I [M]ade love to a [F]ormer student. [LONG]

I teach high school math. Kim was part of my first ever class. A kind of remedial class for seniors so they could graduate. She was bright, bubbly and had a knack for breaking the dress code. I usually don’t enforce stuff like that, unless it’s egregious. So I did have to bust her once or twice. She was a typical flirty, boy-crazy high school girl. Always moving from boy to boy and was the subject of lots of gossip. She was smart and even took a few honors classes, however she was terrible at math.

I stayed at school after hours two days/week to do grading and offer some office hours to anyone who wanted help. Usually I graded homework in peace at this time. Kim started coming to my office hours halfway through the semester. She was barely scraping by in class and her parents threatened to cancel her dance classes if she didn’t bump her math grade up. We spent half the time working on the material and the rest just chatting while I mindlessly graded other classes homework. She was fun to talk to and kept me up to date with all the latest school gossip and hot zoomer trends. She told me about how strict her parents were, how she couldn’t even watch horror movies or listen to certain types of music. She had to wait until everyone went to sleep and then use a friend’s Netflix account to watch Stranger Things. If I’m being honest I developed a little crush, but never did anything to pursue it. I was, at the time, married and it would have been extremely inappropriate even if I wasn’t.

The next few years were been brutal for me, going through a divorce is never fun regardless of the circumstances. Kim found me on Twitter after she graduated and we talked regularly. At some point I let slip what I was going through with my wife. She was so sweet and tried to help me through it, in her own way. We really bonded during this time. This past winter break she was home from university and I jokingly suggested we should meet up and do math problems. She asked if I was asking her out on a date and told me she would absolutely not be my rebound girl. I was a bit shocked, but then she said that Thursday for lunch would work and told me to meet her at the mall.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. I kept telling myself this wasn’t a date and it was just catching up with an old friend. However, I was also concerned it would look weird. Kim is 21 and I’m late 30s. She’s 5’6″, blonde hair, green eyes, athletic build from years of dance and always has a cute outfit on. I’m 5’11”, 175 pounds, stocky build, a full head of dark brown hair with a touch of grey, and black framed glasses. I’m not as doughy as I used to be, but I’m not exactly ripped either. We met in the food court, she was wearing tight fitting dark jeans and a cropped sweater. She gave me a hug and I savored it. After the divorce any physical contact is a blessing. We got some coffee and sat down. It was delightful talking to her. She was funny and interesting. She spent a semester in Germany and was showing me pictures. Despite leading the much more interesting life she was interested in my classes and some of the eccentric students. At one point she put her hand on my arm and stared at me with her beautiful green eyes and asked me how I was doing with everything. My heart just melted. We stayed there for a while talking. She made fun of me for “dressing up” in my button down shirt and slacks. She decided we would go around the mall to shop for clothes for me. We ended up hitting 4 or 5 stores. This was incredible, I hadn’t felt so attractive in years. Eventually she had to leave and we parted ways. I was beaming.

I didn’t know how to approach seeing her again, I hadn’t dated in years. I messaged her the next day to say it was fun and try to see if an opportunity to see her again would present itself. The next day she told me friends bailed on her about seeing a movie. I said I hadn’t seen that movie yet (a lie) and said wouldn’t mind seeing it with her (the truth). Like most online conversations her responses came in bursts. She didn’t reply for an hour after I asked. I figured I overstepped my bounds and decided that it was fun while it lasted. She eventually replied saying “sure” and we worked out a showtime.

Kim’s mood was completely different this time. She was serious and didn’t talk much. After the movie she seemed distracted, so I asked what was going on. She hesitated but revealed that she had an argument with a friend while she was home and it got ugly. I let her talk and tried to comfort her. She thanked me for “letting her dump on me” and then she was more herself afterwards. We talked in the parking lot for over an hour. We landed on the topic of anime, I told her I used to watch a lot in college but haven’t really followed any shows for a while. She started telling me all about these sports anime that she watches, there’s one for basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc. She must have mentioned a dozen or so shows. She said it’s her guilty pleasure and that she doesn’t have anyone to discuss it with. I told her she should show me these shows sometime and she asked about tonight. I said sure and we invited her to my place.

About halfway home I realized what was going on and I got incredibly nervous. What was I doing? Could I get in trouble for this? I calmed myself down by reminding myself that she agreed to do this. We arrived and I showed her inside. She took off her long coat, revealing a sleeveless, black dress with white polka dots. She also kicked off her shoes in my entryway. Kim commented on my lack of decorum and made fun of me for my IKEA furniture. I told her I was doing my best after being DIVORCED and all. She seemed genuinely concerned that she had offended me. I laughed and told her if she hated my furniture so much she can watch on the floor. We sat down on the couch and I got my laptop out and told her to pick the one she wanted to show me. We got to talking again as she was browsing and she mentioned how weird this situation would have been a few years ago. I nervously agreed, then she said, “but times change..and people do too”. She started explaining in detail what was going on. The situation with her friends was still bothering her and it was more complex than she initially lead on. After she paused I put my arm around her and gave her a hug and said I was sorry she was going through all of this. I kept my arm there and began rubbing her shoulder as we continued talking.

She smelled sweet, almost sickeningly so. I wondered if she put on perfume for me or if it’s just part of her routine for leaving the house. After a while she laid down in my lap and stared up at me. This wasn’t going to be a good position for very long. I stared down at her, partly in awe of how beautiful she is, partly because I was concerned about my growing erection. I placed my hand on her cheek. She stared up at me with her beautiful green eyes, she smiled. I instinctively lowered my head, not taking my eyes off of her. She closed her eyes and angled her head back. There was no force on earth that could have stopped me from kissing her.

As our lips touched, it was like a bolt of lightning shot through our bodies. We were immediately making out like, well, like high schoolers. The mood was intense but the position was not ideal. I broke it off and lifted her up from my lap. She briefly looked disappointed and then I put my hand on her side and she turned to face me, threw my arms around my neck and we resumed. She tasted as sweet as she smelled. I was completely intoxicated. Our hands moved freely and feverishly around each other’s bodies. I don’t know how long this went on for before she finally broke it off. As we stared at each other, she asked, “Are we doing this?” “Yes” I replied breathlessly. “Okay” she said. After a brief pause she uttered, “I need help.” She turned around and motioned to the clasps on the back of her dress. I immediately started fumbling around with them. “You know, I always had, like, a thing for you in high school. Felicia used to tease me for it.” I was genuinely surprised to learn this. Feeling bold I replied, “Yeah, I guess I had a bit of a crush on you too.” She turned her head around. “Eww, Mr. Jones, that’s wrong, I was a minor!” she exclaimed. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at her. “Just hurry up, perv.” She said, smiling. I focused in and loosened the last three clasps. In one graceful motion she stood up and threw her dress over her head. She was now standing before me in a matching navy blue bra and panty set.

I’d never seen someone so attractive in my life. Her pale skin, her toned figure, her big green eyes, they all drew me in. I moved in to kiss her again, our lips touched and used one finger to push me back, “You have too many clothes on.” I sighed heavily and took off my sweater, t-shirt, and slipped out of my footwear. My issue is I’ve been insecure about my body for most of my life. I honestly expected her to just up and leave when she saw me. I cracked a half smile and forced myself to look at her. She only motioned for me to remove my pants. This was a huge relief to me, since I’ve been running, the only part of my body I was proud of was my legs. So I tore off my jeans and stood there in front of Kim in only my boxers. It might be worth noting I had a raging boner at this point.

Her face completely changed to be submissive and she said, “Sit down daddy, I’m going to take care of you.” I obediently sat down on the couch. She walked up to me and went down to her knees. She took out my fully hard cock through the hole in my boxers and brought it to her lips. I wish I could adequately describe what happened next but I honestly don’t remember. The intense feeling of her sweet, soft lips on my cock was intense. She went crazy slurping up and down my shaft. It felt like she was trying to suck out my very essence out through my cock. I didn’t deserve this. I’m lying on my own couch with an extremely hot 21 year old girl devouring my cock. She was sloppy and wet, and when I felt her saliva drip down to my balls I almost came. I had to push her head slightly back. “Oh baby, you’re so good, I have to do something.” I said, which is cringe worthy in retrospect. Anyway, in the time it took me to transfer enough strength to my legs to stand up and take off my boxers; she had removed all her underwear and sat down on the couch. Her breasts were on the smaller side, maybe a B cup? She had rosy pink nipples. Her pussy was neatly trimmed. She had obvious tan lines from a sports bra and shorts. I’d never seen such a goddess in my life.

Now it was my turn to get on my knees and lap her up. I immediately got down and started aggressively kissing and sucking on her inner thighs. Her pale, soft, skin was heavenly against my lips. I couldn’t get enough. I slowly made my way up to her pussy before skipping it entirely and starting at the same spot on her opposite thigh. She moaned deeply and let out a, “ohh, daddy, please.” I slowly made my way back up her thigh before licking down as far as I could and running my tongue up the length of her pussy to her clit. “Oh daddy.” she shuttered.

Brief aside, my ex never called me daddy (or did much of anything really) during sex. So this was all new and extremely hot. I worked her pussy lips with my tongue before focusing on her clit. She writhed around and I reached my hands up to grope at her perky breasts. I continued licking and sucking on her until she said, “ooo daddy, just like that, don’t stop” and I obeyed. While she raised her arms up and closed her eyes I repositioned so I could insert a couple fingers inside her dripping pussy. I slowly moved my index and middle fingers inside of her as I continued my pattern of licking her pussy. My fingers went in effortlessly and she let out a loud moan. I moved my fingers in and out slowly before curving them in a “come here” motion. My ex used to say that men are selfish, so it’s better for the woman to cum first. This maneuver always made my ex cum and apparently, it was doing something to Kim as well. She was breathing heavily in between moaning “daddy”. My hand was starting to cramp when pushed my head away. She got up and turned herself around so that her cute, firm ass was in front of me. I could still see her glistening pussy lips.

In a brief moment of clarity I moved to the side the couch and pulled the lever out that reclined the entire couch. “Oh daddy, take me please, daddy, fuck me hard. I need you, I need you to fuck me daddy.” She let out in a single, breathless stream. I’d love to embellish the details on what happened next but it felt like something primal took over. I got up behind her on the couch, quickly positioned myself so I could slip in. After a few slow thrusts, each of which produced erotic moans from Kim, I went to town. I thrusted as hard and as fast as I ever have. There was more passion in my stupid apartment than there was on my wedding night. For a while I could only hear the slapping of my skin against hers, then I heard her moans getting louder and louder, “ugh, yes, daddy, fuck me harder daddy, faster” and then she yelled out ” I’m such a bad girl daddy, make me good.” I immediately passed the point of no return.

I pulled out as quickly as possible and managed to get out, “gunna cum!” I stroked my myself twice and in that time Kim had swirled around and placed her mouth over my throbbing cock and I delivered rope after rope of hot cum against the back of her throat. I became aware that I was grunting rather pathetically as my orgasm subsided. Kim sucked down every drop of my cum and moved up to kiss me. I’d normally would have objected but instead I obliged and then collapsed against the back of the couch. Kim nuzzled up besides me. I haphazardly grabbed at the back of the couch and found the blanket that was sitting there. I lazily threw it over us. Kim finagled my laptop and started playing some basketball anime on the tv, no I don’t remember the name. Then I fell asleep with the biggest grin on my face.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/evkgqh/i_made_love_to_a_former_student_long


  1. Wow, very hot!

    But, if I may, I don’t think decorum was the word you were looking for. Decorum is like etiquette.

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