My [M] Wife [F] And I’s Wild Introduction to Swinging.

It’s been almost a week and my brain is still processing the experience that my wife and I shared. Maybe sharing the story will help so here goes.

A little backstory first. My wife and I both come from extremely conservative fundamental Christian families. I even spent my entire school life in fundamental Christian schools. As such, sex has always felt taboo even after we were married. I know it’s unhealthy but it’s hard to shake that much programming. Even though I have been an atheist for years, the impulse to hide anything sexual in nature is still there.

My wife admitted to me years ago that she once lightly made out with a girl at a party years ago and that she was very turned on by it. She dealt with shame and confusion over this for years as a result of her background though so could never process it healthily. My wife is also rather well proportioned. I have always found her very attractive but she has a hard time being naked in front of me. Bedroom intimacy is usually lights off or requires some degree of coverage for her.

Now fast forward a few years in our marriage. We are now parents and what started out as a very hot and heavy sex life has turned pretty vanilla. We recently moved to a new city and my wife approaches me one day a little sheepishly with her laptop and shows me the website for a local swingers club. We have looked a little jokingly at places like this before but this time feels different. She tells me that she has been thinking about her bi experience a lot lately and asks if I would like to check out a place like this to see what the atmosphere is like. I’m ok with it as I think it might add a little excitement to our love life.

A few months pass and our kid is invited to a sleepover that will keep them out of the house and cared for overnight. My wife comes up to me the same day and hands me her laptop again with the site pulled up and opened to the event scheduled for that weekend. I ask “are you sure”? She looks back at me and very subtly nods her head. So I get verified with the club and buy our tickets. No turning back now.

The next thing I know, we’re parked in front of the club ten minutes before opening. Still sitting in the car, we turn to each other. “Are you sure you want to do this” I ask. She says “We’ve come this far” with a tiny little tremble in her voice.

Doors open and we walk inside to the front desk. Our tickets pulled up on my phone, I hand it to the guy at the front desk. He says “Ah, fresh meat” as he scans us in. *gulp*.

Since we’re new, one of the workers gives us a quick tour. There was the coat room, dressing room, lounge, and club area. All pretty standard.

“Ok, let me show you through the play area”.

She leads us back into an area with several different hallways all lined with individual rooms. In each room was a short leather covered bed with neatly folded sheets in the corner. Many of the rooms have themes and some even have different accessories like bondage equipment, black lights, etc. Next we’re the public rooms. One with couches lining the walls and a big bed in the middle of the room. The other with a big screen tv with porn on repeat. She explains to us the rules about closed doors as well as a chain that goes across the door. This apparently signifies that everyone is free to gather and watch but nobody is to enter.

Tour done, we settle down in the club area and just start to people watch. More or less normal folks are slowly streaming in and we both kind of marvel about these people could be just anybody we pass on the street. I turn and whisper in her ear “I don’t care what happens with anybody else tonight. We are claiming one of those rooms and you are getting fucked tonight”. She lets out a little gasp and lightly grips my thigh.

We didn’t want to just run back there and do our thing this early in the night though. We start moving around to other parts of the club to see what the atmosphere is like. We end up in the quieter lounge area observing the interactions of the people as they come in. Many greet each other with a hug or a handshake. Eerily similar to the way that church goers congregate before service.

Now we did browse the club’s dating site the day before the event. We found a few couples that interested us and marked their profiles with likes. This will come into play later.

We start to notice a few people streaming into the play area by about hour two and decide to follow. We enter the hallway and hear some very interesting noises. In one of the rooms with the chain across the
door, a girl is laying topless across the bed being spanked mercilessly by a man standing over her. Spanking is one of the few kinky things that makes its way into our private activities. We just can’t look away.

I slowly slide my hand down the front of my wife’s pants and start to gently finger her clit. She lets out a tiny coo and gasp in my right ear and my heart starts racing. I am fingering my wife’s pussy in front of a crowd of people in a swingers club. Holy shit!

All of a sudden, she pulls my hand out of her pants and pulls me into the adjacent play room. This room is equipped with a spanking bench and a padded wall with restraints. She closes the door and pulls the curtains closed, rips her pants off, and positions herself on the spanking bench. “You’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you”? “Yes sir” she gasps. I start spanking her lightly and notice that she’s moving around a lot more than she normally does in our bed. She also makes strong eye contact with me through the mirror in front of the bench driving me absolutely wild. I’ve only seen brief glimpses of this woman before tonight.

All of a sudden, she gets a notification on her phone. We got a message from one of the couples that we had liked the night before. “I think I saw them walk past the room earlier” I say. “Do you want to find them? She says “sure” and we get dressed.

We turn the direction that we saw them go before. The only room down that hallway is the big public room. We round the corner and there they are… fucking on the bed in the middle of the room. The guy sees us in the doorway and says “hey guys! Good to see you”.

We get close and we shake hands. “You like what you see? She loves to be touched.” His wife nods in agreement and waves my wife in. She tosses a glance back at me asking for permission and I whisper “go ahead” in her ear. She moves in and gently fondles her tits while I rub her still clothed thighs. It’s then that I notice that this woman has pulled my wife in for a very deep kiss. I hear her whisper “you have entirely too many clothes on”.

She sits up, peels her top off and slides her pants down. I then watch as my wife licks another woman’s tits and she fondles her breasts in return.

At this point, I can’t help myself. I get undressed and move to whisper in her ear. “I’m going to fuck you now”. The only response she can muster is a soft “mmhuu”. I peel her panties down and slowly enter her from behind. She lets out a deep, animalistic moan that I’ve never heard her make before. Holy shit, this is happening.

I can’t help myself. I fucked her harder than I ever have in our lives. Her moans only get loader separated by soft panting that just drives me wild. This is the passionate sexual woman that I’ve always known was there. The other woman leans up and I hear her say “ there’s a dozen people watching you getting fucked right now”. My tunnel vision widens and I realize that the room is now full of both men and women enjoying the show that we’ve been putting on.

She sits up with me still inside of her. “I need to lay down” she says panting heavily. She lays on her back and I go down to eat her sweet pussy. From my vantage, I watch as men come and ask permission to fondle her big C cup breasts. The other woman comes in to suck on her nipples.

I need back inside of her now! I move back up, hold her ankles up, and fuck her like my life depended on it. The other woman moves her hand between my wife’s legs and rubs her clit while they make out. All this while other men have their hands all over her (all have asked and we’re given permission).

Eventually, we both are so worn out that we have to rest. We get up and move to one of the empty couches than line the walls of the room and cuddle like we never have before. She sits with her legs over my thighs as I rest my head against her still bare right breast. While gently running my finger tips up and own her thighs, I ask “did that just happen?” “I don’t know what got into me” she replied. We get dressed and spend the rest of the night in the lounge chatting with the couple that we just shared the experience with.

When we got home, we still couldn’t get enough of each other. We fucked furiously one last time before collapsing in bed.

The most amazing part of the experience is that our communication now is incredible. We’ve laughed and cried together while basking in the afterglow for almost a week.

Sorry for the long winded story. I just felt I needed to share.



  1. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  2. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  3. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  4. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  5. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  6. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  7. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  8. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  9. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  10. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  11. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  12. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  13. Your story is incredibly sexy… I would give just about anything to experience something like this with my wife.

  14. Would you mind if I narrowed this into an audio? Feel free to check my profile it links to all my work. Also curious if your user name is a statement or offer. Lol

  15. I’m very very happy for your experience. I love hearing when great things come from good communication

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