That time I[F] got to facilitate two people fucking blindfolded [MFF] [Long]

    Once I had experienced the amazing sex that Derek had to bring to the table, I knew that Katie needed to experience it as well. After all, she is my sex sidekick. We tackle threesomes so well, and with Derek’s love for sex, it could really be an amazing time. Now, because of who Katie is, I did not want Derek to know a ton about her before I presented the threesome idea. He knew there was a girl I was seeing, but he did not know too much more. I was sitting with Katie one night, drinking some tea and smoking a joint and we are talking about my adventures to see Derek. I am gushing over and over about how amazing he was at sex, and that the more sex I had with him, the more attracted I was. She was intrigued. She knew very well how I was sexually and it was surprising to find someone who could make me orgasm, let alone cum over and over all night. So she agreed that we could potentially plan a threesome if Derek was interested. Let’s be real, which guy would not be interested in a threesome with Katie and I. 

    I wanted to make this unique though. So I started by telling Derek that he was not allowed to know her name. She was going to be referred to as “mystery girl.” This excited him. I was creating a game, a game that would have a very sexual and fun result at the finish line. He wanted to know some more about her. I explained some details sexually, but really did not give him much to go with. Katie knew a bit more about him than he did her, so she did have the advantage, but nonetheless, they trusted me to arrange this. Unlike the other threesome, they did not get a chance to talk beforehand. And then Derek had a brilliant idea. He messaged me, asking if they could fuck blindfolded. It sparked a great plan in my mind. Imagine not only fucking someone you have never met before, but also fucking them deprived of your seneses, and not knowing what they look like. It would be a surreal experience for them. And I got to facilitate this. The inner goddess in me was squealing in excitement. Katie agreed to the idea and was excited as well, expressing that this would really be the only opportunity in life where something like this could happen. I got to planning our adventure. 

    So the plan went as followed. I would bring Katie to his house. When we arrived, he would hide in a different room so he could not see her. He was allowed to hear her voice (made it more fun and a bit of a tease). I would bring her right upstairs to his room and get her ready. And then I would bring him up and blindfold him and then help them initiate in the act. It seemed like a great plan, and we all found a date that worked great for us. The plan was set in motion. 

    The day arrived with excitement and thrill. Katie and I were planning out our trip, and were excited about the idea of a road trip together. I was being a bit more domme in behaviour and informed her to bring her butt plug. I had an idea for the trip. She was driving and I was controlling the music playlist. We were having a great time. She was wearing a red dress, with little cut outs that showed the cutest parts of her skin. Her hair was curled slightly and she looked adorable as fuck. I was wearing a black jersey material dress that looked like an oversized dress shirt. My hair was down and curly and I also looked cute as fuck. Remember, 7+7=14. Though today we were both 10s anyways. When we were halfway there, I got Katie to pull over. She was going to put in her butt plug. I told her that was the plan and she got flushed in her face, but she listened and inserted the plug into her ass right in front of me. She wore it the rest of the way, like the good girl she is. 

When we arrived, I texted Derek to tell him to move into the other room so her and I could head upstairs, just like the plan was. He went and hid, while Katie and I went upstairs to his room. He had set us up the most adorable arrangement of alcohol, weed, glowsticks, and candles. I had everything I needed. Katie had cleaned herself up post butt plug and then I undressed her, playing with her a bit. I told her to make us two gin and tonics (he had it on ice for us, super adorable), while I said hello to Derek. I went downstairs and greeted him with a kiss. He looked excited and a little bit nervous at the same time. He was finally getting to fuck the mystery girl. I had a gift for him, which included a joint for him to smoke. I know this experience was going to be overwhelming a bit, so I wanted to make both of them feel as comfortable as possible. I gave him the littlest bit of a blow job, I couldn’t help myself. And then I directed him to smoke the joint while I went back up to see Katie and finish getting her ready. Derek sat on the couch with a drink and joint, waiting patiently for the next step in this encounter. 

I went back upstairs to find Katie with the joint lit and two drinks made. We both drank  our drinks eager to start the fun. She was naked already, and I was getting into some lingerie I brought. I know it was not necessary, but it made me feel very sexy and empowered, which I needed to have going into this experience. When I was ready, I layed Katie back on the bed and put the blindfold on her. I also had a music playlist ready with some random songs to distract her as I got Derek ready. I did not want her to be able to hear us when we came back upstairs. I played with her pussy lightly, getting it a little wet and ready for Derek. When she was just the right kind of worked up, I instructed that I was leaving and would be back with Derek to fuck her. She was not allowed to move or remove the blindfold or headphones. She understood and I went downstairs to get Derek ready. 

When I went back to the living room, I found Derek had already finished his drink and joint. I went right to sitting on his lap, straddling him and kissing him. He noted my lingerie and was impressed with what he saw. I helped him get hard again with my mouth and we got him undressed. He was horny and ready. I confirmed with him that everything would be fun and okay and to enjoy the moment. He was excited and knew that once we got upstairs, he was giving me control with directing him to fuck Katie. At the top of the stairs I blindfolded him and gave his cock a bit more attention. It was time for them to fuck. 

I opened the door to his room to find Katie lying in the bed dancing a bit to whatever she was listening to. She looked adorable. I talked softly to Derek, as he could still hear me. I told him where the bed was, and guided him to it. He got onto the bed and I guide his hand to her thigh. She reacts and so does he. The air is electrified. The lighting is soft with just candlelight, thought it only really matters for me, they cannot see anything. He rubs his hands up and down her thighs a bit, giving her a feel. She is moving against him, gasping a bit. 

Here comes the moment they were waiting for. He was hard and ready. I touched her a few more times and made sure she was wet. I got his cock prepared with a condom, and positioned himself towards her pussy. He rubbed himself against her a few times, feeling her with his cock. He at this point has never even seen her, doesn’t know what her chest looks like, how tall she is. And she barely knows these details about him either. She is moaning slightly as he rubs against her, and then he starts to push into her. When Derek got inside Katie, she started to moan right away. He started to fuck her as he does, and she continues to moan louder and louder. I am beside them, watching the fucking unfold. They are fucking each other blind. After a few minutes, I removed Katie’s headphones so she could hear. He was moaning and so was she, you could tell he really wanted to cum. 

They continued to fuck for a few more minutes, hard and rough. Katie orgasmed loudly as I pinched her nipples a bit. Her and I kissed. Then I removed their blindfolds. They got to meet each other finally. Derek smiled at Katie and I introduced them to each other. Be mindful, he is still fucking her at this point. I was personally so turned on watching this all happen. I could not believe how much they trusted me, and how kinky this was. 

When the first round was over, I finally introduced each other to the person they just fucked. “Derek, this is Katie. Our mystery girl.” 



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