The night a sexy seductress fucked the hottest gay man in town. [MF] [Seduction]

Alec was walking by himself, alone at night. He was minding his own business, on his phone, thinking about the salami he was gonna eat once he arrived. Suddenly, he hears a noise. Steps… Coming from the alley on the left. He looks, tries to find someone, but… Nothing.
He shrugs and keeps walking into the alley, since he has to go through it, because there was a construction blocking his usual path. *Tap tap tap tap tap*… Again, steps. Behind him. Suddenly, he feels a hand on his shoulder, so he turns around abruptly.

“Hello there”, says a stranger. She’s mildly tall, brownish hair, light eyes, and huge breasts. She’s wearing a tight dress.

“Hello…” Says Alec, intimidated. “Do you uhm, need anything?” He continues after a pause, exhaling his fresh breath from his red beautiful lips.

“Yes handsome, I need you”. She answers, with a glow in her eyes.

“Okay, uhm, I’m gonna leave…” He steps back, and keeps on walking home, now faster.

“Come on hottie, every guy that comes by this alley is my prey, I seduce men that go through here, specially the ones that are SO good looking… Doesn’t matter to me if you have a wife”, she kept on rambling about being irresistible, and having any guy she wanted.

“-husband” he corrects her, “I’ve got a husband”. He says annoyed in a low pitched voice.

“Oh well that’s even better then, now isn’t it? I love a challenge”.

“There’s no challenge here”, he says, “I’m going home, you crazy midnight whore”. She pushes him, and kicks his ankle.

“What the fuck.” He yells, turns around and grabs her by the wrist: “don’t make me break your arm” he goes, “believe me, I’m strong enough to make it come off your body”. He started twisting her wrist, while she laughs with an evil tone. He didn’t realise it, but little by little, she was getting closer and closer to him.
Unexpectedly, she jumped on to him, her legs wrapped around his waist, and opened her mouth, swallowing all the saliva that was on his. She licked every inch of his lips. She didn’t let him even breathe. Her tongue was over his, not letting him escape. She kept on licking and sucking his upper lip. Once he realised what was happening, he was making out with a hooker against a wall. He immediately reacted and let her down on to the floor. He licked his lips and brushed his hand over them, “what the fuck do you want from me?” He said, slowly backing away, as she stood up again.
She ran to him, putting her entire hand around his bulge, frotting and touching, and grinding it;

“this.” She said breathing against his neck.

“Why?” He said, pushing her back.

“I’ve never seen such an attractive piece of male meat. Listen, I know you think you’re so gay and blah, but you are not. You’re just as weak to me, as any other man that goes through this alley.”

“Well, I’m leaving, good luck with your seduction, or… Whatever” he says, spitting on the floor next to her.
He turned around and kept walking, his back now facing her. She came around his back, wrapped her arms around his shoulders and started licking his jawline and ears.
“You won’t get away so easily, pretty boy”, she said with her lips basically touching the edge of his. He kicked her leg, and made her fall into an individual bathroom that was in the alley. Alec turned around, realising she wasn’t behind him anymore. For a moment, he felt relieved… And then, an arm extended out of the bathroom, grabbed his jacket and pulled him inside it, closing the door. She turned on the small light above them. There was nothing in there, other than an old seat. The toilet was gone, so only the seat remained. Alec tried opening the door, but couldn’t. He realised she locked it. She then pushed him against the seat, and got on top of his lap.
He tried getting her off him, but couldn’t, there was no space.

“Stop it” he exclaimed. She grabbed his face by the base, and kissed him harshly. She pushed her tongue down his throat, sucking on his lips. She kept on grinding, riding his dick through his jeans, and licking ever inch of his mouth. He had a raging boner, not even being able to hide it. There was a huge bulge formed in his pants. She ripped his t shirt open and threw his jacket to the floor, while still kissing him. At this point, he was already answering. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, grinding his lips, brushing every inch of them against hers. She took off his jeans, and his boxers, and popped out his dick. She inserted it into her pussy, and started riding.
“Holy fucking shit” he said, feeling an orgasm coming onto him.

“I told you… You can’t resist me. It’s your nature, it’s in who you are. You’re weak, my seduction always works, and I always get pretty boys like you.”
She brushed her tits against his face, they were bouncing extremely hard. He started licking them, touching them and savouring them. He was drooling, while his dick came inside her. After he orgasmed, she got up, gave his dick a final lick, then kissed his neck, the edge of his lips, tongued him over, sucked his bottom lip, gave him a mouthful makeout session, and left. He was undressed, with cum on his chest, sitting on a toilet seat, by himself.

“I told you pretty boy, I’m irresistible, specially for a hot masc gay like you”. She jumped out of the bathroom, and left him.
