for adapting her outfit to local customs: apart from the combat boots and fatigue pants she wore a loose long sleeved tunic falling down to mid thigh, big sunglasses and a thin cotton scarf covering her hair and neck. The scarf was not obligatory but it helped a lot with keeping the sand out of her hair. And with avoiding a sunstroke.

Taking in her surroundings, she found the base camp was an unimpressive cluster of flat sand colored buildings, glimmering in the sunlight. On the dusty road leading from the airfield to the camp a very tall single man approached, his military fatigues as impeccable as his posture. By his badge of rank she recognized him as a Colonel. But she had a feeling him being her welcome committee was no sign of appreciation…

He greeted her curtly with a stern expression on his face, a very handsome face as she couldn’t help noticing, and she realized he must be the one who had objected to her assignment to his base camp, arguing that there were no female soldiers at the time and no appropriate accommodation. The true reason of course was the fear of an attractive woman creating distraction and conflicts among the soldiers.. His supervisors had overruled his objection anyway due to sheer lack of interpreters. They needed help with communication to local informants and there was simply no male interpreter of equal qualification – and crazy enough to sign up for the job – as the diplomat’s daughter Amy Davis.

Her accommodation turned out to be a small one room wooden house, little more than a shed, behind the camp kitchen and at maximum distance from the barracks. It was far from luxurious but at least allowed her some privacy. There was a small bed with a mosquito net, a wooden table and chair and a cupboard for her belongings. Also, the back entrance let to a small secluded backyard with an improvised outdoor shower. Actually, it was better than she had expected!

She soon settled into a working routine, establishing a level of trust with the informants but staying at very professional and distant terms with the rest of the troops. She was pretty sure the soldiers were given orders to avoid any personal contact with her because no one ever approached her and disappointingly there wasn’t much happening for her outside of work. Not that there were many options..

The soldiers were not forbidden to look though: every second Amy spent outside her quarters she could feel the heated looks of a dozen pairs of eyes on her, staring longingly at her female shape… she was unaware of how much her modest way of dressing made the imaginations run wild. There were even bets going on on the color of her hair. And there was not a single man in camp who had not dreamed about the lush, soft lips of her sexy mouth, which was the only body-part her outfit revealed… The men in return did not leave her cold. There was something incredibly exciting about being the only woman among a few hundred muscular, battle-scarred and sex-hungry soldiers.

About three weeks into her stay Amy ran out of clean clothes and she didn’t feel comfortable bringing her laundry to the wash house. She asked for a day off so she could stay in her shed and wash everything at once, then hang it up to dry in her backyard. At that time there wasn’t much work anyway and her day off was granted. Amy slept late just because she could, then borrowed a basin, got some rare water and started the laborious process of washing all her clothes by hand, wearing only a pair of pajama shorts and a tight white top. The midday heat was unbearable and she soon was sweating but still enjoyed her alone time, listening to her favorite music with earplugs and humming a tune. She was so involved she didn’t notice the Colonel coming in…

After knocking twice without receiving an answer he had gotten impatient and entered the shed nonetheless. After all, he knew she must be in there and it was an emergency. But that was momentarily forgotten when he laid eyes on the woman… She knelt down on the floor in hardly more than underwear, her beautiful figure revealed at last along with her thick, curly, honey colored hair, tied into a messy knot on top of her head. She was leaning over a basin, both hands in the water and rubbing a piece of fabric. The up and down movement caused her full, perky breasts to bounce.. towering over her he got a good look into her cleavage and he couldn’t stop staring as a drop of sweat started its slow way down between those perfect boobs… noticing that they were barely covered with a flimsy white top, which had become wet and transparent during the washing process and clearly showing the outlines of her nipples… Goddammit, he wanted to fuck her then and there! Pulling himself together took a considerable effort, fueling his anger towards her even more.

His large hand clamping down ruggedly on her shoulder made her jump. She stumbled to her feet, blushing bright red and looking down in shame… only to notice the massive bulge in his fatigues. He stared at her with an unreadable yet certainly unfriendly expression: “We need your services immediately, Ms. Davis” he said with a pressed voice, “get dressed in something… less revealing. We need to go right now”. When she made no move he arched his brow “is there anything unclear about this order?”. Pointing to the basin she shyly replied “uhm, the problem is I don’t really have anything else to wear right now.. I was washing everything I own..”. Staring at her in pure anger he stripped out of his camouflage jacket and t-shirt, revealing his adorably sculptured chest and abdomen. “Wear this” he barked, tossing the t-shirt at her. She hastily put it on and stepped into her boots, while he covered himself again with his jacket.

The large t-shirt hid her body to mid thigh but with her bare legs and uncovered hair Amy felt pretty naked still.. She started to look around frantically for anything she could use as clothing but he had already opened the door, clearly out of patience now. She had no choice but follow him out into the open and across the whole camp. Every single head turned, eyes popping out in surprise at the unexpected sight, even more so when her hair came undone by the wicked desert wind, long honey blond curls blowing through the air… It seemed to take forever to reach the offices. As soon as they got there the Colonel ordered some spare clothes for her so she could work without affronting the informant. But regarding the troops the deed was done…

Hours later Amy returned to the privacy of her shed, feeling not only completely exhausted but inevitably turned on by all those hungry glances. Also, the mental image of the Colonel’s tall, male, muscular body was very vivid still… Stripping out of her borrowed clothes she moved towards the outdoor shower, intending to cool herself down. It didn’t work, not only because the water was all but cool. Her sensual body was aching to be touched! She badly needed a release.. closing her eyes she let her hand wander down between her legs, caressing her pussy and slowly entering one finger while her other hand started to play with her nipple…

[Part 2](
