The Argument [MF]

My blood was boiling. To say that I was annoyed would have been a gross understatement. I clenched and unclenched my fists as I sat next to him in the cab; our tense silence had stretched out for the entire ride.

We had been friends for a long time. We had always flirted with the line of something else, but we never committed to crossing the line in any tangible way. It just never worked out. I had wanted to cross that line tonight. I was visiting him during a trip abroad, and I only had a short window of time to see him; so I thought that this would be it. This would be the time where we’d be able to explore this sexual tension.

I took a deep breath and thought about what I had just went through to get to this point: extending the invitation to go out for drinks, watching him flirt with someone else for most of the night, and then the fact that he left me there to go home with her. I looked out of the window, and saw a dark reflection of myself in the dim lights from the car’s dashboard. My mascara had started to run when I called him – angry, buzzed, and afraid – asking for him to come take me home. I was angry enough that tears had found their way out, and they caused me to start screaming at him.

*“You need to come get me,” I shouted, my voice squeaky and erratic. “I have no idea where I am, and you don’t even care. We’ve been friends for a fucking decade, and you don’t even CARE!”*

*I heard him sigh, and it struck another chord.*

*“Are you serious?” My voice quieted suddenly with the realization that he really might be more interested in finishing what he started with this other girl than in coming to get me. “You’re really going to leave me out here? I’m… I– I don’t know where to go.”*

*He sighed again. When he spoke, his voice was tense, like he was holding back from saying more. “No, I’m not going to leave you out there. Drop a pin, and I’ll come get you.”*

*“Fine,” I said as I hung up the phone. I sent him my location. As I waited, I pulled my jacket more tightly around myself. I was glad to have it, despite the fact that I wasn’t particularly cold. I rolled my eyes at myself: I had gotten all dolled up for this, thinking that I was sending him the green light. Apparently, my fuck-me pumps, plunging neckline, and tight jeans were not enough of a hint. Or, he saw it and figured that he should pursue different avenues. With each passing minute, I felt the fear disappear and the anger came back with a vengeance.*

*By the time the cab pulled up to the curb where I was standing, I was furious.*

The sound of him shuffling around on the leather seat pulled me out of my reverie. I blinked and looked down at my lap, ignoring the temptation to actually bite my tongue. This argument was going to continue, but I refused to have it in front of the man driving us around.

I pulled out my phone and began looking up local hotel prices for the night. Once we got back to his place, I would ask the kind driver to wait as I grabbed my stuff, and then I would tell my darling pal to go fuck himself.

He looked over at my phone and scoffed, “You’re being ridiculous. You’re not staying at a hotel tonight.”

It took everything in me not to scream at him that I could do whatever I wanted – that he gave up his right to tell me where I was sleeping when he decided that I wasn’t enough.

The thought came out of nowhere and stilled me. I looked down at my phone without seeing it, and I furrowed my brow. Was that what this was? I wasn’t angry with him for ditching me, but that I was jealous? I mean, yes, leaving me alone at a bar was a dick move, but was that really what had upset me so much?

For the first time since I got in the car, I looked at him. He was looking at me with an unreadable expression. I sighed and put my phone away, rolling my eyes. Staying at a hotel tonight wasn’t an option. I needed to have this argument with him. He made a small sound of approval, and it kicked my anger up another notch.

As the car slowed in front of his house, he got his keys out and rolled his eyes at me as I pulled out my wallet. He shoved his money at the driver, and I grit my teeth as I got out of the car. On the walk up to the house, I tried to put as much space as possible between us. I could hear my heart beating wildly in my chest as I prepared for the showdown that was about to happen. I’m not sure if we had ever really had an argument before this, so I wasn’t really sure how he would react to this confrontation.

As soon as I was through the threshold, I kicked off my shoes. Although my feet immediately felt better, I missed the height that they gave me. He locked the door and looked down at me, his eyes doing a quick sweep down my body. I crossed my arms over my chest. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

He raised an eyebrow at me, walking past me and into the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of water and handed a second one to me. For the umpteenth time that night, he sighed. “What do you mean, what do I have to say for myself? Do you want an apology? Fine: I’m sorry.”

“Ooh, that felt sincere,” I bit back. “Do you even know what you’re sorry for?”

“I’m sorry for leaving you at a bar?” he tried, looking down at me. I looked back over at the front door, wondering if it would undermine my annoyance if I ran over and put my shoes back on. It might have been worth it if it meant that I wasn’t being looked down upon.

“Are you really going to be flippant about this entire thing? You left me in an area that I don’t know – alone! You were so desperate to go fuck someone that you completely abandoned me,” I argued. I won’t lie to you: his dismissal of my feelings stung, and I wanted to hit back. He was silent for a moment, but his eyes were continually scanning my face. I tried to erase any expression I may have had, not wanting to give him any kind of advantage.

“What is this about?” he asked, leaning against the countertop. “Why are you so angry about this? You’ve always navigated around paces you’re unfamiliar with just fine. It’s part of your whole travel experience. Why get upset now?”

He had me there. I glared up at him, not ready to reveal my revelation from the cab just yet. “I’m upset because you fucking left me there!”

He shrugged. “I don’t buy that. Maybe I shouldn’t have left you there, so I am sorry for that, but you’re perfectly capable of handling yourself. What’s the real issue here?”

I bristled, feeling as though I was backed into a corner. My clothing felt too tight and I needed space. I backed away from him, stomping out of the room. I didn’t want to be vulnerable right now. I wanted to be angry enough to claw his eyes out.

He waited a moment before following me, which gave me just enough time to make it to my room and shut the door. I heard him let out a frustrated curse at the door, and he trudged away to his bedroom.

Despite the night being wretched up until this point, taking off my clothing and makeup felt phenomenal. There was always a satisfying feeling about peeling off the clothing that you’ve worn to a bar. I nearly moaned when I took off the push-up bra I was wearing, glad to have the torturous piece of clothing off, and I felt a resurgence of annoyance. I looked hot tonight. There was no reason why I wasn’t good enough for him to “take home”. He didn’t need to look elsewhere tonight: I would have let him do whatever he wanted to me.

As I got ready for bed, I let myself stew in my irritation. It was the easier emotion to address, quite frankly. I pulled my loose t-shirt over my head, satisfied that it reached the middle of my thighs and completely covered the cheeky boyshorts that I had on.

Armed with my indignation, I stormed out of my borrowed room and barged into his. He looked up at me from his spot on his bed, a look of surprise on his face. “Can I help you?”

I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling a bit ridiculous. “Yes. I want to have this argument with you. I need to know why you’re such a fucking prick.”

He looked confused and shook his head. “I’m not – what? How am I a prick?”

I pushed past the feeling of vulnerability. If there was any chance of us remaining friends after tonight, we needed to figure this out. “Why did you decide to go home with that girl?”

“She was a sure thing,” he said, his eyebrows furrowing. When he spoke again, his tone was accusatory. “Is that what this is about? That I went home with another girl? Why do you care?”

“Yes!” I shouted at him. “If that’s all you cared about – that she was a ‘sure thing’ – then why didn’t you just come home with me?”

He opened his mouth to respond, and then shut it. He took in a deep breath, taking his time looking me up and down. I bristled again – he knew what I looked like. This was just insult on top of the injury.

I deflated a bit, looking off to the side. Maybe him looking at my body was his answer. Perhaps he was fine with flirting, but he didn’t want to actually seal the deal. When he spoke, I jumped a bit. He was biting his lip, looking at the small peaks that my nipples made against my shirt. “I didn’t realize that was an option for tonight.”

I gave him an incredulous look. “That’s fucking ridiculous. I would have let you do anything you wanted to me. I’ve wanted you for years, you asshole, and you just made it clear that you’re not picking up what I’m putting down.”

He stood up from his bed, and I don’t know how to explain it. It felt like the air shifted in the room. My body felt like it was humming: all of my emotions from the night felt like they had banded together and became an overwhelming need. I didn’t want to argue with him verbally: I wanted to roll around on the floor with him, battling to see who could make the other person submit physically.

He must have felt the shift, too, because his eyes narrowed at me and he took a step towards me. “You would have let me do ‘anything I wanted’?”

I glared back at him. “Yep. But that ship has sailed, buddy.”

He laughed, “I don’t think so. I think that you barged in here because you want me to use you.”

I ignored the throb that I felt in response to his words, holding on to the one string of doubt that I had left. “No, thank you. I’m not interested in anyone else’s sloppy seconds.”

“I didn’t do anything with her,” he nearly growled as he stalked towards me. “You called me before anything happened.”

I nodded, feeling relieved. Once he was close enough to me, I backed away from him, eventually bumping into the wall behind me. He pressed up against me, and I put my hands on his chest, trying to push him away. Ignoring my weak pushing, he moved his hand into my hair, jerking my head back to look up at him. “So, I’m an asshole?”

In spite of myself, I laughed at him. “Yeah, you are.”

His hand tightened in my hair, and his face darkened as he pushed my hands away from his chest. “I’ll show you just how much of an asshole I can be.”

He leaned down, kissing me hard, and I kissed him back with the same ferocity. I moved my hands into his hair, tugging on it as I bit his lip. He groaned and lifted me off of the floor, moving his hands to my ass and thighs as he leaned me against the wall.

The kiss felt like a battle: we were both trying to get the other person to succumb. It was angry and frustrated, and I scratched his scalp as I gripped his hair in my fingers. His hands moved over my hips, his fingers digging into me as he moved to kiss along my jaw and my neck.

I used his hair to pull his head back, leaning forward to lick along his neck. I nibbled it, finding a sensitive spot underneath his pulse point and sucking hard. He pushed his hips forward, grinding against me. As I moaned, he pulled our bodies away from the wall, and he dropped me onto his bed. As I landed, I bounced a bit, glaring up at him. His body immediately covered mine, and he pulled my shirt over my head, tossing it off to the side.

He wasted no time at all in leaning his head down to my chest and taking my nipple into his mouth. His hand came up to cup the other tit, brushing his fingertip over its peak. I moaned, arching my back into him as I wrapped my legs around his hips. I pushed my hips against his, feeling his hard cock under his boxers. I ground my clothed pussy against it, closing my eyes as I let out another loud moan.

He pinched my nipple as he moved his lips back up to mine, his cock pressing against my pussy as I rolled my hips. The sound of my breathy moans were swallowed up by him, my nails trailing along his back and sides as I scratched him.

“Beg me to fuck you,” he said as he bit my lip.

I shook my head, and his response was immediate. He pulled his hips away from mine, and he took my hands and pinned them down to my sides. I struggled against him, the room silent except for the sound of our breathing and my body moving on the duvet.

“An asshole would make you beg him to fuck you,” he said, pressing his hips between my legs. I eagerly pressed my pussy against him, my legs tightening to pull him closer. He pulled back again and I made a frustrated sound. I wasn’t ready to give up this easily, but I needed him inside of me.

“I’m not going to beg you, no matter how much of a dick you are,” I bit out, my jaw clenched.

He laughed, pushing back against my legs until they loosened around him. He moved his head back down to my breasts, taking his time as he played with them. I struggled against his hands, overwhelmed by the sensations.

He moved his hands to my underwear, pulling them down and off as he repositioned himself with his head between my legs. He ran his fingertips over my pussy’s slit, and he smiled as he used them to spread the lips apart. He made a sound in the back of his throat as he leaned forward, giving it one, slow lick.

“Look at how wet you are,” he said as he kept licking me. “You want this so badly.”

My breath hitched. I could feel the word “please” on my lips, so I bit them to hold it back. He must have sensed that I was holding back because he redoubled his efforts. His mouth was everywhere: sucking on my clit, his tongue flicking against it. I gripped the duvet as I moaned, my back arching as I moved one hand back into his hair. He slid a hand up my body, using it to tease my nipples.

I took his hand and tugged him up. I took his shoulders and switched our positions, adjusting to straddle his hips. I pushed him into the bed as I moved off of him. I put my knees on either side of his head, moving down to place my pussy over his face. I leaned forward, pushed his boxers down his legs a bit, and took the head of his cock into my mouth. I sucked on it as he leaned forward to eat my pussy. I moaned around him, using my hand to jerk him off as I licked and teased the tip. I giggled as his hips pushed up, trying to push his cock deeper into my mouth.

I pulled back completely, stroking him slowly. “Beg me to suck this cock.”

He made a noise of frustration as he slid his fingers into me. I moaned, leaning down to lick his cock from the base to the tip. “Beg me,” I said again, fighting the urge to take him into my throat.

He pushed his hips up again as his fingers moved faster. “Suck my fucking cock,” he commanded.

I decided that I would consider that begging, and I leaned forward to take his cock into my mouth slowly. I sucked hard, using my tongue to rub against it. I moved my hand away as I took more of him into my throat, gagging around him. I moaned as he flicked his tongue against my clit, sucking on him greedily. I sucked harder, moving my head faster as I felt my orgasm building. I let his hips buck up into my mouth, feeling him fuck my throat as I rolled my hips against his tongue.

I let out loud, breathy sounds around him as I started to come, his fingers drilling inside of me as I gagged on him. He moved his other hand to my head, holding it as he got closer to the edge of his orgasm.

“You better swallow my cum,” he said, his breathing erratic as I sucked on him harder, my tongue trying to will the cum out of him. Finally, he stilled with his cock deep in my throat and started to spray himself into me, pulling back slightly to get it into my mouth. I swallowed it as he finished, moving off of him. I smiled shyly at him, wondering what he was thinking.

He was breathing heavily, looking at me as though he had never seen me before. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, nodding absently.

I went to move off of the bed when his arm came around my waist, pulling me to him. He kissed my forehead, laughing.

“Stay with me tonight,” he said, already pulling the duvet over us. “I might want to do that again later.”

I rolled my eyes at him and laughed.



  1. Sitting in a plane waiting for takeoff, trying not to look too excited as I’m reading this ?

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